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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 3, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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what time to get on your skis? not bad either, what was that? found? yes, well, apparently , yes, well, apparently they found it, apparently they even went crazy, maybe you’re collecting something good, for example, about our regiment, a battalion commander with the call sign cherry dreamed of being a military man since childhood, after school he graduated from the mikhailovsky artillery academy. i was on vacation for a long time, i came home , the director of the school talked to me about the humanities, what is needed, what whom, he says, where are you from, i say, well , from yampol, he says: where from, i say, well here is yampol, such a regiment, he says: i’ve never heard of it, i’m so offended , a lot of people know about our regiment, not even in our district, a guards regiment, a combat regiment, and you don’t even know about it, i’m so offended .
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i wanted to write a song, we didn’t forgive the angry ones, we didn’t forget the fallen brothers, and the armadas are being prepared, the hour of reckoning is very close , the flame will ignite again, the yampal will be born, the enemies are already alarmed, we are at your doorstep, shoulder to shoulder, let’s go forward, the steel is ours brings death to you, you should go home alive, and yampol goes into battle again, colorful, well , colorful, not colorful, it’s very rare to see a song with so much information, usually the chorus takes up more than half of the songs, but here it’s a whole story, don i’m neva, i’m ready for goal 221, i’ve begun my journey in...
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modern howitzers, high-precision weapons, a cannon shot is akin to a jewelry cut from a scalpel, and the actions of an artillery crew are akin to the work of a microsurgeon. when you work on a hail and they tell you there is 20 fire, 30 fire, that is, after the first three sightings you expect to continue, there is a shot and silence and i mean, everything, how to understand, everything, well , it seems that he moved a sniper rifle from a machine gun, this is confirmed by the fact that recently, let’s say, the calculations of our... battery destroyed an
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enemy tank with the third shell, and we fired with unguided ammunition , and with conventional ammunition, for rocket launcher systems , the target is still large-scale, voluminous, these are enemy columns, platoon company strongholds, a concentration area, and here the howitzer works exactly like a sniper rifle. my three great-grandfathers participated in the great patriotic war, respectively, one of them was an artilleryman, this is vasily ivanovich, he was the commander of the artillery of the division, there was such a position before, respectively, he participated in the battles under the raisins, liberated ukraine, reached berlin with his division as an artillery commander, was awarded the order of the red star, and accordingly... liberated berlin, another
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great-grandfather was the commander of a reconnaissance unit, was also awarded the order of the red star, was wounded and, accordingly, jumped immediately after war. my third great-grandfather, he accordingly began the great patriotic war in 1941 as a volunteer, in the very first years of the war he went missing and was later declared dead. accordingly, i can say i continue their path. in the war zone from the first days of the special operation, he commanded a howitzer artillery for 33 years , he experienced a lot during the north military district, he served with volunteers and mobilized people, and he realized that history is made by thousands of ordinary people from all over the country, but who is fighting? people are fighting, ordinary people, perhaps for sometimes actors, perhaps singers, come across a rare case of boredom, but this is the exception rather than the rule, look at our singers, where have they all gone, all these scarlets. by defending
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this country. in almost 2 years at the front, the battalion combatant has rethought life values ​​and now understands exactly what is really important and what is of secondary importance. this helps the officer make decisions easily in stressful situations. if something is important to your life, to your survival, it's worth paying attention to. if it doesn't affect your survival, then even no need to bother. this is probably it. the most important change is when a friend or acquaintance dies, you try not to show it and you simply understand that something is dying inside you, some part of your soul is extinguishing, the officer admits that at the front you cannot
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do without losses, and this, perhaps , the heaviest burden that commanders bear, even a person with a strong psyche can falter at some point, this is the blood. our path ran through a populated area that was constantly under fire, so we went through this populated area point, instead of the usual 45 minutes, we flew by in literally 20 minutes under all these whistles and arrivals, we flew straight to the hospital, while we were being transported, i accordingly
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bothered him constantly so that he would talk to me, at first he talked, then he just started to talk to me shoulder pounding, we delivered it right on time, just a little more and we wouldn’t have made it. the driver was great, the driver took us quickly, if he had not taken us, it seems to me that nothing would have happened , a few months ago the battalion commander received an order to open fire on a target that was only about 6 km away. there were means of objective control, a drone that assessed our first groups of explosions, we released about 10 pieces, and these explosions fell at the end. columns, well , the head of reconnaissance ordered us to fire fire, we worked out the package, the column was destroyed, but we didn’t even know about it, then they said that the column destroyed 24 units of equipment,
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well, in general, we ourselves were surprised by this result, for the defeat of the enemy column the commander was awarded the zhukov medal, and accordingly was rewarded for... germany included not only germany, but also various satellites, which, in fact, well, the whole of europe, if you count it like that, if they managed it, well, we shouldn’t even. there to think, i’m not for you , regiment commanders are respected, he knows how to find an approach to everyone, if necessary, he will help or just encourage, all artillerymen know, battalion commander cherry is a man with a sense of humor, and he also sings well with a guitar and composes songs, that’s all this also happens, he is a very good commander,
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he has a lot of knowledge, specifically at work, and also in everyday life, he is a very educated person, very good. demanding, strict, when you are physically tired and mentally tired too, he supports us, making fun, telling various jokes, incidents from life, he plays the guitar very well, he has a wonderful singing and more than once we get it in the evenings when he is on duty , we sit down together, have tea, coffee, drink and sing songs, we should have fallen asleep long ago.
