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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 2, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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his views on the migrant crisis or other issues in the united states and the world. anton dadykin, news! vladimir putin today took part in the everything for victory forum in tula. more than 600 people took part in it: workers of science and industry, doctors and military officers, volunteers and engineers. all of them are connected with the northern military district and do a lot to help our soldiers. we talked a lot today about the development of the russian economy and the production of weapons. the most
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important contribution to the overall work is, of course, made by enterprises of the defense industry, the military-industrial complex, this is a big part of our industry, a huge army of people who work in this area, but our defense-industrial complex includes 6,000 enterprises that employ 3.5 million people. over the last year and a half alone, 520 thousand new jobs have been created in the defense industry. in order to be successful on the battlefield today, you need to quickly and adequately respond to events occurring on the battlefield. whoever does it all faster wins. of course, if we compare modern nato weapons and the weapons of the latter soviet period.
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who, from the outside, would all patronizingly stroke heads and give us rotten potatoes as humanitarian aid, and at the same time would always think about how to chop off and create such rules in the world economy as to extinguish all our competitive advantages, everything that we can have in i mean, their advantage in the sphere there, say , the defense industry is the same, their advantage in the political... sphere is taken away from us, but if we don’t want to leave such a decrepit, useless country, we don’t want to doom our children in order for them to feel like second-class citizens, we must make our country self-sufficient, well, now footage from the telegram channel of pavel zarubin, the author and host of the moscow kremlin program putin, the president stopped by to visit one of the employees of the tula oncology center. arrived unexpectedly.
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in russia, more than 112 million people can vote in the presidential elections this march. this data takes into account voters in new regions of the country. and they were reported today in tsika. almost 2 million more russians can vote abroad. natalya solovyova found out how preparations for the elections are going. russian regions are preparing for elections. we are waiting for you at the polls.
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thanks a lot. in chukotka it will be clarified that 37,000 people vote on the voter lists in the region. geologists, reindeer herders, workers of mines and weather stations will make their choice ahead of schedule, starting on february 25, because many of them live in remote areas, and members of election commissions will have to get there by helicopters, all-terrain vehicles and even swamp vehicles. russians are also preparing to vote in elections military, including those who are currently in the special operation zone. first. voting will last 3 days from march 15 to 17, preparations for it have entered the final phase, issues of participation in the elections of military personnel, members of their families and civilian personnel of the armed forces are being worked out in detail. particular attention is paid to ensuring voting of personnel in the zone
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of special military operation. those 2 years on the front line of the belgorod region, the front-line region at the headquarters of candidate vladimir putin, are already working with families as participants special operations. the soldiers' rest stop was organized on the site of a former cafe; today it is a versatile aid station for soldiers. on the way to their positions, military personnel can stop by here for a free hot lunch, clothes, and there is also a bathhouse for them. artyom zhoga appreciated the people's initiative. and
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vladimir mashkov met with cultural workers in nizhny novgorod, together they discussed support for art and talked about problems, with special attention to the lack of personnel. according to the people's artist, the new program is zemstvo cultural worker. will help attract small towns and villages have more specialists. earlier, at a meeting with trusted officials in moscow, vladimir putin supported vladimir mashkov’s proposal. this is really a very important thing, support for those creative people, those cultural workers who will come to small towns, villages, because there is a shortage of spaces and specialists who will work with young people and...
