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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 2, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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and now we return to the first topic of the issue: at the international digital forum in almaat , a plenary session of the ias took place with the participation of heads of government. mikhail mishustin also spoke. about the main trends and prospects for cooperation. alexandra nazarova. alexandra, what economic effect does the introduction of artificial intelligence give to the russian economy? daria, now the effect is just over a trillion rubles and continues to grow. an international digital forum is taking place in almaat, it has brought together government officials from the countries of the shanghai organization cooperation and the eurasian economic union, experts and entrepreneurs. there are more than 200 speakers, and over 30,000 visitors. the main event of the second day.
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this circuit, that is, each country must, simply must, maintain the sovereignty of its data; in general, there are only services, cores, so-called platforms. i think it is obvious that such reliable systems of our own are simply necessary. now russia is among the top three leaders with competencies in digital technologies. the level of use of artificial intelligence has grown by one and a half times and this helps our gdp grow above the world average.
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the economic effect is already just over a trillion rubles, and by the end of the decade it will exceed 10 trillion, which will add almost 6% to the global domestic product. in kazakhstan itself, which is now hosting the digital technologies boom forum. paper document flow is becoming a thing of the past; more than 90% of government services are now available in electronic form. in 3 years the internet will cover all populated areas of the country. artificial intelligence helps improve industrial power. an important tool for the development of the x industry was the deduction of 1% of the profits of subsoil users for research and development. one example is a project to optimize the process of extracting gold from ore using artificial intelligence. such developments have a multiplier effect on optimizing production processes and increasing their efficiency. kazakhstan.
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also expressed a desire to more actively share experience and developments and proposed creating a digital platform for the exchange of technological solutions, patents and innovative ideas. the highest rate of implementation of information technology in the economy is now in belarus in the service sector, more than 10%, and if we talk about gdp as a whole, more than 5%. as an important step in joint digital development, minsk is now proposing to expand the use of the eurasian registry.
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shows the potential of kazakhstan, primarily its successes in digitalization and the main sectors of the economy. let me remind you that on january 1 , armenia became the chairman of yas, and last year it performed this role. summing up our chairmanship, one can note the steady growth of the union’s economy at the level of 3.5%, as well as the rise in industrial production and investment. a meeting of the eurasian intergovernmental council will be held in kazakhstan today; it will consider the macroeconomic situation in the eu countries, options for sustainable development and current issues of integration. a discussion of cooperation in the transport sector is expected, including on the eurasian agricultural transportation project. express. participants will pay special attention to the digital agenda, including improvement of the yaas information system. daria. thank you, alexander, we will follow the events taking place in almaat today. alexander nazarova spoke about how the digital forum is taking place in kazakhstan and
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what will be discussed within the framework of the eurasian intergovernmental council. american democrats are trying to decide on their presidential candidate. physical state. and joe biden's ratings are now worrying even his closest allies, but do the democrats have a better candidate? about this in the program america with valentin bogdanov, watch right after the ad. pain can be different, no matter what caused the pain, if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. pintalgin, we can do without pain. just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts? can! connect for a maximum of 399 rubles and receive superboxes as a gift, you can! iota! alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for payment transfers! order your free alpha debit card. not just profitable! alpha
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like a squeezed lemon. stress leaves you without strength? elcar contains elcarnitine, a source of additional energy and helps cope with stress. you can cope with stress. one friend of mine can do everything: fix a car with her bare hands, deal with enemies with her bare feet. well, what about you? whatever you can, and i get gigabytes from megafon just like that, naked charisma, megafon takes care of its subscribers and gives up to 20 gb every month, only for megafon subscribers. find a property and submit just one application for a mortgage in the domclick service. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. less than a year before the election, joe biden
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finds himself somewhere alongside george w. bush . 33% approval has not been so bad with ratings for american presidents since the crisis of 2008, when the united states, under the forty-first president, fell into the center of a perfect storm of senseless wars and economic disasters. bush then. true, he was officially a lame duck, finishing his second term, and his replacement was chosen from the pair obama and mccain. biden is being called a lame duck already in his first term, there is talk of replacing him with someone younger stronger, moved to national television. so will the reserve be released or is it too late to release, we’ll figure it out. to appreciate the scale of the disaster that is now...
