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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 2, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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did they name the date at the central election commission, tell us when they should make a decision on the registration of the remaining presidential candidates, how signatures are being verified, about digital signatures? economy, artificial intelligence and electronic future , an international digital forum is being held in kazakhstan with the participation of the head of the russian government. what statements are being made and what else is on the agenda . five people were injured, the condition of two was extremely serious, and an explosion occurred in bishkek. how widespread are the consequences, what could have caused it and how many people remained without heating and hot water? healthy friday at the exhibition at the russian forum on...dna
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today there is a themed health day, what is being shown to guests and what active entertainment has been invented. russia is one of the three world leaders with serious competencies in digital technologies, said mikhail mishustin. the russian prime minister is on a working trip to kazakhstan. today he took part in the international digital forum, at this moment a meeting of the eurasian intergovernmental council is taking place in narrow composition. to the air. robert, welcome, please tell us how the forum went and what topics were the focus of the council. hello, yuri, meetings of the eurasian intergovernmental council in a narrow format continue in almaat. the russian delegation is headed by prime minister mikhail mishustin. traditionally, the focus is on a very wide range of issues of mutual interest for the countries of the eurasian five. this.
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participants of the eu intergovernmental council, took part in the almaty digital forum , a large international digital events, where current trends in the development of the digital future were discussed; at the plenary session of this event, important theses were voiced on how the digital economy is currently developing in the eec space, positive changes in this direction were noted, it was noted that over the past 6 years on... in
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the ias space, it was possible to introduce effective digital solutions, and most importantly, these solutions were developed themselves, by the countries themselves that are members of the eurasian association, which is very important for protection of one’s own sovereignty, this thesis was emphasized by russian prime minister mikhail mishustin, in particular, he noted that at the moment the possession of it technologies and competencies is critically important so that one or another... state does not fall into political, economic dependence on whose - someone else’s will, in this sense , the moral and ethical aspect is very interesting; if we talk about the widespread introduction of artificial intelligence, then the question that comes to the fore is what data this artificial intelligence was created on intelligence and what moral values ​​are at its core. the thinking of artificial intelligence depends, of course, on the training data set and reflects the specifics. country
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of origin, he still absorbs the information that people give him today. so, in the brains of the russian gigachat of the western chat, well, in particular gpt, of course, there are different pictures of the world, different understandings of what is good and what is bad, and with the admission of artificial intelligence, in decisions in critically significant industries, well, for example, in science , in medicine, in industry, very important. to use models that meet universal, global values ​​and, of course, our own national interests, we take this into account. as mikhail mishustin noted, in recent years, russia has become one of the world leaders in terms of the development and effective implementation of digital tools in public administration, economic interaction, and what is very important, moscow is ready to share its decisions with... shustin is also fundamentally
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important for ensuring the sovereignty of each of the countries of the association. russian approaches and we are ready to transfer and share specific technological platform solutions to our partners. at the same time, i emphasize for use in a closed circuit. that is, every country must, simply must , maintain the sovereignty of its data. the only things that are common are the services, the cores of the so-called platforms. i think it is obvious that such reliable systems of our own are simply necessary. the development of the eurasian economic union largely depends on our unity, on the ability to quickly and effectively respond to all events changes to challenges, from the introduction of digital solutions in all sectors of public administration, the social sphere, sectors of the economy, let's work
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together on this to build our successful future. next in the program. mikhail mishustin’s visit to kazakhstan, the meeting of the eurasian intergovernmental commission is already in expanded format, i would like to remind you that from this year the chairmanship in all governing bodies of the yas has passed to armenia, as stated in the agenda, it is proposed to discuss the current macroeconomic state in each of countries of the eurasian five, in fact, measures to ensure sustainable economic development. yuri, yes, robert, thank you, robert frantsov, about mikhail mishustin’s working trip to kazakhstan. russian forces retain the strategic initiative along the entire line of combat contact, defense minister sergei shaigu announced this, but he spoke at a conference call with the leadership of the armed forces. good afternoon, dear colleagues, today is a memorable date, the day of military glory of russia, the day of the defeat
