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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 2, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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and now a few comments , well, let’s say, of such a diverse nature, since everyone said to stoltenberg, i probably need to add something here, the fact is that recently on the pages of foreign affairs, cia director william bess came out with an article espionage and statecraft , it must be said frankly, is a very programmatic text.
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most likely, his visit, her visit is connected with the main event in ukraine, which is now the battle between zelensky and zaluzhny, apparently it is already approaching to its logical conclusion, it is quite possible that the final gong will sound this week. after all, i think that
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she brought with her some kind of solution, because not all things can be transmitted by telephone, by some technical means of communication, in the form of some kind of directive, a telegram code, this is necessary, many things are decided, as they say, you personally need to come eye to eye, state the point of view of the president of the united states, the political elite of the united states on this issue, since, apparently, this also applies to the candidacy, it may be wrong, perhaps the next one has already been agreed upon...
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from those territories that russia considers its own, and we say that we are for a neutral status, we demand that a peace treaty be signed, after which, within 3-4 years , they accumulate forces, launch the americans into the next stage of the war, in in this regard, there is also such a version, an option, such a version in the regiment , such a cunning option on their part to take it and give it away, like we are giving away the territory of donbass, there is part of zaporozhye, here. and we are not formally part of nato, but with america we can build relations, bilateral and moscow is becoming saturated, it is quite possible that events will develop, that an excellent option, you see, it’s not a nazi who has come, he ’ll kill everyone now, because i
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’m sure these are the options they’ll now begin to push in order to buy time before the start of a big war, but what concerns the development of the situation as a whole, then , probably, we should still agree with this, because... the united states, other western countries, by the way, this time can be beneficial to us, here we need to very carefully consider who will use it how, who will use it, yes of course, they continue to supply high-tech weapons to ukraine , this also applies to long-range weapons , many functional fighters are about to be delivered, then somehow the f16 is already on the territory, this is obvious, well , somehow it seems in this regard, that's what we have in general. well, if they supply weapons to our enemies, let’s say, then why can’t we take similar actions? in this case, i don’t want to name any countries or weapons that we can supply, but nevertheless, i think that our
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hands are completely untied, just as i don’t understand why we can’t use, for example, the most diverse, most interesting, developed unique systems...
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with the captivity of the cpsu central committee, okay, a concert on the day of the police , october 10 in soviet times, they wanted to sit in the hall, at the toilet, on the stage they wanted, well, you see, it turns out that agreement can be found with the good will of the parties, now when i said that the lower classes cannot, i did not mean only us , or rather, not only europe, which the whole world cannot... can no longer, cannot wants, or rather doesn’t want, europe may endure for a long time, the whole world doesn’t want , why what were they talking about here, we, china, asian, african, god knows what other countries, their system is world domination, but not only over europe, when
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that means no euro-hero, i also don’t expect a euro-hero, certainly not a euro-hero, i said. yes, he has eurolining too, or up to the euro-bogatyr, yes, i said hungary is too small a country for this, but for me, as a jew, the euro-bogatyr is isaac. how the decembrists woke up hercyn, so and orban, i hope, will wake up someone who will develop revolutionary agitation throughout the european union, and further to the bolsheviks there, well, in a good, in the best sense of the word, and after that the european union will collapse, as it should be, whatever else there is in any way, as needed. there are more people in power, or maybe a nuclear strike is somehow faster and easier, now a nuclear strike - this
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will be my last word, it’s an interesting thought, but - well, actually, let’s finish with this, not in my opinion, in this case it’s not whether i am a military man or not, it is clear that we have there is a button, there are corresponding launchers, and there is someone to click, the question is, you don’t need to be a military man for this... the question is, what to do 5 minutes after you pressed this button, then there is pressed, took off, fell, instead of x, what will happen next, should i press the second button of the mouth, then everything will be according to the charter , according to the charter, everything is clearly spelled out, how, what, what, according to what charter, military, military, the president according to the charter doesn't work, they work according to the regulations.
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no, no, no, hiv, political, look, the political decision is made by the president, but after it is made, the structure of action of specific military units, subunits is outlined, he understands the political decision to strike, one strike, or the entire subsequent series of strikes, vitalievich, well, of course, a decision is made based on how the company is registered, its management, its depth.
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i said that this is a big question for him, and i’m not sure that this
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tells me that vladimir vladimirovich knows the answers to big questions, well, that’s vladimir vladimirovich very clearly formulated why such a world, in which i was beautiful, this was absolutely not a metaphor, this must be understood very clearly, these were very specific warnings, by the way, while we were broadcasting, what had already begun in the near east? quite a strong development of events, israel agreed to the mediators’ proposal for a ceasefire in the palestinian gaza strip, and a preliminary positive reaction was also received from the palestinian hamas movement, al-jazeera tv channel said. midcater spokesman, majhi dal ansari. israel agreed to the proposal. this quite strongly uh, let's say , changes the arrangement. and it shows that something went wrong in israel. it was. everything went wrong, now advertising, after it we will continue with a new composition, the fourth
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annual forum is strong ideas for the new time, the forum is aimed at supporting and implementing citizens’ initiatives for the development of the country, the forum is implemented by the agency for strategic initiatives by decree of the president of the russian federation together with the fund roscongress. during the entire forum , over 450,000 citizens took part, and more than 90,000 ideas were submitted to the forum. the forum is a place for ideas of citizen initiatives to formulate a strategy. anna ostrovskaya investigative committee has special powers for her. who do you look at all the time? well, there’s a girl standing in a zarofan. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter. and do you know who the killer is? yes. just watch without amateur performances. stay still, don't move. for some reason i believe you. anna is a medium. let's look before
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everyone else. in the application or on the website. russian emergency situations ministry warns: protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. today , the russian investigative committee presented the interim results of the investigation into the terrorist attack that took place in the ssu in the sky over the belgorod region. it is already known exactly where and what the ukrainian nazis came from.