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its time ensured his victory in 2020. if we evaluate the most serious losses, then this is , of course, the loss of votes from the muslim electorate. first of all, this is caused, of course, by the fact that the united states has taken the side of israel; they are opposed to speaking on diplomatic platforms and, above all, in the united nations, calling for an immediate end to fire in the gas sector. if you look at it in absolute numbers, then there is a multiple drop. more than 50
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thousand muslims will not vote for biden in the upcoming elections. these are not just words, these are promises. we have suffered under many presidents, but now this is a big red line. we are confident that if trump wins, no matter how terrible the next 4 years here are, they will not be more terrible than one night in the gas. another group biden is losing is latino. voters, hispanic voters, many of them are turning towards trump , the republican agenda is closer to them, despite all the paradoxes, because trump advocates streamlining immigration laws, african-americans also turn away from biden, that is, biden is not a very compromising figure, which he was, in fact, this led to his choice candidacy in 2020 because for biden.
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year, about 2 million new us residents, migration, colossal figures from the past , most of them will remain undocumented for the coming decades, because they are far not all of them want to deal with legalization at all, this is a big problem, and this is a big problem, not even for the border, that is, republican states, because the majority. of these migrants are sent inland, inside the country, they end up in
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so-called sanctuary cities, these are cities of refuge, such as chicago, new york, they are placed in police stations, in caps, which, in general, were always intended for local street residents these cities, and this is already a problem for democratic politicians, meaning for politicians representing the democratic party in general, biden, of course, is haunted by a set of systemic failures. if we talk about claims against biden from his own voters, then of course, in the last year they have become especially concerned about biden’s condition, if there. 2 years ago this could still be attributed to some jokes or memes about health, but now the number of blunders on biden’s part is growing, every week you can generally compile a certain hit parade of his slips or ridiculous actions. it's already here
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not about whether it is ethical or not... after all, in the end, they are not personally criticizing the elderly octogenarian joe biden, they are criticizing the president of the united states joe biden, who has very powerful power in his hands, in the end, biden’s finger is on the red button , therefore, the question of his mental state, his cognitive capabilities, is no longer a question of biden himself personally, not of his entourage, but a question of the national security of all of america as well. there is a very important point in transitioning conversations that biden may change from such kitchen conversations, if you like, or from conspiracy theories. now these same conversations with the same argumentation are being conducted on the pages of quite
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serious publications, which even represent the establishment, not the republican one, but even the democratic party. democratic lawmakers, speaking on condition of anonymity, said biden's campaign was failing, that his age of 81 was a concern and that the party was losing votes due to rising prices and the gas war. in their opinion, biden is an outsider, the behind-the-scenes angst contrasts with public displays of solidarity. you can hear such conversations on cnn, they are supported by people who are.
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will be chosen to replace biden, he is telling everyone that a candidate who will surprise, he is not obvious, but quite a candidate from the establishment, i here a little want to play a pass with navalier, or, having received a pass from him, develop this attack in the same direction, well, look, it coincides with august 19th. chicago chicago is illinois governor of illinois, jay robert pritzker, this is a very serious family in the democratic establishment, this is a family of owners of hyatt hotels, in general they come from ukraine, the name pritzker has been rumored recently due to the fact that peni pritzker, the elder sister of
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jay robert pritzker, was appointed economic advisor. there are no corruption, at least obvious stories that accompany biden, a person who has no negativity behind him will not... collect the kind of negativity that another candidate for biden's replacement is gavin newson , the governor of california, newson thundered not in the most
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positive sense during the coronavirus pandemic, he introduced some of the most stringent measures to counter the spread of covid-19 in california, imposed a complete lockdown on the state, schools and businesses did not work there , as a result, california emerged from covid with horror...
