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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 3, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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next is eduard petrov's investigation into the death of five tourists on elbrus. they went on an illegal tour, which became the cause of the tragedy, as the organizers of such deadly trips deceive extreme sports enthusiasts. watch this now.
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buy a one-way tour, private guides promise a safe climb to elbrus, but sometimes tourists have to be rescued by emergency services teams, and some self-taught climbers even disappear without a trace. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. it turns out.
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crime, i'll gladly express it in general, right from early morning there was a wind of 50, turning to 75-85 by lunchtime, it was impossible to go here, and absolutely not, hundreds of private guides set up their nets for extreme sports enthusiasts in the area of ​​mount el brus, luring clients in different ways, mainly via the internet, they promise smooth acclimatization and quick ascent. life in
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the base camp, where there is even a cafe, gullible tourists buy into advertising and come with money, but not everyone manages to climb to the top and go down safely. in the fall of 2021, a group of twenty people were caught in a snowstorm, five of them died. the investigative committee opened a criminal case. who is to blame for the deaths of tourists? why? the mines, despite the bad weather, took people to the heights, and how the illegal business works in the elbrus area. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation.
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behind bars is denis alimov, director of the elbrus git company. according to investigators, he received more than half a million rubles from sixteen amateur climbers. with private guides , alimov sent tourists to the top of the mountain in bad weather. people found themselves in a death trap. on september 28, 2021, the
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nalchik city court arrested denis alimov during the investigation. he is accused of providing unresponsive services . sea ​​level. recently, after the closure of borders due to the coronavirus pandemic , the number of our tourists wanting to conquer it has increased significantly. and where there is demand, there is supply. in the foothills of the caucasus , dozens of dubious companies and hundreds
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of guides immediately appeared, offering to take anyone to the top. without unnecessary and supposedly to no one no training required, and relatively inexpensive. the average cost of climbing is 40,000 rubles. and what is very important for amateur climbers, the climb to the top takes about 7 hours. on the night of september 23, 2021, a group of tourists, together with guides, 20 people in total, began climbing the... beam, everything went as usual, normally, they set out in such a way as to meet the dawn at the top, but at the appointed time back to the camp did not return, a sudden storm prevented it. at the top
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of elbrus, wind gusts reached 40 m/ the second that i did without it, the frosty -20° celsius was deadly. nothing was visible beyond arm's length; it took rescuers more than 3 hours to reach the freezing climbers. as soon as the signal came here, we gave the command, the first group moved out 20 minutes later, this is because there in these conditions it is necessary to correctly select equipment,
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uniforms, communications, lighting, seven people were the first to leave, then groups arrived from. .. someone is being transported on a stretcher, a strong wind muffles the groans, well, they were in serious condition, well, we didn’t really talk to them, because we had to urgently evacuate them down, their
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ski masks were frozen, all their protection from the wind, from the cold, everything was frozen, their mittens were frozen, everything in such bad weather for so long. they were great fellows for holding on, unfortunately, it was not possible to save everyone, five tourists died, 11 people, including several guides, received severe frostbite, they were taken to hospitals in nalchik and pyatigorsk. all applicants had cold injuries, this... cooling, general hypothermia and frostbite of an extremity, most of them had frostbite of the fingers of both hands, was of varying depths, varying degrees of severity.
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denis venersky from st. petersburg was among those who were rescued that terrible night; the tourist’s leg was broken in three places. denis told our film crew how the ascent went. it turned out that most of the trip participants were transported up the mountain on a rotruck. such a tracked vehicle for clearing slopes, not so that there was a lot of wind, we climbed up calmly, everything was fine, the guide guys helped with the backpack, the backpack just hangs on the front , it was sitting on the floor , we got up normally, we got up, how long it felt like, well , 20-30 minutes, probably, we unloaded everything, we got out it was probably already starting to get to the saddle, the weather was just perfect, i liked it so much. here there was even some kind of euphoria, i don’t know, maybe from hypoxia, but it was so great, it was
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so beautiful, it’s just, well, the glory cannot be conveyed, we climbed to the top, it’s already quite it was light, according to venersky, the problems began during the descent, a strong wind suddenly rose, the three of us clung to the rope, then one was blown away, the very first one, which means that then the second one was blown away. and accordingly the third one jerks me, i barely feel it, i hit my foot, well, the pain is so sharp, i think that’s it, i definitely broke my leg. denis received a very serious injury, a complex, comminuted fracture, the doctors prepared the patient for the worst, for amputation, but during the operation the surgeons managed to save his leg, there is a long rehabilitation ahead, from the first day of denis my wife supports me, i had a feeling that it was like something. study, well, the feeling wasn’t very good , i just felt it the day before, when
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she called me, his eldest daughter said that a tragedy had happened, i don’t know how to explain what i felt then, it was just terrible, i burst into tears, i i couldn’t speak, at night i bought a ticket and flew here, but there are also those for whom that night turned out to be the last, anastasia and... yati decided to celebrate her fortieth birthday on elprus, the woman worked as an assistant manager at one of the large enterprises, approached the ascent seriously, trained for a long time, zhigulina’s husband igor recalls anastasia’s messages that alerted him. on this day, she said that because of the weather forecasts that were expected, so to speak. it will be worse, and they were told, so to speak, by the guides, accordingly, that we were leaving not at 4:00 in the morning, at 2 o’clock, that is
