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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 2, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm MSK

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on low unemployment. moldova may resume gas purchases from gazprom, as stated by the head of the republic’s ministry of energy, viktor parlikov. chisinau is seeking a better price. last year, gas for the needs of the right bank of the dniester was bought on the spot market, as it was cheaper. at the same time , there are no political prohibitions or sanctions in this regard, the minister emphasized. let me remind you that since december 22, moldova has been supplying the entire volume of gas from gazprom to transnistria, the left bank of the dniester, located. yes, moldavian gress covers more than 80% moldova's electricity needs. the united states and its allies intend to tighten control over compliance with the price ceiling on russian oil and will fight attempts to circumvent this restriction. the recommendations are published on the website of the office of foreign assets control of the us department of the treasury. the companies, as noted, use a wide range of workarounds, trade through thirds of the country, and change flags on oil tankers.
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they use a shadow fleet and engage in forgery of documentation. let me remind you that the g7 countries, the eu and australia have introduced a price ceiling for russian oil supplied by sea, and later for petroleum products. and household chemicals supplier synergetic may hold an ipo. gazette announced plans to place securities. it is noted that the entry to the stock exchange will not happen this year. experts say that the deal may attract the attention of investors, since chemical producers are in russia. sinergetic wide from 12 to 28 billion rubles, let me remind you that in 2023 the popularity of ipos on the moscow exchange increased sharply among the largest placements of sofcombank and astro. these were economic news, briefly. you are always at the megamarket. what to give to loved ones, especially during
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holiday sales, for example, a tall frying pan for only 1,799 rubles. hello neighbors, how much do you rent for? i won an apartment in sticker many, hear, irina bought a delicious potato, scanned the application code and won an apartment from the group airplane, believe it or not, an apartment and 36 and a half. this night our friend has already been forced to get up several times to admire the stars. my friend, if more than twice you get up at night, afalaza. at the first symptoms of the prostate - afalase. afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. i've been driving since childhood, everything is fine. they always supported me. everything is fine. now i’m in a magnet, i work
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as a driver, the car fleet is being renewed, the salary is same day, everything is fine, come 8 800 300 67 77 for dad, for mom, for brother, for grandma , for a navigator in the car, for a tablet, for a smart watch, for guarding the house, for the gate in the garage, this is how dad plays, this is what dad has in common balance, with beeline you can forget about paying for different numbers, add them to the general balance, top up. only one number, all the rest will be paid automatically, conveniently, it won’t fit into the bear anymore, will it fit into the overall balance? beeline is on your side! so, so what, now we have one benefit in mind, in emvidio and eldorado, discounts up to 30% and fair installments for 24 months, 0 rubles down payment, 0% overpayments, choose video and eldorado, than watch 100 times, it's better to twist it once. enjoy your loved ones
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dishes with the taste of classic provençal from the brand i love to cook, it will turn a good dish into a fantastic dish i love to cook maria loves the sun very much, but life passes among the ice floes. a sore throat is a minus, of the pluses there is mirestin, it’s logical to have one in the first aid kit, the choice of millions in russia, with sesame, sesame bun, for coplet, special sauces, salads, cucumbers, the legendary vibiki. sesame bun, two
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onion cutlets, special sauce, cheese, salads, cucumbers, legendary view, it's big hit, big hit, only in a delicious way. point magnet - the price is what you need , chernogolovka from 1149. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, cool video, how high the speed is, and what a wide coverage, where are we going, where no one has seen your videos yet, although the megaphone even picks up there, the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage speed, when we congratulate dad and wife on the holidays, they turn from loved ones into unnecessary ones, it’s not necessary, but i need it. yes, well, or not, but i still need it, thank you, osber, thank you, that’s what i need, this is how we become loved again, it’s nice to receive thanks, and it’s a bonus to thank you for
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taking care of your loved ones, megamarket, it’s profitable to please. in january, american military expert scott ritter visited donbass. for details of this trip, see the special report by alexander lukyayanov. the city of hero donetsk greets american journalist scott ritter with ice and the roar of missiles coming out of multiple rocket launchers. the sounds of nearby battles impress even a military expert; over a cup of morning coffee, he shares with us his first impressions of the trip to donbass. this morning in the hotel, i woke up to the sounds of an explosion, this gave realism
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to what was happening. did you hear the arrival or departure? i heard mostly outgoing ones, but i could clearly hear where the arriving ones were coming from. outgoing calls could be heard. i never believed that the russian army was attacking donetsk.
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formerly a us marine corps officer, a military analyst on afghanistan, the soviet union, the middle east, and a weapons inspector in iraq. scott ritter first special military operation on ukraine, in his comments tried to explain to western audiences that nato itself forced russia to take this step.
