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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 3, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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the russian army repelled 10 attacks in the ssu, half in the kupinsky direction. in donetsk we took more advantageous positions. zelensky’s formation lost almost 800 more soldiers and mercenary officers. two tanks and 10 other armored vehicles, as well as 16 gunships, self-propelled guns and missile systems were destroyed. air defense forces shot down 40 combat drones. state-of-the-art russian weapons are superior to their nato counterparts. military factories have increased production. production several
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times, this was stated by vladimir putin, who took part in the forum everything for victory. he noted that the production of civilian products has also increased at defense industry enterprises. margarita semenyuk will tell you what else was discussed. in the tula kremlin, head of state vladimir putin met on the same platform with participants of the popular front forum “everything for victory”. five hundred guests from different regions of russia gathered here. the head of state noted the enormous role of the military-industrial complex.
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scientific defense potential of the russian federation, the order for valiant labor was awarded to the research and production team association alloy named after kanichev, the order is awarded to the general director of the association renat makhmutovich idrisov. the russian president also held a meeting with popular activists. front, where he freely talked with health care representatives, with volunteers, with employees of the defense-industrial complex, people told their stories of helping the front, for example, businessman kirill pespalov talked about how he went to the kherson region to help in eliminating the consequences after the kokhovskaya explosion hydroelectric power station, spoke about the unity of the volunteer community and... also, of course,
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thanked for the return of crimea and new regions. if i were not sure that in our country, in crimea, throughout the entire territory of our vast homeland, the overwhelming majority of our citizens think like you, i would not do anything in crimea. but i was sure that the crimeans and all of russia wanted this return to their homeland. just as the overwhelming majority of people in the country want to help donbass, they don’t want to throw people there under the wheels of these neo-nazis, it hurts me i’m talking about this now, but i’ll still say that when our units withdrew from the kharkov region, we know what was going on there , what these scum were doing, but only they, the nazis, can act like that. that's what
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it's all about, that's who we're dealing with, and if it were n't for this attitude of society, nothing would happen, we're doing it. what would our country turn into in the end, a decrepit, not self-sufficient, in fact, useless country to anyone, which everyone, with its, with the presence of a large amount of natural resources, which everyone stroked from the outside
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would they patronize us over the head and give us rotten potatoes as humanitarian aid, and at the same time always think about what and how to chop off? create rules in the world economy so that all our competitive advantages are extinguished, everything that can be taken away from us, meaning their advantages in the sphere of, say , the defense industry, the same, their advantages in the political sphere, if we we don’t want to leave such a decrepit country that no one needs, we don’t want to doom our children to feel like human beings second class, we must make our country self-sufficient. particular attention at the meeting , of course, is paid to doctors, military medics , felchers who voluntarily go to the ribbon to save lives, for example, doctors today at the meeting talked about how they save people under enemy fire, shared their experience of how
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i had to literally move out from under enemy fire, and there are stories like this, when militants hit ambulances, in a civilian way...
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a man in a tracksuit came out of the house near his family is in the house, you can hear the children running there, the answer is: yes, they are all terrorists here, he just took it and shot him. head of state vladimir putin emphasized that all doctors who risk their lives to save people are real heroes, like all those who selflessly help our soldiers at the front. margarita semenyuk, dmitry shevilev, maxim devitaykin, tula news. the future needs to be created. com
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everything about the elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, how to vote on a trip, 1 2 3 4 5 we are in... not to rest, but our grandfather he thinks that rest can wait, because he wants to vote these days, but his mother told him, vote directly in the village, be a mobile voter, dad, mom supported, i already wrote a statement about this, by the way, the whole family is going to the village, animals, adults and children, relax in nature and choose mobile, choose freely in the country. important, honestly convenient. hello, this is the senate program, my colleague vera krasova and i, vladimir nesterov, will talk about the key events of the federation council. and how the work of senators affects the development of regions our country. learn more about everything right now. the union path, russia and belarus,
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opposition to sanctions and the formation of a common economic space. the union state is developing decisively, moving forward, and the parliamentary dimension of brix, issues of world politics and... economic impetus for the reunited regions, the development of small medium-sized businesses, which personnel are the most in demand? there is still a shortage; this is a really large volume, a large number of specialists. which are needed. reliable rear and full support. how does the defenders
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of the fatherland state fund work? we work both to receive citizens and in a proactive mode, when social coordinators directly contact families, communicate, and ask what help needs to be provided. what kind of support can svo participants and their families expect? our special report. new programs aimed at further multifaceted cooperation between russia and belarus as well.
