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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 2, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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equal, and send money not overseas to kill the slavs, but to solve their own social issues, of which there are many in the states, this is skoto’s second trip to russia, and he hopes that it will not be the last, he believes in the power of public diplomacy and the power of speech, despite that now the guns are speaking louder. they announced the date at the central election commission, told when they should make a decision on the registration of the remaining presidential candidates, how signatures are being verified, about the digital economy, artificial intelligence and the electronic future in kazakhstan, an international digital forum with the participation of the head of the russian government, what statements were made and what else is on the agenda today? five people were injured, the condition of two was extremely serious, and an explosion occurred during the beshkek test. how widespread
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are the consequences, what could have caused it and how many people were left without heating and hot water? and healthy friday at the russian exhibition forum at vdnkh there is a themed health day today, what are they showing to the guests and what kind of active entertainment have they come up with? mikhail mishustin called for starting to implement all tasks set in the declaration. and iran. the russian prime minister took part in the meeting of the eurasian intergovernmental council. this time he gathered in almaat. the head of our central asian bureau, robert frantsov, joins the broadcast again. robert, hello again, tell us in more detail about the results of the meeting and what statements were made. hello, yuri, the eurasian economic union was able to become independent. and
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a self-sufficient center in a changing multipolar world. this assessment was made at the first meeting of the eurasian intergovernmental council this year. it will soon be 10 years since the signing of the agreement on the creation of the eurasian integration association. during this time , a huge amount of work has been done , primarily thanks to close cooperation and willingness to resolve the most pressing issues, which contributes to the development of the very potential of the association. today the eac is... a real crossroads of civilization, where north and south, east and west converge. therefore, the development of transit infrastructure is one of the most important priorities for the activities of the eurasian economic union. i will briefly address issues that, in our opinion, require special attention. but first of all, this is the further development of the technological potential of the five countries. a lot has already been done; we have agreed to support industrial cooperation projects at the expense of the union budget. our leaders in may.
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the summit approved such a mechanism, but in the near future it is time to move on to the practical implementation of this idea, to ensure the opening of new modern production facilities that produce relevant high-tech products. it is important and we also talked about this in detail, to create a unified transport system throughout the eurasian space, to form a new logistics infrastructure, to establish, if you want, seamless and safe international routes; we are of course grateful to our partners for working together. on this track, russia is actively developing the north-south corridor, expanding transport capabilities in the eastern direction to china, southeast asia, and the asia-pacific state region, and we are, of course, working to increase capacity in the northwestern direction. during the meeting , it was noted that the past year was a record year for the volume of road construction. another successful project is the eurasian
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agricultural express; real agricultural hubs are being built right along all the most important routes along which agricultural products and food are delivered. the head of the kazakh cabinet of ministers, alekhan ismailov, also spoke about the development of transit infrastructure; he noted that in the coming years the development transport system, kazakhstan plans to attract tens of billions of dollars. ias is located at the crossroads of east and west. and the south, which has always been a competitive advantage of our region. kazakhstan attaches special importance to the development of transit and transport infrastructure. over the past 15 years, our country has allocated more than $35 billion for these purposes. major infrastructure projects have been launched, such as the logistics center in lianyungang, china, the hargos dry port, the western europe, western china transit highway, the railway corridor from china to iran, modernization of the caspian. yakhtau, the construction of
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new railways bakhty, ayagos, darbaza, makhtaral, the bypass line of the almaty station begins, the second tracks are already being laid on the site. reaching menty, the construction of a kazakh terminal in xi'an, china has begun. together with the russian, turkmen, indian and iranian sides, work is being carried out on the synchronous development of the eastern route of the north- south corridor. one of the priority tasks is also the development of industrial cooperation, creating joint advanced production facilities, and of course, all this work. is reflected in real economic indicators, gdp, industrial production volumes are growing, and this work is seen not only within the framework of the eurasian economic union, more and more countries are expressing a desire to cooperate more closely with the association, as an example, this is the current work
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on a free trade zone with iran, well , another important area in which interaction takes place within the framework of the eurasian economic union is digitalization, here, our own tools are being introduced that... allow us to effectively solve pressing problems of public administration and economic interaction, but here, of course, in addition to opportunities, there are certain challenges, as mikhail mishustin noted during the digital forum held today, the issue of sovereignty arises first of all, since countries that do not have the necessary it technologies and competencies risk falling into economic and political dependence on those who can impose their will on them. another important problems: the use of artificial intelligence was indicated, and as mikhail mishustin noted, the problem is what data was this artificial intelligence trained on and what values ​​were embedded in it? the thinking of artificial intelligence depends, of course, on the training
