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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 2, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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is undergoing treatment, in addition, the supplied equipment, which is already working, uh, allows us to develop diagnostic and treatment technologies, and most importantly, for the first time in the republic of bashkartastan, we are starting to work with cellular technologies, starting bone marrow transplantation, previously this we have not carried out this on adults or children, children with cancer... this is one of the most serious and difficult categories of patients, and we are currently implementing everything under the supervision of our specialists, oncologists and hematologists, there are about a thousand children, to be more precise, this is 966 children, all of these children underwent reference diagnostics in federal centers, the possibility of round-the-clock counseling for children allows us to... provide
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high-quality assistance to make the accessibility of federal institutions here quite far from the center of our homeland, from the capital our homeland. i would like to thank you, vladimir vladimirovich, on behalf of our team, our friendly team, thank you for the implementation of the national healthcare project, which allows us provide quality assistance and most importantly. children have the opportunity, without leaving home , in fact, to get what they are entitled to by right , thank you very much, thank you, you have a center - children's pediatric oncology, hematology, it is now staffed by doctors, yes, yes, today, at the moment , the staffing level is 85% with doctors, 88% with nursing staff. great, good luck, all the best,
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thank you, thank you, vladimir vladimirovich, thank you, radi faritovich, radi faritovich, please, good afternoon, dear vladimir vladimirovich, good afternoon, dear colleagues , in general, this center is one of the most long-awaited healthcare facilities, unfortunately, children get sick, sometimes they get very seriously ill, so we wanted us in bashkaratstan to have the best conditions for both treatment and a comfortable stay . this is truly one of the most high-tech facilities now, it has a unique diagnostic laboratory base, i would like to say that from the moment the decision was made to provide federal support for the project, mikhail alberich directed us towards this there really was an object of the 21st century, we are supervised by the center of dima gragacheva, academician alexander grigorich frumyantsev, so even our doctors have already completed the necessary training, dear ones. we see how special
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everything that is connected with the treatment of children is with the attitude and attention you treat serious illnesses, so let me convey to you huge words of gratitude from the parents who are here from different regions of our republic, from the children, this center was truly a blessing for us really needed. i also wanted to report that over the past 5 over the past few years, our republic has produced an unprecedented amount of peace. and the volume of formation of the healthcare infrastructure, and this is reflected in the fact that the main indicators and demographic mortality from the disease have improved significantly. vladimir vladimirovich, 5 years ago you drew attention, including in our republic , to infant mortality, we resolved this issue, we have it significantly reduced and below the russian average. once again i wanted to thank you for your support, i wanted to thank the government. for very
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coordinated and effective work, thank you for your attention, yeah, well, for the sake of faridovich, we know that the development of healthcare in general is our responsibility, and as for the health of children, it is a sacred duty, so we will continue to work in this direction, of course, otherwise , that your mortality rate has become lower, the russian average, this is a good indicator, so i congratulate you on this, let’s move to yakutia, please, tatyana ivanovna. chief physician of the yakut republican oncology center, yakut republican oncology dispensary, please, nikolaeva tatyana ivanovna. dear vladimir vladimirovich, today is a very significant day for all yakut residents and healthcare. thanks to your support and the implementation of the national healthcare project, we are opening a new building.
