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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 4, 2024 12:30am-1:00am MSK

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during the time of the north military district, he experienced a lot, served with volunteers and mobilized people and realized that history is made by thousands of ordinary people from all over the country. who is fighting? people are fighting, ordinary people, perhaps with rare exceptions there are sometimes actors, perhaps singers, but this is the exception rather than the rule. look at our singers, where did they all go, all these scarlet pugachevs and so on and so forth, they all ran away as soon as they smelled kerosene. ordinary people stood up to defend our homeland, that’s all, so i decided to become part of a big country, to participate in its life, by defending this country. in almost 2 years at the front, the battalion combatant has rethought life values ​​and now understands exactly what is really important and what is of secondary importance. this helps the officer make decisions easily in stressful situations. if something is important for your life, for survival, but...
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it’s worth paying attention, if it doesn’t affect your survival, then you shouldn’t even bother, this is probably the most important change, when a friend or acquaintance dies, you try you can’t show it and you just understand that something inside you is dying, some part of your soul is extinguishing, the officer admits that you cannot do without losses at the front, and this is perhaps the most... one shell, and it so happened that this was a crazy arrival, then it just arrived at the moment, he fell behind our combat vehicle, there were two people on the combat vehicle at that moment, he only hit the commander of the combat vehicle, his legs were cut, accordingly, on... to pull him off this combat vehicle,
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i must immediately say thank you to the guys , to the artillerymen, who immediately brought the ural car, our path ran through a settlement that was constantly under fire, so we passed through this settlement, instead of the usual 45 minutes, we flew in literally 20 minutes, under all these whistles and arrivals, we flew straight to the hospital, while we were being transported, i accordingly, he was constantly bothered so that he... would talk to me, he talked at first, then he just started tapping me on the shoulder, we brought him right on time, we just wouldn’t have made it a little longer, the driver is great, the driver drove us quickly, if he had not driven us, it seems to me that nothing would have happened, a few months ago the battalion commander received an order to open fire on a target that was only about 6 km away, there were means of objective control, this is a drone that
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... assessed our first groups of explosions, we fired about 10 pieces, these explosions respectively fell at the end of the column, well, the intelligence chief ordered us to fire the sediment, we worked out the package, the column was destroyed, but we didn’t even know about it, then they said that was destroyed a column of 24 units of equipment, well, in general, we ourselves were surprised by this result for... germany included not only germany, but also various satellites. which
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, in fact, well, the whole of europe, if you count it like that, if they managed it, well, we shouldn’t even think about it at all, regiment commanders are respected, he knows how to find an approach to everyone, if necessary, he will help or simply encourage him, all artillerymen know, battalion combatant cherry is a person with a sense of humor, and he also sings well with a guitar and composes songs, this also happens, he is a very good commander, he has a lot of knowledge, exactly. at work, and also in everyday life, he is a very educated person, very good, demanding, strict, when you are physically tired and mentally tired too, he supports us, making fun, telling various anecdotes, incidents from life, he plays very well guitar, he has excellent singing and more than once we get it in the evenings when he is on duty. we sit down together, have tea, coffee, drink and
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sing songs: we should have fallen asleep long ago, but for some reason we can’t sleep, again now... you appreciate it, death is not terrible, we have met with it more than once in the steppe, and now it is circling above me, you are waiting for me, you
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are not sleeping by the baby’s crib. so i know that nothing will happen to me, there are such songs, yes, to suit the mood, but you listen to this song , you know, as if they were painting, you know, right here, even now, yes , the steppe is there, there is, the wind, the bullets, it’s all there, now this song has left an imprint, definitely, definitely, but they can’t help but leave an imprint if this song is good. the fastest artilleryman in the crew with the call sign fizruk, a professional athlete, marathon runner, as a child he studied kudo and army hand-to-hand combat in his native dagestan, then he became interested in athletics and
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said goodbye to the tatami. i have been serving in the armed forces for nine years and continue to serve, that’s how it started, i came right away too. yes, my dear brother came, and my father and uncle came, my mother’s brother , everyone is also participating here, well, in different areas , only we communicate like this, we communicate periodically, that is, you get the whole family with the need, yes, but my sister should too in the near future, she plans as a doctor, she has a medical education, she says to stand aside when this happens, it’s also psychologically impossible , somehow it’s hard to say how... yours reacted to this, well , your mother is worried, of course, any mother she will be worried, nervous, but she didn’t swear anything, go, if this is the case, brother, dad, they are also artillerymen, my brother is an artilleryman, my father carries the wounded, when