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data set, it reflects the specifics of the country of origin, it still absorbs the information that people give it today. so, in the brain. russian gigachat of western chat, well in particular gpt, of course, different pictures of the world, different understanding of what what is good is what is bad, and when allowing artificial intelligence to make decisions in critical industries, well, for example, in science, medicine, industry, it is very important to use models that meet universal, world values ​​and , of course, one’s own national interests, we take this into account. as a result of the work of the intergovernmental council, a number of documents were signed, for example, a memorandum on the establishment of the eurasian railway association of a transport and logistics company with the participation of
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russia, belarus and kazakhstan. in general, as was noted during all today’s events within the framework of the ias , real work is indeed underway, the main goal being. improving the quality of life of citizens of all countries included in the eurasian five. yuri, yes, thank you, thank you, robert, let me remind you that my colleague robert frantsov spoke about mikhail mishustin’s working trip to kazakhstan. the ministry of emergency situations of kyrgyzstan named the preliminary cause of the explosion at the power plant. it occurred due to the accumulation of gases or coal dust, the department said. an emergency occurred last night. as a result, five people were injured and the entire city was left without heating. ours has details. correspondent of anna voronina. at 2:58 , cctv cameras in one of the courtyards of bishkek detect a bright flash. within an hour after this, several microdistricts of the city will be left without heat and hot water. the reason is an explosion at one of the most powerful energy facilities in the republic. the accident occurred
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at approximately 3:00 a.m. in the boiler shop on boiler number 14. in order to maintain the operation of the equipment, restrictions on hot water were introduced water. interruptions in salt.
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perhaps we'll serve hot water. the president of kyrgyzstan arrived at the scene of the accident, and an operational headquarters was created. authorities are considering several versions of what happened, including sabotage. work is currently underway. because previously there were several bangs at 3:00 a.m., and, of course, we do not rule out a man-made component; there may also be technical issues; a state of emergency was declared on the territory of the thermal power plant. the city authorities are ready to quickly deploy heating centers for citizens, according to preliminary estimates of the ministry of emergency situations at it will take about a week to restore tetz's work. anna voronina, irina zaborskaya, news!
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by expanding the zones of control, it improves its position along the leading edge. during active operations in the kupyansky, krasnolimansky and donetsk directions, the settlements of vesyolae, korahmalnaya, tabaevka were liberated. groups of russian troops continue to methodically reduce the enemy’s combat potential. as a result of the complex fire impact, the losses of the ukrainian armed forces over the past month exceeded 23 people. killed and wounded. by february 7th they promise to complete the verification
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of signatures collected by presidential candidates in their support. then the list of all those who will continue to participate in the election race will become known. the chairman of the commission, ella pomfilova, announced this at a meeting of the central election commission today. egor grigoriev will tell you more about the results of the meeting. today at the central election commission, representatives of the central election commission spoke about the violations identified, in particular they discussed. shortcomings that were recorded in the documents of two self-nominated candidates, and the comments were the same, the lack of supporting financial documents on the production of signature sheets, the lack of a general protocol, and the lack of a list of those who collected signatures. such documents were also absent from the candidate of the russian rada, from candidate anatoly batashov. as for the russians, back on january 31, many were surprised when...
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this will happen after this election campaign is over. as for anatoly batashov, today he did not announce in the end how many signatures he brought in boxes, there were a little more of him with signatures, as many as five, nevertheless, the remark is the same, he did not withdraw his candidacy from the elections, although he said so in advance.
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this is his first time participating in election campaigns and he even once already tried to be registered as a presidential candidate, although he was unsuccessful; of course, he could not have been unaware of the violations that exist. however, today the central election commission also announced that on monday they will invite two more candidates for the post of president, sergei malinkovich, who was nominated by the party of the communists of russia and boris reliably from the civil initiative, now the verification of their documents is in full swing...
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we are sent almost every day and we receive answers about the results of the verification from these departments, on foreign accounts, on financial instruments, let me remind you that we have separate software with the central bank of russia, there are errors that, well, cause surprise when we see dozens and dozens of people
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who are no longer in this world, but they gave signature, the question of cleanliness arises , according to bulaev, 80 people are now actually checking documents around the clock, and the chairman of the central election commission said that she is ready to disappoint many, i want to disappoint everyone , the central election commission will act solely on the basis of the current legislation, someone likes it i don’t like it, also in the central electoral office today they reminded that... they are actively collecting applications for a mobile voter, this is a service that allows you to vote anywhere in the country, regardless of the place of registration, 160,000 such applications have already been submitted and 740,000 applications have been submitted for remote electronic voting, this means that you can vote through the state services portal, to
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take advantage of these opportunities, you just need to submit an application on the state services portal, contact the mfc or but in each in the city we had dozens, in nizhny novgorod there were more than 100 proposals for the program, so we decided to quietly take another week and a half in order to complete it and finalize it. minister of agriculture russian economy dmitry patrushev and presidential envoy to the southern federal district vladimir ustinov take part in ceremonial events in volgograd
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dedicated to the eighty-first anniversary of the victory in the battle of stalingrad. together with the regional governor.
