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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 3, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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work is high, the supply of seeds and vegetables for early sowing of seedlings is already 100% complete. during the working trip, dmitry patrushev also inspected the production facilities of the sady pridonya company. this is a full-cycle enterprise from growing its own fruit products to producing over 240 types of juices, nectars, purees for baby food and other products. the plant has 22 high-speed automated lines. this allows the production of over 2.0 tons of finished products per su.
12:31 am
bun with sesame seeds, two cutlets with onions, special sauce, cheese, salads, cucumbers, the legendary vit, etobit, only at a tasty point, at the megamarket you will always find something to give to your loved ones, especially during the holidays, for example, merci candies for only 279 rubles. any business begins with the question of whether we can introduce innovations in familiar areas, and of course we can, everything can be done.
12:32 am
i don’t need it, but i need it, well, or i don’t need it, but i still need it, thank you, osper, thank you, that’s what we need, this is how we become loved again , it’s nice to receive a thank you and a bonus elect thank you for taking care of your loved ones, megamarket, it is profitable to please, this is our usual ivanovo morning. i want there to be more of us, these are my
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best evenings, the pokrovsky evenings, and i want there to be more of them, because there is nothing greater than happiness. national project demography. this is just space, the real taste of smoked, meat from cherkizov’s own farms. cosmically delicious. cherkizova. what men are silent about is that life is out of control. fears of ceasing to be a man are symptoms of prostatitis. longidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. the recommended course is two packs. langitaza against prostatitis. for grandma, for the navigator in the car, for the gate in the garage. this is how dad plays. it’s all in dad’s overall balance sheet. add different numbers to the total balance, top up only one, all the others will be paid. automatically convenient, that’s it,
12:34 am
we’re not going on vacation, yes, i won in stickermany , it’s all for plus points, lisa, i bought a chicken example at a delicious point, scanned the code in the application and won a million yandex points plus, if you want, believe me, you want a million points and millions of other prizes under the stickers in the app, delicious, period, they told me, will you dance with this? house of culture, well, let’s dance and dance together, everyone will sing in the renovated house of culture in the city of orekhova zueva and another 1,200 renovated and new recreation centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello!
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less than a year before the election, joe biden found himself somewhere next to george w. bush. 3% approval has not been so bad with ratings for american presidents since the crisis of 2008, when the united states, under the forty-first president, fell into the center of a perfect storm of senseless wars and economic disasters. it’s true that bush was officially a lame duck back then, finishing his second term, and his replacement was chosen from the obama-mccain pair. biden is already being called a lame duck. during his first term, talk of replacing him with someone younger and stronger moved to national attention. telefir, will they release a replacement or is it too late to release? let's figure it out. to assess the scale of the disaster that is now, and
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there is no other way to describe it, unfolding around the figure of the current us president, it is enough to simply look at the number of crises that accompany us now. joe biden , here is the middle east, here is the situation with migration, the economy, these are three, of course, triggers, yes, for biden’s presidency, at each of them he also loses the support of certain groups of voters who at one time ensured he will win in 2020. if we evaluate the most serious losses, then this is, of course, the loss of votes from the muslim electorate. first of all, this is caused, of course, by the fact that the united states took the side of israel, they are opposed to speaking on diplomatic platforms and, above all, in the united nations organization with a call for an immediate ceasefire in the gaza strip,
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if we look at absolute numbers, then there is a multiple drop, more than 50 thousand muslims will not vote for biden in the upcoming elections, these are not just words. we are confident that if trump wins, no matter how terrible the next 4 years here are, they will not be more terrible than one night in the gas. another group that biden is losing is latino voters, hispanic voters, many of them are turning towards trump, they are closer to the republican agenda, despite all the paradox, because trump is speaking. for streamlining immigration laws, african americans are also turning away from biden, that is, biden is very the compromise figure that he was , in fact, this determined the choice of his candidacy in 2020, because
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everyone could vote for biden, a white housewife from an american suburb could vote for biden, an african american in chicago could vote for him, for him... . a person from mexico could vote in arizona, now these votes are leaving biden, who remains, it is not clear who remains, because biden also irritates the liberals, the left wing of his party, every weekend there are tens of thousands of people in columns they take to the streets of new york for pro-palestinian rallies, and this, of course, does not agree with the policy of the white house, and of course the problem of illegal migration, colossal figures for last year. about 2 million new residents of the united states, most of them will remain undocumented for the coming decades, because not all of them even want to deal with legalization, this is a big problem, and this is a big problem, not even for the border, that is, republican states,
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because most of these migrants heading inland, into the country, they find themselves in the so-called sanctuary cities, these are cities of refuge, such as chicago, new york. placed in police stations , in guards, which, in general, were always intended for local residents of the streets of these cities, and this is already a problem for democratic politicians, i mean for politicians representing the democratic party, in general, biden is of course haunted by a set of systemic failures. if we talk about claims against biden from his own voters, then of course over the last year they have become especially concerned about their condition.
