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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 3, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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some time to make a new batch of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. joycelyn, who is helping sam, asks that her face not be shown. she is a canadian citizen and fears that us authorities could revoke her residence permit if they find out that she is helping migrants. at this time , a new portion of donations arrived at the church. our parents are immigrants, we have the resources and finances to help these people. it's not our job to decide why they are here, but we do.
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they need to climb over these boulders. many they twist their ankles here. with fresh food we return to the first camp. scema needs to feed the new arrivals. the mexican fisherman's family is still here. they dream of getting to indiana. rodrigue has relatives there. the san isid pedestrian crossing behind me is the busiest border control point in the world. every day up to 90 thousand people cross the border here in both directions. during the pandemic , us authorities have developed an application through which anyone can request political information. the asylum must register in order to set a date to cross the border, but today the waiting time in this application is 60 days, so some emigrants decide to cross the border at places like hakamba. the inaccessibility of the sana sidra crossing forces people to look for other ways to get to the united states. someone tries to climb over a ten-meter wall here in san diego and falls. many people fall and get injured. one of the hospitals in san diego has created a department that exclusively deals with.
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will be together, in principle, legal immigrants, not non-citizens and illegal migrants, generally speaking, according to american estimates, they are very close, legal non-citizens earn a little more than illegal ones, states that use cheap labor, especially like new york, they are largely satisfied that... it’s going pressure on the market, relatively low wages, cheap construction, many other things, that is, the benefit is generated in the developed states, primarily in the north, and the south is of course saturated, and there is some competition there, but well, it keeps wages in certain industries and types of occupations are quite low, that is, the economic interest is clear. about migration problems.
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the problem has been living with us for almost 25 years, well, it has been living for 25 years, but now, well, it turns out it has really grown sharply, but why now is it socio-economic reasons or something else? these are socio-economic reasons, and this is the development of this migration system, which has developed in this border space, because it also changes its configurations, there is, as it were , a constant, this is the border between.
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and these new elements consist precisely in the fact that other flows were actively connected there, the fact is that the second half of the 1910s, let’s call them that, there were two migration crises in the latin american space that existed autonomously from each other , this is the central american migration crisis in the north, here is the mexican-american border, but in the south to the south.
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to an active donor, like all latin american countries, this is a very complex change in this model, and what we are seeing from the middle second decade, when mexico... with great effort began to become involved in the process of controlling migration, in the process of accepting migration, in the process of actively providing asylum, and for a country that did not have this experience, which continues to be an active migration donor, this is also a difficult experience, especially since from this period mexico also became a country of migration transit, and this is a completely different role compared to what it once was from...
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and responsible migration, this is the thesis that is emphasized when every official speeches of individuals, but at the same time, practice shows that fulfilling these obligations is not as simple as we would like, including because, naturally, the channels of illegal migration are channels controlled by criminal groups, gigantic money, this is gigantic money , this is a bunch.
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development of the crisis, if at the beginning the migration problem was a problem of bilateral relations, then it later became a problem of such subregional relations, but still these countries were within the access of the countries centrally the american northern triangle, which is guatemala, ganduras and el salvador, is still within access to conditional deportation from the united states, from mexico, but when they appear, it seems to expand. and such a nomenclature of geography , distances are lengthening, and not every government from
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where migrants come is ready to accept them back , including, you said that the composition of this flow, which is detained in the united states, is also detained in mexico, not to the same extent as in the united states, of course, but last year, i think i looked at the statistics, more than 600 thousand were detained in mexico. that is, this is what is added to the statistics that the united states gives, and here and there the four main components of this outside such a regional segment, this is the venezuelan problem added, this is cuban migration, this is haiti, this is cuba, and i love cuba i told you, that is, and nicaragua, last year there was an ecuadorian crisis, also related to security problems and re-elections.
