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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 3, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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movie, watch, watch, for free, without registration, in the application or on the website. in the arkhangelsk region, a ceremony was held to remove the nuclear submarine prince pozharsky from the boathouse. this is the fifth submarine that is being built according to the modernized design of barey a. the cruiser is armed with torpedo tubes and installations for launching bulava ballistic missiles. on saturday night, the us air force launched strikes against pro-iranian forces. groups in syria and
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iraq, the american central command reported. 85 objects were damaged or destroyed, including command ones centers, weapons depots, rocket launchers. the syrian defense ministry said that the us strikes killed civilians and military personnel. in the special operation zone, artillerymen from the southern group of troops hit hidden positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the northern direction. we detected the object using a drone, targeting the target. they fired from a msta self-propelled howitzer. in the direction of donetsk , our army aviation carried out attacks on enemy strongholds on mi-28n helicopters. all targets were destroyed. in sochi, they plan to reconstruct the central embankment this year. will be expanded beaches, as well as landscaped areas for walking and sports. in addition, there will be an organized system of breakwaters. this will protect the embankment from storms. 20 will be allocated for these purposes
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. the head of the central bank, hafize erkan, was sent to resign in turkey. the decree was signed by the president of the country. her former deputy became the new head of the regulator. the now former head of the central bank wrote on social networks that she had become a victim of bullying and did not want her family members to suffer. and so she left the post of her own free will. our broadcast will continue with a documentary a film by alexey denisov about the feat of the black sea heroes who in february 1943 captured a bridgehead on the southern outskirts of novorossiysk, which was called “malaya zemlya”. watch right after the commercial. we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for, we’re in a soviet bank, we take out loans. on my blogs i make simple and
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a social session, appetite anywhere, dad, dad, only dad will cut it short, this is our usual ivanovo morning, i want there to be more of us, these are my best evenings, pokrovsky evenings, and i want there to be more of them, because there is nothing greater than happiness, a national project demography,
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february 4, 1943 at one in the morning, on this on the rocky shore in the vicinity of novorossiysk , a detachment of paratroopers landed under the command of major caesar kunikov. the daring attack of our marines came as a complete surprise to the enemy. the landing
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lasted only 2 minutes, after which our assault groups began to rapidly advance towards the city. destroyed immediately, by dawn, kunikov’s detachment managed to capture a bridgehead up to 3 km wide. further offensive had to be stopped due to lack of ammunition and lack of reserves, thus began the story of the famous small land. every year on february 3 , memory candles are lit in novorossiysk. residents of leninsky prospekt display them in the windows of their houses. this is how the beskorka campaign begins in the city. it
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is dedicated to the black sea heroes who in 1943 captured a bridgehead on the southern outskirts of the city. the visor was born in 1968, it was invented by members of the shkhuno literary and youth club of the same age. then they lit several homemade torches for the first time, and at night, together with a participant in the landing, nurse
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elena ostapenko, they walked through the city to malaya earth. the city party committee was initially wary of the people's initiative. night marches of youth, and even more. the border zone was not encouraged at that time, but many, including border guards, supported the guys. after 3 years, i received the peakless cap share. status in it alexandra evgenievna zalomova was born in which thousands of novorossiysk residents took part. novorossiysk in 1927. she is now 96 years old. in 1942, together with her relatives, she hid in the basement from german bombs and shells. and in february forty-third , alexandra evgenievna saw. how furiously the nazis tried to throw the defenders of the small land into the sea, it was impossible to rise, everyone
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lay in the shadows day and night in these collapsed ones, because there was fire rain, the planes flew endlessly, you know, how long, right above this small land they can be seen, how they they release these bombs , they fly, you know, and there’s such dust, then you can’t breathe, you know, for three or four days, this is standing there, it’s necessary, there’s nothing right there, everything is broken, imagine, the earth, every year on february 3, alexandra evgenievna puts on candle in the window memory of those who defended and liberated novorossiysk during the great patriotic war. i go out, light a candle, stand while these columns are walking, i see that there are a lot of people walking there, you see, my grandson stood alone with me, for so long, grandmother, grandmother, it was scary, i say, it’s scary grandson, i... i even want to tell you, yes, thank you to the people , at least, as they say, those who died, all that
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were, heaven reigns, 80 years ago, on the same dank february night , the first heroes of the small earth died on this shore, in the memory of them, of all who defended this piece of their native land, for 225 days , novorossiysk people lower their cap into the sea, a symbol of living people's memory and the immortality of departed heroes.
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in 1942, hitler approved a plan to conquer the caucasus. the main target of the german offensive was caucasian oil. at that time , 86% of the total was mined in this region.
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preserves now, so this is the key to the entire huge region where the germans wanted to stay for a long time, and maybe forever. here are rare shots of novorossiysk from a bird's eye view . they were filmed by a german cameraman during time for the next raid on the city. in august 1942, after the fall of odessa and sevastopol, novorossiysk became the main base of our black sea fleet. the romanians helped the germans storm the city, having an overwhelming superiority in tanks and artillery; on september 6, 1942 , the nazis managed to break into the city. this is the palace of culture of cement workers in the eastern part
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of novorossiysk. its grand opening was scheduled for june 22, 1941. during the sunday concert, the audience had to see how the first one in the city works stage equipped with a rotating circle. but due to the outbreak of war, all performances of the artists had to be cancelled. it never took place here, during the battles for novorossiysk, for some time our military hospital was located in the palace of culture, but when the germans broke into the city, it had to be urgently evacuated.