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they called him up, the last time he said that even seeing a red cross on the car , here they are they fire, it’s as if nothing is sacred to them at all, it seems to me. my brother left with a wound, now he is performing other tasks in russia, and my uncle is also an artilleryman, he is also a gunner, only with different guns. fizruk remembers his first guard with a smile, although at that moment there was no time for laughter, he walked every 10 meters , sat down, listened and looked closely in such complete darkness. i hear, well , i’m moving, i hear two steps so distinct, i take her turn, and it turned out to be our cat, i didn’t know about him at all, in the morning here i am the guys say that they almost hit volodya, every day after this incident
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this cat began to come to the position, at first he is small, then he comes and that means that he is one of his own, so that he doesn’t shoot anymore. and what prompted, most importantly , your whole family to voluntarily go to the svo, stand on the sidelines, look at all this, it’s also somehow impossible to run away, there were options, quit, leave the contract, move to another place, well, none of us, we we were born in the caucasus, we are somehow not accepted where. runs away, we all at once we’ll come to participate, dad, of course , was against my brother coming here, they’re one son says: at least stay, i say: no, we’ll all carry out tasks together, it helps that you’re all here together morally, even though you’re not in one unit in different areas, it’s psychologically difficult,
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we all worry about each other, it doesn’t matter, so my mother sends us various parcels, that is, they come from afar, of course, but people understand and help. something homemade sends something like this , our mountain honey, well, these are some tasty treats, which are here, even their smell reminds me of home, you remember that... your native land. a soldier with the call sign groot, a friend of the wezruk. the fighter says that a military unit is a very complex team, and here, more than anywhere else, it is important to be able to avoid conflict and adapt to each other, and the fizruk is an irreplaceable person in the battalion; several times he helped out his comrades. everyone’s qualities are different, individual, because all people are different, especially since almost all of us are. different nationalities, different cultures, someone smart, someone is a mathematician
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, someone is knowledgeable in something else, well, it’s so hard to put into words, you probably need to feel it, be in a team, i remember one case when other calculations were on duty, and it so happened that these the crews were at a decent distance from the guns, when the command came for battle, gladzh was one of the first to run to the guns, although... there is a lot of running here, to run to the guns, raise the barrels alone, when all the other and necessary crews came up to fire everything was already ready, that is a person’s physical condition is also very important, we built a homemade mini-gym, we try to keep ourselves in some kind of shape... whoever works out heavy weights, they lift something like this, someone like me runs, i used to work out kudo, army
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hand-to-hand combat, so i competed for the regiment, then i began to run, run a lot, i managed at least 100 km a week, i started with a coach, european champion natalie popkova, i realized that running after all - fizruk achieved professional running long distances with impressive results, he participated in republican all-russian marathons, among thousands of athletes he almost always came to the finish line first; his record in dagestan has not yet been broken. i ran the first competition, the 42 km marathon, it was a moscow course. two-time champion of these starts, plus he ran the record of the republic
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of dagestan 225 km, for 33 hours, without stopping, the only time we stopped was to put on warm clothes, because it was cold, there were volunteers with me, an escort car, there is no such person who without i was just running to stop, i had been preparing for 2 years. extremely hard, grueling, these workouts, they were more, well, somehow psychologically pressing, the same thing, every day, at least 15-20 km, with a nutritionist you keep a tight rein on yourself, you don’t even allow yourself to drink an extra glass of water, that’s how it was, every gram of food was weighed, it was really, really hard. after
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some time i ran a personal best in 34 minutes 45 seconds, i ran konstantin khabensky’s charity run, it was extremely difficult for me, despite what i i won another start a week, and it was such a control race, but i won there, the guys fought until the last meters of the distance, let's applaud them, i present them with diplomas, of course, and... i have time for myself in sports, but i think that when i will end, i also plan
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to continue to train professionally , to return to sports , to update the republic’s records somehow, i need to round them up to 300, maybe, but again this takes a lot of time, this is in running , somehow everything is much more complicated there, they say it's easy athletics, but i don’t agree with this expression at all, it’s not easy at all. the grad multiple launch rocket system is operated by a volunteer from the vologda region. in civilian life he worked as a timber truck driver.