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methods of ion mobility spectrometry, gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection and high-performance liquid chromatography with mass selective detection, made it possible to detect traces of hexogen in washes from objects with impurities of up to 10% octogen, which is typical for foreign- made explosives. according to the conclusion of the examinations carried out during the investigation, fragments were seized from the scene of the incident. according to their design features, geometric characteristics and available markings, they are structural elements of an anti-aircraft guided missile (miim104a) of the patriot complex from the usa. well, in general, what we said almost from the very beginning, but
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then we will draw conclusions, and we will draw serious conclusions, because the basic the question is, is this complex... run by ukrainians, or what? well, the ball will continue to unwind. and i think that in the end this will lead to such an escalation that no one will find it enough, but the ukrainians will suffer as always, but there the fool is getting rich, in general, they managed to create in ukraine some amazing type of banderaite, that is, such a completely crazy, they are now completely idiots, they, for example, destroyed 65 of their own and say:
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the kiev regime, funding, judging by the latest decisions of the european council, will be will continue for more than one year, this is good , because they made a decision of 50 billion, which means that the more we take away the land that for some reason bandera’sites seized, the more money we will receive from the european union, but it’s reasonable, we’ll just tell them this, money, and by the way, now go to the italian, where is the money for restoration, yesterday he correctly said, restoration of mariupol...
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in kiev, well, of course, i now have a favorite. that is, he’s a poor guy, just a favorite, he’s already written off the loser, it’s wrong, who’s the loser, just look here on the face, here’s how to write, who is the zaluzhny, who is this? we have a certain stagnation on the front line, of course people are looking for some kind of informational reasons in order to excite society and get some kind of hype, but let’s look at all this a little differently. let 's see if there can be a discussion, you know, this generally looks mysterious to me, after all, this is the vertical of the president, this is the president's manager, i mean the commander in chief, to be honest, i always didn’t quite understand what the problem was here, this this is not a political process , this is not a political competition, this is a war, of course,
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a manager who killed hundreds of thousands of people is just a manager, well, a manager, although it is true that sometimes managers carry out a hostile takeover of a company, so the manager can accidentally do everything, and if he is a manager , excuse me, who is zelensky, the owner or what?
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keep it, burying the best parts that ukraine later needed for a breakthrough , why keep it, it was his decision, now , for example, a brilliant decision on the krynki, this is a cemetery for ukrainian marines, here are the british brought up, brought up, zelensky buried them in jars, now avdeevka, where more and more new resources are constantly being brought in, it’s not clear that they are trying to do something massive there...
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we would already be in berlin, and if we didn’t know how to fight, they would already be in moscow, so maybe everyone needs to calm down a little, otherwise in reality every gopher in our country is an agronomist, everyone knows how to command, that’s it, i also really liked the phrase, why can’t you give a rap, but you’re like that rap to turn it on around nothing works, there is such a rap, atomic called bombs, dropped them and nothing works at all, this is a brilliant phrase, so you give it,
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yakushi promised sweet surprises, brought bombs, but we will finally uncover our large calibers for these bombs, and the topic will end, the topic will end, well, instead lviv will be a big hole, but on the other hand it will be needed, we will rebuild our lions, not our lions and we will not rebuild, in extreme cases the poles will change their hand, they wanted everything there, and they wanted it. visitors to kuva have fun riding on a pink american car, we
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chose something to get around this island. other. i witnessed all these moments of leonid ilvich’s visit to the cup. brezhdec became the first soviet leader to gather in havana. why exactly then with what why? here it is, the same well where the rebels hid weapons and the set where the former conversation with fedel casta took place. between the puvinians and the russians. there is some special name, i understand that some of you speak russian, i want to enroll in the faculty, they they believe very strongly in russia, that russia helps, there are not enough of you there, not enough, we believe in the russians, you see, we have always believed in the russians, my dad and i went here as children,
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we also lay like that, silent. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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so, well, let's start with rodeno, it was his birthday, his anniversary, we congratulate you, mr. ambassador, thank you, thank you very much, well, in principle , the americans do not like this paradigm, they prefer to have two cockroaches that are launched simultaneously, and both cockroaches them, yes, that is, they compete, they are only interested in the part when they themselves, well, which of the cockroaches will win and this has an absolutely hypothetical meaning, that is , it does not matter at all whether it will be won or zelensky will, these are still their cockroaches,
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they will still play one. they began to form entire camps, that is , they began to run away from zelensky’s camp, some towards the verkhovna rada in general, that is, in the rada they are ready to pay for leaving parliament, yes, that is, well, it wasn’t like that, they paid for entry, they haven’t paid for the exit yet, but now i think there will be an option, because somehow there are no people willing to stay on this sinking ship, i think that for igor for peredidon these are just some new pages, that’s how it has changed radically, but pay to go out. now everyone
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understands perfectly well that it is impossible to elect a council, but they need to keep 300, at least in any case , they need, better than 400, that’s only 400, in total, well, now 400, yes 401, while there were 424, health will be removed, so what this peretino told, mr. brown, that is, gradually they all just like that, suddenly if these friends, who came there as an absolutely monolithic mass of photographers, dog grooming specialists, suddenly became big political figures, now... you have to pay then you can get out of here, so this whole story is just unfolding in ukraine, because they understand that money is being cut out, there is not enough money, even against the backdrop of today’s decision, well, the preliminary decision to allocate 50 billion euros to the european union.


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