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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 2, 2024 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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the russian army repelled 17 attacks in su, zelensky’s formation lost almost 900 more soldiers and mercenary officers, five tanks and 12 other armored vehicles, as well as 28 galbits and self-propelled guns were destroyed. yegor grigoriev will tell you about the liberation of avdievka and how our soldiers are breaking into the fortified area.
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the united group of troops of the first army corps squeezed out the enemy in a forest plantation and a residential area. we developed a detailed plan of attack and monitored the weather. they don’t work, that is, the birds don’t see us, that is, they can’t correct the artery. it’s good that the command sort of selects such moments, these weather forecasts, what is the best time to enter. many veteran volunteers have defended their native donbass since 2014, the fighters are experienced and inventive, the men fight properly, which is how the president appreciated their work. a group of veterans ahead of our troops overtook them ahead of these regular troops, broke through the enemy’s defenses and reached the outskirts of ovdeevka, captured 19 houses and held them successfully. the men there are fighting properly, they are fighting
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for the russian donbass, for donetsk, which they are shelling every day, from avdeevka in a straight line to the center of the dpr 15 km, on ukrainian tv they are no longer afraid to tell the truth about how the ukrainian armed forces are creating terror. let's not forget that avdeevka is still a knife to the throat, presented to the throat of donetsk; just look at the map of taking control of the yasenovod interchange, that is, these routes that converge on... in donetsk will allow the enemy to significantly improve its logistics condition, plus the threat of constant attacks directly on donetsk, which are within the visibility range of ukrainian strike weapons. in avdeevka, the enemy, of course, uses copters with thermal imagers and night vision; it is extremely difficult to move. mostly these are drones, drones, drones, they are feared. and such arrivals and such shelling. layers of dugout fortifications protect from kamikaze drones.
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the russian world is waiting, but it seems they won’t be given a chance in su, avdeevka has already been turned into a ghost town, a ukrainian tank is hitting the house with direct fire, they give an explanation behind the scenes that russian troops are supposedly being destroyed. our fighters meter by meter moving from the outskirts of ovdeevka, the representative of the forty-seventh brigade magura of the armed forces of ukraine is already upset. let's talk about those...
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the enemy artillery is working quite closely, the intensity of the fire is not decreasing and the infantry is trying to break through to find weak spots in our defense. its head, gurbudanov, had to admit the failures, although he, of course, is more restrained than the ukrainian experts. the situation is quite threatening, de facto, the russian army is already in the suburbs in the private development of avdievka in the southwestern regions and the trends are such that the enemy is accumulating resources. the liberation of avdiivka is a big step towards the return of all donetsk land, which is what the volunteers from the veteran brigade are so striving for; the president thanked them for their dedicated work back in december. at the end of the year with vladimir putin, the soldiers spoke about the situation at the front, about their readiness to pass on their experience to the younger generation after the victory, to engage in patriotic education, our leader believes in our military and the soldiers are confident in the supreme commander-in-chief. now they say so, we are
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russia, putin is strong, that’s how it is, before assault, yes, the guys there are screaming, this is our motto there, yes, veteran, of course, there is hard work ahead, the gate to donetsk, that’s what avdeevka is called, simply. not to open it, but our military will definitely not lose their tenacity. davin, davin, we win. egor grigoriev, news. the investigative committee confirmed that the il-76 plane with ukrainian prisoners was shot down by militants in the ukrainian armed forces from the american patriot complex. stanislav berewald is investigating. it has been proven that the il-76 military aircraft with ukrainian prisoners of war on board was shot down by a missile patriot complex. reports this. the investigative committee of russia refers to the examination of fuselage fragments seized at the crash site. during the inspection of the scene, 116 fragments of bodies and mechanisms of two missiles were discovered. the seized fragments are clearly
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marked in english. research has made it possible to detect traces of hexogen with impurities of up to 10% octogen in washes from objects, which is characteristic of an explosion. foreign- made substances. the examinations carried out by the investigation, found at the scene of the tragedy, fragments of missiles with foreign markings indicate that they are structural elements of the mim-104a anti-aircraft guided missile of the patriot complex. this complex has several modifications; according to experts, the ukrainian army currently has second- and third-generation air defense systems, which are longer -range. i am ready to continue the investigation together with international specialized organizations, the president spoke about this the day before. the president openly, publicly stated yesterday that we are ready for there is an international investigation into this horrific act, and we are interested in it. now we
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hear voices from europeans saying, “give us paper, we won’t consider anything without paper.” it is clear that none of them will be interested in conducting an investigation , as experts suggest, the crew of the air defense missile system that attacked the il-76 with ukrainian prisoners was most likely mixed, it included both ukrainians occupying lower positions and american specialists.
