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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 2, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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national project of russia by decision of the president. so, what's on our minds now? one benefit. discounts up to 30% and fair installments for 24 months, 0 rub. down payment, 0% overpayment, refrigerator for only 41,999 and also in installments in emvidio and eldorado. i've been driving since childhood, everything is fine. they always supported me. everything is fine. and now i’m a magnet, working as a driver. the fleet is being renewed, salaries are being paid. every day, everything is fine, come 8 800 300 67 77 at the megamarket you will always find something to give to your loved ones, especially on holidays sales, for example, soft toys for loved ones with cashback up to 40%. two bikhits at a bargain price, only at a tasty point. in turbulent conditions.
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it is necessary to further reveal the technological potential of the five countries. at a meeting of the intergovernmental council , mikhail mishustin noted that last year russia also showed the volume of industrial production by about 4%. completed construction work increased by 8.5%, and retail trade turnover exceeded six. much has been done in matters of industrial cooperation. we have agreed on support.
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space, the eurasian agroexpress project for accelerated transportation of agricultural products shows good results. last year, more than 450,000 tons of cargo were delivered. additional agricultural hubs and trade and logistics centers will increase supplies. jaas is located at the crossroads of east, west, north and south, which has always been a competitive advantage for our region. kazakhstan attaches special importance to the development of transit and transport infrastructure. over the past 15 years. our
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the country has allocated more than $35 billion for these purposes; together with the russian, turkmen, indian, and iranian sides , work is being carried out on the synchronous development of the eastern route of the north-south corridor. we consider it important to further increase the capacity of international corridors and logistics terminals at checkpoints in our countries. the memorandum, which is being signed today by the national ones, is also intended to contribute to the growth of traffic volumes along the trans-eurasian corridors. russia, belarus and kazakhstan. it is expected that the implementation the provisions of this document will help increase the share of cargo delivery services in the global market. we see a significant reserve in the rail transportation industry. today we discussed this issue in detail in a narrow meeting. the issue of transition to a permit-free system of international road transport of goods, including from third countries, remains relevant. so far this work is being carried out mainly on a bilateral basis. we have.
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integrated information system of the union, "countries should actively develop but taking into account global trends. he identified five main ones: the first is the localization of production, which, according to the prime minister, guarantees citizens and businesses the availability of goods, raw materials and technologies, the second is ensuring the reliability of supply chains and logistics, the third is the construction of alternative settlement institutions of the international financial system, two more trends related to digital development and the construction of
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public administration systems. our country is in the top three in terms of competencies in digital technologies. the level of use of artificial intelligence in economic sectors increased one and a half times over 2 years, and the economic effect amounted to about a trillion rubles. by the end of the decade, the figure will increase at least 10 times, and it is important to take into account that the thinking of artificial intelligence depends on who trained it. in the brains of the russian gigachat of western chat, well, in particular gpt , of course, there are different pictures of the world, different understandings of what is good and what is bad, and with the admission of artificial intelligence, in decisions in critically important industries, well, for example, in science, in medicine, in industry, it is very important to use models that meet universal, global values ​​and, of course, our own national interests, we take this into account. russia is ready to share specific technological and platform solutions with partners. at the same time, it is important to note for use in a closed loop, that is,
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only the core services of the platforms will remain common. at the same time, the data sovereignty of each country will remain a priority. alfabank has the best loyalty program for business, we pay 3.0 rubles for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. rather than watching it 100 times, it’s better to spin it once. order with avita delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. formula adapt takayama engine oil protects motor function. adapting to any mode of its operation. takayama - adaptive engine protection. when speeding along the motorway, you will easily fly past this sign. and in the new children's clinic there is something to see besides him. this sign is modestly
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tikermania, it was all for plus points. lisa, i bought a chicken example in a delicious one. i scanned the code in the app and won. in january, american military expert scottritor visited the donbass. about the details of this trip, special report by alexander lukyanova. the city of hero donetsk greets the american journalist scottar with ice and the roar of a missile launch.
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i never believed that the russian army was attacking donetsk.
