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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 3, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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called these territories the ancient land of the magyarms. in addition, ex-prime minister of slovakia igor matovic once outlined a pragmatic approach. he offered to give transcarpathia to russia in exchange for a coronavirus vaccine. the series of the ninety-fifth quarter about president zelensky, little blue, is a prophetic story when ukraine is divided into dozens of different parts, there is the real ukraine, the ussr, there, that’s the same one. ukraine, the same ukraine that we love, this is all the map of today’s ukraine. in the end, ukraine will come apart at the seams, so this gypsy cuddly blanket just won't get tired. but no one is capable of seizing russian territories; even german journalists, who unwittingly entered into controversy with the fugitive gouleiters of mariupol, do not argue. the capital of priozovye was visited by the tsdf film crew. i saw a large-scale construction project, assessed the quality of the wireless internet, and made sure that there was heating and hot water. and received comprehensive
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comments from local residents. director alexey decided to make his choice in favor of russia. he thinks it will be hard for me to understand, but he tried, nevertheless, to explain to me. of course, those in ukraine consider me a traitor, but those who stayed here see the situation differently. everyone believes that the other side is guilty. you know, the city will probably be rebuilt again, it is already being rebuilt. nothing like the unfortunate ghost town that the unknown always imagines.
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speaks the truth, this truth is seeping into europe little by little, and this is a kind of fly in the ointment in quotes yes, which is being formed by the western media trying to prove the necessity that it is necessary to supply the ukrainian army, and that they are fabricating certain fakes about russia, the sdf report, of course , did not displease the ukrainian side, because well, frankly speaking, it says that everything that... that happened in the means the media, or rather, everything that was broadcast to the media is all lies and untruth. in the end, a formal apology still survived from the editorial office of the central democratic fund, forcing mariupol to be recognized as a victim of mythical russian aggression, so the bet on total lies abroad is for now no one canceled it, perhaps, the more hypocritical the cover of the financial times looks. the newspaper used a photoshopped kiss between biden and trump based on the famous graffiti by dmitry vrubel to warn its readers about the threat of disinformation, as if they were not in favor of it.
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by controlling the propaganda machine under his control, he creates the vast majority of ridiculous fakes, which we will definitely continue to expose in the stop fake program on the rossiya24 tv channel. alphabank has the best loyalty program for business, we pay 3,000 rubles for opening accounts. and up to 10% cashback for expenses. any business starts with a person. at first i cooked it myself. then the team began to expand. but when there are more clients, you can’t always keep up with demand; with support, development does not stop. let's expand further. national project for small and medium-sized enterprises by decision of the president. our job is to support yours. disturb your stomach. premium amiprozole renival. pancreati renival. we. we trust renival, we choose
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family freckle. nanos and great-great-grandmothers. it is not immediately possible to understand its value, but everything changes when love gets involved. the freckle conquered the rebellious heart and ran away, dispersed, became the most precious value, family, some try to disguise it, some wear it as decoration, save it and pass it on to other generations, national demography project. traditionally, in early february, leading experts and entrepreneurs in the field of digital technologies gather in kazakhstan. the almaty digital international digital forum is being held for the sixth time this year. welcome to asia, here the heart of the continent beats, and we keep our finger on the pulse. today we are talking about the new digital era of eurasia,
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good old logistics, the eternal hypocrisy of europeans who patronize asia as a wilderness and at the same time extend a hand of friendship about the passion of millions in football. in this year the slogan of the forum is industry x digital evolution of the future. the event brought together government officials from the shanghai cooperation organization of the eurasian economic union, it specialists, start-ups and large businesses with one ambitious goal: the formation of a new digital era. as part of digital almaty 2024 , the first digital forum of the shanghai cooperation organization was held, in particular. iran, with access to the indian ocean, is proposed to join efforts to develop joint storage bases. in this communications is proposed to introduce joint projects with the participation of countries, ranging from the creation of satellites to the implementation
