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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 2, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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their first steps into the palihi, and in order to receive this highest school of skill they were sent to moscow, after that they do not want to return to their places of origin, they do not want to continue the work, which is very important for the preservation of our folk art crafts, cultural code, and that or another region, and we discussed what can be done, how, what should be... support measures, including state support, so that this or that student returns to their places of residence to continue working in those workshops, which are traditionally considered successful and are supported, including by the state, which means that we have identified a number of positions for ourselves, of course, wages, which are extremely low for young students who... or specialists
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who have just graduated from university, they do not yet have a name that would give them high wages. support measures related to the support of enterprises and the ministry of industry are working in this direction and actually support a number of enterprises that are on the register the ministry of industry and - even you know, there were the following: revolutionary proposals that were included in the protocol by analogy with the zemstvo felshers, to think over the same program for young masters, like the zemstvo master, who returned, he has the opportunity to receive both a one-time allowance, and the concern of the region or enterprise on provision. housing, of
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course, with government subsidies. since last year, branches of the state fund defenders of the fatherland have been operating in the country. his activities attracted a lot of attention. valentina matvienko spoke about this at a meeting with the chairman of the organization, anna tseveleva. according to the head of the upper house, our guys on the front line know that when they return, they themselves, as well as their relatives, have somewhere to go with any questions, what problems the foundation team helps solve, who are these people who are at the first call.
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special military operation, who are returning home to a peaceful life, as well as with the families of fallen soldiers, we resolve any issues at the request of our wards directly, they relate to medical issues rehabilitation, social support measures , payments, provision of prostheses, technical means of rehabilitation, issues of training, education, employment of children at high salaries...
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we will also provide support for these children, we work both to receive citizens and in a proactive mode when social coordinators go directly to families, communicate, ask what kind of help needs to be provided directly to the children, how many svo participants of their relatives the fund has already helped, what kind of help most in demand? to date, we have processed 6,000 requests. positive solutions have been found, the main issues relate to social support measures, these are payments, these are discounts on utility bills, this is obtaining certificates of combat operations, this is obtaining certificates that confirm that the injury was received as a result of a military injury, and the guys are also applying for high-tech prosthetics , sports prostheses to lead an active... lifestyle, play sports and
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maximally replenish that lost functionality that they received as a result of injury. in addition, we now have more and more questions. with whom the guys apply, this is in terms of obtaining specialization, obtaining education , including higher education, and we now provide quotas for free education, including second education, third, if there are such requests, and of course, the important issue of employment, young guys have small children, and of course they are interested in getting a profession, getting a good salary.
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in order to realize some of your desires, interests and goals in the future. comprehensive support for social adaptation, various support measures, legal assistance. veterans of the northern military district and their relatives in any branch of the fund can count on all this. our correspondent oksana poturkina was convinced of this. she visited one of the branches and is ready to talk about her impressions. here you can talk, drink tea and coffee at the same time. discuss issues, meet with colleagues, with your own. these meetings usually take place together informally male communication in the garage, this is the name of one of the locations of the unified support center, which serves as the capital’s branch of the defenders of the fatherland foundation. any participant in a special operation, regardless of category, and his relatives, as well as, for example, volunteers who
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were in the north military district zone, teachers, doctors, and construction workers can apply here. the center will help you receive support measures that are guaranteed at the regional level, undergo career counseling and retraining, and find a job. a psychologist will also be provided here... the building has an adaptation zone in urban environment, conditions are as close as possible to real ones, and even traffic lights, stops and buses are real. the second building of the center is designed for the adaptation and socialization of returning soldiers through sports, communication and active leisure, however, any activity here has practical significance and returns
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military personnel to ordinary life, be it cooking lessons or playing billiards, training in which, by the way, is conducted by veterans svo. we had a competition between wheelchair users and people with prosthetics. great credit for how it was right away the work of the fund is planned, the correct chain of deputies who separately supervise the medical part, social support, works on the legal part, at the same time, integration into the social coordinators included people from among
