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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 3, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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fulfilling the tasks set by the president in new regions requires a large number of specialists, workers, and management personnel. tell us how this problem is being solved, how it is possible that specialists from other regions are attracted, how are your own retained? this is such a sensitive issue, of course, for all reunified entities, i am sure of this, not only the donetsk people’s republic is experiencing this, this shortage of personnel that you are talking about is precisely this problem. was one of the topics at the second meeting of the integration council reunited subjects, drew attention to what has already been done on good positive practices and to what still needs to be done, perhaps to develop some new incentives to attract relevant personnel to the united subjects, that is, for example, valentina ivanovna offered some incentive in the form of an entry in the work book, and a specialist about
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what they needed, and here leonid ivanovich pasechnik posed the question from the source, so to speak, that is, starting from universities, schools, staffing of schools, the need for teachers, plus the need for retraining or advanced training of relevant teachers, teaching staff, of course, these issues were also taken under control, and the corresponding recommendations were made based on the results of the council. will be provided, let's talk about support for small medium-sized businesses, as you know, this activity largely provides employment to the population and also supports the economy, i know that there is a special package of measures that are being implemented within the framework of the relevant national project, tell us in more detail whether these measures work in new regions, some kind of adjustment may be needed, do these measures work, there really are a lot of them, this is a preferential loan. with
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an umbrella guarantee of a small medium-sized enterprise corporation, this is an opportunity to purchase appropriate equipment on a preferential lease, and this is the small medium-sized enterprise support fund operating today, these are the working norms of the free economic zone, that is, this is a reduced tax rate, accordingly all these measures give their fruits, give their results. but nevertheless, some problematic issues also remain, for example, the issue of developing an appropriate state compensation, perhaps some kind of fund for those entrepreneurs who suffered from hostilities, from sabotage, whose enterprises suffered from this, from these military risks, and of course, this is a question of loading the relevant enterprises with orders.
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hello, please tell us more about the main objectives of the project social course of ideas of new times, how it will be implemented. as part of the activities of the council for social innovation in the federation council, it was decided to open such a project office for social projects;
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we understand that as the chamber of regions it is very important for us that all regions of our country know about those successful practices, about those. interesting novels that were created in a particular region, but it is no secret that a huge number of social non-profit organizations work and do very interesting projects, these projects are related to active longevity, projects related to long-term care, also sports, education, culture and many others, but... having created a certain project in a region, in a neighboring region they begin to come up with approximately the same one, however, it is very important that there is such an exchange platform successful practices, and they can also be adopted and transferred as a tracing paper to your region,
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so we thought of a project office together with our partners, this is an agency of strategic initiatives, these are national...
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a social worker is not the one who provides support measures, and above all , this is a person who has not only his professional skills, but... also soft skills, and we see how important it is for a person who contacts a social service to be greeted with a smile, to be treated patiently , even if he has the same question several times, they explained the essence of his appeal, so that he was provided with the help that he expects and the help that is given to him.
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chairman of the federation council valentina ivannovna matvienko, was in the federation council a permanent commission has been created to support folk arts and crafts of the creative industries, when masters come who, for example, were born in palikha, began their first steps in palikha, and in order to receive this highest school of craftsmanship, were sent to moscow, after they don't want this. return to their places of origin, do not want to continue the work, which is very important for the preservation of our
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folk art crafts and cultural code of this or that region, and we discussed what can be done, how, what there must be support measures, including government support, so that this or that student returns to their place of residence to continue working. in those workshops that are traditionally considered successful and are supported, including by the state , which means that we have identified a number of positions for ourselves, of course, wages, which are extremely low for young students who or specialists who have just graduated from their university there is no name yet that would give them high wages. support related to enterprise support
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and the ministry of industry is working in this direction and really supports a number of enterprises that are on the register of the ministry of industry, and even you know, there were such revolutionary proposals that were included in the protocol by analogy with the zemstvo felshcher to think through.