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of the soviet troops, the nazi troops in the battle of stalingrad. congratulations to everyone on this event, on this date, a historical date, a date. deserved , won, and by those who came before us, our fathers and grandfathers, so i congratulate you all on this, let’s get to work, i’ll start with the situation in the zone of a special military operation, after the failure of the enemy’s counter-offensive, the russian armed forces retain the strategic initiative along the entire line of combat contact. our units are moving forward, expanding their zones of control, and improving their position along the front line. in during the active operations in the kupyansky, krasnolimansky and donetsk directions , the settlements of vesyoloye, krakhmalnaya, tabaevka were liberated, groups of russian troops continue to methodically reduce the enemy’s combat potential. as a result of the complex fire impact, the losses
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of the ukrainian armed forces over the past month exceeded 2,300 people, killed and wounded, and more than 300 units were destroyed. 127 strikes with precision weapons on the military in january, the russian armed forces struck infrastructure and facilities of the military-industrial complex. amazed enterprises for the production of modernization and repair of weapons. arsenals, military airfields, fuel base. in order to prevent the collapse of the defense, the ukrainian leadership throws the remaining reserves into battle and hastily carries out the next forced mobilizations of the ukrainian armed forces units of foreign mercenaries. to demonstrate at least some success to the western curator,
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the zelensky regime carries out terrorist acts against russian civilians. at the same time, the kiev authorities do not hesitate. destroy their citizens too, so on last week , a russian transport plane carrying ukrainian military personnel subject to exchange was attacked from ukrainian territory. this speaks to the cynical nature of kiev’s actions, which is ready to commit any crimes in order to achieve selfish goals. groups of russian troops continue to solve the tasks set by the supreme commander-in-chief. thematic. part of our conference call. the first question concerns the organization of participation of armed forces personnel in the upcoming presidential elections of the russian federation. this event will become the most significant in political life in 2024. for the first time, voting will last 3
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days from march 15 to 17. preparations for it have entered the final phase. the issues of participation in elections by military personnel and members of their families are being studied in detail. and civilian personnel of the armed forces. particular attention is paid to ensuring voting of personnel in the zone of special military operation. today we will discuss how preparations for participation are going. military electorate of the election campaign, then we will consider the state and development prospects military, training aviation. to master the effective use of modern aviation systems by flight personnel , high-quality initial training in universities is necessary. to this end, the ministry of defense is expanding the material base of flight training institutions, and the aerospace forces are increasing the number of cadets. industrial enterprise. develops promising aircraft models to update the training aviation fleet. at
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the meeting we will discuss what else needs to be done to improve the quality of training of cadet pilots. to other topics wikileaks informants were sentenced to 40 years in prison. the us department of justice reports this. a us court has sentenced former cia programmer josh schulte in the case of the largest leak of a series of top-secret materials. and also on charges of non- us spying in iraq and afghanistan. the founder of the portal , julian assange, faces 175 years in prison . american president joe biden signed a decree that allows the us administration to introduce. sanctions against jewish settlers, that is, those israelis who settles in the territories that belong to palestine. the move
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was criticized by mit official maria zakharova. she recalled that washington previously did not interfere with israel’s settlement activities and, moreover, motivated it to develop palestinian lands. zakharova called such inconsistent actions of the white house a manipulation and an attempt to play on the feelings of palestinians and israelis. eu leaders assigned roles to force the prime minister. hungarian minister will agree to a new package financing of ukraine, the american newspaper new york times reports. according to her , before the eu summit in brussels, viktor orban was subjected to coordinated behind-the-scenes pressure. money from the european union will help keep ukraine's economy afloat, even if aid from the united states gets stuck in congress, the new york times adds. let me remind you that republicans in the house of representatives are blocking joe biden’s request to allocate $60 billion for ukraine. now the congressmen have it. an additional argument also appeared. white's representative at home, john kirby has already rushed to declare that the financial package from the eu cannot be a substitute
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for american leadership in providing military assistance to kiev. our european correspondent anastasia popova will talk about the results of the eu summit. this is all the merit of the italian prime minister miloni - they say on the sidelines of the european summit, played by her charm and ability to find a compromise. she persuaded the hungarian... subsidies, review of funding every year , the consent of budapest, taking into account that kiev
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respects democratic norms and rights national minorities. part of the funds, and this is enshrined in the final decision of the summit, is income from the frozen assets of the russian central bank, a tax on profits, however, in order to get around the hungarian problem, macron also kindly courted the hungarian prime minister in french, built bridges, had lunch at the champs elysees, and was interested in his vision , it worked in the end. the message is clear, russia cannot count on european fatigue to support ukraine. but it’s more european farmers who are tired of ukraine, who are on strike not only in european countries against imports and strict rules, but blocked the capital of the european union for the duration of the summit. macron assures that the eu will make concessions. regarding eggs, poultry, sugar, we were able to provide a protective mechanism, given the historical volume.