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at the last moment, our troops managed to stop the germans on the eastern bank of the city in the area of ​​cement factories. today we are at a point beyond which the nazis were unable to advance . the mangled carriage stands, silent a witness to the autumn battles of 1942; after the war, experts counted 10 thousand holes in it. preparations for the operation to liberate novorossiysk began in january
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1943. the soviet command planned to return it. the port is under our control as soon as possible. sudden attacks on the enemy were supposed to be carried out in several places at once. on land, the forty-seventh army was supposed to break through the german defenses and bypass novorossiysk from the northeast. at the same time , two of our landing forces were supposed to attack the germans from the sea. one demonstrative in the area villages and the main one near the southern one. today is novorossiysk. pebble beach, 12 km from the center , the landing site of the main landing, this one . according to historian roman toldykin, here the landing operation immediately went wrong and ended in tragedy. the main reason
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for the failure was the uncoordinated actions of the black sea commander.
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which were supposed to quickly break through the german defenses. on the right flank of the landing, the tug gelenzhik successfully brought the first balinder to the shore, and 10 tanks were unloaded by the marines. this group, where there was about 300 marines, supported by seven tanks, immediately broke through the enemy’s defenses and reached glebovka. subsequently, having received the command to leave the encirclement, 158 people from this group were able to reach the small land.
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every second person died or went missing. the removal from the post of commander of the black sea fleet in october was the consequences of the landing operation here. we can say for sure that more than 300 landing participants survived; they managed to escape from the encirclement. here there was a feeling of pain, but respect and pride for those people who gave their lives for our future. the mass grave of our soldiers who died in the battles for southern azireevka is located on the site where the german defense once held a refuge; it was here in february 1943 that the ashes of 775 soviet soldiers, marines , tank crews, and sailors from the main forces who died rested. our landing force,
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ships and paratroopers are here today. the work of establishing names continues to this day. unexpectedly for everyone, the greatest success was achieved by a small landing force that landed on the southern outskirts of novorossiysk in
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stanichki area. according to the plan of the soviet command, it was supposed to distract the germans from other directions, so it was considered demonstrative, but in the end it was he who had to become the main one. acting quickly and professionally, our marines managed to seize a bridgehead, which would later be called small land. in soviet times , a memorial was built on the site of the legendary dump. the symbolic bow of the boat crashes into the rocky shore of tsemes bay. in fact, the boats were unable to come close to the shore. paratroopers. we jumped into the icy february water, sometimes waist-deep and sometimes chest-deep. after that , soaked through in shorts and pea jackets, in
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pitch darkness, they broke through the enemy defenses and managed to hold the captured bridgehead until reinforcements arrived. according to some sources there were 272 of them, according to others 275 people. commanded desperate brave men, major. tsezar lvovich kunikov tsezar kunikov, who eventually caught on to a tiny small land, we need to remember with special gratitude. caesar kunikov, in himself, is a representative of that a military generation of people who actually created victory, who actually won, that is, these were people who could break into any defense, they could go to the death, understanding that this was necessary for a common victory, this was a special military generation, caesar lvovich kunikov. was born in rostov-on- don in 1909 and before the war was a purely civilian person. having received an engineering education, he worked his way up from a master
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of a turning department to the head of a department in two people's commissariats, the director of a scientific institute and the executive editor of an all-union newspaper. mechanical engineering. with the beginning of the war, despite the reservation, kunikov went to the front. here, thanks to his personal courage and organizational talents, he became the commander of a marine corps battalion. there were legends among the black sea sailors about his bold sabotage operations near mariupol, taganrog, kerch and rostov on the don. to conduct night combat, kunikov developed his own methods of training personnel. future paratroopers. defenders of odessa and sevastopol,
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participants in the feodosia and kerch landings, heroes of the battles on taman and in novorossiysk. after this, daily grueling training began according to the kunikov system. methods of landing training that he used in generalzhik, some of them are still considered unique, for example, walking silently on pebbles or, for example, determining where a shot occurred, hearing, blindfolded rock climbing, that is, there were many such interesting moments, all the fighters of his squad, whom he selected each, communicated with each, they had to be able to wield all types of weapons, thanks to the brilliant training... kunikov’s detachment was able not only to break through well-fortified enemy positions in the first day, but also to repel many enemy attacks. each one. the paratrooper
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had with him 800 rounds of ammunition, a machine gun, eight lemons and an anti-tank grenade. the ten-man squad had one machine gun and two sniper rifles. in night battles , marines identified their own by a white bandage on their left arm. the skills of using captured weapons were especially useful to the paratroopers, about which... kunikov wrote in a memo to the soldier. yes be the enemy's weapon and use it in difficult times. study it as your own, it will be useful in battle. in a report dated february 5 , kunikov reported that his fighters managed to recapture six guns from the germans, four of which were immediately brought into battle to repel enemy attacks. thanks to this, it was possible not only to defend the bridgehead, but to destroy more than a thousand in the first day.
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after the transfer of fresh reinforcements, our troops managed not only to finally gain a foothold in the bridgehead, but also to expand it, capturing several blocks in the southern part novorossiysk. it's better than watching it 100 times. twist once, order with avito delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. plight is an unusual service with payment in installments. you don't need to apply for a new card to look for a list of stores. plight is available everywhere. playite divides the price into six parts and works with a card from any bank. what about interest rates? there is none of them. go to flight. this. at night, our friend has already
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