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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 3, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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the thirst for victory is in her blood, go ahead, why worry so much, don’t you understand this, i want to be like my mother, ice three, soon! we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. the russian army repelled 10 attacks. to esa,
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half in the kupinsky direction. in donetsk we took more advantageous positions. zelensky’s formations lost almost 800 more soldiers and mercenary officers, two tanks and 10 other armored vehicles, as well as 16 gunships, self-propelled guns and missile systems were destroyed. air defense forces shot down 40 combat drones. modern russian weapons are superior nato analogues. military factories have increased production volumes several times, he announced.
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continuously, the production of fundamentally new equipment is being mastered, while production volumes are constantly growing, day by day, week by week, month by month, over the year a number of indicators have increased, the indicators are increasing not by percentages, but by several times, here we are now only with colleagues and yours those who are sitting here in the front rows said, i see, i have already given these figures, i will repeat them now, and but first i want to say, turning to to the employees of the defense industry enterprise once again, you have fulfilled the order of your homeland, thank you for this. the russian economy is growing and has become the largest in europe, fifth in the world. however, if our country had not defended its sovereignty and the rights of its people, these indicators would have been completely different, vladimir putin emphasized. and also the president. visited the tula
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oncology center. by the way, it was erected in record time by specialists from the military construction complex of the ministry of defense. talked to employees and then took part in the opening via video conference new environmental centers in russian regions. anastasia efimova will tell you how it all went. fast, high quality, efficient. this is how every citizen should receive help if they are diagnosed with cancer. the president is talking about this. i remembered today, opening specialized medical institutions in three regions of the country at once, as the head of state clarified, a national program is aimed at combating these very serious diseases; in total , a trillion rubles have been allocated for these purposes, and thanks to the decisions taken, it is possible not only to treat, but but also to identify the problem at the earliest, asymptomatic stage, sometimes during preventive examinations, which often allows saving not only life, but also its quality. one of the most important... tasks within the framework
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of the current federal project for the future is to increase the efficiency of diagnostics, and we all we understand, even if we are not experts in this complex field, everyone understands that it is early detection and timely initiation of treatment that makes it possible to defeat many types of this disease, to preserve the continuation of life, quality of life, in this regard, a lot has already been done, the examination is the most widespread.
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find optimal treatment methods. three specialized medical institutions were built in tomsk, ufa and yakutsk. the head of state took part in their opening via video link, and before the ceremony... he personally inspected another oncology center in tula, it was opened only 2 months ago and, as doctors said, it allowed us to provide exactly the help that people expect and need, including, thanks to modern equipment , almost 2,500 devices have been installed, some of which are high-tech, and also because there are enough qualified doctors here , the region is doing serious work to attract personnel, but there is also another important detail, the conditions in which it turns out
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to choose a menu - this is what is in greatest demand, as if now, if appointed , no special meals are prescribed, then our patients can choose from two menu options the next day, based on their preferences, we are all trying to develop these digital services, we are trying to fill our task with more information about diagnosis, so that the patient can calmly familiarize himself with his diagnosis, with...
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people today underwent preventive examinations and medical examinations in new regions, and, of course, we are also implementing a program for the development of the material and technical base, four oncology centers in 2023 received more than 300 units of medical equipment, the amount was allocated more than... 600 million rubles. it is planned to deliver another 190 units this year, plus additional regional funds will be raised for this. and returning to personnel policy within the framework inspection of the tula oncology center, the head of state spoke with doctors and they said that one of the ways to attract professionals to the region, in addition to working conditions
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and professional opportunities, is to solve the housing problem. visiting specialists are compensated for the cost of rented housing, and then given apartments. 16 employees have already received them. it’s harmful, how to get it actually, it means , well, maybe you’ll tell me, you’re already familiar with it, yes, you were selected, you said it correctly, this is a scientific degree, a candidate’s dissertation, as a rule, more 10 years of general work experience, medical experience, and if 10 years, as they say, you give
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to the hospital, you give to tula medicine, then you can ride into the property, for how many years, 10 years, and you moved from orel from orel, in fact, exactly like that. .. an integrated systematic approach makes it possible to solve serious problems: personnel, medical and , ultimately, government problems, because, as the president reminded, the desired result can only be achieved by acting together in achieving common goals. the russian military retains the strategic initiative in the zone special operations. sergei shaigu stated this at a conference call. denis alekseev has the latest data. the russian group west is conducting active offensive operations in the area of ​​peschanoye and beristovoye, this is the kupinsky direction. our troops there are not allowing the ukrainian formation to relax. however, not only there. defense minister sergei shaigu today at a conference call presented data on the results of our army over the past month.
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in short, the strategic initiative along the entire line of combat contact remains behind us. the enemy's combat potential is reduced. our successes. they are openly demoralizing the armed forces of ukraine, but at least in the kupinsky, krasnolimansky and donetsk directions, populated areas were liberated in january, and the loss of the armed forces in personnel is greater.
