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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 3, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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the russian army repelled 10 attacks in sol, half in the kupinsky direction. in donetsk we took more advantageous positions. zelensky lost almost 800 more soldiers and mercenary officers. two tanks and 10 other armored vehicles, as well as 16 gunships, self-propelled guns and missile systems were destroyed. air defense forces shot down 40 combat drones. modern russian weapons are superior to their nato counterparts. military factories were expanded.
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complex, people told their stories of helping the front, for example, entrepreneur kirill bespalov spoke about how he traveled to the kherson region to help eliminate the consequences after the explosion of the kokhov hydroelectric power station, spoke about the unity of the volunteer community. and also, of course, thanked for
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the return of crimea and new regions. if i were not sure that in our country, in crimea, throughout the entire territory of our vast homeland, the overwhelming majority of our citizens think like you, i would not do anything in crimea. but i was sure that the crimeans and all of russia wanted this return to their homeland. so just like the overwhelming majority of people in the country want to help donbass, they don’t want to throw people there under the wheels of these neo-nazis, it pains me to talk about this now, but still i will say, when our units withdrew from the kharkov region, we know that what was going on there, what these scum were doing , well, just... that’s what it’s all about, that’s who we
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’re dealing with, and if it weren’t for this mood of society, nothing would have happened, we... will defend our people in donbass, now in the kherson region, there in zaporozhye, the outcome could be completely different, if not that means we won’t do anything in novorusia, we won’t help, we’d throw people in crimea. what would our country turn into in the end , into a decrepit, not self-sufficient, really useless country, which everyone, with its presence of a large amount of natural resources, which all from the outside
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would stroke their heads patronizingly and give us rotten potatoes as humanitarian help, and at the same time you would always think about what and how to chop off? create such rules in the global economy so that all our competitive to extinguish the advantages, to take away everything that is possible, bearing in mind their advantages in the sphere of, say, the defense industry, the same, their advantage in the political sphere, but if we don’t want to leave such a decrepit, useless country, we don’t want condemn our children to feel like second-class citizens, we must make our country self-sufficient. special attention at the meeting, of course, is paid to doctors, military medics, felchers who voluntarily go for the ribbon to save lives, for example, at a meeting today, doctors talked about how they save people under enemy
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fire, shared their experiences of literally having to get out from under enemy fire, and stories of militants hitting ambulances in... in sotala in donetsk, interception , the tankers are just talking to each other using the tank communications, which means that a local resident came out of the house, well, from a private house, he has a family there, there are children running around somewhere, this one
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of the tankers, a soldier of the armed forces of ukraine, took him and shot him, and he came out in these, in a tracksuit, the second one asks him why you did this, he’s just... an oncology clinic. by the way, it was erected in record time by specialists from the military construction complex of the ministry of defense. i talked with employees, and then took part in the opening of new oncology centers in the regions via video conference. anastasia will tell you how it all went. fast, high quality,
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efficient. this is how every citizen should receive help if they are diagnosed with cancer. the president recalled this today, opening specialized medical institutions immediately. three regions of the country, as the head of state clarified , a national program is aimed at combating this very serious disease; in total , a trillion rubles have been allocated for these purposes, and thanks to the decisions made, it is possible not only to treat, but also to identify the problem at the earliest, asymptomatic stage, sometimes with preventive examinations, which often allows saving not only life, but also its quality, one of the most important tasks within the framework of the current federal project. in the future, this is an increase in efficiency diagnostics, and we all understand, even if we are not experts in this complex field, everyone understands that it is early detection, timely initiation of treatment that allows us to defeat many types of this disease, preserve the continuation of life, quality of life,
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a lot has already been done in this regard , examinations for the most common types of cancer are included in the programs. medical examination and preventive examinations. more than 500 outpatient oncology care centers have already been opened in the regions of the country, where you can undergo the entire complex. research, and later, if necessary, outpatient treatment , 18 reference centers have been created and operate, which at the highest scientific level help to clarify the diagnosis and find optimal treatment methods. three specialized medical institutions were built in tomsk, ufa and yakutsk. the head of state took part in their opening via video link, and before the ceremony he personally inspected another cancer center, vtule. it was opened only 2 months ago and, as doctors said, it allowed us to provide exactly the kind of care that
