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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 3, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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the ukrainian army shelled peaceful lisichansk in the lpr and targeted the building of a picaresque and cafe with american haimers missile systems. 11 people were killed, 10 were injured, the number of victims, according to rescuers working on the site, will increase further. more than twenty people may remain under the rubble. the analysis will continue all night. we are located near the bakery building, combined. from a cafe, day off, saturday,
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after a working week, residents of the city of lesechansk came to the cafe to relax with their family, eat cake, at that moment - another terrorist attack claimed the lives of our citizens. today, the government of the algan people's republic , employees of the ministry of emergency situations are providing all the assistance that is necessary to clear the rubble, the most important thing for us is to save the lives of the people who are under our control... the russian army carried out 37 group strikes with precision weapons and drones on reception centers in a week solutions, military enterprises, airfields, arsenals and fuel depots of the armed forces of ukraine. all objects were successfully hit. during this time, they repulsed about 100 attacks. zelensky's formation was almost lost 6,300 soldiers, mercenary officers. 19 tanks and 59 other armored vehicles, as well as 86 howitzers and self-propelled guns were destroyed. russia has requested
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an urgent meeting of the un security council in connection with the american bombing of the territories of iraq and syria. the meeting is scheduled to be held on tuesday night. foreign ministry spokeswoman maria zakharova emphasized that the airstrikes are designed to further inflame the conflict. american airstrikes on the territory of iraq and syria using strategic bombers, as a result of which dozens of objects were destroyed , damaged, civilians were killed, and once again demonstrated to the world the aggressive nature of us policy in the middle east and washington’s complete disregard for international law. obedient participation in attacks by the united states, the royal air force, and britain should not create the illusion of some kind of international coalition. london still has to. for their zeal in supporting the purely
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provocative actions of their superiors in washington. it is obvious that the airstrikes are specifically designed to further inflame the conflict. virtually no pauses, and recently, such objects, as claimed by pro-iranian groups in iraq and syria, and the united states, are in fact purposefully trying to bring the largest countries in the region into conflict. washington, believing in its impunity, continues to sit down. destruction and chaos in the middle east, we strongly condemn the new blatant act of american-british aggression against sovereign states and seek urgent consideration of the emerging situation through the united nations security council. so, us planes hit 85 objects in iraq and syria. according to the pentagon, they allegedly belong to pro-iranian groups. baghdat said: in fact, the rockets fell on the positions of the iraqi security forces. 16 people were killed, 25
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were wounded, including civilians. the country declared mourning, well, at least 29 people were killed in syria. both states called the americans' actions an act of aggression. the iraqi ministry of defense expressed an official protest to the us chargé d'affaires in baghdad. but washington said this was a response to the attack on an american base in jordan on january 27. then three died us troops and about forty were wounded. in addition, the us and britain launched a series of strikes. on houthi positions in yemen. and the governor of the moscow region, andrei vorobyov, visited a family where all three sons are participating in a special operation. the family lives in domodedovo. hello. we decided to say good news. come in, here are the guys themselves, the eldest, here is the eldest, this is the middle one, well, this is the youngest, dmitry. today i came to your family to see
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vladimir mikhailovich vladimirovna, i know that three guys are serving. the youngest of the brothers was mobilized, and two others decided to volunteer, each with their own family. andrey varobyov answered all the questions and found out what kind of assistance the region can provide them, and, among other things, they will help.
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when we congratulate dad and wife on the holiday, they turn from loved ones into unnecessary ones, it’s not necessary, but i need it, well , or i don’t need it, but i still need it, thank you, osper, thank you, that’s what we need, so here we go again we become loved by you, it’s nice to receive thanks and a bonus, go thank you for taking care of your loved ones, please the megamarket. profitable, taste has a name. sasha, polya, max, at the table. the shebekinskys, that’s what they call it, try it. in the whirlwind of life, successes, failures. hope fills you. in the rhythm of the worker, there are many tasks, your
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break is filled with viglanch. meat sauce, rich, hot, filling with meat and noodles. warm sunset over the roofs and dachas. joy. fill the vicinity. those who come to cuba have the somewhat strange , albeit understandable, fun
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of riding in a pink american car; we chose something different to get around this island. volga, let's go. on such a car on the soviet volga gas-24, we will mainly move around the island. because exactly 50 years ago this, well, almost this, not a white, but a black car, and what is a car? havana has never seen anything like this before. the jubilation of such a sea of ​​flowers, smiles and flags, a flurry of applause rolls in waves along the entire path of the vehicle. yes, brezhnev, that’s who flew to kubo exactly 50 years ago, and whose motorcade was headed by the volga.