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to their ukrainian soldiers, but here everything is stable, the ukrainian command both sent and continues to send its people to slaughter, on the red liman front three attacks by ukrainian armed forces assault groups were repulsed the day before, ukrainian losses were under 300 people, on donetsk two attacks, another 300 people. in the donetsk direction, units of the southern group of forces occupied more advantageous positions and inflicted fire damage on the troops and equipment of the 22nd mechanized brigade and the 114th territorial brigade.
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they do not hesitate to destroy their own citizens, so last week a russian transport plane carrying ukrainian military personnel subject to exchange was attacked from ukrainian territory. this speaks to the cynical nature of kiev’s actions, which, in order to achieve selfish goals, is ready to go to great lengths. any crimes. in general, everything is in the spirit of those to whom they are likened and whose symbolism is applied to the armor form. only they still do not draw any conclusions, either historical or tactical, and the more activity they try to show on
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the front line, the more actively they lose their positions in the end. denis alekseev, lead. there are more than 112 million voters in russia who can vote in the presidential elections in march, and almost 2 million more russians abroad. how are the preparations going? russian regions are preparing for elections; in magadan, members of election commissions began door-to-door visits, clarify information about voters, whether they will need help on voting day, and talk about ways, where and how you can cast your vote. our polling station is located in a kindergarten, we are waiting for you to vote. thanks a lot. in chukotka , the voter lists in the region will be updated. 37.00 people vote. geologists, alpine growers, workers of mines and weather stations will make their choice
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ahead of schedule, starting on february 25, because many of them live in remote areas, and members of election commissions will have to get there by helicopters, all-terrain vehicles and even swamp vehicles. russian military personnel are also preparing to vote in the elections, including those who are currently in the special operation zone. for the first time, voting will last 3 days from march 15 to 17. preparations for it have entered the final phase.
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soldiers, on the way to their positions, military personnel can stop here for a free hot lunch, clothes, and there is also a bathhouse for them. artyom zhoga appreciated the people's initiative with cultural workers in nizhny novgorod.
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cities and villages, because there is a lack of space and specialists who will work with youth, and uh, with children, with and with all, with the entire spectrum of citizens who are waiting, demanding, demanding an understanding of who we are, where we live, what our culture is, because culture... is education, upbringing, cultivation, cultivation of the human soul, and the presidential candidates themselves work in the regions and their headquarters. vladislav davankov today introduced his trusted representatives, they will help him meet with voters; he cannot travel around the whole country alone in such a short period of time. the first 24 trustees who
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will help develop the program will be help meet. the presentation of the program will take place a little later. natalya slaveva, alexander porkhunov, lead. the united states began to launch strikes on syrian territory in response to an attack on an american military facility in jordan.
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abc tv channel reported this. more than ten positions were attacked from the air, al-hadad tv channel has already reported this. that there are dead and wounded. the european union is cutting social support, but at the same time it is ready to allocate 50 billion euros to the war. many residents are angry about priorities, christina kuruma. the ukrainian economy is barely breathing, hungarian prime minister viktor orban said on radio kasud. the day before , he and 26 other leaders of the european union agreed on a package of financial assistance to ukraine in the amount of 50 billion. these 50 billion euros will not be spent on weapons, but will be used to ensure that the bankrupt ukrainian state does not collapse. the ukrainian economy is essentially on artificial ventilation, if the americans and we europeans do not send money, we can close the shop. this would mean that the country has no money for either pensions, neither salaries nor hospitals. 17
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billion in the form of grants and 33 billion in loans, designed for 4 years. in a couple of years, the amounts may be revised. the central bank of russia has already been approved, the head of the european council, charles michel, said that this issue will still be worked out , there is no need to talk about any kind of legitimacy, the main principle is that there are no rules, and what was not allowed yesterday is miraculously resolved today, another thing is that europeans are everything. they still can’t find, we must understand, a legal scheme for using this these frozen funds of the gold and foreign exchange reserves of the russian federation, there is no legal structure for this. irritation with european elites among ordinary citizens is growing, says ikey hammer, editor of the virshaft
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actuel publication. for defense, strengthening the economy, combating illegal migration and other expenses for the next 4 years. the union will add less than 15 billion euros, while from february twenty-two to october twenty- three, about 77 billion have already been spent on helping kiev. the european union has huge problems, but their source is sanctions. the european union simply destroyed its competitive advantage to the world economy, that is , the ability to buy russian resources at competitive prices, and thus launched a severe crisis. the national industrial crisis in germany is especially strong, in this sense, of course, the european union is committing monstrous self-destruction. an immediate reaction to brussels’ decision came from polish farmers. the solidarity trade union announced a complete blocking of border crossings on the border with ukraine 9
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february. there are plans to block roads throughout the country. we ask our compatriots to show understanding and understand the situation we all find ourselves in. we fight for the common good, trying to prevent the bankruptcy of polish family, sometimes multi- generational households. farmers across europe are going on strike. the authorities demand a ban on cheap imports of ukrainian products and compensation for fuel prices, but the interests of farmers are not taken into account by the updated part of the european budget. meanwhile, in the us congress, republicans are still are holding back the $61 billion promised to kiev, and approval of eu assistance looks like the last hope for the ukrainian economy. the ministry of emergency situations of kyrgyzstan named the preliminary cause of the explosion at tets. it happened because of. heating with gases or coal dust, well, the prosecutor general’s office said that there were no signs of sabotage. the emergency occurred last night, five people were injured and the entire city was left without heating.