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year, that is, we are a completely new structure that has not been created in our country before. our team consists of 2,330 social coordinators. today, people work directly with demobilized soldiers, special military veterans operations that return home to peaceful life, as well as with the families of fallen soldiers, we resolve any issues at the request of our clients directly, they relate to issues of medical rehabilitation,
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social support measures, payments, provision of prostheses, technical means of rehabilitation, issues of training, training, employing children for well-paid jobs, as well as involving them in the patriotic education of youth. about 60% of those who turned to the fund for help are guys not in our core audience, they are directly to the military personnel themselves, who are currently still in the special military operation zone and are coming on leave. these are families of participants in a special military operation, but we decided that we will also provide support for these guys, we work both to receive citizens and in a proactive mode, when social coordinators directly contact families, communicate, ask what kind of
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help need to be provided directly to the children, how many of their relatives are participating in the svo? the foundation has already helped, what a help most in demand? to date, we have processed 600,000 requests and 54,000 have found positive solutions. the main issues relate to social support measures, these are payments, these are discounts on utility bills, this is obtaining certificates of combat operations, this is obtaining certificates that confirm that the injury was received as a result of a military injury, and the guys also... are applying for high-tech prosthetics, sports prostheses to lead an active lifestyle, play sports and maximize replenishment the lost functionality that they received as a result of injury. in addition, we now have more and more questions that guys are asking about, this is in terms of obtaining specialization, obtaining
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education, including higher education, and we are now providing quotas. for free education, including second education, third, if there are such requests, and of course, the important issue of employment, young guys have small children, and of course they are interested in getting a profession, getting a good one, highly paid jobs, and we help and assist them in this, a very important aspect is inviting these children to a patriotic education. youth to schools, colleges, universities , where these guys talk about heroes, about the understanding of brotherhood, friendship, mutual assistance, team management, all these are very necessary skills that help young people, including schoolchildren, students, in order in order to realize
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some of your desires, interests and goals in the future. comprehensive support for social adaptation, various support measures. legal assistance, veterans of the northern military district and their relatives can count on all this in any branch of the fund. our correspondent oksana poturkina was convinced of this. she visited one of the branches and is ready to talk about her impressions. here you can talk, drink tea, coffee, at the same time discuss issues, meet with employees, with your own people. these meetings, as a rule, take place together with informal male communication in the garage, which is the name of one of the locations of the single support center that performs the function. capital branch of the defenders foundation fatherland. any participant in a special operation, regardless of category, and his relatives, as well as, for example, volunteers who were in the north military district zone, teachers, doctors, and construction workers can apply here. the center will help you receive support measures that are guaranteed at the regional level, undergo career counseling and retraining, and find a job. psychological, therapeutic and legal assistance will also be provided here. we also employ former military
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lawyers who are now helping to understand the military law of work. ordinary civil specialists who help to deal with family law, for example, with inheritance matters, with some fairly everyday issues that require legal, professional support. of course, much attention is paid here to the recovery system, thanks to which veterans of the northern military district learn to live with new physiological characteristics. the building has an adaptation zone in the urban environment, the conditions are as close as possible to real ones, and even the traffic lights, stop and bus are real. into your socialization returning fighters through sports, communication and active leisure are designed for the second building of the center. however, any activity here has practical significance and returns military personnel to normal life, be it cooking lessons or playing billiards or training. which, by the way, is carried out by a veteran of the northern military district. we had a competition for wheelchair users and people also with prosthetics, they came, here they did physical education, some other
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sports, they had classes on simulators, but during the breaks they came down here to the billiard room, and i began to offer them play billiards, so i’ll tell them that almost all the tables were occupied while they were here, branches of the defenders of the fatherland foundation were opened throughout the country, almost 1,500 requests were resolved in the first six months of operation of the tula branch, among the most popular was legal psychological support, assistance in obtaining payments and veteran’s certificates. much credit goes to how the work of the fund was immediately planned, the correct chain of deputies who separately supervise the medical part, social support, works on legal part, at the same time, integration into social coordinators included people from among the categories of the fund, that is. who are directly involved in this situation in life, and this is the lipetsk region, where the foundation’s specialists organized group art therapy classes in one of the regions of the region, with plans to extend them to the entire region, including
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for the psychological rehabilitation of veterans of the northern military district. we understand the importance of these tasks, and the fact that when the guys return, not everyone can immediately perceive that there are some yes, there may be post-traumatic syndromes or something similar, that’s why it happened. it was decided to launch this project; to support the participants of the svo and members of their families , charitable projects are being created. strong rear is one of them. when my husband went to the front, i realized that i couldn’t sit on the sidelines and watch all this, and i decided that somehow i could help our military. natalya is an employee of the russian social fund, she has united like-minded people and other caring people around her who help to the front. it’s a great joy when letters from small children arrive, expressing gratitude and wishes to return. recently, the moscow branch of the social fund organized a patriotic event in one of the vdnkh pavilions, where military personnel who had visited the northern military district zone were invited. oksana
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podturkina, egor gerazimov and andrey letvin, senate program. in the twenty-fourth year , russia will continue active interaction on the climate agenda. a few years ago, the first stage of the national action plan for adaptation to changes was approved climate. the main activities that will help the population have been identified.
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native practices of adaptation to climate change in economic sectors, as well as a list of existing and future data obtained using
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spacecraft, which are necessary for managing climate risks. it should be noted that by 2025 , higher professional education programs and professional retraining and advanced training programs in the region must be developed.
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risks, monitoring performance assessment and the effectiveness of measures to adapt to climate change on the territory of one specific subject or municipality or settlement. the ministry of economic development of the russian federation recommended strengthening the overall coordination of work on updating and linking sectoral corporate municipal and regional climate change adaptation plans and ensuring approval. the federal service for hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring is recommended to ensure that the public is informed about what is happening expected climate changes, their causes and consequences of possible adaptation to them. next week, senators will discuss measures of government support and incentives for the production of hard-to-recover oil and
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gas reserves. the possibility of a special procedure for considering appeals from svo participants regarding the protection of their rights will be touched upon, and current issues of development of the fuel and energy complex in the constituent entities of the country will be considered. see you in a week. see you on the senate program.
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hello, i'm boris. and i'm oleg stepanov and we creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original program besagon tv, i hope you will remember them and enjoy them.
5:00 am
the russian army repelled 10 attacks in the ssu, half in the kupinsky direction, and occupied more in the donetsk direction. advantageous positions, zelensky’s formation lost almost 800 more soldiers, mercenary officers, two tanks and 10 other armored vehicles, as well as 16 gunships, self-propelled guns and missile systems, air defense forces shot down 40 combat drones. but modern russian weapons are superior to their nato counterparts. military factories have increased production volumes several times, more about this...


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