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people are waiting for what they need, including thanks to modern equipment , almost 2,500 devices have been installed, some of which are high-tech, and also because there are enough qualified doctors here, the region is doing serious work to attract personnel, but there is also one more important detail: conditions, in which patients find themselves, because their psychological mood is one of... the important components of successful treatment, the rooms are single and double, there are no more doubles, 1/3, they are single, everything is there necessary and our new , kind of know-how, so to speak, what we are starting to implement is a tablet for interactive interaction with our center, again, to increase the level of comfort, there is information in the form of videos, you can evaluate the quality and feedback give a connection and choose a menu, this is what enjoys the most. as if there is a demand now, if some special
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food is prescribed or not prescribed, then our patients can choose from two options at least the next day, based on their preferences, we provide these services we are trying to develop everything digitally, we are trying to fill it with more information about the diagnosis, so that the patient can calmly get acquainted with his diagnosis, with the treatment plan, know when, what he has planned, when he undergoes some procedures, undergoes some then tests, how to prepare. thanks to the speed and quality of diagnostics, over the past five years the country has achieved results that the minister of health called breakthrough. more than 60% of tumors are detected at early stages, in which the treatment prognosis is favorable. moreover, we are talking not only about large federal centers, but about regions, including new ones, for which a separate program has been developed, the supply of equipment and medicines is already under it. on your instructions, we are implementing the program separately in new regions ; more than one and a half million people have undergone
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preventive examinations and medical examinations in new regions today; and, of course, we are also implementing a program to develop the material and technical base; four cancer centers in 2023 received more than 300 units of medical equipment, the amount was allocated more than 600 million rubles. it is planned to deliver another 190 units this year, plus regional funds will be raised for this. and returning to personnel policy during the inspection of the tula oncology center, the head of state spoke with doctors and they said that one of the ways to attract professionals to the region, in addition to working conditions and professional opportunities, is to solve the housing problem. visiting specialists are compensated for the cost of rented housing, and then given apartments, their 16 employees have already received it; families are even given cottages.
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thank you very much and the president came outside of his work plan, drank tea with local belyov marshmallow at the round table, low-calorie , governor alexey dyumin clarified, even in the evening it won’t hurt, how to get it actually, well... problems, personnel, medical and ultimately government , because, as the president reminded, the desired result can
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only be achieved by everyone acting together, in achieving common goals. in germany there is a driver strike, buses, trams and subways are stopped. trade unionists and trade unions are demanding higher wages and better working conditions. protests by farmers and mass demonstrations throughout the european union do not subside. about the discontent of europeans, natalya goncharova. incompetent ruling elites have brought europe to decline, the british telegraph came to this conclusion, analyzing the results of the eu summit dedicated to the problems of farmers. the eu authorities should.
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a miracle weapon that could change the situation in ukraine, so that sponsors do not supply the armed forces of ukraine, russian troops have time to prepare. russian command is good imagines what western weapons have not yet been delivered to ukraine, at this stage of the conflict, he has months, if not years, to model its consequences and proactively develop countermeasures. in germany, they also give a disappointing assessment of the state of the ukrainian armed forces soldiers. spiegel writes that...
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we are ready not only to participate financially, we are ready to provide our assistance in the form of mentoring. i am ready to participate in the training of relevant specialists, where economics, finance or jurisprudence are concerned. in kalyzhskaya the region's firefighters received new special equipment. the cars were handed over by the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov, he also presented
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departmental awards to employees who distinguished themselves and checked the work of the control center in a crisis. situations, in ingushetia more than 4 billion rubles will be allocated this year for the implementation of national projects, deputy prime minister alexander novak is on a working trip to the region, opened an aluminum alloy plant, and also visited a number of other facilities. anastasia ivanova has all the details. the deputy chairman of the government in ingushetia is not greeted with bread and salt, but turkey deli meats. the first point of visit is the yuzhny poultry complex in the village of the same name in the republic.