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it grew for several months, despite everything that michelle obama, two terms, trump was always in the shadow, if anyone spoke out, it was barack obama, she never went deep into political struggle has now deepened, now she is commenting on the possible return of donald trump to the white house, and she is commenting from such, well, understandably liberal positions, from this, in general, the conclusion is drawn that michelle obama may well be obama’s barracks or not.. the group that formed around barack obama may be considered as a candidate. if we talk about other ladies who may
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replace joe biden, then there are several names here. of course, hillary clinton is such an eternal candidate, after her defeat in 2016 year, she clearly has not come to terms with her failure, as long as she has strength, as long as the american clinton clan exists in politics. will, relying on the power of this clan, strive to remain in this politics, although, of course, she has no real electoral prospects, well, if only because hillary clinton has a very high anti-rating, in general, now everyone who is running for the post of the forty-seventh president of the united states, they have this rating, what can i say, and trump is also not the most popular politician; in general, most americans would not wanted a repeat of the scenario.
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president, kennedy was assassinated, johnson became president of the united states, well, kamala harris is here, but there are no less problems with kamala haris than with biden, there is even such a semi-slang expression that the speech of kamal and harris is a kind of word salad, yes, because she she talks a lot, she learned to speak in her time as a politician, she was a senator from california, but sometimes there is critically little meaning in her words, and people simply do not understand what she wants to say, at every moment of our lives it is very...
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the white house, that has already become the reason several layoffs. it was kamala haris who became the real reason why biden had to run for a second term. a lady from michigan, she is the governor of this state , she also became famous during the coronavirus, but she became even more famous as a person who challenged the ultra-right forces, for which she is very much respected in the democratic party, at one time representatives of the movement or some other some of the people... who shared such an ideology even prepared an attempt against her, there was such a high-profile arrest by the fbi, there were even rumors that that at one time joe biden wanted to take grecin whitmer as his candidate.
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presidents, but barack obama did not allow this to be done. in all these stories , you need to understand one thing: the democratic party establishment has critically little time left in order to make this replacement, in order to explain to the voter why they are changing biden right now. yes, of course, people see that biden is not in very good condition, yes, biden’s ratings are falling, and biden is becoming less and less popular, but nowhere... for example, even the medical diagnosis of the american president is named, because it is not said that he suffers from some kind of disease that can affect his cognitive functions; on the contrary, democratic party functionaries, and the same kamela haris, constantly emphasize that biden is sober mind, he works, he is perfectly aware of what is happening, that is , it will be very difficult to change this rhetoric instantly without some bright event, now they all turn out to be the
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same. boats, that is, they all shift this problem further away, as if pushing it away from myself, well, it seems like this will be decided someday , time is melting on august 19, 2024, this is the date of the national convention, according to all the rules of the democratic party , a presidential candidate from this party must be approved, and well, by and large, there are only a few months left in order for carry out some kind of combination that... would allow them to find some kind of replacement to replace biden. this was america, all the best to you.
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how to create your own digital platforms and where the digitalization of public administration is going, mikhail mishustin takes part at the international digital forum. about the main statements in the live broadcast of robert frantsev. a test accident in bishkek left thousands of people without water and heat in the capital of kyrgyzstan. sabotage is considered one of the possible reasons. russia stated.
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readiness to assist in eliminating the consequences. a powerful explosion at a gas station in kenya, the fire spread to residential buildings. there are several hundred injured and some dead. the day of the defeat of the nazi troops at stalingrad, a battle that became a turning point in the course of the war. how memorable are there any events taking place today? at the norilsk airport, several flights were delayed due to bad weather ; more than a thousand people were waiting for flights to and from the city; according to the federal air transport agency, at the norilsk airport there was a strong side wind, a blowing snow and visibility of no more than 300 m. even the day before, due to strong winds, a headquarters warning was announced warning: gusts reach 25 m.


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