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the categories of the fund, that is, those who are directly involved in this situation in life, and this is the lipetsk region, where the foundation’s specialists organized groups in one of the districts of the region. there are plans to extend them to the entire region, including for the psychological rehabilitation of northern military district veterans. we understand the importance of these tasks and the fact that when the guys return, not everyone can immediately perceive that there are some kind of post-traumatic syndromes or something similar, so the decision was made to launch this project. to support svo participants and their family members , charitable projects are being created. strong rear is one of. when my husband went to the front, i realized that i couldn’t sit on the sidelines and watch all this, and i decided that somehow i could help our military. natalya is an employee of the russian social fund, she united like-minded people and other caring people who help the front. it’s a great joy when
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letters from small children arrive, expressing gratitude and wishing them to return home strong, alive, and unharmed. recently, the moscow branch of the social fund organized a patriotic event in one of the pavilions. in the dnh, where military personnel who had visited the northern military district zone were invited. oksana podturkina, egor gerazimov and andrey litvin, senate program. in the twenty-first year, russia will continue active cooperation on climate change. subpoenas. a few years ago , the first stage of the national action plan for adaptation to climate change was approved. the main measures were identified that will help the population and natural objects cope with difficult climatic conditions. the second stage of the plan , directed by the supreme executive body , is designed until 2025. we will talk with senator gennady ordenov about what measures will be taken. we held a number of events in the federation council with constituent entities and federal ministries. on summing up results of the first stage, it would be more correct to say that the second stage is a kind of
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springboard, a transition period, during which we first finalize all the remaining issues and then move on with renewed vigor to solving new problems. as part of the second stage of adaptation to climate change , first of all, in the first quarter of 2024 , relevant departments need to create a form. so-called feedback from regions and corporations, in other words, to finalize and present complete methodological recommendations on issues of adaptation to climate change, it is also planned to establish monitoring of soil stability in the arctic zone of the russian federation, during the entire period of action of the action plan, an assessment of possible damage from the impact of climate risks, including those associated with...
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in the twenty-fifth year , higher professional education programs should be developed , professional retraining programs for advanced training in the field of climate risks and adaptation to climate change in various industries economy. on october 26, the president approved the climate doctrine of the russian federation, which confirms the goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2060 . tell us more about measures to decarbonize economic sectors and increase the absorption capacity of managed ecosystems. as for
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decarbonization measures, based on the results of our events, recommendations were developed for the relevant ministries and departments, in particular, the government of the russian federation was recommended to test the methodology assessing possible damage from the impact of climate risks, monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of measures to adapt to climate change. on the territory of one specific subject or municipality or settlement . the ministry of economic development of the russian federation recommended strengthening the overall coordination of work on updating and linking industry corporate, municipal and regional plans for adaptation to climate change, ensuring the approval of methodological recommendations for assessment possible damage from the impact of climate risks. the hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring service was recommended to ensure that
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the public is informed about the ongoing expected climate changes, their causes and the consequences of possible adaptations to them. next week, senators will discuss government support and incentives for the production of hard-to-recover oil and gas reserves. the possibility of a special procedure for considering appeals from sbo participants regarding the protection of their rights will be touched upon. will consider current issues of development of the fuel and energy complex in the constituent entities of the country. see you in a week. see you on the senate program. the unity of russian citizens is amazing and guarantees the victory of our country. vladimir putin stated this at the everything for victory forum, which is taking place in tula. there was talk about supporting fighters in the northern military district zone, economic development and weapons production. with details margarita semenyuk. in the tula kremlin, head of state vladimir putin met on the same platform with participants of the people's forum
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front "everything for victory." five hundred guests from different regions of russia gathered here. the head of state noted the enormous role of the military-industrial complex of the tula region, the historical land of the gunsmiths. the defense-industrial complex consists of 600 enterprises and 3 and a half employees. the work at russian industrial complex enterprises is now going on colossally, in what is called three shifts. continuously, the production of fundamentally new equipment is being mastered, while production volumes are constantly growing, day by day, week by week, month by month, over the year a number of indicators have increased, the indicators are increasing not by percentages, but by several times, we just spoke with your colleagues and yours, who are sitting here in the first rows, i see, i have already given these figures, i will repeat them now, and but first i want to say, addressing to the employees of the defense industry enterprise once again, you