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the hope was that ukraine would be able to bind russia enough to create political problems for putin. putin is running for re-election in march and will win in a landslide. he is the most popular president in modern russian history. like this. i
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mean, let's put it this way. there is not a single western leader in the world today who is as popular as vladimir putin. from the first minutes of meeting him it becomes clear. scott not bad, he knows. russian language and russia as a whole, but no, thank you, my name is alexander lukyanov, i am a journalist for russia-24, and i want to make a short film about your visit to donbass, well, that’s it. the first question is your expectation, what do you want to see here, what you, as an analyst, do not know. this is my first visit to donbass. i saw television stories and read what other journalists were writing, but i was thousands of miles away, at home in america. it is very important for an analyst to see with his own eyes what is happening. that's why it was extremely important for me to visit donbass, to see and feel it for myself. there were no expectations.
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i served in the military for a very long time, i was an officer in the us marine corps, and i am a military expert, studying war is my job, so for a long period of service and work. i have developed the ability to evaluate the level of training of the army, whether it is good, average or bad, based on what i have seen and read about the russian army, i can say that it is a good army today. commenters under your video can write: you have long promised victory to russia, where is it now? so, how do you assess the current situation of this military conflict, when can we expect this victory? russia , in principle
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, is already over... no, there is still a lot to come, because on the contrary there are still ukrainian soldiers who are going to shoot, so for the soldiers on the front line the war is not over , for the citizens of donetsk the war is not over, there are still many battles, many suffering, i know that, but i also understand that if you look away from the front line and look at all the factors, and if we evaluate the difference between the troops of russia and ukraine, the economic and diplomatic victories of russia, then we can say that russia has already...
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a unit of the russian armed forces groups continue to carry out a combat mission in the kerton direction. shot!
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square 6278, we are observing far away, how did you receive it? alpha and smes, the square accepted, are themselves capable of destroying the issue. movement occurs at maximum speeds, because doptors, the enemy, are always hanging in the sky. they see our movements here and can direct us there. calculation received a task cover the target with fire. to understand, you are an american citizen, a former
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american military man, you were on the other side of the barricades, what made you now be on the side of russia? i’m not with russia, i’m with the truth , if russia told lies, then i wouldn’t be for it, if russia stood on the side of evil, i wouldn’t be with russia, i’m an american and i’m with america, but at the moment i’m the only one who speaks truth and truth. it would be better if the united states were friends with russia, because the best thing friends can do to each other is to help in trouble, but now our the government believes that russia is doing wrong, but i am not the us government, i am a us citizen, my mind is open, my heart
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is open, and my heart and my mind say that russia is on the side of truth, and i will do. everything possible so that both my government and the citizens of america understand that russia is in the land of truth, because a future in friendship is better than a future in conflict, thank you very much for this comment, but i can’t help but ask you when you reported on capitalist hill, you have a dispute with the current president states, a public dispute about the situation in iraq, there is this video - this responsibility is a little above your salary level, it is the work of others, that's why they get paid a lot of money, that's why they buy limousines and you don't. scott ritter was in iraq in the late eighties as part of a group of un inspectors, claiming that saddam hussein’s government did not have any facilities where it was possible to create
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chemical, bacteriological and nuclear weapons. the senate listened to him, but publicly put him in his place. as a result, the united states deployed another war in the middle east with a gigantic number of casualties. like i said, they get paid more than you, their job is much harder than yours. they may have made the wrong decision, you stated that. thank you, but this is your salary level. isn't your position one of resentment and revenge against this person now? i am a professional, like any person, i can be emotional, feel angry, sad, offended, but as a professional, as a person working with data, as an analyst, i cannot give free rein to my emotions when i confronted joe to biden in the usa in 1998, he was wrong, i told the truth, he didn’t, in this conflict
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between ukraine and russia, i tell the truth, but he didn’t, as stated in the film.
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thank you for the interview, today we will spend some more time with you, thank you, the guest from america moves through the streets of donetsk in an armored car, accompanied by armed guards, the organizers paid special attention to security issues during the trip.