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is it ethical or unethical, because in the end they are not personally criticizing the elderly octogenarian joe biden, they are criticizing the president of the united states joe biden, in whose hands... his cognitive capabilities are in control, this is not a question personally of biden himself, not his entourage, and the question national security of all of america as well. there is a very important point in the transition of conversations that biden can be changed from... such kitchen conversations, if you like, or from conspiracy theories,
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now these same conversations with the same argumentation are being conducted on the pages of quite serious publications, which even represent the establishment, not the republican one, but even the democratic party. democratic lawmakers, speaking on condition of anonymity, said biden's campaign was failing, that his age of 81 was causing concern and that the party was losing votes due to rising prices and the gas war. in their view, biden is an outsider, with behind-the-scenes anxiety contrasting with public displays of solidarity. can be heard such conversations are broadcast on cnn and they are supported by people who are systemic representatives of the democratic party establishment. suffice it to name two names: david axelrod, a former political adviser.
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national democratic party convention august august 19th is the day this year it will be held in chicago , the news is just saying that the candidate who will be chosen to replace biden will... surprise everyone, he is not obvious, but quite myself a candidate from the establishment, i here i want to play a little with navalev ’s pass, or, having received a pass from him, develop this attack in the same direction, well, look, it coincides with august 19, the democratic convention, chicago, chicago is illinois, the governor of illinois, jay robert pritzker, this is a very serious family in the democratic establishment. this is a family of hyatt hotel owners, in general they come from ukraine,
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the name pritzker has been rumored recently due to the fact that peni pritzker, the elder sister of jay robert pritzker, was appointed advisor on economic recovery ukraine, at one time she worked in the obama administration, that is, these are, on the one hand, obama personnel, on the other hand, one can imagine that jay robert pritzker. the richest man, well, he quite fits the description that louis navallier gives, on the one hand, he is a man from the democratic party system, a man with money, but at the same time, a man, so to speak , untainted in public opinion, that is, there is no trail of any trail behind him corruption, at least obvious stories that accompany biden, a man behind whom there is no negativity, pritzker will not... collect the kind of negativity that
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another candidate to replace biden could collect himself, this is gavin newson, the governor of california, newson thundered not in the most positive sense during the coronavirus pandemic, he introduced some of the the most stringent measures to counter the spread of covid-19, imposed a complete lockdown on the state, schools and businesses did not work there, and as a result , california withdrew. from covid with horrific mortality rates, only new york state was worse, but at the same time geven newsom is such a standard bearer of all liberal ideas and values. this is a relaxation in the culture war, that is, lgbt, all this topic in california is at the forefront here, a super-liberal attitude towards crime, gavin newsom at some stage seemed to be really serious about becoming one of the contenders, at least on biden's inheritance, but now
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our position has probably been somewhat shaken in connection. with the fact that he has gone into the shadows, but newson may well also be perceived as a backup to biden’s place. if if we talk about the women's party, here, of course, the figure of michelle obama now comes to the fore. media activity on the part of michelle obama has increased in the last few months, despite all that michelle obama, trump's two terms, was always in the shadows; if anyone spoke out, it was barack obama, never her. did not go deep into the political struggle, now she has gone deeper, now she is commenting on the possible return of donald trump to the white house, and she is commenting from such, well, understandably liberal positions, from this it is made into in general, the conclusion is that michelle obama may well be either obama's barracks or a certain group that has formed around barack obama,
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can be considered as a candidate, if we talk about other ladies who may come. replacement for joe biden, then there are several names here. of course, hillary clinton is such an eternal candidate, after her defeat in 2016 she clearly did not accept her failure, as long as she has strength, as long as the american clinton clan exists in politics, she will rely on the power of this clan strives to remain in this politics, although of course it has no real electoral prospects, well, if only because hillary clinton.
