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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 2, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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under the leadership of the ministry of health, this is the creation of vaccines that induce antibodies of broad specificity, i will explain what this means, if this technology is mastered and created in the next year and a half, this will allow in 3-4 years to have universal vaccines against covid , universal vaccines against influenza , and also, i do not exclude this, appears. real possibilities of creating a vaccine against the human immunodeficiency virus, which , 44 years after the discovery of this virus, humanity has not yet created, this a very promising technology, which is now actively funded in the west, we have also started developing this technology, but again i repeat, in order to be competitive here, like in chess yes...
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the sounds of the battles going on nearby are impressive.
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former us marine corps officer, military analyst on afghanistan, the soviet union, the middle east, in the nineties, un weapons inspector in iraq. scott ritter, at the beginning of a special military operation in ukraine, in his comments tried
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to explain to western audiences that nato itself forced russia to take this step. in early 2008, william burns was the us ambassador to russia. in 2008, he wrote a memorandum entitled. doesn't mean yet, not yet, no , means no, essentially, he said that ukraine is inviting nato as a red line, and if nato invites ukraine, then the inevitable consequence will be russian military intervention in ukraine, this is the ambassador. usa, an expert who provides his expert advice to the us government. in november 2008, we invite ukraine to join us. now let's just put this into perspective. you have received a memorandum from the ambassador stating that if you do this, then war will be the final consequence, and you will do it anyway, which means you want war. are you looking for this conflict? so 2014 is not a trigger. he is one of the few western journalists who went against the general stream of russophobia and invited viewers to look at the reasons for the military. it is simply fantastic to say that ukraine
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is capable of defeating russia. ukraine never intended to defeat russia. we hoped that ukraine would be able to bind russia enough to create political problems for putin. putin is running for re-election in march, he will win a landslide victory, he is the most popular president in modern russian history. like this. scott knows the russian language and russia in general quite well. my name is alexander lukenov, i am a journalist for russia 24, and i want to make a short film about your visit to donbass. well, the very first question is, what is your expectation, what do you want to see here? what you, as an analyst, don't know. this is my first visit to donbass. i saw television stories and read what other
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journalists were writing, but i was thousands miles from this place, was at home in america. it is very important for an analyst to see with his own eyes what is happening. therefore , it was extremely important for me to visit donbass, to see and feel it for myself. there were no expectations. i'm here to study. you perform a lot on the internet.
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what can britain do here, if we look at the events of the past year? they can only give ukraine weapons so that
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the ukrainians will continue to kill russian soldiers, but the russians will not back down. this will not change the balance of power. the only thing is what britain can guarantee is more suffering, but it hasn't changed the outcome. what you are telling me, i saw while working in the summer on the zaporozhye front. shot square 6258 am i watching or how far away did i take it?
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fire defeat, it covers the target, for understanding, you are an american citizen, a former american military man, you were on the other side of the barricades, what made you now be on the side of russia? i'm not with russia, i'm with the truth. if russia told lies, then i would not be for it. if russia stood on the side of evil, i wouldn't be with russia. i am an american and i am with america. but at the moment russia is the only one who is telling the truth, and the truth is on russia’s side. she fights against bandera nazi ideology. therefore, i am on the same side with russia. i had a certain sympathy for russia, and even when you were the soviet union, one might say, my
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enemy, i studied your culture, your literature, your language, i still have a desire. but now our government believes that russia is doing wrong, but i am not the us government, i am a us citizen, my my mind is open, my heart is open, and my heart and my consciousness say that russia is on the side of the truth, and i will do everything possible to ensure that both my government and the citizens of america understand that russia is on the side of the truth.
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they are trying, but i’m not afraid, you know the story of an american journalist who recently died in a ukrainian prison, yes, they are bloodthirsty killers, the kiev regime, i’m telling you this right now, the american journalist and blogger gonzalo leary was detained by the sbu in may last year in kharkov for criticizing zelensky. journalist in custody fell ill with pneumonia, but was not given medical care. his father tried to draw attention to the detainee’s situation; elon musk wrote about this journalist, but not the consulate. neither the us government made any attempt to help its citizen. why didn’t the government pull him out and save him? this is a very good question and one that everyone should ask themselves. a wall street journal employee is in custody, and every day the us government is lobbying the russian government to release him from prison, but the u.s. the government did not even fight for an hour for the life of
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gonçal lira. this is a tragedy. thank you for the interview, we will spend some more time with you today. thank you. a guest from america moves through the streets of donetsk in an armored car. at each stop, machine gunners control the perimeter from drg threats, the area in which we move is under direct fire from the ukrainian armed forces, so information about where the cattle will be at one time or another is not advertised anywhere, so as not to provoke a missile strike, directly 2 km, but i am interested in the question: is it unsafe will scott return to his homeland after his visit to donetsk?