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of digital platforms. an important topic of the forum was digital interaction within the eurasian economic union. on the agenda is the creation of an integrated information system of the ies, the creation of conditions for... the council was held without the head of the kyrgyz cabinet of ministers , klbek dzhaparov, he urgently interrupted his visit to kazakhstan due to a diesel engine accident in bishke. we will return to this topic later. and the day before , bilateral negotiations between japarov and russian prime minister mikhail mishustin. the parties noted their mutual interest in developing friendly
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bilateral relations. russia is the largest investor in the kyrgyz economy; joint projects are being implemented in such sectors as manufacturing, geological exploration, and mining. also in almaty, mikhail mishustin held negotiations with his kazakh counterpart alekhan smailov. the parties confirmed that for both astana and moscow, the strengthening and development of bilateral relations is absolute priority. and what is very important, the governments of the two countries are in constant contact, in real time, they resolve all emerging issues, in particular, ostana offered mutual discounts for the transportation of coal through russia and russian grain through kazakhstan. separately , mikhail mishustin thanked his colleague for his careful attitude towards the russian language in kazakhstan. you and i, dear alekhan askhanovich, are in constant contact, in real time, all issues of interaction, bilateral agenda we decide. disgusting, and i want to assure you once again that for us strengthening relations with
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fraternal kazakhstan is of priority importance, our interaction is based on the principles of friendship, strategic partnership and alliance, we attach great importance to cultural and humanitarian cooperation, the legal basis has been created for successful work branches of higher educational institutions of russia in kazakhstan, i want to thank you, alekhan askanovich, naturally, the leadership of kazakhstan colleagues for... attentive attitude towards russian language, it is such an instrument of interethnic communication, it helps to strengthen contacts between our peoples. kazakhstan is ready to transfer its airports to the management of european investors. this was stated by the minister of transport of the republic, marad karabaev, at the eu investment forum central asia, which was held in brussels. according to the minister, kazakhstan is ready to transfer the remaining 22 airports under management. he expressed hope that this will allow kazakhstan to realize its potential and become a transit hub
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between asia and europe. also the authorities kazakhstan is ready to transfer the ports of oktao and kuryk on the shores of the caspian sea to european companies, with the subsequent possibility of privatization. at the same time, kazakhstan offered to sign an agreement with the participating countries of the so -called middle corridor and the european union. the initiative is to develop a trans-caspian international transport route. it runs from the port of lenyun. in china through kazakhstan, the caspian sea, azerbaijan, georgia, turkey and further through the black sea to europe. throughput capacity - 10 million tons of cargo per year, including numbering up to 200,000 containers. in the next 5 years, to implement major infrastructure projects in the field of transport development, kazakhstan plans to attract investments of approximately 40 billion euros. against this background, the head of the foreign policy service. eu jose barel, the same one we sent into the jungle, actually openly admitted that
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the eu's investments in the infrastructure of central asia are directed against russia, precisely with the aim of involving the countries of the region in an attempt to blockade russia economically. previously, the countries of central asia were in the deep wilderness, today they are at the center of all events. for sanctions to be effective, we need full cooperation from our partners. yes, we need to develop regional infrastructure, we need to develop. euros to create a corridor from central asia , bypassing russia, and what is noteworthy is to attract, not allocate or issue, namely to open credit lines, that is, once again, brussels, in order to protect its political interests, as barel said, is offering to the central asians...