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15 questions were raised today, you are absolutely right, not every one of them means the adoption
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of a new strategic document, but there is more than enough strategy there, all these decisions are based on a clear understanding that the previous decisions, and these are 28 so -called road maps, have either already been fully implemented or are very close to 100% implementation, this means that the union state is decisively developing, is moving forward, gaining momentum, all that is required now is to further adjust our interaction within the framework of the union state , taking into account new conditions, not always favorable, when belarus and russia are under pressure from the western side, our western neighbors, in order to try with all their might to prevent the union project, among the most important decisions that were made at the recent meeting of the supreme state council... i would highlight the emphasis on the development of scientific and technological
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cooperation, a separate program has been adopted in this regard, and we understand that new technologies, backed by science, are the most important element in ensuring technological sovereignty, what is associated with import substitution, with the support of domestic producers, belarus is still in composition of the soviet union was the main one.
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to ensure the unhindered flow of products produced in the union state for export, but to integrate even more closely the economies of russia and belarus, which is called within the framework of the union state.
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people can benefit from interaction in order to realize themselves, be it in economics, in science, in technology, in culture, in sports, anywhere else, from my point of view this is also a very important decision, we will expect concrete results. konstantin iosipovich, another topic that i would like to discuss with you discuss, in july the tenth brix parliamentary forum will be held in st. petersburg under the chairmanship of russia, and how are preparations going today, what current topics will be discussed, what are the plans? russia chairmanship.
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to present these proposals, as they say, on paper, we can now talk about this in the public space, but since the association has expanded only this year. we, of course, must make sure that our partners equally understand the importance of the brix parliamentary dimension, are equally ready to develop it further, and in order for the forum to be meaningful and effective, we proposed to our colleagues 3 months before, this will also be announced by me today for the first time, 3 months before on april 11-12, here in moscow to hold, this
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will be done for the first time, a meeting of the chairmen of the committees on international. all ten parliaments of the brics countries, well, there will be more participants, because in some cases we are dealing with bicameral parliaments, of course, we will wait for colleagues from both chambers where a bicameral parliament operates, so in april we will begin for the first time to discuss ideas on how our inter-parliamentary interaction can develop and on international platforms, say, all 10 countries represented in the inter-parliamentary union, i think it wouldn’t be a sin for our... delegations to work together more closely , as our western opponents do, there are many other interparliamentary assemblies, where the brix countries are represented to one degree or another, and of course, there is very serious experience, national experience in the development of legislation in certain areas, which, of course, can and should be exchanged through the parliamentary line, by april we mean to prepare
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specific proposals on the russian vision for the further development of the brix parliamentary dimension, and if they receive... support, as they say, at the working level , at the level of committees of the parliaments of the brics countries, we will submit them for discussion at the tenth brics parliamentary forum, which i repeat once again, will take place on july 11-12 this year in st. petersburg, in our tovrian palace, which is the headquarters of the cis interparliamentary assembly. valentina matvienko said that the forum will also discuss legislative opportunities for the development of the brics countries, including the transition to national currencies in mutual settlements, and why? in this direction, it would probably be possible to accept unchanged the system that emerged as a result of the second world war, the system of british university agreements with the dollar as a world currency, if the americans had not abused the position
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of the dollar as the only world currency, but then the same thing began to happen. with the euro , abuses are, as they say, in full swing, we see , firstly, how shamelessly the americans are increasing their national debt, now it is already 34 trillion dollars, to a large extent these are additionally printed dollars, which are then thrown outside the united states of america, do not exert inflationary pressure on the american economy, but they do exert such inflationary pressure on the global economy, and secondly, we...