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there is some kind of bitter irony or irony for everyone , as they say now, if we take the most obvious figure, well, as obvious from the point of view of the american constitution, the president is leaving, who should replace him, as was the case, for example, with kennedy, johnson, yes , vice president, kennedy was assassinated, johnson became president of the united states, but then kamala harris, but there are no less problems with kamal and harris than with biden, there is even such a semi-slang expression: that kamela haris’s speech is a kind of word salad, yes, because she talks a lot, she learned to speak as a politician in her time, she was a senator from california, but sometimes there is critically little meaning in her words, and people just don't understand what she wants to say. in every moment of our life, it is very important to see this moment in which we exist and feel the context in order
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to understand where we are in history, because this applies not only to the past, but to to the future. baydon has serious differences with haris, in particular due to her reluctance to be part of the team and because of her rude attitude towards white house staff, which has already caused several dismissals. it was kamala haris who became the real reason why biden had to run for a second term. if we talk about fresh blood, then the name grechen whitmer appears. grecin whitmer is a pretty flamboyant lady from michigan. of this state, she also became famous during the coronavirus, but she became even more famous as a person who challenged ultra-right forces, for which she is very much respected in the democratic party, at one time representatives of the movement or some of the people sharing a similar ideology even prepared an attempt against her, there was such
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a loud arrest by the fbi, there were even rumors that in joe biden wanted grechen whitmer to take his time for himself. as a candidate for vice president, but barack obama did not allow this to happen. in all these stories, you need to understand one thing: the democratic party has critically little time left, the establishment of the democratic party, in order to make this replacement, in order to explain to the voter why biden is being changed right now. yes, of course, people see that biden is not in very good shape. yes, biden's ratings are falling, yes, biden is becoming less and less popular. but nowhere is even named, for example, the medical diagnosis of the american president, because it is not said that he suffers from some kind of disease that could affect his cognitive functions; on the contrary, he is a functionary. that biden is of sound mind, he is working, he is perfectly aware of what is happening, that is
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, it will be very difficult to change this rhetoric instantly without some bright event, now they all find themselves in the same boat, that is, they are all shifting this problem further away, as if pushing it away from themselves, well, sort of like when... then this will be decided, time melts on august 19, 2000... twenty-four is the date of the national convention. according to all the rules of the democratic party , a presidential candidate from this party must be approved and, by and large, there are only a few months left to carry out some combination that could allow them to find some kind of replacement to replace biden. this was america. all the best. for headaches, there is askafen p at an affordable
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12:56 am
let us go , let us go from here, vosnetsova , now in reality, you know, i’m not very comfortable, they killed someone again, why don’t you sleep, there’s no rest, let’s sign up and see if those who come to school have it. gathered in govana, why then, with what? here it is, the same well where the rebels hid weapons and on the side
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of which... dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original program besagon tv. i hope you remember them and enjoy them.
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12:59 am
hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
1:00 am
the russian army repelled 10 attacks in the sssu, half in the kupinsky direction. in donetsk we took more advantageous positions. zelensky’s formation lost almost 800 more soldiers and mercenary officers. two tanks and 10 other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 16 gunships, self-propelled guns and missile systems. air defense forces shot down 40 combat drones. modern russian weapons are superior to their nato counterparts.


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