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had to completely disconnected from public infrastructure. schools and kindergartens were transferred to online training. in addition, boiler operators were injured directly at the scene of the emergency. four were hospitalized with burns, another was poisoned by combustion products. they promise to restore full-fledged work to tetz within a week. the ministry of emergency situations of kyrgyzstan does not exclude that the accident could have occurred due to sabotage. and during the plenary session of the digital forum in almaat, russian prime minister mikhail mishustin announced his readiness to help kyrgyzstan eliminate it. consequences of the emergency. kazakhstani taxi drivers are so tough that they work even in a severe snowstorm. that's just
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ends, it's not very good. in the zhambyl region, three such cab drivers, and at the same time 10 more cars, had to be rescued from snow captivity by employees of the ministry of emergency situations. nearby , meanwhile, 26 cars collided at once, including several buses and trucks. the cause of the accident is still the same. blizzard coupled with ice. there were casualties, but at least there were no casualties. and in the karaganda region on the highway to timer. tau bad weather led to an accident involving sixteen cars, again, fortunately no one died, however a couple of people required medical attention. the parliament of kyrgyzstan has changed the conditions for russian-kyrgyz activity in the country. slavic university, now he will be able to independently manage his property and, on his own initiative, attract funding for research projects, both from moscow and bishkek. the university is transforming from such an ordinary state institution into an interstate educational organization, an intellectual corporation;
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it is extremely important to have a modern infrastructure, a normal scientific and educational environment, so that students and... and continuing the theme of logistics, this week there was a meeting between representatives of the turkmen railways agency and the russian holding company russian railways, they discussed the development of transportation along the eastern route of the north-south transport corridor and others. infrastructure projects. the latter includes the reconstruction of a carriage repair plant in the city of gazelarbat and the opening of a new ashgabat arkadak route, along which a regional passenger express will run. it is also planned creation of a single logistics operator, opening of a representative office of russian railways in turkmenistan. and a little more about logistics: the conflict between the yemeni houthis and western countries in the red sea increases the importance
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of the north-south transport corridor, which is already used, including even for supplies. to europe, russian deputy prime minister alexey overchuk announced this. we’ll talk about the prospects and problems of this route with the director of the infranews research agency, alexey bezborodov. can the north-south corridor be seriously considered as a long-term alternative to the corridor between europe and asia through the red sea. the route has not yet been fully explored. the investments that are not yet to be made are gigantic. mastering these investments requires more than just time. but also a huge number of professional personnel, a qualified approach and a mass of non-standard solutions, including in the commercial part, so that it is clear for reference, to fill the modern transit flow along the east-west route from china to europe through the russian federation and kazakhstan, it took at least 10 years and another
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preliminary 10 years of quite long , monotonous preparation, investment, until then it is quite difficult to talk about any price, while it is in any case much higher, while it is not so convenient in the commercial part, but how you will appreciate the results of the transport forum in brussels between central asia and the european union. well, firstly, i was very offended by all the statements of the european gentlemen, mr. barel spoke out there and so on. this is a disaster, yes, this is an attitude towards people of the third, fourth. the second kind of figures there are, relatively speaking, 10 billion investments, but even 20, at least 30, they do not reflect reality, the question is not, again, whether they are large or small, they are pronounced from the ceiling, here this approach is very lightweight, for these 10 billion dollars , build some roads for yourself, i suspect that the colleagues, the ministers who
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came to this rally, as if in brussels, i think that they listened, looked and understand perfectly well that most likely... they were deprived of accreditation radio azatyk. tone, with this approach, well, in general completely, as if uninteresting. in kazakhstan , we will continue to communicate with the russians and the chinese, because the ministry of foreign affairs of the republic refused work permits to 36 correspondents to communicate with europeans. it is interesting that the kazakh parliament is currently considering a bill on mass media, which gives the media the right to deprive foreign media of accreditation. if their activities pose a threat to the national security of the republic. it is curious that, according to the american smith act, a resource like radio liberty, which is funded by the us government, is prohibited from broadcasting to the american population in order to protect them from the propaganda of their own government. last year, azatyk was blocked in kyrgyzstan, however, after numerous appeals of deep
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concern from the state department, the decision was revised. in general, it must be said that the official is legally elected. the authorities of kyrgyzstan are now subject to intense pressure from abroad. foreign organizations are sabotaging the adoption of the law on foreign agents. pressure, albeit diplomatic, is being exerted even on the country’s president, sadyr. japarova. the project is already stuck in parliament, and endless ngos on western grants accuse the government of trying to interfere with the activities of organizations that are funded from abroad. but in fact, this is what it is, this is a desire to protect oneself from outside interference, to protect one’s own. and this is a completely logical, it would seem, desire. there are even outright threats to make the country an outcast in the world community. why such a strong reaction to this bill? let's discuss it with vladimir.