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but bear responsibility for this, and what there were prisoners of war on board who were destroyed by zelensky, this once again proves who they are transferring weapons to and should also bear responsibility for this, let them ask
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biden, congress has these powers, let them take him and bring him to justice, later on the state duma website the document itself appeared: the kiev regime, to refuse its support and to help bring to justice the direct perpetrators of the inhumane terrorist act. officially, kiev speaks of the need for international investigations, unofficially, in the local media, journalists continue to stir up the topic that the il-76 was carrying missiles for... the s-300 and was shot down. it seems that in ukraine itself, few people believe in these fairy tales. stanislav bernwald to lead. vladimir putin came to the international exhibition forum russia at vdnkh for the fourth time. i examined the exposition of leading companies, took part in the congress
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of the all-russian movement of children and youth, the first movement. he also held a meeting on the development of student campuses. with details anastasia efimova. 5 million people, a huge army, 3,000 of which came to moscow for the congress of the all-russian movement of children and youth, the movement of the first, which the president visited today. your mentors, your parents , they are always with you, they have always been and will always be with you
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, and i really want to say words of gratitude to them, but it will be better, i just thought, it will be better if you and i do it right here, now together, let's do the count of three, inhale, thank you, one, two, three, thank you, i wish them good luck. the atmosphere in the hall could be described as benevolent, you can call it festive, friendly, emotional, creative, you can call it, however, not a single epithet can compare with these shots. they were published in his telegram channel by the author and host of the moscow kremlin-putin program, pavel zarubin, noting that such footage is not often seen. and it was true, however, when the whole hall began to sing along with the president. anthem, acapella, without prompters or prompts, in chorus from beginning to end, it became clear that a better culmination
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for this meeting simply could not be imagined, russia, ours, russia, our beloved country, mighty will, great glory. then give to the heart of our entire fatherland, the free fraternal peoples of the age-old union of the foreseeable. people's wisdom, glory to the whole country,
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we are proud of you, thank you is not just a word for us, we will definitely meet again, this is how in the first movement it is customary to thank guests, this is how they saw off the president from the stage, loudly, emotionally, very sincerely. the president was given a tour at vdnkh . let me remind you that vladimir putin is visiting the russia exhibition for the fourth time, and on his current visit he inspected the pavilions of sberbank and vka. a afterwards, i held a meeting dedicated also to young people, the creation of a network of modern campuses,
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and began the meeting by sharing the forecast of demographers, who say that in the next decade the number of young people in the country will only grow, those who are 10-12 years old today will come to study at technical schools and universities, which means that we need to work on the conditions for their self-realization now, which is what the state is doing; via video link, vladimir putin took part in the opening of new student buildings...
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before that, we introduced a whole series of buildings, you just now they said about the students who are standing next to you, next to the rector, maybe one of them will say what they liked the most, this is what you paid attention to and what you consider most valuable in that project.
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both federal and regional, in order to create, for example, as in moscow projects, yes, to immediately provide for the effective use of what is there and development, because i am absolutely convinced that each campus will lead to development around the territory , rector of moscow... the institute is now called a university and a construction one, he talked about how his university was developing, and said that moscow was not greedy, it cut 35 hectares there, and this creates opportunities for the development of the university, very good, i draw the attention of all
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colleagues present at the meeting to this is a fact in advance. when planning relevant projects, keep in mind that this would be very useful for the development of a higher educational institution, everything related to a higher educational institution and the functioning of a locality. and also the president urged not to forget that as such student complexes appear throughout the country, technology will also not stand still, they must be used so that the promised ultra-modern campuses are such not in words, but in deeds. chapter. the state formulated the task very specifically: if we build today, we need to focus on what will happen tomorrow, and this is a task at the national level. the public chamber and 17 parties signed a cooperation agreement. the goal is to ensure that each procedure is
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the elections were held in accordance with the law. about the election campaign anna voronina. a swimming pool, schools, a kindergarten and sports and recreation complexes, all of this was built thanks to the socialist method of management on the lenin state farm, which the communists are in a hurry to demonstrate to the veterans of the northern military district. among the guests are career military personnel and volunteers, privates and officers. they look around the halls and rooms with curiosity, but their main interest is still in the meeting with presidential candidate nikolai kharitonov. then, when the victory of the special military takes place operations.