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near the stand they give out ribbons like this, these are stalingrad ribbons, and the color is olive with a red stripe, this is exactly the color of the ribbon of the medal for the defense of stalingrad. without exaggeration, the battle of stalingrad is not only a turning point in the great patriotic war, but also
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of course, in world history as a whole, then more than 2 million people died, the exact date... of course, no one will say now, but everyone probably remembers from the stories, so to speak, from the stories of veterans, that it happened completely suddenly, on august 23, on a very hot, sultry day in forty -two at 16:18, the german army, the sixth army brutally attacked stalingrad, right here at the volgograd stand. i see that you even have here the first, one of the issues of stalingrad pravda, for which, for what date? hello, and we
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we are happy to welcome us at the stand of the volgograd region, and we are distributing newspapers, a copy of the newspaper , and from february 4, 1943, and excuse me , it’s okay, i also know that here with virtual glasses you can immerse yourself in... on the initiative of the popular front today in tula , the participants in this process today, here in one of the recognized historical centers of russian gunsmiths, a large forum is taking place and it has brought together many people who are in one way or another connected with the conduct... specifically military operations and all the work of whose whole life in the last year and a half there has been aimed at supporting our guys on the front line, and
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of course, we first of all think about them, about people who do not spare their lives, their health in order to ensure the interests of russia, but in this big work it is impossible achieve success. it is impossible to achieve victories if there is no support, and the support is very different, versatile, and in this regard, and in this regard, of course, the most important, the most basic contribution to the overall work is, of course, made by the enterprises of the defense industry, the military-industrial complex, this is a big part of our industry.
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this is a feature of today’s armed struggle; our defense industry demonstrates very good pace and quality of work here. and of course, if we compare
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modern nato weapons and the weapons of the last period of soviet times, they are inferior in some ways, by the way, not always, but if we take our newest weapons, they are clearly superior to everyone. this is an obvious fact, i mean missile technology, armored vehicles, everything that is used on the battlefield, i must say that we are not only you not only provide, i am now appealing to those who work at these enterprises, not only provide such high quality, but also quantity, well, armor protection is the most necessary,
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and how many times has the number of armored vehicles and other means of warfare and warfare increased? , aviation equipment , missile technology, including high-precision, long-range high-precision, in general, practically across the entire range, and quality and quantity are provided at a very good, high pace, which is needed in the country, this is what our defense industry is doing, and i know more than that that people work hard at enterprises, but if necessary, they go straight to the combat zone, directly to the front line , look on the spot, what and how it works, make appropriate adjustments, and well here you will say, yes, this is this too, if
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there are guys working right at the front, then... this is a good help for the rhythmic work of the defense complex, heads of enterprises, one of them is present here, have received the right to stimulate the work of those who work, works overtime, and by our decisions, accrue appropriate incentive payments, we will also work and think.
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over the solution of other social issues, first of all, of course, over the increase and further increase in wages, the solution of housing issues, issues of a social nature in the broadest sense of the word. in general, we will continue to work in all these areas, but of course, only the work of the defense industry; what the country is doing is not limited to, the work of everyone is extremely important here. our citizens, who in one way or another help the front, among the first of them i will name doctors, of course , because doctors on the front line, doctors in military hospitals, doctors in civilian medical institutions, do everything to support our guys, provide them with help,
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support, on time - to apply the latest means and the latest treatment methods, and this is the most important component of all success, well, i ’m not even talking about volunteers, this is a very wide movement throughout the country, i’m not talking about schoolchildren, i just talked about this recently, meeting them, people of different ages. not only schoolchildren, elderly people , everyone in one way or another takes part in this huge joint work, i don’t know, it ’s probably 99% of the entire population of the country, everyone is here, everyone works for the guys who are at the front line fighting today’s neo-nazis, who seized power in ukraine several years ago, as a result of a coup d'etat, and now their masters are targeting them at russia.
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they are used as a tool in the fight against russia, i repeat, that’s all, well, the overwhelming majority of citizens are citizens of our country, with the army, with the navy, together with our fighters, and this is the basis of our success, because this unity, this is what the guys who... fight behind their backs, feeling this support, of course, they acquire new strength in order to carry out the most complex and dangerous tasks that they perform, perhaps this is what i would like to say at the beginning, we still have such a wide forum, yes, i should note that we have been for several years ago they introduced the badge of honor for... ee for.


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