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i have not played such a song, i want to play it for you, maybe you will appreciate it, death is not scary, we met her more than once in the steppe. and now she’s circling above me, you ’re waiting for me, you’re not sleeping by the crib, so i know nothing will happen to me. there
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are such songs, but they suit the mood, but you listen to this song, you understand, as if they were painting, you understand, right here even now, yes, the steppe is there, there is wind, bullets are all there, now this song has an imprint left, so definitely, definitely, they can’t help but leave an imprint if this song is good. the fastest artilleryman in the crew with the call sign fizruk, professional athlete, marathon runner. as a child, he studied kudo and army hand-to-hand combat in his native dagestan. then he became interested in athletics and said goodbye to the tatami. i have been serving in the armed forces for nine years and continue to serve. that’s how the svo began, i came here right away too. my brother arrived. father arrived, and uncle, mother’s brother, everyone is also participating here. well, in different areas , only we communicate like this, we communicate periodically, that is, you get the whole
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family, yes, but your sister should also be in in the near future, she plans like a doctor, she has a medical education, she says to stand aside when this happens, it’s also psychologically impossible , somehow it’s hard to say how your mother reacted to this, well, your mother is worried, of course, any mother will be worried, be nervous, well... no matter how much you swear, leave if this is the case, brother, dad, are they artillerymen too? my brother is an artilleryman, my father carries the wounded, when they called him up, the last time he said that even seeing a red cross on the car, here they are firing, they seem to have there is nothing sacred at all, it seems to me that my brother left with an injury, now he is performing other tasks in russia, and my uncle is also an artilleryman. he is also like his father , only on different guns, the physical education teacher
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remembers his first guard with a smile, although at that moment there was no time for laughter, he walked every 10 m , sat down, listened and looked closely in such complete darkness, i hear, well, i move, i hear two steps so distinct, i take her turn, and it turned out to be ours. i didn’t know about him at all, in the morning here i am the guys say that they almost hit volodya, every day after this incident this cat began to come to the position, he first meows then comes and that means that he is one of his own, yes, so that he doesn’t shoot anymore, but what prompted this is the most important thing your whole family to voluntarily go to svo?
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standing on the sidelines, looking at all this, it’s also somehow impossible to run away, there were options, quitting, leaving the contract, moving to another place, well, none of us, we were born in the caucasus, it’s somehow not customary for us to run away somewhere , we'll be there right away to participate, dad, of course, was against my brother coming here, one son says: at least stay, i say: no, we will all carry out tasks together, it helps that you are all here together morally, even though you are not in the same unit in different areas , it’s psychologically difficult, we all worry about each other, it doesn’t matter, my mother sends us parcels, different ones, that is, they come from afar, of course, but people understand, they help, it’s homemade, she sends something like ours, honey mountain, well, these are some delicious treats. even their smell here reminds me of home, you remember your native land
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there, a serviceman with the call sign gru is a friend of the physical training teacher, the soldier says, a military unit is a very complex team, and here, more than anywhere else, it is important to be able not to conflict and adapt to each other, and the physical training teacher in the battalion is an irreplaceable person, several times he helped out his soldiers comrades, everyone’s qualities are different , individual, because everyone...