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this company has a huge number of offices in all countries of the world is connected with the foreign office and with intelligence services in the uk. do
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the real goals of the visit correspond to the officially stated ones? the fact is that, in fact, the british came not only about sanctions, the british want to slow down the adoption in the kyrgyz parliament, which is called zhugorku. and in other news: kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan synchronized watches at a meeting of foreign ministers in bishkk murat nortleo and zhienbeg kulubaev
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emphasized that there are no political contradictions between the republics, and the prospects for cooperation remain consistently broad. they also discussed trade and economic cooperation and water and energy cooperation. the ministry of internal affairs of kyrgyzstan received almost 30 official cars and a radio station from their russian colleagues. these are sedans, crossovers and pickups purchased under an agreement on the joint fight against drug trafficking. as stated, the new fleet will allow kyrgyz law enforcement officers to work more efficiently and increase their technical potential. mufti of uzbekistan khaliknazarov joined the muslim council elders. this is an independent religious organization that was established in the united arab emirates 10 years ago. since then, it has been attracting into its ranks the most authoritative, respected representatives of the islamic world, be it spiritual. the football players of the national teams of tajikistan and
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uzbekistan gave their fans incomparable emotions. the asian football cup is still ongoing, when this program goes on air, the quarterfinal matches will already take place, the results of which we do not yet know, but regardless of their outcome, this tournament has already become special for all central asian football. the tajikistan team made its debut in the final part of the cup. asia and how heroically they left the group in the first round of the playoffs, the arab emirates team was ranked 40 positions not in favor of tajikistan in the ranking between teams, but on the field the players showed real character, the players led the score the entire match, but missed the return goal in the ninety-fifth added minute, but even this did not break their will to win in the penalty shootout, the tajik lions turned out to be stronger. successes of the national team noted without exaggeration by the whole country. the uzbekistan national team is a more
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sophisticated team, reaching the decisive round is almost a mandatory program, but the performance of the uzbek football players this year is something special. at the group stage, the uzbeks did not lose a single match and beat strong thailand in the 1/8 finals. this is also a powerful story of overcoming serious personnel problems. the loss of the main forward only united the team, well, new stars are shining, the decisive goal against the thais was scored by young abazbek faizullaev, a player from moscow cska. we will discuss the successes of the national teams of tajikistan and uzbekistan with former football player, coach, and football functionary usmon toshev. as a person who is directly related to what happened, in your opinion, what is the secret of the success of the teams from central asia?
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tajikistan, because i coached this team, and i know their potential, they are now continuing the policy that we started, the coaches are great, they are moving them further and moving them even better, about our team, of course, the potential is very great, in first in turn, we changed the approach to work, the relationship with football players, with coaches, and it turned out, i can say, that there is more trust in football players and coaches. of course, education, we began to conduct a little training courses for coaches, changed the training policy, we tried to travel a lot, invite people to our country, in particular russia and belarus, to south america, we travel a lot, the support of the federation leadership is very great , mutual understanding here is very good, it’s like we’re looking in one direction, well, yours
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forecast, who? will become a champion, a good question for a fan, of course, yes , for a football fan, but for me this is a very difficult question, well, the favorites, probably, if i can say so, are uzbekistan , this is korea, this is japan, this is iran, and me i think so, these four teams will fight for the championship, i do not exclude that tajikistan will show such a sensational game this time, so they can also fight. that's all for us, see you next week, as usual in the center of asia, take care of yourself! my dad and i went here as children, too
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so you lay there, silent...
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the application or on the website. let's return to the news review, the new strategic nuclear submarine prince pozharsky was withdrawn from eling in severodvinsk in the arkhangelsk region today. this is the fourth production ship of the modernized barei a project. the cruiser is armed with torpedo tubes and installations for launching bulava ballistic missiles. after the completed construction phase, the submarine will undergo factory, running and state tests.


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