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have fulfilled the order of your homeland, thank you for this. this includes missile technology, armored vehicles, everything that is currently being used on the battlefield. i note that the day before the president signed a decree establishing the order for valiant labor, and today, the team of the scientific and production association splav became the first holder of such an order. by decree of the president of the russian federation. for their merits in strengthening and developing the scientific defense potential of the russian federation, the team of the scientific and production association alloy named after kanichev was awarded the order for valiant labor. the order is presented to the general director of the association, renat
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makhmutovich idrisov. also the president of russia. held a meeting with activists of the popular front, where he freely communicated with representatives healthcare, with volunteers, with employees of the avaron-industrial complex, people told their stories of helping the front. for example, businessman kirill bespalov talked about how he went to the kherson region in order to help eliminate the consequences after the explosion of the kokhov hydroelectric power station, talked about...
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they want this return to their homeland, just like the vast majority of people in the country want to help donbass, they don’t want to throw people there under the wheels of these neo-nazis, it pains me to talk about this now, but i’ll say it anyway, when our unit withdrew from the kharkov region, we know what was going on there, what these scum were doing?
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to protect our people in the donbass, now it could not have been completely different, if we were not in the kherson region, there in zaporozhye, that means in novorussia, we would not do anything, we would not help, we would have abandoned people in crimea, what our country would have turned into in the end , to a decrepit, not self-sufficient, in fact unnecessary country, which is all with its presence in large quantities. resources that everyone from the outside would stroke patronizingly over the head and would give us rotten potatoes as humanitarian aid, and at the same time we would always think about how and how to chop off, create such rules in the world economy as to extinguish all our competitive advantages, everything that is possible, keeping in
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mind their advantages in the sphere there, say , of the same defense industry, they save people under enemy fire, shared their experience of how they had to literally get out from under enemy fire and such stories when militants... hit ambulances, civilians there are a lot of cars and civilian infrastructure, what is called the armed forces of ukraine, it has turned, of course, into such a terrorist
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organization, by the way, they shoot at ambulances, you know, i remember, some time ago, a year ago, i don’t remember, i don’t talked about this, we don’t have anything so secret here anymore, the interception was simply when... armored vehicles of the armed forces of ukraine tried to enter donetsk, interception, just tankers talking to each other via communication in the tank, which means a local resident left the house, well, from private house, he has a family there, children there they were running somewhere, this one of the tankers, soldier vysu, took him and shot him, and he came out in these, in a tracksuit, the second one asks him, why are you here? did, a man in a tracksuit just came out of the house, he has a family in his house, you can hear children running around there, the answer: yes, they are all terrorists here, he just
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took it and shot him. head of state vladimir putin emphasized that all doctors who risk their lives to save people are real heroes, like all those who selflessly help our soldiers at the front. margarita semenyuk, dmitry shevelev, maxim devitaykin, news from tula. the red winks airline is also doing well today , launching passenger flights on the tu-214, the airliner has undergone modernization, the first flight departs to sochi from zhukovsky airport, we’ll find out all the details right now from our correspondent alena logvinova, she ’s in direct contact with us. alena, hello, so, has the flight departed or not? anton, good evening, he is really leaving. is on the runway and in a few seconds will fly to sochi. it is worth noting that this is indeed updated liiner to-214, the cabin is designed for
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194 passengers, the flight range at maximum load is 5,200 km with a minimum load of approximately 7.00 km, this is what the red winks company told us about the update of this airliner. it should be a good impression. in principle , they are good planes, because i know where they are serviced, my relatives work at the factory, i already knew the ticket right away, i consciously chose it, i consciously went for it, it was directly written on the ticket when booking, this aircraft was manufactured at kazan aviation plant in 2009, until 2017 it was in operation from... in 2023, a decision was made to update it after it had not been in
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operation for some time. in december 2023, this airliner received a new flight certificate. the aircraft underwent an event to restore airworthiness with the attraction of government support measures from budget funding , work was carried out and was secured. for work to restore airworthiness, a full range of measures was carried out to assess the technical condition, and replacing components, checking the operability of all air subnet systems, and we are pleased to welcome our first passengers on our first flight to sochi. and before that , the red wings airline fleet mainly consisted of dry superjet stony aircraft designed for 98 to 100 passengers, which means that thanks
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to here, the passenger capacity is greater than a given aircraft, another class of aircraft is a medium-haul fleet, the passenger capacity is greater, the flight range is again more, it allows transport more passengers over longer distances, from point... 345 it must land there, it is worth noting that starting next week the airline will begin using updated 214 airliners from domodedovo to yerevan.