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for us, former soviet people, a trip on the same volga across today's cuba is, of course, a sentimental trip, but only sentimental happiness, because in... firstly, you see how in the nineties we abandoned cuba overnight, turning into, in fact, a second blockade for her, in addition to the american one. and secondly, as we will see, although the visit of general secretary brezhny was filled with political and ideological gestures, it was the visit of a brezhny manager. the owners of today's volga are a cuban family, where sons were not yet in the plans 50 years ago, and the father of the family was still just a boy, but they all know about such a visit as that brezhnevsky, that route clove, received brezhnevo at the
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josé marti airport. i witnessed all these moments of leonid ilic’s visit to cuba, which surprised everyone. the fact that we are used to it, that for some reason all the soviet leaders, they are so serious and so on, begin to greet everyone there. and then the cortege drove along avinida boyro, they were traveling in an open limousine, there, if i’m not mistaken, mark was already zil. get ahead of yourself, they later arrived in that car for the opening of the govan school named after lenin. gromyka, brezhnev, fidel, you, and i, the then director of our school, but also you, yes, 50 years ago, 50 years ago.
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what kind of our man is this and what turns out to be very useful and was then conceived in cuba today in our today’s film for the anniversary of brezhny’s very remarkable visit to cuba in many ways. 28 jul.
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we enthusiastically welcome the visit of comrade brezhnev, since he represents the heroic people of lenin, the homeland of lenin. cuban students will continue to do so. further filel and nikita, nikita, i don’t think,
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it’s their time, i don’t think it was shown by brezhnevo, in theory, it was khrushchev who should have been the first to fly to havana, he was the first extended a helping hand to cuba, which turned out to be 1:1 with the usa, it was under him, in the sixty-third year , fidel was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union, by the way, brezhnev, while the chairman of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr gives it to fidel.
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it cannot be said that even in the soviet years between the ussr and cuba there was such, you know, eternal spring, eternal dawn, but no, just shortly before brezhnevo’s arrival in cuba , such an episode happened in relations , as short as it always happens in the tropics, but this is such twilight, the episode went down in history, how... the case with the microfraction. bypassing fidel, a number of veterans of the cuban communist party, who were pro-soviet even before the revolution, then established their own channels of communication with moscow, where, in turn, the new top revolutionary leadership of cuba was suspected of wanting to get closer to such a communist competitor as mao in china, and with what is cuba so attractive to everyone? the cuban revolutionaries, they are still special, unlike other socialist countries, they did not rename their country, it did not become a people's republic or a people's democratic one, it cuba became the republic. and he retained his
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classic coat of arms, on which the classic symbol of cuba is the key to both americas. by 1974, when brezhnev finally gathered here, a gigantic amount of work had been done to consolidate soviet positions here. at the ramp of the plane, leonid ilvich brezhny is warmly and cordially greeted in a brotherly manner by fidel castro ruz, the first secretary of the cuban party, the prime minister of the revolutionary government. we calculated the point where they hugged for the first time to the square decimeter. as you understand, we are on the same pier of the same havana airfield rancho boero named jose marti. well now, let’s go back to that soviet documentary to watch and listen to who arrived with brezhnev
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then as part of his delegation. members of the politburo of the cpsu central committee and the minister of foreign affairs of the ussr arrived with comrade brezhnev. another first secretary of the ukrainian party was sherbitsky and the leningrad afkom romanov, obviously also because it was the kiev and leningrad military districts in the caribbean crisis, they supplied personnel for a group of soviet troops in cuba, as well as the minister of civil aviation bugaev. oh, cuba and civil aviation, i personally have something very sentimental about it. these frames show family newsreels, the author of this film. in 1972, i was born in cuba into the brilev family of olga and boris. my father in havana was an air export translator; there was then a foreign trade association that supplied our civil aircraft to the island airline cubana. it seems like the father appears on the chronicle at the government residence of el laguito, where
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that day he clearly translated for minister bugaev, but also met fidel and brezhnev.