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formerly an officer in the us marine corps, a military analyst on afghanistan, the soviet union, the middle east, and a weapons inspector in iraq in the nineties. scott ritter, at the beginning of a special military operation in ukraine, in his comments tried to explain to western audiences that nato itself forced russia to take this step. at the beginning of 2008. william burns was us ambassador to russia. in 2008, he wrote a memorandum entitled not yet means yet. no
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means no. essentially, he said that ukraine was inviting nato as a red line. and if nato invites ukraine, the inevitable consequence will be russian military intervention in ukraine. this is the us ambassador, an expert who gives his expert advice to the us government. in november 2008, we invite ukraine to join us. now let's just put this into perspective. you have received a memorandum from the ambassador in which he says. ukraine will be able to tie russia up enough to create political problems for putin.
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putin is running for re-election in march. he will win a landslide victory. he is the most popular president in modern russian history. like this. i mean, let's put it this way. there is not a single western leader in the world today who is as popular as vladimir putin. from the first minutes of meeting him it becomes clear. scott knows russian well. what do you want to see here that you as an analyst don’t know, this is my first arrival in donbass, i saw television stories and read about what other journalists were writing, but at the same time i was thousands of miles from this place, i was at home in america for... it is very important for an analyst to see with my own eyes what is happening, therefore , it was extremely important for me to visit donbass,
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to see it for myself, to feel it, there were no expectations, i am here to study. you speak a lot on the internet, speak highly of russia, the russian army, that’s what your opinion, your conclusions are based on, is it really intelligence information? v officer in the us marine corps, and have been in the military for a very long time, i was a military expert, studying war is my job, so over a long period of service and work, i developed the ability to assess the level of training of the army, whether it is good, average or bad, based on from what i have seen and read about the russian army, i can say that it is a good army today, commentators under your video can write, you have long promised victory to russia, where? russia, in principle, has already won, just as in
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1943 the soviet army defeated the nazis in kursk. after kursk, we can say that the war was over, there was no doubt who would win, although there were still many battles to be fought. russia, by all estimates, has already won the war, strategically, there is a big correlation. then if you look away from the front line and look at all the factors, and if you evaluate
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the difference between the troops of russia and ukraine, the economic diplomatic victories of russia, then we can say that russia has already won this war. but zelensky has now secured the support of england, so england can somehow contribute to this military conflict. last summer, the collective west provided ukraine with more than $120 billion in military spending. and ukraine put all this into rights.
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a unit of the russian armed forces, tebra groups continue to carry out their combat mission in the nakerton direction, shot! square 62-78, the observers accepted , alpha i am moscow, the square accepted, they themselves are capable of destroying the request, movements occur at maximum speeds, because there are always enemy broadcasters, they... our movements are here and can direct the attack the crew received the task is to cover the target with fire.
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to understand, you are an american citizen, a former american military man, you were on the other side of the barricades, what made you now be on the side of russia? i'm not with russia, i'm with the truth. if russia told lies, then i would not be for it. if russia stood on the side of evil, i would not be with russia. i am an american and i am with america, but at the moment russia is the only one telling the truth, and the truth is on russia's side. she is fighting against bandera's nazi ideology, so i am on the same page with russia side. i had a certain sympathy for russia, and even when you were the soviet union, you could say my enemy. i studied your culture, your literature, your language. and i still have a desire to get to know russia more and more. it would be better if the united states were friends with russia, because the best thing
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friends can do to each other is help in trouble. but now our government believes that russia is doing so. that's right, but i'm not the us government, i'm a us citizen, my mind is open, my heart is open, and my heart and my mind they say that russia is on the side of the truth, and i will do everything possible to ensure that both my government and the citizens of america understand that russia is on the side of the truth, because a future in friendship is better than a future in conflicts. thank you very much for this comment, well i can’t help but ask you.
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argued that saddam hussein's government did not have any facilities where it would be possible to create chemical, bacteriological and nuclear weapons. the senate listened to him, but publicly put him in his place. as a result, the united states launched another war in the middle east with a gigantic number of victims. like i said, they get paid more than you, their job is much more difficult than yours. perhaps they made the wrong decision. and you stated it. thanks, but this is the level.
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it begins by saying that we are citizens of the united states, i am in charge and the government works for me, it is my job to make sure the government exists if the day comes when the government starts.