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at each stop, machine gunners control the perimeter from drg threats, the area in which we... are moving is under direct fire impact in the ssu, therefore information about where the cattle will be at one time or another is not advertised anywhere, so as not to provoke a missile strike, right 2 km, but i am interested in the question of whether it is safe for the cattle to return to their homeland after a visit to donetsk, i am an american journalist, this is my job, you can, you can work, you can watch. he is now more concerned about issues not of personal, but of global security. isenhaur
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warned americans back in 1961 about the military-industrial complex's dangers of influencing the american economy and politics of military interests. and today we see why he warned us, because if the economy depends on the military industry, then we need an enemy to justify weapons, now russia is the enemy that we have created to justify weapons. scott was invited to see russia now by
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alexander zaryanov, who works at the novosibirsk region development corporation. together they have already visited eighteen russian regions, traveled from irkutsk to sochi, and now to donetsk, crimea, chechnya. well, the cat and i promised to show the real one russia, so we had a great trip. we drove 3.0 by car from. grozny to sochi to sevastopol, we went on trains to kupa in ordinary russian ones, in general we saw irkutsk, novosibirs, yekaterinburg, kazan, scott wanted to see his place of work in the soviet union when he worked in votkinsk. from 1988 to 1990, scott was on assignment as a us inspector at the votkinsk engineering plant. ballistic missiles were assembled at this facility under an international agreement... each country controlled their number; in otkinsk, scott met his future wife. ezhevsk, grozny, volgograd, scott also really
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wanted to see the motherland of mati monument, and the memorial to the defenders of stalingrad and sevastopol, simferopol, we tried to show some cultural objects, we visited a lot of cities and historical museums, our may ended in sochi. travel, i invited scott back in the winter to visit russia, moscow on new year’s eve. alexander says that in every city the american journalist was greeted as of its own, the secret of such popularity is explained simply. and what was especially pleasant for me in sevastopol was when , well, for safety reasons, after all, the first visit was, we went out for a walk in the evening on the embankment, and even at dusk, and young people came up to take pictures, guys aged 16, 18, 20 they recognized him, approached him, and asked for a photo. in general, in russia, people have a very big demand for...
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the usa is ordinary people, that we don’t want to fight, we want to live, create families, raise children there, travel, come to visit usa, so that us citizens come to visit us, you know, the russians least of all want war, because we know its cost, we lost 27 million people in the last world war, we definitely don’t need war, and well at the same time, if they provoke us, then we know how to fight, better than anyone, but we don’t want that. the first stop is a memorial with the defender of donbass, for him the second world war, in which the usa and the ussr were allies , including personal history. that's why i
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support russia, because my uncle fought in world war ii against nazism, and tens of thousands of americans laid down their lives then.
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the camera lens of his phone also captures the alley of modern-day donbass defenders. lugansk. monument to the children who died here at the hands of the armed forces of ukraine of nationalist battalions. at the time when this memorial sign was installed, the names of 34 dead children were established, these are children who died as a result of ukrainian aggression from 2014 to 2018, unfortunately, children continued to die, at the moment on the slab, only on this slab, which is near monument, the names of 68 children are carved
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, the youngest girl , on behalf of the american people for the victims of this military conflict, apparently, he believes that it is partly his fault that he has not yet been able to explain to everyone in the united states that russia must be treated with respect, as an equal , and send money not overseas to kill slavs, but to solve their own social issues, of which there are many in the states. this is scoto’s second trip to russia, and he hopes not the last, they believe in the power of public diplomacy and the power of speech, despite the fact that they are now speaking louder
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guns. the fourth annual forum: strong ideas for new times. the forum is aimed at supporting and implementing citizens' initiatives for the development of the country. the forum is implemented by the agency for strategic initiatives by decree of the president of the russian federation together with the roscongress foundation. during the entire forum , over 450.00 citizens took part. more than 90,000 ideas were submitted to the forum. the forum is a place for ideas of citizens' initiatives to formulate the strategy and development of the country. on february 19 and 20, the best ideas will be presented to the country's leadership. follow behind. forum news on idea. ross congress.rf.
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integration in eurasia, joint transport projects and the functioning of the internal market of the eurasian economic union. mikhail mishusin today in kazakhstan. in the afternoon, the prime minister will take part in a meeting of the eurasian intergovernmental council. the tes accident in bishkek left thousands of people without heating water in the capital of kyrgyzstan. sabotage is considered one of the possible reasons. russia has declared
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its readiness to assist in the liquidation. consequences of the day of the defeat of the fascist germans troops at stalingrad, a battle that became a turning point in the war. what commemorative events are taking place today? the airport is closed for arrivals and departures, more than a thousand passengers were blocked in norilsk. the city has poor visibility and blowing snow. when can we expect the weather to improve? cabinet of ministers of kyrgyzstan. confirmed that an explosion occurred in bishkek, it did not damage the boilers, they are in working condition. as a result of the emergency, five people were injured, these are employees of the enterprise, they are in the hospital, as the ministry of health reported that the condition of two is extremely serious. due to the accident, the supply of hot water throughout the city was stopped, and the southern neighborhoods were left without heating. educational...


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