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cancer center is a unique medical facility with a total area of ​​more than 25,000 km2, consisting of consultation and diagnostic... and inpatient departments with the best conditions for patients and medical staff. the center has a clinic for 210 visits per shift, this will allow us to receive more than 20,000 patients annually. we will begin outpatient appointments at the clinic on monday. inpatient departments with 180 beds are planned in stages until the end of this month. thanks to the advanced equipment of the new center, we will perform all types of diagnostics of malignant neoplasms; we also plan to double the number of operations, performing not 2,000 as now, but increasing to more than 4.0 per
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year. in each operating room we have a modern complex, an integrated operating room, which is a development of a domestic manufacturer. dear. vladimirovich, allow me to thank you for the support and attention you give to the health care of the country and the republic of sakha yakutia. oncologists of yakutia will make every effort to further improve the quality of medical care and develop the oncological service in the region. thank you. the mechanical equipment is all installed, everything is in place, right? yes, medical equipment is in place. how are you going to service it? we have trained specialists, and have allocated staff for technical center, we have our own medical engineers, who are still signed with us,
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and we will also conclude contracts for the maintenance of medical equipment. tatyana ivanovna, good luck, congratulations, thank you very much. icesensor. please, good evening, dear vladimir vladimirovich, good evening, dear colleagues, today for yakutia, as well as for other regions present here, is certainly the most important historical day, and we, from the bottom of our hearts, vladimirevich, thank you for the support that you provided us with support at all stages the construction of an oncology clinic began thanks to your instructions. over the years , 9 billion have been invested, of which 7 billion 600 million federal funds, 1,400 from the budget of the republic of sokha yakutia, and today we have, as mikhail berzhivich said, a modern high-tech onological center in which yakut residents can,
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without leaving the region , receive the most effective help in the fight against this terrible disease. in general, vladimirovich, in recent years. healthcare of yakutia thanks to your support, the support of the country’s government, has made a colossal leap forward, over the past few years the largest perinatal, cardiovascular , and now oncology centers have been introduced, which have become the framework of new high-tech medicine, medicine of the 21st century for the people of yakutia, and for our regions today other opportunities are appearing, with the support of the russian ministry of health, we introduced exactly a year ago... on this very day, the mobile doctor program, so that on-site teams would fly out to the inaccessible artchi territories from yakutsk, where we created a special center for mobile medicine carried out a medical examination, an in-depth examination of the inhabitants of the arctic, and you know, today
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, in a year, 60% of the inhabitants of the arctic have already received such services, people have simply enormous positive feedback about this particular... program, which is supported, i want to emphasize again, by the ministry of health of russia , now with the advent of new opportunities for our oncology service, of course, we will be able to provide early diagnosis, detection and fight against this terrible disease for all residents, including our hard-to-reach territories. i'm sure that this is all ours, all our joint work will bear good fruit, already today vladimirevich at the end of 20, the third year, the average life expectancy in yakutia for the first time in history exceeded the russian average, i am sure that it will continue with your broadest support, both health and the well-being of yakutians and all russians will only improve.
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thank you very much and once again happy holidays to everyone. aister sergeevich, thank you too for supporting all these projects. we know with you that the main task is already about this it was said that saving the people of russia, preserving health, increasing life expectancy is what you have achieved in yakutia. such a positive integrated indicator as life expectancy, which has become higher than the national average, this is great, i congratulate you, this is just a real result, but we know that our healthcare is developing in all areas, as for neoplasms, we have a big project, the same thing, we talk all the time about cardiovascular diseases, about development primary health care, we should never forget about this.
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who selflessly work in this field, think about it day and night
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, largely thanks to those people , achieve results, many thanks, for these centers, of course, words of gratitude to everyone who was involved in this work, in the center who organized this work, on the ground, who supported, allocated land there on time , provided some funds, solved problems related to housing, security, other issues of a social nature, all this is extremely important, all this only in combination gives the desired result, only joint work and this result brings it, and so i want to thank everyone, from builders to doctors, i congratulate everyone and wish you all the best, tatyana alekseevna and mikhailich, here i have now there was a meeting with those who work within the framework of the popular front with... employees and engineers, workers
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of defense enterprises, volunteers, with doctors who work to help our guys in the zone of a special military operation, several questions about your department, i will now simply indicate two of them, and then i will ask you to report separately in moscow, the first is grechka andrey vyacheslavovich, he is the director of the center. resuscitation , rehabetology, the federal center, it seems to be written in it, in his business card, raised the question of creating a center, first of all, this concerns children, also in the area, in the area that he deals with, this is neurosurgery, we’ll talk separately, and i i ask michal bertich to find him then, his colleagues will help and talk to his colleague, the second question is related to the level wages.
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vladimir putin opened cancer centers in russian regions. well, today the president also took part in the “everything for victory” forum. more than 600 people gathered there, including scientists and industry workers, doctors and military officers, volunteers and engineers. all of them are connected with the northern military district and do a lot to help our soldiers. we talked a lot today about
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the development of the russian economy and weapons production. the most important contribution to the overall work is, of course, made by the defense industry enterprise, the military-industrial complex, this is a large part of our industry, a huge army of people who work in this area, but our military-industrial complex includes 6.0 enterprises employing 3.5 million people, just in the last one and a half...
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after a short advertisement, watch the senate program, just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts, you can, connect for a maximum of...