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anna voronina knows the details. at 2:58, cctv cameras in one of the courtyards of bishkek detect a bright flash. during hours after this, several microdistricts of the city will be left without heat and hot water. the reason is an explosion at one of the most powerful energy facilities in the republic. head energetic. the accident occurred at approximately 3:00 am in the boiler shop at boiler number 14. in order to maintain the operation of the equipment , restrictions on hot water were introduced. there are no power outages. the heat supply system of beshkek will be restored within 2-3 days. now the engine is operating in recirculation mode. after the explosion, a fire started in the building. five people were injured, three was hospitalized in serious and extremely serious condition. there the diagnosis was burnt by flame 90%.
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hell of steroids at the tournament, athletes will be officially allowed to use any substances to improve results, this billionaire is on the screens, the video will now load. five sports are swimming, gymnastics, weightlifting, athletics and martial arts. 900 athletes are already ready, the organizers say that athletes at the official olympics still use doping, so about half of the american champions admitted that they used doping in one way or another prohibited substances. however, peter thiel himself said that the new competition could help scientific research on life expectancy - he is associated with the fbi. in kirov
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, three more villages were connected to the network gas supply: a new gas pipeline with a length of almost 11 km began operating thanks to the federal program for additional gasification as part of the instructions of vladimir putin. the project provides for free communication for residents to the borders of the site. i have already ... for this particular settlement this is a long-awaited holiday, because you have been for a long, long time we have been waiting for the arrival of gas for years, achieving this, and this festive joyful event became possible thanks to our president, thanks to his large-scale program for the social additional gasification of our russian regions. the program is ongoing throughout the country, the kirov region, in this case, is no exception from 2000. 17 concluded contracts have already been executed by supplying gas to the boundaries of land plots, but the most important thing is that in less than 2 years it is technically possible.
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gas connection is provided throughout the large agglomeration of the city of kirov. in volgograd, the head of the ministry of agriculture dmitry patrushev visited the plant of the pridonya gardens company, and then held a meeting on the readiness of the southern district and new russian regions for sowing. artyom yamshchikov will tell you what was in the spotlight. at a working meeting, minister of agriculture dmitry patrushev and governor andrei bacharov discussed the tasks of developing rural areas.
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established itself as one of the country's leaders in the production of agricultural products. more than 3 million hectares are allocated for the future spring harvest. the main contribution to the all-russian the loaf is brought in by winter crops. in 2023, the south of russia produced almost a third of the entire grain and sunflower harvest in the country, as well as a quarter of the volume of sugar beets. the head of the russian agricultural enterprise recalled that historically the largest volumes of fruit and vegetable products are located in the south. i hope that the year will also be twenty-four. productive, the key to this is providing farmers with all the necessary resources, as well as monitoring the implementation of planned indicators. first of all, i ’m talking about the structure of sown areas: the sown area in the southern federal district is projected at the level of the twenty-third year and will amount to 13.4 million hectares; in new regions it will increase to the level of 3.2 million hectares.
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farms, on the basis of one of the farms we will launch a seed purification plant in the kalmyk republic this year; the need for seeds is 5,000 tons, while we produce over 10,000 tons, this means that we sell them to neighboring regions, it is the products of domestic selection that should become... a support in the work of farmers in the new season. for this purpose, special support measures are provided, and for this purpose, we are working in dialogue with science and business to create new varieties and hybrids that take into account the needs of the industry. russia has its own good seeds; we need to actively introduce them into our production through joint efforts. and in my opinion, the southern federal district should generally act as a leader in this matter.
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stressed that the task plans for this year ’s spring field work, the head of the region , have been approved, there are enough forces and resources to carry them out. on farms in the region formed standard reserves of seeds, mineral fertilizers, fuels and materials, including supplies of which even continue without interruption. the readiness of agricultural machinery for spring field
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work is high, there is a family supply. vegetables for early sowing of seedlings are already 100% formed. during the working trip, dmitry patrushev also inspected the production facilities of the sady pridonya company. this is a full cycle enterprise, from growing its own fruits and vegetables to producing over 240 types of juices, nectars, purees for baby food and other products. the plant has 22 high-speed automated lines, which allows it to produce over 2,000 tons of finished products per day. artyom yamshchikov, asya kostyuchenko, vadim shabanov.


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