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thank you, thank you very much, and we also have a gift, a bunny, thank you very much , thank you, i also have a bunny, look, stick, come here, here’s one for you, if your mother allows you to make a computer , you can, well, you yourself, according to the schedule, yes
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, according to the schedule, decide for yourself, here i have polinochka, polinochka, hold, a gift , like this, such a bear, look, oh, what a bear, oh, “hello, polina, hi, i need some soft animals that my mother ordered for me, well, here, here’s another soft animal, polina, what can i say?” “hold it, thank you, please, and you, and you are dancing, yes , and some in the yard, in the garden of tlopinsk in the yard, in the garden there is a klopinka, well, that’s how it should be, well done, yes, applause, well done, seshok prepared, i’ve prepared a seshok, raspberry, tell me about the seshok, yes, come on, no miracles can replace the edge of the vadima. only here everything is so loved, rivers, heads and rice, here from a sweet
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threshold, the country begins , there are many other countries on the map, only the homeland is on us, wow, but what is the name of your teacher in kindergarten, teacher, somehow, tatyana georgievna , the frosts, yeah, very strong enough, how the house survived, because this is only the first
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winter, everything, everything is fine, somehow honestly and especially we didn’t feel the frosts at all, well new year's holidays, of course, we were at home, didn't go out much in the cold, people were afraid to let everything get cold, yes , there was a performance on us, so we were careful here as best we could, so no, everything is very good, excellent, our boiler worked at sixty yes in my opinion, even we set it to 70, the house worked well. how exactly they built it very quickly , all the projects are standard here, which means there is absolutely nothing so complicated here, communications let us down, the city was involved in the regional center , regional money, how much does it cost, well, when we did it we've got approximate documentation of about m...
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they've only been populated for seven of them yet, and the government itself , which oversees the health care system, is in charge , they have their own, that means, developed methods , there's selection, there's certain criteria that they, that means, they are selecting for there is already a certain category of people who have applied, they are now just studying them, which means competencies, it’s just that we were driving from the center, driving, we were driving along the obligatory road, because the road that leads directly, this means that it significantly shortens the road to the ankocenter, it is in need of renovation, they didn’t want to show it to you, because it is in the renovation plans, and in general this... which connects, housing is being developed quite seriously here, there are still
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plans for further construction , it means that the microdistrict is quite like this, well, it is in demand, and of course there is a need there, i wanted to turn to you there for help, that they helped the road that connects this new microdistrict, the prenatal center cottage village one, but now we are looking, well now at probably not in the twenty-fourth year, but in the plans for the twenty-fifth to twenty-sixth it means... a phd thesis, as a rule, more than 10 years of total work experience, medical experience, and if you give 10 years, as they say, in a hospital, you give it to the tula medicine , then you can roll the property, how many years, 10 years, 10 years -
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almost fully staffed yes, well, we don’t forget, we are mid -level specialists and so on and so forth, and the kindergarten is far away, no, not far away and work mine is also nearby, also along this road, that is, on kaluga highway, yeah. i have a loyal, very wonderful management, which helped a lot, was very understanding about the fact that we are somehow
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alone here, so yes, i am very grateful to them, in principle, my people are simply amazing. i honestly haven’t come across such an understanding anywhere, that is, with the words, well, we’re all mothers, well, we’re all, well, no one was imprisoned, so they’re generally very good people, it’s all so well organized there, we have a tula soul, comfortable ride, it’s very good here, there is a parking lot, there is even a small barbecue area, here is sterovskaya small yes, well, this is in the summer of course, that is, there is some kind of here. support for the medical workers, for the opportunity to work in such a modern hospital , you saw the hospital, it’s huge, it’s state-of -the-art, so to speak, thank you
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very much for the support of the medical staff, this is a very huge support, there... vladimir putin visited seven employees of the tula regional oncology center. the head of the ministry of agriculture is on a working trip to the volgograd region today. dmitry patrushev visited the plant pridonia gardens company, and then held a meeting on the readiness of the southern one. federal district and new russian regions for the sowing season. artyom yamshakov. more details about everything. at a working meeting, minister of agriculture dmitry patrushev and governor andrei bacharov discussed the tasks of developing rural areas, continuing to ensure food security, the readiness of farmers for the new season and the implementation of state support measures. last year, the region fully
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utilized federal funds in the amount of 4 billion rubles. we have reached such a pace. thanks to directly, naturally, with the support of the president, your support, yes, and today i would be ready to report once again that the volgograd region has completed all tasks to ensure food security in full. the volgograd region has firmly established itself as one of the country's leaders in agricultural production. more than 3 million hectares are allocated for harvest in the spring; winter crops make the main contribution to the all-russian loaf. the south of russia produced
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a cleaning plant in 2023. in the republic of kalmykia the seed requirement is 5,000 tons, while we produce over 10,000 tons. this means that we are selling them to neighboring regions. it is the products of domestic selection that should become a support in the work of farmers in the new season. for this purpose, special support measures are provided, and for this purpose we, in dialogue with science and business
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, are working to create new varieties and hybrids that take into account requests. industry, russia has its own good seeds, it is necessary through common efforts to actively introduce them into our production, and the southern federal district in in my opinion, this issue should generally act as a flagship, the authorized representative of the president of russia in the southern federal district, vladimir ustinov, especially noted that ensuring the spring sowing campaign at a high, high-quality level is the most important state task, today the head of our state sets tasks for... increasing quality and accessibility of food products for the population, ensuring widespread import substitution in agriculture . for their solutions , significant government support is allocated in industry, governor andrei bacharov reported on the high degree of readiness of the volgograd region for spring field work. the head
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of the region emphasized that the task plans for this year have been approved, and there are enough forces and resources to implement them. the region's farms have accumulated standard reserves of seeds, mineral fertilizers, fuels and lubricants, including supplies of which continue without interruption. readiness of agricultural machinery.