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tried to draw attention to his father, elon musk wrote about this journalist, but neither the consulate nor the us government made no attempts to help their citizen. why didn’t the government pull him out and save him? this is a very good question and one that everyone should ask themselves. now a wall street journal employee is in custody in russia, and every day the us government is trying to get the russian government to release him from prison, but the american government did not even fight for his life for an hour. thank you for the interview, today we will spend some more time with you, thank you, thank you, a guest from america
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is moving through the streets of donetsk in armored vehicles. accompanied by armed guards. the organizers paid special attention to safety issues during the trip. at every stop, machine gunners control the perimeter from threats to the rg, the zone in which we move to...
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and today we see why he warned us, because if the economy depends on the military industry, then we need an enemy to justify the weapons. and now russia is the enemy we created to justify weapons.
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we drove from irkutsk to sochi, and now to donetsk, crimea, chechnya. well, kottu and i they promised to show the real russia, so we had a great trip. we drove 3.00 by car, from grozny to sochi to sevastopol. we traveled on trains in ordinary russian compartments. in general, we looked at irkutsk, novosibirs, yekaterinburg, kazan, scott wanted to see his place of work in the soviet union when he worked in votkinsk.
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ezhevsk, grozny, volgograd, scott also really wanted to see the motherland of matya monument and the memorial to the defenders of stalingrad and... sevastopol, simphepol, we tried to show some cultural objects, and cities, and we visited a lot of historical museums, our may trip ended in sochi, and that’s when i invited scott back in the winter to visit russia and moscow on new year’s day. alexander says that in every city the american journalist was welcomed as one of their own, the secret of such popularity can be explained simply: what was especially pleasant for me in sevastopol was when, well, for safety reasons, after all , it was our first visit, we went out for a walk in the evening. on the embankment, and even at twilight, and young people came up to take pictures, guys 16, 18, 20 years old recognized him, came up, asked for a photo, in general in russia people have a very big demand
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for justice and people... i really like scot’s position, it’s not pro-russian, if you look at it this way, it in fact, pro-american, he believes that it would be more profitable for the united states to be friends with russia, of course, the fact that he looks at many things fairly, in our country, i think, this kind of opinion is found, finds, because well, people want that they knew the truth even in the usa, we people don’t like what demonizes us, there russophobia in the usa, people want to be friends and live peacefully, so that they know the truth about us too, that we are the same people as in the usa, simple. that we don’t want to fight, we want to live, start families, raise children there , travel, come to visit the usa, so that us citizens come to visit us, you know, the russians least of all want war, because we know its price , we lost 27 million people in the last world war, we definitely don’t need war, and at the same time, if they provoke us, then we will fight we can do it better than anyone, but we don’t want it.
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the first stop is a memorial with the defender of donbass, for him the second world war, in which the usa and the ussr were allies, including personal history. that’s why i support russia, because my uncle fought in world war ii against nazism, and tens of thousands of americans laid down their lives then. after laying flowers, he takes a photo of the memorial on his phone, the historical memory of peoples, he says, is what is most important now, cattle monuments are made in order
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to preserve memory, it turns out that memory... and fascism turned out to be so short in the world. there is a park in washington dc dedicated to world war ii. i go there often, and i am always amazed at how many americans visit this memorial and how many have forgotten why it was created. the camera lens of his phone also captures the alley of modern-day donbass defenders. lugansk, a monument to the children who died here at the hands of the armed forces of ukraine of nationalist battalions. at the time when this memorial sign was installed, the names of 34 dead children were established, these are the children who died as a result of ukrainian aggression from 2014 to 2018. to die at the moment on the slab,
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only on this slab, which is near the monument, are carved the names of 68 children, the youngest girl is 28 days old. having visited this place the next day, scott ritter at a press conference in moscow will publicly ask for forgiveness on behalf of the american people for the victims of this military conflict. apparently he believes that it is partly his fault that he has not yet been able to explain to everyone in the united states that russia should be treated with respect, as an equal, and money should not be sent overseas, to kill the slavs, and solve their own
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social issues, which are on staff. quite a lot, this is scoto’s second trip to russia, and he hopes that it is not the last, he believes in the power of public diplomacy and the power of words, despite the fact that now guns are speaking louder. they named the date at the central election commission and told them when they should make a decision on registering the remaining ones. electronic future an international digital forum was held in kazakhstan with the participation of the head of the russian government, what statements were made and what else is on the agenda today? five people were injured the condition of the two is extremely serious; an explosion occurred during the beshkek test.


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