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this is basically a profile for lamps, the so-called heat conductor, there is also a very interesting sample there, this is a machka profile - the deputy chairman of the government also assessed the prospects of the new aluminum alloy plant of real, the opening has just taken place, there
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are important tasks ahead for the production of domestic products, such a modern plant, great help and support from the country in this direction, noted alexander novak. and today we looked at the factory, i really want to say that firstly, this is a good production. computing to the republic, but the most important thing, i would like to say that today we are supported by the government, naturally
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the president, we ourselves give the reason, they help us with the idea, they are striving for the sovereignty of light industry in ingushetia, in the village of aliyurd they are sewing work clothes and shoes, workshops they don’t stand idle, there is always a customer, how many?
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such sports passion, of course, the target is hit, there is an order, there is a task, we carry out the calculations of the battle, the problem is charged , the signal is ok, the signal is normal, stable, in combat use it actually controls the drone, much easier, you just need to sharply raise it, and after that just fly towards the enemy.
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cuts social support, but at the same time is ready to allocate 50 billion euros to the war, many residents are outraged at the priorities of kristina kuruma. the ukrainian economy is barely breathing, hungarian prime minister viktor urban said on radio kasud. the day before, he and 26 other eu leaders agreed on a package financial assistance to ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros. these 50 billion euros will not be spent on weapons, they will be used to help the bankrupt ukrainian state. has not collapsed, the ukrainian economy is essentially on artificial ventilation, if the americans and we europeans do not send money, we can close the shop, this
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would mean that the country has no money for pensions, salaries, or hospitals. 17 billion in the form of grants and 33 billion in loans, designed for 4 years, in a couple of years the amounts may be revised, but in any case for each the cent will have to be reported to the european council. financing the package using frozen ones. the central bank of russia has already been approved, the head of the european council, charles michel, said that this issue will still be worked out, there is no need to talk about any kind of legitimacy, the main principle is that there are no rules, and what was not allowed yesterday is miraculously resolved today, another thing is that the europeans still cannot find, this must be understood, a legal scheme. and the use of these frozen funds - gold and foreign exchange reserves of the russian federation there is no legal structure for this. irritation with european elites among
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ordinary citizens is growing, says aiki hamer, editor of the publication virshaft aktuel. for defense, strengthening the economy, combating illegal migration and other expenses, the european union will add less than 15 billion euros over the next 4 years. at the same time, from february twenty-two to october twenty- three, about 77 billion have already been spent on helping kiev. the european union has huge problems, but their source is sanctions. european union simply destroyed its competitive advantage. world economy, that is , the opportunity to buy russian resources at favorable prices, and thus launched a severe crisis, an industry crisis, a national crisis, especially strong in germany, in this sense, of course, the european union is committing monstrous self-destruction, an immediate reaction to brussels’ decision followed from polish farmers, the
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solidarity trade union said. on the complete blocking of border crossings on the border with ukraine on february 9. there are plans to block roads throughout country. we ask our compatriots to show understanding and understand the situation we all find ourselves in. we fight for the common good, trying to prevent the bankruptcy of polish family, sometimes multi- generational households. farmers across europe are going on strike, demanding that the authorities ban cheap imports of ukrainian products and compensate fuel prices. however, interests. the updated part of the european budget does not take into account. meanwhile, in the us congress , republicans are still keeping their promised kiev receives $61 billion, and approval of eu assistance looks like the last hope for the ukrainian economy. does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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interest on the deposit generates income, you have to pay tax on it, when, how much and how this amount is calculated, we will tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions. questions about this tax arise mainly because we are not yet accustomed to it. let's figure it out deadlines. the law was adopted back in 2000.21, but in the same year a moratorium was introduced, that is, the tax was not assessed. the benefit extended into 2022; only on january 1, 23 , the formation of the tax base began, and the tax itself will need to be paid until december 1, 2024. now let's see where it will be taken from: the base for calculation includes all interest income received on all deposits, both ruble and foreign currency, in
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banks on...


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