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municipality. the new gas pipeline was connected to three more villages in the territory with a length of almost 11 km, it started working thanks to the federal program for additional gasification. let me remind you of the president’s instructions. the project provides for free communications for residents to the boundaries of the plots. for. have already been completed by supplying gas to the boundaries of land plots, but the most important thing is that in less than 2 years the technical possibility
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of connecting gas has been ensured throughout the large agglomeration of the city of kirov. the european commission supported the robbery, that is, the use of proceeds from frozen russian assets to partially finance ukraine. which sum?
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special accounts, and after writing off the necessary taxes , the income will go to the budget of their russian assets and will be sent to help kiev. just on the eve of this decision, data on the net interest income of the euroclear financial group was released. in 2023, this is 5 billion euros, of which approximately 80% is what was earned.
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the russian federation does not have a legal framework for this. the promised 50 billion euros will not be sent to ukraine right away; funding is calculated until 2027, and 17 billion is grants and 33 billion loans, which means kiev will have to return this money. but getting them will not be so easy, as the political publication writes. viktor orban managed to achieve three important changes in the final support project. the european commission should. temporarily provide reports on the implementation of amounts paid. discussion of expenses will be at the level of leaders of eu member states. and if necessary,
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a new budget plan will be reviewed in 2 years. which goes to support ukraine, experts do not rule out that after this victory of viktor orban, an example with it can be taken by other participants. the small countries of europe, the countries of eastern and central europe, they look with interest at the policy of budapest in the sense that it is actively, but is a troublemaker, actively bargaining in western europe and getting some money for it their dividends, the bargaining situation is becoming typical for... and the european union, of course, these contradictions are the ability of small countries to use existing foreign policy issues to solve their own problems within european union, we will see similar examples in the future. in the meantime , the question arises to what extent even the announced 50 billion euros until 2027 can become an economic salvation for ukraine. a budget deficit
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is expected this year. at a level of about 40 billion dollars, prime minister of ukraine denis shmygali stated at the end of last year: the country’s economy is in survival mode, the office of the president of ukraine has already stated that an additional 10-15 billion dollars are needed, but the total national debt of ukraine based on the results of the past year updated its historical maximum, the figure increased by a third - this is 145 billion dollars, while internal economic problems in the eu are becoming more and more obvious. the european union has huge problems, but their source is sanctions. the european union simply destroyed its competitive advantage in the world economy, that is, the ability to buy russian resources at competitive prices, and thus launched a severe crisis, an industry crisis, a national crisis, especially strong in germany. in this sense, of course, the european union is committing monstrous
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self-destruction. kiev expects that money under the long-term assistance program from the eu will begin to arrive in march. this was stated by the minister of finance of ukraine sergei marchenko. at the same time, ukraine will be able to receive funding only in exchange for fulfilling eu requirements, and this includes support for effective democratic mechanisms, including a multi-party parliamentary system, as well as the rule of law and guarantees of respect for human rights, including minorities. and also from kiev is expected... to develop a specific reform plan; whether vladimir zelensky’s office will be able to take all this into account is still an open question. and everyone told me that this problem cannot be solved, everything is solved with the national education project. in
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