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to see russia now scott was invited by alexander zaryanov, who works for the development corporation of the novosibirsk region, together they have already visited eighteen russian regions, traveled from irkutsk to sochi, and now to donetsk, crimea, chechnya. well , cottu and i promised to show the real russia, so we had a big trip, we drove 3,000 by car from grozny to sochi to sevastopol, we traveled on trains in ordinary compartments. russian - in in general, we looked at irkutsk, novosibirs, yekaterinburg, kazan, and scott wanted to see his place of work in the soviet union when he worked in votkinsk. from 1988 to
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1990, scott was on assignment as a us inspector at the votkinsk engineering plant. at this enterprise, ballistic missiles were assembled according to an international agreement, each side controlled their quantity. in otkinsk, scott met his future wife. izhevsk, grozny, volgograd, scott also really wanted to see the motherland of mother monument, and the memorial to the defenders of stalingrad, and sevastopol, simferopol, we tried to show some cultural objects and cities, and we visited a lot of historical museums, our may trip ended in sochi, then i invited scott back in the winter on new year’s to visit russia, moscow. alexander says that in everyone. in the city the american journalist was welcomed as one of their own, the secret of such popularity is explained simply: and what was especially pleasant for me in sevastopol was when we, well, for security reasons, after all, the first visit was, we
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we went out in the evening for a walk on the embankment and even at dusk, and young people came up to take pictures, guys of 16, 18, 20 years old recognized him, came up, asked for a photo, in general in russia people have a very big demand for justice and people really like his position scott, she’s not pro-russian, if you look at it this way, she’s practically... american, he believes that it would be more beneficial for the united states to be friends with russia, of course, he views many things fairly , i think we have in the country this is such a review is located, finds, because well, people want the truth to be known about them even in the usa, we people don’t like that we are demonized, there is russophobia in the usa, people want to be friends and live peacefully, so that they know the truth about us, too, that we are like that same people, like in the usa, ordinary people, that we don’t want to fight, we want to live, create families, raise children there, come to visit the usa, so that us citizens come to visit us, you know, the last thing the russians want is war, because we know its price, we lost in the last world war 27
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millions of people and... we definitely don’t need war, well, at the same time, if we are provoked, then we know how to fight, better than anyone, but we don’t want that. the first stop is a memorial with the defender of donbass, for him the second world war, in which the usa and the ussr were allies, including personal history. that's why i support russia, because my uncle fought in world war ii against nazism.
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the camera lens of his phone also captures the alley of modern-day donbass defenders. lugansk. monument to children who died here from hands of the armed forces of ukraine of nationalist battalions. at the time when this memorial sign was installed, the names were established. 34 dead
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children, these are children who died as a result of ukrainian aggression from 2014 to 2018, unfortunately children continued to die, at the moment on the slab, only on this slab, which is near the monument, the names of 68 children are carved, the youngest girl is 28 days old . having visited this place, the next day, scott ritter, at a press conference in moscow, will publicly ask for forgiveness on behalf of the american people for the victims of this military conflict.
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apparently, he believes that this is partly the case. it’s his fault that he hasn’t yet been able to explain to everyone in the usa that russia needs to be treated with respect, as an equal, and that money should not be sent overseas to kill slavs, but to solve its own social issues, of which there are many in the states. this is scoto’s second trip to russia, and he hopes not the last; he believes in the power of public diplomacy and the power of words, despite the fact that guns are louder now. hello, international review is on air, in the studio fyodor lukyanov. today on the program is an international review. event weeks, chronicle, facts, comments,
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the art of making enemies. the texas people's republic, the cowboy cossacks rebelled, what are the causes of the conflict? migration processes in the usa, who benefits from the influx of migrants? scene from the scene of the event. in the middle east zone. the conflict is contradictory: on the one hand , they started talking about a possible long-term ceasefire in gaza, in fact the end of a major operation, on the other, as a result of a drone attack, the first americans died in the region in 3 years, three victims on the border of jordan and syria. washington accused pro-iranian groups. congressional hawks.


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