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effectively, this is how every citizen should receive help if he is diagnosed with oncology, vladimir putin reminded of this when opening specialized medical institutions in three at once.
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and we all understand, even if we are not experts in this complex field, we all understand that early detection, timely initiation of treatment makes it possible to defeat many types of this disease, preserve life and quality of life; a lot has already been done in this regard; examinations for the most common types of cancer are included in medical examination and preventive examination programs in the regions. more than 500 outpatient oncology care centers have already been opened, where you can undergo the full range of tests, and in the future, if necessary , outpatient treatment, 18 reference centers have been created and operate, which are at the highest at a scientific level, they help clarify the diagnosis, find optimal treatment methods, well, now on to
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other topics on... germany transport workers strike. bus, tram and metro drivers did not go to work. trade unions are demanding higher wages and better working conditions. well, earlier german farmers demanded the same thing. and it is agricultural workers who are now organizing mass actions throughout the european union. natalya goncharova about people's dissatisfaction. incompetent ruling elites have brought europe into decline. this conclusion was reached in british telegraph. results of the eu summit dedicated to the problems of farmers. the eu authorities must protect the interests of european farmers from ukraine, and not vice versa. this is what hungarian prime minister viktor orban thinks. he again criticized the uncontrolled tranches to the kiev regime at a time when europe is drowning in internal problems. the leaders of the european union countries resorted to a ruse. according to the new york times, they assigned roles to convince orban to agree to a new
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aid package for kiev. they will take the money owed to us and send it to ukraine. i need it was necessary to negotiate in order to prevent this in any way. one of the main demands of the farmers is the rejection of cheap ukrainian products in favor of the domestic market. according to farmers, yes, these products are cheaper, but they do not meet strict eu standards. results of the discussion. in brussels, orban called it a victory, and his adviser published a photo premiere with the caption “the hussar attack is working.” we should not allow ukrainian agricultural products into the european market, this is unfair. farmers have been saying for years that their situation is becoming increasingly heavier. i lived in a village as a child and know firsthand about the problems of people involved in agriculture. and while an internal crisis is growing in europe due to disputes between farmers,
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the situation at the front is getting worse for kiev. to change the situation in ukraine so that sponsors do not install the armed forces of ukraine, russian troops have time to prepare. the russian command has a good idea of ​​what western weapons have not yet been delivered to ukraine; at this stage of the conflict, they have months, if not years, to model their consequences proactively develop countermeasures. in germany too. give a disappointing assessment of the state of the ukrainian armed forces soldiers. spiegel writes that the military has to share the trenches with the dead. there is a depressing atmosphere in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, and the fighters do not want to fight. the wife of one of them told spiegel that in the fall, together with other relatives of the soldiers, they went out to the maidan five times, calling for the return of their men from the front, but no one listened to the people. natalya goncharova, lead.


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