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, i had it all written right in my correspondence, that is, we were all there at 0:20 we get up at night for some time, that is, we get ready, get ready, go out, go to rotrucks and they have almost everything scheduled, that is, they left in advance, that is , before the allotted time, i began to worry because there was no telephone connection, usually it was already in the evening after 6:00 ... in touch, but there were no calls, the phone is out of access, the other members of the group also seem to have no access to the phone, at 3:00 am, they already called me back from the ministry of emergency situations of koboratino-bolkaria, they said that nastya was listed as dead, injured... denis venersky tried to help anastasia szhigulina even before her arrival rescuers. nastya, i remember very poorly then
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it became so, she didn’t even remove the snow from her face anymore, i came up to her, i remove the snow from her face, her eyes, her eyes open, she looks at me, and who are you? i say, i'm denis. she, listen, i don’t see you at all, i literally didn’t get any help with the girl at all. besides anastasia and zhigulina, others died that night on elbrus. four people, the artist anya makarova from yakutsk turned 36 years old, for her it was her first trip to the mountains, the woman worked in a museum, raising a child alone. lawyer from yekaterinburg irini golchuk was thirty third year, this trip to the mountains was the first and last in her life. the girl got the idea to climb elbrus after she and her mother visited the foot of the caucasus mountains. this is what irina wrote then on
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social networks. a post of love for the man who introduced me to the caucasus, who , without a twinge of conscience, ate pies, khachapuri and khychin with me. my mom, my most beloved, close and dear person, my friend, thank you. petersburg, went climbing with her husband artyom. the couple had been preparing for this campaign for almost a year, actively involved in sports, but found themselves powerless against the elements. died of hypothermia, her husband ended up in a hospital bed. another deceased was vyacheslav borisov, he was from tyumen, the only one from the group who had already been to elbrus. this hike was the second attempt to reach the summit. this is what his wife, julia, says. a few years ago, he became interested in mountains, that is, not
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so much professionally, just something for him. found it on the internet, before this, neither with guides nor with i didn’t know the other participants, the last time yulia spoke with her husband was on september 22, on the eve of the ascent, he said that 40 m/s wind is quite strong, he cancels the hike only at fifty, so he says,
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there is one, i hope it turns out that we will have this ascent, well... it turns out that on the 23rd there was no connection all day, then somewhere at night at 4 or 5 in the morning i called, there was a buzz, no one answered the phone, then literally within half an hour i logged in on instagram, and there it was reported that the grus had a problem, people were being rescued, well then i started calling the ministry of emergency situations, the police, i don’t know, somewhere around 11 o’clock in the afternoon i found out about it. the employees of the tour operator company did not contact yulia ; according to the girl, she herself called the company’s office, they only expressed words of sympathy, but did not offer her any help. so what kind of office is this that organizes dangerous trips, where no one is responsible for tourists?
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ascension send the remaining amount. no medical certificates are required required. according to the contract, after payment the tourist agrees with the processing of personal information and, most importantly, releases the organizers from liability. this clause of the contract is described in as much detail as possible. essentially, the tourist agrees that he can get hurt and...
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in short, tomorrow is a window, but this is a window, damn it, i looked at the device, my blood pressure is rising, but damn it, at exactly 11 o'clock or 12:00 it starts again i have the same hat, what should i do? we need to go out earlier, but the hat begins so that the trail may disappear down the mountain, i i emphasize that the descent from the mountain can turn into an evacuation, and no one needs this, in this case 100% of the rats are taken, everyone chips in tens. at least 4 hours are saved there , 3-4 hours of walking and everyone quickly, quickly gets to the slanting shelf , quickly, quickly walks up to the top joyfully. profitable and go down as quickly as possible so as not to become the hero of some next news about ilbruz, that there is a group of tourists, blah blah blah and
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the like, all this, in short, evil spirits that sometimes pour into our souls and eyes with media production, let's not talk about it now and participate in it. during the ascent, denis alimov supervised the work of his subordinates by phone, he himself was in karil, developing new directions. tourism immediately after the tragedy, alimov was called by the investigative department of the investigative committee for kabardino-balkaria. he came with a lawyer and immediately wrote out a confession. as a witness in the presence of a defense lawyer, he gave a full confession, told the circumstances, how he organized it all, how he recruited the group, team, how he recruited his guides. here. and, after which, on suspicion of committing this crime, he was detained. he was... charged with committing this crime, and during interrogation as an accused he also admitted his guilt. denis alimov was taken to the nalchik city court and arrested. we
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showed these footage at the beginning of the program; the accused in a high-profile criminal case demanded that all journalists be removed from the hall. with great public resonance, i believe that pressure will be exerted on the process itself. from our own denis alimov refused words quite quickly, the very next day our film crew went to the pre-trial detention center to meet with the arrested person, but alimov did not even leave the isolation cell. the organizer of the deadly ascent explained his position in detail only to the investigator. and he has been engaged in this activity for several years, he has a page on... also in the course of this he recruits
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guides and assistants who directly take this group to climbs, in the city of pyadigorsk he has office.
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elbrus has two peaks, western and eastern. usually tourists strive to reach the western one, because it is higher, 5.642 m. they set out at night to meet the dawn at the top take beautiful photos as a keepsake. not this time. became an exception, the group started from the base camp at 2:00 a.m., to a height of 5,100 m , the tourists reached a height of 5,100 m, then on foot, the group overcame the so-called saddle, the space between the two peaks of elbrus, to a height of 5,642 m, the tourists reached a height of 5,642 m by 10:00 in the morning . geet told us what happened next.


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