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russia and india, russia and some others brix countries is an experience that has already been tested, which, of course, deserves scaling, but this is the minimum, and the maximum is ultimately reaching a solution for some common single unit of account, this is a topic for a much more distant future, it requires appropriate expert work
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russian senators took part in the meeting of the majlis and held a number of meetings with their iranian colleagues. the head of our delegation, senator dmitry vasilenko, told us the details. delegation visit our group's trip to tehran lasted 4 days. in my assessment, and in the opinion of fellow senators, the trip was successful and very productive. many official meetings and working events took place. i would especially note the meeting with the deputy chairman of the majlis of iran, as well as the meeting with the chairman of the majlis commission on foreign policy and... security. first of all, we discussed measures to ensure state and regional security and strengthen the defense capabilities of our countries. in modern political conditions, this is an area of ​​cooperation
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most relevant, as is the development of defense-industrial complexes with the involvement of the scientific and educational communities of russia and iran. the high dynamics of the meetings confirms the general mood to further strengthen the strategic partnership in the defense sector. specific agreements were reached at a meeting between our delegation and the chairman of the interparliamentary cooperation group. woman of iran. so this fall , an international forum of student and postgraduate scientific works, topical problems of subsoil use. other countries are also planned to participate. we previously discussed this issue at meetings with members of the iranian parliament in 2023. they fully supported this proposal. negotiations are already underway to organize the forum. the development of economic, educational, cultural and tourist relations between our countries in detail. judged at meetings with the chairmen of the iranian parliament's commission on education on social issues, i note the high level organizing meetings on the iranian side, i thank my iranian colleagues for the constructive
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dialogue on all issues on the agenda, i am convinced of the further strengthening of relations between russia and iran. now there is a small advertisement, we will be back later, don’t switch. we went here as a child, we also lay like that, silent, figure skater, but i’m not just skating, focus on training, you dreamed of this cup, you can jump, but why don’t you believe it yourself, i’ll prepare myself, thirst for victory it's in her blood, why? take such risks, don’t you understand this, i want to be like my mother, ice three soon!
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch, for free, without registration, in the application or on the website. next in our program: social innovation in russian regions, new professions and high competencies, what is the main request? these projects are related to active longevity, also sports, education, culture, economic impetus for the reunified
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regions, and small development. svo participants and their families. our special reportage. socio-economic development and integration of the disconnected regions have gained a good pace. the president of russia stated this. vladimir putin noted the well- coordinated work of the government, federal and regional ministries and departments. the reunified regions have a comprehensive development program. the basic goal is that by 1930, donbass and novorosiya should reach the all-russian level in key areas that determine the quality of people’s lives. in order to facilitate
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the speedy implementation of these plans. valid council on the integration of disconnected entities into the legal and socio-economic system of the country. you and i understand that we are obliged to complete most of the legislative, regulatory, and administrative work on integration by the end of this year, because all practical steps, of course, will largely depend on the regulatory and legislative framework that we will create, including.
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we say that the whole world is helping donbass and novorussia return to a prosperous peaceful life. meeting staffing needs economy, as well as the development of small medium-sized businesses in new regions. these issues are on the agenda of the council on the integration of de-unified entities into the legal and socio-economic system of the russian federation. we’ll talk more about this with senator natalya nikonorova, who represents the interests of residents of the donetsk people’s republic in the
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federation council. to fulfill the tasks set by the president in new regions , a large number of specialists, workers, and management personnel are needed, tell us, how is this problem solved, how can specialists from other regions be attracted, how are our own retained? this is such a sensitive issue, of course, for all reunified entities, i am sure of this, not only the donetsk people's republic, this shortage of personnel that you are talking about is felt... this problem was one of the topics at the second meeting of the integration council reunited subjects, drew attention to what has already been done, to good positive practices, to what still needs to be done, perhaps develop some new incentives to attract relevant personnel to the united entities, that is, for example, valentina ivanovna proposed some incentive in the form of...


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