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certain volumes of imports, restore customs duties, to put it bluntly, yes, help. which will allow us, in case of excess in ukraine in war conditions , there is no unfair competition beneficial to several billionaires or businessmen who do not respect our rules. they can’t hear in rennes, about three hundred tractors are again blocking traffic. farmer protests began in italy, and now highways are being blocked in portugal. representatives of both countries were at the demonstration in brussels. the last barricades on luxembourg square are burning down; tractors have left the belgian capital, but they promised to return if something happens. nastasia popova leah bernadsky, brussels, belgium. magnet - the price is right, miko chocolate from 73.99. register your business for free
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at follow your dreams. just dare point bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises. my stomach is bothered. primium prozole rinival. pancreati renival. we trust renival. we choose renival. any business begins with a desire. i wanted a comfortable chair. and to do what you need, gather a team and do it yourself. but sometimes development stops, but it doesn’t stop with support. we are expanding. national project for small and medium-sized enterprises by decision of the president. our job is to support yours. at the megamarket you will always find something to give to your loved ones, especially during the holiday sale. buy smartphones, smartwatches with cashback up to 50%. indian pava-pava from the ecologically clean region of russia is recommended for children. do you want to visit your dream future? don't be
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co-owner of a large company, now i’ll show you everything, this is the reception, the department on the right promising developments and graphics. there the product portfolio is developing, a large family is like a large organization, and its development needs support, a national demography project by decision of the president, all measures to support families with children, it’s just space, the real taste of smoked meat, meat from cherkizov’s own farms, cosmically delicious, cherkizovo , oh, where is your knocked-out swallow, i won the sticker game, but...
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russia is the largest country in the world, 11 time zones, more than 145 million inhabitants, over 110 million voters who can vote at almost 100 thousand polling stations at home or online. every voter's vote is taken into account and guaranteed to be protected, in this...
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at the exhibition forum of the russian national economy, today is a themed health day, guests are welcome in the pavilion of the ministry of health, they talk about proper nutrition, the achievements of domestic medicine, and visitors are also offered to do. exercises with famous athletes. my colleague alexandra perfilyeva is joining the broadcast. alexandra, greetings. tell us more about what's interesting today at the exhibition? yes, yuri, greetings, today’s program is very eventful. here you can check your health, learn more about healthy eating, and famous athletes will also conduct training. already at the ceremonial part, such a warm-up was carried out by an athlete and a famous one. i’ll tell you, there’s even a master class on swaddling
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children, my operator said today that for example, let me tell you in more detail , he will need to go through it later, hello, you have children, here ’s the first one, great, you see, it’s relevant, yes, girl, boy, girl, lalya, i congratulate you. also, at the next table we see how to properly provide first aid to a child in a difficult situation, for example, on an airplane, on a train, in a confined space, so igor yuryevich, sorry that we are distracting you, hello, i understand that you are a real resuscitator , yes, i am a resuscitation doctor at the intensive care unit of the tambov perinatal center named after the venerable martha of tambora, what first of all needs to be done to help is the most important thing.
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so he said, yes, but to predict the direction of mutations are quite difficult, but it is possible to predict, accordingly with a certain degree of probability, which vaccine preparations
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still need to be... created, and this will also be discussed today, special attention, of course, was paid today to the stand of the volgograd region, today is a memorable day for our great country, 81 years of the liberation of stalingrad from the fascist invaders, actually near the stalingrad stand they give out these stalingrad ribbons, and i want to show you this issue for february 4 of stalingrad pravda, we...
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sochi is celebrating the tenth anniversary of the fourteenth winter olympics; in total, almost fifty events have been prepared, one of the key ones being the reconstruction relay race. olympic flame. it started today. the route will pass through iconic places of the city, where olympic objects and symbols are installed. 30 people will carry her torch in turn. each person will run approximately 300 m. completion is scheduled for wednesday, february 7th. the main symbols of the games will be delivered to the southern pier, where an interactive winter sports area will be organized.
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does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya investigative committee. i am special given. who are you all looking at? well, that girl over there is earning money. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter. and do you know who the murder is? yes. just watch without amateur performances. stay in place, don't move. for some reason i believe you. anna is a medium. let's look before everyone else. in the application or on the website.
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now briefly about the main economic events of the day up to this minute. the growth of the russian economy by the end of 2023 may reach 3.5 or even 4%. this is above the worlds average. european indicator values. preliminary data on gdp were announced by mikhail mishustin at the plenary session of the digital forum almaty. the prime minister noted that such results were achieved under sanctions pressure. according to him, russia has good indicators in industrial production, especially manufacturing and construction. and all this against the backdrop of record low unemployment. the us and its allies intend to tighten control over compliance.


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