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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 2, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am MSK

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previous with the previous decade , so this formulation of the question is relevant now, but in this vein this question has been posed for decades, starting in 2001 after the attacks on the twin towers, in fact, then this question of the security of the southwestern border of the united states.
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space, because it also changes its configurations, there is a constant, as it were, that has developed in this border area between the usa and mexico, but the structure of migration flows has changed over this period, i would say that now is the third stage of development of this migration crisis, the migration process, well, we know from other sciences that the fourth is already terminal, so apparently.
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the central american migration crisis, here is the mexican-american border, but in the south in south america there was a venezuelan one from each other, this is in the north a migration crisis, the active phase of which was in the seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth years, when there was a struggle internal to venezuela, and internal political struggle, worsening situation with security, economic deterioration of the economic situation, active in the introduction of sanctions. trump administration, which also
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influenced this, the level of stability and instability in the country, and millions, tens, hundreds of thousands of people began to leave venezuela, then this crisis spread and occupied the countries of south america, and these two spaces were conditionally independent of each other friend, what we are seeing now is the annexation, including of venezuela.
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space is space with redundant labor resources, and mexico is a country that is an active donor of migration, and it is a country that throughout its history. that mexico is a country of immigration, because well, there is the history of argentina, the history of brazil, where in the 19th century 30% of the population, uruguay, argentina were migrants, this is not the case of mexico, at the beginning of the 21st century in mexico the population of foreign origin is no more than
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1 %. wow, in general, in these times, this is simply nothing, and therefore for mexico to be a receiving country, despite the fact that it is an active donor, like all latin american countries. this a very complex change in this model, and what we have been observing since the middle of the second decade, when mexico, with great effort, began to become involved in the process of controlling migration, in the process of accepting migration , in the process of actively providing asylum, and for the country in which there was no this experience , which continues to be an active migration donor, this is also a difficult experience,
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mexico stands in the position of protecting, as it were , safe, humane and responsible migration, this is this thesis that is emphasized in every official speech of persons, but at the same time at the same time, practice shows that fulfilling these obligations is not as simple as we would like, including because of the natural channels.
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quite gloomy, because nothing can change to make the situation different? here again the question arises, who should change, because naturally, the problem for mexico is that this migration flow, which goes through, well , moves, conditionally moves, and through mexican territory, they do not intend to stay in mexico, it’s like would people who want to get to the usa, then the question arises about us policy, but the usa also puts forward demands on the mexican government for more active protection of the southern border of mexico and work with those migrants who appear on mexican territory, here too,
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let's say, harsh methods, they are not not diverse, we are talking about detentions, about processing applications if... applications for asylum are issued, or the issue of deportations, but again, at the very beginning i said about changing these formats development of the crisis, if at the beginning the migration problem was a problem of bilateral relations, then it later became a problem of such subregional relations, but still these countries were accessible from the countries of the central american and northern triangle, and this is guatemala. the united states, from mexico, but when such a nomenclature of geography appears, it seems to expand, distances lengthen, and not every government where migrants come from is ready
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to accept them back, including you said that it has diversified significantly. the composition of this flow, which is being detained in the united states, is exactly the same. united states, but last year, i think, i looked at the statistics, more than 6,000 were detained in mexico, that is, this is what is added to the statistics that... an active large segment of ecuadorian migration has also appeared, that is, these political crises provoke
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population exodus. well, as the itinerant artists said throughout our lives. apparently, we will have to return to this topic more than once. thank you very much. in our nadezhda kudiyarova was a guest. mexicans are used to the us constantly hounding them about migration, even to the point of threatening draconian trade restrictions. as under trump, despite the free trade agreement. under our current government, although it is called leftist, mexico does almost everything that is asked of it. unfortunately, it turns out that mexico is submitting to american migration policies on its own territory. this is not normal, the rights and safety of people who want to live better, that’s why they strive for the us is under threat, and mexico is on the side of the non- global south. it would be natural for us , but for our northern neighbor, we do not have a tradition
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of a strong policy towards the united states, and this is very sad, look at turkey, and how skillfully it uses the issue of immigrant borders to strengthen its positions in dialogue with europe, we too could if we wanted to do this with the usa, we’re not doing anything new, i still wanted to, erdogans don’t become, they’re born. texas, by the way, which is the reason for all the fuss now, was part of mexico 200 years ago, and among the mexicans there are some who are still experiencing the loss of territories? yes, just a little, 95 percent of the population, i think, of course, it was unfair, of course, this is still a deep trauma for us, although almost two centuries have passed, but there is great fear of the united states. we are always waiting for a catch. when you are a neighbor of the united states, you always know that your freedom is independent.