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here is ernest chagevara, a little further, kamilos infegos, then further on is some kind of ownerless national library, then they hung a huge portrait of brezhnev on it, now, let’s take a look inside, yes.
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“the future of humanity is peace,” said the glorious son of cuba, cos marti, there was a time, he added, when war was resorted to as the first means of resolving conflicts, today she is already the last resort, i personally remember then, i thought, apparently, the guys from his team, he..." they prepared him very well or he was so moved by the cube, the mutual love was strong, this is also the moment.
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with that very star of the hero the soviet union and don’t forget the leader of a country just 9 miles from the united states, which imposed sanctions on the cubans, even then the soviet union, all the countries of the socialist community extended a helping hand to her, well, about... help from the rest of the socialist camp - this is a well-known exaggeration many have already realized that here in moscow, we will now go to the former museum of the revolution, now the museum of contemporary history of russia. so let's take a look. on this canvas by the artist nalbanden, fedelkastra, leonid brezhnev, in the center, in a painting dedicated to the congress of the cpsu. and everything is logical, because it was in soviet language. union by the end of the soviet era accounted for 90% of cuban trade turnover, often on credit. all the other countries, hungarians, poles, czechs, they only traded. the soviet union,
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the soviet union went much further. soviet-cuban cooperation covers today there are various spheres of life. it extends to metallurgy and energy, agriculture and fishing. fleet, it rises from such simple forms as trade to the cooperation of production and coordination of national economic plans. the famous book-house on moscow's new arbat was then the headquarters of the council for mutual economic assistance, seva, the economic bloc of the socialist camp, the core of which was naturally the soviet union. cuba entered it in the north just in the early seventies. this was the moment
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it’s so huge that it ’s simply impossible to take in it at a glance, but there’s a model, so we’re talking to the director of this refinery near it. instinctively this project
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seems soviet to me, that’s right, it’s 100% soviet, and this is the largest metallurgical plant in cuba, the soviet union modernized this business in the seventies, yes, it was completely under the soviet union, generous, and now let’s finish seeing govan square revolution, so, the library, then... this building with such a reddish decor, this is the minfar, the ministry of revolutionary armed forces. in the summer of 2023, after a long, long break , a training ship with our cadet sailors again arrived in havana. going ashore, the guys unloaded equipment for the virtual branch of the russian museum, further, here near san antonio dos banos, a memorial to the soldiers of the group of soviet forces, which... stood in cuba for decades even after the caribbean crisis. twice hero of the soviet union, general ossetin, cavalryman and snot, that’s who commanded the soviet
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contingent in the year sixty-two. sixty-sixth year, when he dies here kondratov nikolai ivanovich. nuclear weapons were removed from the club, but soviet troops remained. 1976, when the crew of the tu-95 strategic bomber dies here, but other soviet aircraft continue to fly. cuba was then called the unsinkable aircraft carrier of the soviet union. so, let’s not lie, of course, geopolitics was at the heart of that soviet-cuban alliance. but was there economics in this after all or not? or, as we began to say evilly at the end of the soviet era, we simply... fed cuba, for the cubans the economy of course it was, but on the other hand, this also means that cuba can
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help to some extent and...
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queues, queues, actually, in cuban and spanish the word buy, as we did in the soviet years, was replaced by get. let's go to the gas station. first, until january of this year, you had to stand in one line and get permission to refuel, only then you actually refuel according to the limit. so, three operations later you can refuel. this is the last cable.
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brezhnev the manager consciously told her, because that in the ussr they were thinking about how to make cuba not only an expensive project, and in the second part of our film about what else can be corrected based on, yes, yes, oddly enough, the brezhnev model. a mortgage from sberbank with one button will make all your dreams come true, even with... very different ones, or maybe everything everywhere at once? find a property and submit just one application for a mortgage in the tomclick service. rather than watching it 100 times, it’s better to spin it once. order with avita delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm payment. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet.


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