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to have one in the medicine cabinet, the choice of millions in russia. two cutlets, special sauces, salads and cucumbers. standard vibiodobiki , biki, sesame bun, two cutlets with onions, special sauce, cheese, salads, cucumbers, legendary view, this is bik hit, bighit, only at a tasty point, hello, this is the senate program, my colleague vera krasova and i , union way russia
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and belarus, opposition to sanctions and the formation of a common economic space, the union state is decisively developing, moving forward, and the brix parliamentary dimension, issues of world politics and economics under the chairmanship of russia. expanding cooperation with iran, as agreed upon by the russians. senators during a visit to tehran. first of all, we discussed measures to ensure state and regional security and strengthen the defense capabilities of our countries. social innovations in russian regions, new professions and high competencies. what is the main request? these projects are related to active longevity, also sports, education, and culture. economic impetus for the reunited regions, development of small medium-sized businesses. what personnel are most in demand? there is still a shortage, this is a really large volume, a large number of specialists who are needed, a reliable rear, all possible support, how
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the state fund works, defenders of the fatherland, we work both to receive citizens and in a proactive mode, when social coordinators go directly to families, communicate, ask what kind of help needs to be provided, what kind of support cbo participants and their families can count on, our special report. new programs aimed at further multifaceted cooperation between russia and belarus, including in industry, agriculture, energy, transport and logistics, were approved in st. petersburg. a meeting of the supreme state council of the union state of russia and belarus was held at the konstantinovsky palace, and the chairman took part in it federation council. vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko approved documents aimed at integrating the two countries. according to the president of russia, thanks to the successful implementation of twenty-eight industry unions. programs, russian and belarusian legislation was unified, the legal and organizational foundations of a common economic space were formed, conditions were created for the implementation of a unified macroeconomic and
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monetary policy, as well as for joint work to minimize damage from illegal western sanctions. the sides approved and a new foreign policy agenda. in general, do our countries’ approaches to current and global regional problems coincide or are in many ways similar? i emphasized this separately.
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100% implementation, this means that the union state is decisively developing , moving forward, gaining momentum, all that is now required is to further adjust our interaction within the framework of the union state, taking into account new conditions, which are not always favorable, when belarus and russia are under pressure from west side, ours western neighbors, in order to try with all their might to prevent the union project. among the most important decisions that were made at the recent meeting of the supreme state council, i would highlight the emphasis on the development of scientific and technological labor.
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structures, it is clear that many logistics flows are now being redirected taking into account the sanctions that are being introduced through the european union, we understand that many cargo flows previously went through our neighboring lithuania, through other baltic republics, through the same ukraine, and this transport logistics in many respects will have to be built in a new way, well, within the framework of this strategy, not only to ensure the unhindered flow of products produced in the union state for export, but also...
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how are the preparations going today, what current topics will be addressed, what are the plans? russia has been presiding over brix since january 1 of this year, an action plan has been approved, there are about 200 positions, among them there are our parliamentary items, the main one of which is the holding of the tenth brix parliamentary forum, you are absolutely are right, it will take place in st. petersburg, now i can publicly announce for the first time...
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the dates are july 11-12, i am doing this because last week official invitations to our colleagues in the parliaments of the brix countries went out, this week the first meeting of the so-called sherpas authorized by the brix countries for interaction within the framework of the chairmanship of a particular country in the association took place in moscow, and there, already with our foreign partner, we had the opportunity to present these proposals, as they say on paper, can we now talk about it speak in the public space, but since the association expanded only this year, we, of course, must make sure that our partners equally understand the importance of the parliamentary dimension of brix and are equally ready to develop it further, and in order for the forum to be meaningful, effectively, we proposed to our colleagues 3 months before, this will also be announced by me for the first time today, 3 months before on april 11-12. here in moscow
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to hold, this will be the first time, a meeting of the chairmen of the committees on international affairs, all ten parliaments of the brix countries, well, there will be more participants, because in some cases we are dealing with bicameral parliaments, of course, we will wait for colleagues from both chambers where a bicameral parliament operates, in april we will begin for the first time discussing ideas for how can our interparliamentary interaction develop on... international platforms, say, all 10 countries represented in the interparliamentary union, i think it would not be a sin for our delegations there to unite each other more closely, since this our western opponents are doing, there are many other inter-parliamentary assemblies, where the brix countries are represented to one degree or another, and of course, there is very serious experience, national experience in the development of legislation in certain areas, which, of course, can and should be exchanged parliamentary.


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