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for example, a simulator for finger extension, for a lot of money, yes, it’s all printed on a 3d printer using plastic and this kind of modeling. after maryana, lysenko talked with volunteers and doctors at vladimir putin’s election headquarters in tatarstan and highly appreciated their willingness to participate in the development of healthcare. young and not so young, but absolutely caring people gathered, who are concerned about our future, who want to change something,
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an obligatory marker, firstly, of stability in the development of public control over elections, but in general the possibilities of public control over the electoral
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process in the russian federation, this shows once again that it has no analogues in any country in the world, and indeed we have something to be proud of here and something to develop. at the moment , four candidates have been registered with the central election commission. the central election commission approved the candidacy of vladimir putin, who is running for election as a self-nominated candidate, representative of the communist party of the russian federation nikolai. it’s not difficult to take them on, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, how to vote on a smartphone? v sunday early in the morning, during the absolute parade
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, the children cried out: people, get up, everyone is going to vote, said mom sonna, let's choose remotely, dad supported yawning , let's choose electronically, grandma said to grandfather, i'm a father, i'll go with you, but our generation loves paper ballots, well, the young shift is electronically modern. i am progress, not an opponent, hold the alarm clock for my granddaughter, this is all quite reasonable, it can be done remotely, we will go with you, choose your mother the old fashioned way, with our usual method, at the site, as usual, to choose freely in the country, it is important, honestly it’s convenient, the signal is good, the signal is normal, in combat use it’s actually much easier to control a drone, you just need to.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on february 2, 962 , the holy roman empire, the largest supranational association of the middle ages, appeared on the map of europe. it was considered the heir of ancient rome and united secular power with the power of the pope. the first ruler was atton the great. it was on that day that he was crowned by the pontiff of the left. otto subjugated all the german lands, the czech republic, italy, part of france, the territories of modern holland and switzerland, many areas where the slavs lived. the emperors
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fought, went on crusades, annexed new lands, but failed to create a unified state; the kingdoms, principalities and duchies that were part of the empire enjoyed independence, and the emperor was taken away. attempts at centralization were unsuccessful due to wars and reformation. from the 16th century, this union was already called the holy empire of the german nation, because non-german participants showed their will and independence. the death blow to the empire was dealt by napoleon bonaparte. after his victories, it completely disintegrated. at the end of the 19th century in germany it began to be called the first reich, implying that the second was the german empire created by bismarck. on february 2 , 1922 , ulysses, now one of the most famous novels of the 20th century, was published by irish writer james joyce. this work is considered a masterpiece of literary modernism and
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causes a storm of controversy. bernard shaw called him repulsive. richard aldington is monstrous slander of a person. and vladimir nabokov admired him. the title refers to the myth of odysseus or ulysia and the chapters correspond to episodes of his wanderings. but this is similar. the novel tells the story of one day in dublin everyman, leopold bloom, his friend and wife. their conversations and experiences are conveyed in an innovative style. internal monologues flow like a stream of consciousness, without commas, chaotically. and this work gained scandalous fame for its frank descriptions of physiological processes and constant thoughts of sexual desire. therefore, in different countries , ulysses was banned for a long time as a pornographic novel, but today. considered a cult. on february 2, 1946, the south sakhalin region was formed in the soviet union. it included the southern
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part of sakhalin and kurilsk. on the soviet far eastern borders, and after hitler's aggression they threatened with a full-scale invasion. in response to requests from world war ii allies, stalin agreed to enter the war against japan on the condition that we restore our sovereignty over the kuril islands to all of sakhalin. it was secured by the yalta conference, the red army liberated these territories. at the beginning of forty-seven, the yuzhno-sakhalinsk region merged with the sakhalin region, and today it is
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a subject of the russian federation. japan still lays claim to the islands, but russia is not going to give them up. february 2, 1964 at the olympic games in innsbruck became the day of triumph for soviet speed skater lydia skoblikova. she won the 3,000 m race. and this victory was her fourth at these games. thus, she established a unique achievement in her sport, winning one olympics has four gold medals at once. medals, winning all distances, and three of them with an olympic record. from koblikov she put an end to the old record and our worries. she set a new world record. 2 minutes 25.2 seconds. well, thank you, lida. the athlete was awarded for 4 evenings in a row; the medals were presented by the president of the international olympic committee. on the last evening, the stands roared and then lydia was immediately given all
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the gold she had won. was born in zlatoust in the chelyabinsk region, was involved in athletics, volleyball, gymnastics, but skates became her fate. “it was my love,” she said. i loved skates for speed, overcoming wind and frost. her awards are amazing. she became a six-time olympic champion and won the world championships 12 times. during her sports career, skoblikova set many national and world records. for the ease, beauty and precision of speed running. ledio skoblikova was called the queen of skates and the ural lightning. this is what this day in history was like. dear friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our original besagon tv program. i hope you remember them and enjoy them.
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the russian ministry of emergency situations warns: protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. in this war, of course, a full -scale struggle of technologies has now begun, who is technically superior to that advantage, here we are training people to work with t-shirts, that is, direct adjustments, reconnaissance, well, resets, the drinkers directly have some kind of mutual such a sporty one, of course the target
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is hit, there is an order. we complete the task forgiven i sing, charged.


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