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mexico in the middle of the 19th century lost not only texas, the blow from the united states was powerful when the new us president, the regiment , sharply worsened relations with mexico, and ultimately went to war with mexico in order to get all these territories. recognizing texas, eventually including new mexico, arizona, and california, in the end, the acquisition after the war with mexico amounted to just over half of the country's territory, that is, mexico lost 53% of the land, before european colonization , tribes lived on the lands of modern texas indians over time , spanish conquistadors and french settlers appeared there, the territory of texas
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became part of the spanish colony, but in 1821 mexico declared independence and considered texas its own. at the same time, mexican the governor allowed americans who came from the north to settle there. the authorities expected that the settlers would pay taxes, but they did not intend to do this. in 1829 in mexico. slavery was abolished and this sparked a rebellion by white settlers. they advocated joining the united states. the disagreement resulted in a war, also called the texas revolution. the first battle took place in 1835 at gonzales, but the battle of aloma became more famous. the fortress was besieged by an army of six thousand mexican general santa anna. the few defenders of the citadel held out for 13 days. but reinforcements were too late, and almost all the texans, including commanders dave crocket and
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jim bowie, were killed. the mexican victory was short-lived and, most importantly, given their losses in this battle, inconclusive. the settlers of texas, suddenly, from nowhere, had money and modern weapons. armies and shouting “remember allam” defeated the enemy. general santa anna was, according to some sources, taken by surprise while resting in his tent, ordering himself not to bother. the very next day he was captured in the uniform of an ordinary dragoon. he was identified and forced to sign peace. mexico pledged to recognize the independence of texas, and its troops
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withdrew south of the rio grande river. texas was soon declared a republic, but only 9 years later. it officially became an american state. in 1846, the americans invaded mexico and took its capital. two years later , a peace treaty was signed, under which the mexicans were forced to cede not only texas, but also upper california, arizona and new mexico. based on the results of the us-mexican war, the entire american south became part of the united states, including texas, which was annexed for debts to the united states. this is now texas - a symbol of resettlement from south to north; it all started with the reverse movement. 200 years ago the flow was in the other direction, people came in a fast stream to get land, they had to accept mexican citizenship, why did i say citizenship, this is a republic, they, of course, accepted it easily,
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without any hesitation, that is... there was no such thing special patriotism of the united states, which prevented them from accepting mexican citizenship, they had to be formally catholics, and the state religion was declared in mexico, there was such a catholic time, they even accepted catholicism, this is the most amazing thing, there were protestants and even from new england there was someone, then ostite was the son of a connecticut merchant, these are the descendants the first settlers of the puritans, but
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we will lose, well, we really lost the country when the dictator santa anna abolished the constitution , they said that for a few more years we also had the country of 1824, the federalist constitution, tried to strengthen the centralization of power, us settlers rebelled and declared.
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second place after california and inferior to it in terms of the size of nominal gdp, while it is larger than that of italy, but slightly less than that of france and the uk. texas is the largest oil producer in the united states. in 2022, production amounted to 1.8 billion barrels per year. the southern state is also an important cattle-raising center and a major cotton producer. it accounts for almost half of all production. lately, texas has become... create attractive conditions for innovative companies, hewlett pacord moved its office from silicon and valley to houston, followed by companies such as tesla and oracle. texas not only relies on its economic strength, it even has its own power grid. there are three of them in the usa, the east coast, the west coast and separately texas.
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this has led to a serious crisis in 2021. snowfalls and cold temperatures provoked increased temperatures. energy consumption, because its transmission between power systems is difficult; during a cold snap, texas was isolated; frosts caused wind farms to stop, in canada their blades are heated, but in the southern state they didn’t bother with this, the compressor points of gas stations are also not equipped with heating, the cooling sensors of the local nuclear power plant also froze in the cold, this did not lead to an accident, but the station stopped producing the current that previously dropped out... oklahoma, missouri and arkansas. among
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the creators of texas was stephen austin, the same son of the merchant mozos austin, he became the first president, and the first vice-president, by the way, was a mexican, lorenzo dasawala, although he was from there. from the southernmost region from the yucatan peninsula, these 10 years cannot be called direct preparation for entry, and one can imagine a different development of events, but that is, such a scenario was also possible - but unlikely, and of course, yes, of course, they entered, they were americans, they immigrants from the usa, in this sense they were american patriots. formally catholics and formally citizens of mexico, it is clear that all this did not create a desire to remain an independent country.
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of course, there is a great temptation to see in current events the ghost of the awakening of free texas spirit, yearning for freedom. but no, we are not talking about separatism, but about the principles of the federal structure, who has what powers, and about elections, of course, now everything is... with an eye on them. we are interested in the issue of the immigration border because the topic of financing ukraine is linked to it. next week, the us senate will put to a vote a compromise version of the budget, and it may be adopted. but in the house of representatives they are still saying that even if they don’t send it, it won’t pass. europeans, by the way, are gnashing their teeth, but a four-year funding was approved. the worlds are moving further apart. one in which large international players live, where the ukrainian issue is the most important and fundamental, as a mirror of the struggle for global dominance. the second is the one
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where french and belgian farmers, german railway workers or angry texas townsfolk are rowdy, they have no time for ukraine at all, their mouths are full of their own worries. politicians are mostly in the first world for now, but if things go like this, what is the most important thing in business? this is love. sber presents an award for entrepreneurs,
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12:00 am
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