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mexico does almost everything it can demands, unfortunately, it turns out that mexico is subject to american migration policy, its own territory, this is not normal, the rights and safety of people who want to live better, therefore they strive for the usa under threat, and mexico is on the side of the non- global south, which would be natural for us , and our northern neighbor, we do not have a tradition
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of a strong policy towards the united states, and this is very sad. look at turkey, how skillfully it uses the issue of immigrant borders to strengthen its position in the dialogue with europe. we could do this too to do in the usa, but alas we don’t. do you want more? erdogans are not made, they are born. texas, by the way, because of which now all the cheese, 200 years ago, was part of mexico, but is there anyone among the mexicans who is still experiencing the loss of territories today? yes, just a little, 95 percent of the population, i think , of course, it was unfair, of course, this is still a deep trauma for us, although almost two centuries have passed, but there is a great fear of the united states, we always expect a dirty trick when you are a neighbor usa, always you know that your freedom and independence is under threat, we are simply
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much weaker than them and are forced to give in, we can explain the fear historically, mexico is in the middle. in the 19th century, not only texas lost, the blow from the united states was powerful when the new us president, the regiment, sharply worsened relations with mexico, ultimately going to war with mexico, in order to gain all these territories, recognizing including texas, and ultimately new mexico, and arizona, and california, in the end... the acquisition after the war with mexico amounted to just over half territory of the country, that is, mexico lost 53% of its land. before european colonization , indian tribes lived on the lands of modern texas. over time, spanish
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conquistadors and french settlers appeared there. the territory of texas became part of the spanish colony. in 721, mexico declared independence and considered texas its own, while the mexican governor allowed americans who came from the north to settle there. the authorities expected that the settlers would pay taxes, but they did not intend to do this. in 1829, mexico abolished slavery, and this sparked a rebellion by white settlers. they advocated joining the united states. the disagreements resulted in... a war, which is also called the texas revolution. the first battle took place in 1835 at gonzales, but the battle of alama became more famous. the fortress was besieged by the six thousandth army of the mexican general santa anna. the few defenders of the citadel held out for 13 days, but reinforcements were late. almost all the texans, including
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commanders dave crocket and jim bowie, were killed. the mexican victory was short-lived, and most importantly, given their losses in this battle are inconclusive. the settlers of texas, suddenly, from nowhere, had money and modern weapons. the very next year they assembled a well-armed army under the command of sam houston. the decisive battle took place near the town of san jacinto. 800 texian soldiers surrounded the headquarters of the mexican army and, shouting “remember allom,” defeated the enemy. general santa anna was, according to some sources, taken by surprise while resting in his tent, having ordered himself not to be disturbed. the very next day he was taken to captive in the uniform of a private dragoon. he was identified and forced to sign peace. mexico pledged
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to recognize the independence of texas, and its troops withdrew south of the rio grande river. soon texas. was proclaimed a republic, but only 9 years later it officially became an american state. in 1846, the americans invaded mexico and took its capital. two years later , a peace treaty was signed, under which the mexicans were forced to cede not only texas, but also upper california, arizona and new mexico. as a result of the mexican-american war, all the american south became part of the united states, including texas, which was annexed for. debts to the usa. this is now texas - a symbol of resettlement from south to north; it all started with the reverse movement. 200 years ago the flow was in the other direction, people came in a fast stream to get land, they had to accept mexican citizenship, why did i
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say citizenship, this is a republic, of course they accepted it easily, without any hesitation, that is, there was no such special patriotism of the usa here , who prevented them from accepting mexican citizenship, they had to be formally catholic. moreover , you can’t distinguish a protestant priest from a simple farmer, and this is not an orthodox priest, so you can smuggle him,
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slavery was prohibited in mexico, they began to smuggle slaves, but apparently the control was so weak that nothing was possible to warn, to prevent, already at the end of the twenties , year-old officials, there was a military mission, they said that in a few more years and we would lose the country, well, we really lost the country when the dictator santa anna abolished constitution of 1824, a federalist constitution, tried to strengthen the centralization of power, us settlers rebelled and declared the creation of an independent texas republic, that is, the lone star, the lone star state, which existed, well, of course, not recognized... texas is one of
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the most large and significant states of america, in terms of area it ranks second after alaska, in terms of population, second place after california, and it is also inferior to it in terms of nominal gdp, while it is larger than that of italy, but slightly smaller. than france and great britain. texas is the largest oil producer in the united states. in 2022, production amounted to 1.8 billion barrels per year. the southern state is also an important cattle-raising center and a major cotton producer. it accounts for almost half of all production. recently, texas has begun to create an attractive environment for innovative companies. hewlett packard moved her office from silicon valley to houston, followed by companies such as tesla and oracle. texas relies not only on its economic power. it even has its own power system. there are three of them in the usa: east,
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west coast and separately texas. this has led to a serious crisis in 2021. cold snowfalls provoked increased energy consumption, because its transmission between power systems is difficult. during the cold snap, texas found itself isolated. it caused frosts. the texas power grid was teetering on the brink, massive blackouts could have spread to the entire country, but it didn’t work out that time, but tens of thousands of mississippians lost electricity,
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oklahoma, missouri and arkansas. among the creators of texas, stephen austin, the same son of the merchant mozos austin, he became the first president, and the first vice-president, by the way, was a sican.
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there is, of course, a temptation to see in current events the ghost of the awakening of the free texas spirit, yearning for freedom. but no, we are not talking about separatism, but about the principles of the federal structure, who has what powers, and about elections, of course, now everything is just with an eye on them. we are interested in the border problem with immigration, because the topic of financing ukraine is linked to it. next week. the us senate is putting a compromise version of the budget to a vote, and they may pass it, but in the house of representatives they are still saying that even if they don’t send it, it won’t pass. the europeans, by the way, gnashed their teeth, but approved four-year funding. the worlds are moving further and further apart, one in which big international players live, where the ukrainian issue is the most important
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and fundamental, like a mirror. if any of the russians want to go there, go to mexico and cross the border from there, no problem. but you don’t listen to it, if anything, we don’t advise you to, write it down. it was an international review. goodbye.
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soon, investment rating, economy, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear, clear signal in russia, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, do you think that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, went? am i ready?
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is russia changing in any structure? is there evolution? we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch,
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we watch. paid without registration in the application or on the website. the launch ceremony of the nuclear submarine prince pozharsky took place in the arkhangelsk region. this is the fifth submarine that is being built according to the modernized design of borei a. krenser is armed with torpedo tubes and installations for launching bulava ballistic missiles. on saturday night, the us air force launched strikes against pro-iranian forces.


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