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the rest and the necessary calculations, everything was already ready for shooting, that is, the physical condition of a person is also very important, we built a homemade mini-gym, we are trying to some sort of thing, but to keep yourself in shape, some people do heavy weights, they lift like this, some people like me run, i used to work out. kudo, in army hand-to-hand combat , competed for the regiment, then i began to run, run a lot, at least 100 km a week , i started with a coach, european champion natalya popkova, i realized that running was still my thing, so. the physical education teacher has achieved
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impressive results in professional long-distance running. he participated in the republican all-russian marathons. among thousands of athletes, almost always came to the finish line first. his record in dagestan has not yet been broken. i ran the first competition, the 42 km marathon, it was a series of races in moscow. a two-time champion of these starts, plus - he ran the record of the republic of dagestan 225 km, for 33 hours, without stopping, the only time we stopped was to put on warm clothes, because it was cold, there were volunteers with me, an escort car, there is no such person who i just ran without stopping, i prepared for 2 years, it was extremely difficult,
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these trainings were grueling, they were more well, psychologically they were somehow pressing. but also every day there is at least 15-20 km with a nutritionist , you control yourself, you don’t even allow yourself to drink an extra glass of water, that’s how every gram of food was weighed, it was just extremely, extremely difficult, after a while i ran a personal best. in 34 minutes 45 seconds i ran the konstantin khabensky charity race, it was extremely difficult for me, despite the fact that in a week i won another race, and it was a control race, but i won there, the guys fought until the last meters of the distance, let's applaud them and, of course, present them with diplomas and gifts from our
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partners and organizers. the weight of each projectile is about 50 kg, and thanks to the fact that i am a professional athlete. here at the front, it helps me to easily carry such heavy shells while it’s going on, here it’s easy to stay in shape, at least to work out at such sites, jogging in the morning, periodically i somehow have to find time for myself to do sports, but i think what when the is over, i also plan to continue to manage...
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it is managed by a volunteer from the vologda region, in civilian life he worked as a driver of a timber truck, and in the military service he served as a sniper in the border troops. with the beginning of the north military district, i realized that his place was here at the front. colleagues noticed his bestiality with the hero of yevgeny leonov from the film gentlemen of good luck, and gave him the call sign associate professor. well i never thought i would. tv people, here fate has brought us together, i like it, well, you look at the guys, they are there, well, damn it, and what am i doing here, sitting on the sofa, as if despite my age, as if in
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in principle, it’s normal, who if the heavens will protect them, that’s right, two brothers fought at the front with the assistant professor, unfortunately, both recently died in battle, cool. here’s my brother, he left 5 months before me, so he was supposed to come on vacation in may, and as if we were together like brother and brother, it’s still easier, it’s like everything, but it didn’t work out, it’s may 1st they brought me home to bury me, so in may i tried to sign at the end of may, to go already, there was no set, i came to the vending machine, they told me to wait for a call? in the month of september, just another cousin, 23 years old, they brought the boy too, he was mobilized, as if all this was thought
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about first of all, whether i needed it or not, in the end i came to the conclusion that it was necessary, 3 weeks ago my brother was already awarded the order, although that’s all posthumously. it’s a pity, of course, but the wife, here’s what your relatives told you, your parents are supportive, your wife, as it were, your little son is still walking, doesn’t understand this, but he misses you, the parents, of course, are positive. what says you did it guys, you are already a hero saying that that’s all, but you need to realize it, it wasn’t a spontaneous decision,
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it was a few sleepless nights, yes, well, i think i did the right thing, like clockwork, it works great, everything is well maintained, good.
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what thoughts do you have here, work more often, have already worked here, it’s easier for the boys, artillery, yes, there is power. the associate professor showed himself to be a very good driver, he always helps, helps out, sometimes gives advice , because he is twice my age, but he
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shares his experience because he has lived longer than me, he always helps say something when we do something with him, he always helps with advice, says how to do it right, what not to do, always well, somehow how a father treats us, according to physical characteristics, he is not inferior to young people , and sometimes even gives... a head start, because he is a very powerful person in complex, well , he does everything just like us. when things get difficult for an assistant professor, he remembers the example of his grandfather, who went through the great patriotic war. and he was in captivity, he served for 7 years, a year before the war, 5 years of the war, and after the war he served for another year, but in took the oath twice, he was in captivity, that. not to work for the germans, he doused his leg with a burning iron, it’s just that one of his legs was normal, the other was just like a matchstick, that’s all, it was so as not to work, he
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was almost punished then... for this, well, the allies freed him, he you took the oath again, you drive, your grandmother comes by the car , baptizes you, that means the whole thing is correct, that means it’s correct, whatever gun you want to work on, well, as for artillery, so in general on everyone, so that you can fully understand and feel that this is what it is, it’s also not bad, but...
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in case i’m here until it’s all over.
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we continue the news review and the new strategic nuclear submarine prince pozharsky was today withdrawn from the elling in severodvinsk in the arkhangelsk region. this is the fourth production ship of the modernized barei a project. the cruiser is armed with torpedo tubes and installations for launching bulava ballistic missiles. after the completed construction stage, the submarine will undergo factory sea trials and state tests. moscow is seeking an urgent meeting. un security in connection with american bombings of iraq and syria hit a total of 85 targets. american airstrikes on the territory of iraq and syria using strategic bombers, as a result of which dozens of objects were destroyed and civilians were killed, once again demonstrated to the world the aggressive nature of us policy in the middle east and washington’s complete disregard.


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