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he served as an urgent sniper in the pogran army. at first, the north military district understood that its place was here at the front. colleagues noticed. the assistant professor had two brothers who fought at the front; unfortunately, both of them recently died in battle. here's my brother, he left 5 months before me, so he was supposed to come on vacation in may, and as if we were together already like brother and brother, it anyway, it’s easier, as if everything, but
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it didn’t work out, on may 1st they brought him home to bury him, so in may i... tried to sign at the end of may, already go, there was no set, i came to the vending machine, they told me that you should wait call, in the month of september, i was just with another cousin, a 23-year -old boy was also brought, he was mobilized, as if all this was thought out first of all, what do i need it or not, in the end i came to this conclusion what is needed. 3 weeks ago my brother was awarded the order of honor, but that’s all posthumously, it’s a pity, of course,
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great, but the wife, here’s what your family told you, your parents are supportive, your wife seems to be... your little son is still in kindergarten, he doesn’t understand it, but he misses you, the parents, of course, are positive, what he says is you done, guys, you are already saying the hero that this is all, well, you need to realize this, this was not a spontaneous decision made, these were several sleepless nights, it was, yes, well, i, i think that i did the right thing. like a watch, works great, everything is well maintained, good car. at first he ended up in an assault unit, and this service is one of the most difficult at the front, it is especially difficult when you are over 45, but the assistant professor easily adapted and was already ready for the fact that he would participate in contact shooting battles at the front line.
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a month passed in storms, it was like training, it was great fun there. we shot, ran around , learned a lot, a lot, as if the instructors were good, the guys explained everything, told everything how to do it correctly, we should have been sent away already, two of us were old enough, the rest of the guys were 35 years old, there was no one under 40 , they brought us a plane to land, we have the board is already standing, as a result, the colonel approaches the two of us here, we both ended up here in the artillery. i’m also interested in how we might have more chargers, why are we jumping off, what thoughts are coming to you here, working here more often, i’ve worked it out, it’s easier for the boys now,
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and artillery, yes, that’s power. yes , the assistant professor has shown himself to be a very good driver , he always helps, helps out, sometimes they give advice because he is twice my age, but he shares his experience because he has lived longer than me, he always helps to say something when we something's wrong with him we do, he always helps with advice, tells us how to do it right, how... we shouldn’t do it, because always, well, somehow our father treats us, according to physical characteristics, he is not inferior to young people, and sometimes even gives a head start, because he is a very powerful person by build, well, he does everything the same way. along with us , when things become difficult for an assistant professor, he remembers the example of his grandfather, who went through
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the great patriotic war, but he was in captivity, he served for 7 years, a year before the war, 5 years of the war and after the war he served for another year, yes, he took the oath twice, because he was in captivity, so as not to work for the germans, he hit his leg with a burning iron. it’s just that one of his mastiffs was normal, the second one was just like a match, that’s all, it was so as not to work, he was almost punished there for this, well, the allies released him, he took the oath again, you drive, your grandmother comes baptizing the car, that means everything is correct business, that means it’s correct, no matter what weapon you would like to work on, well , as for artillery, so on everyone. to fully understand and feel that this is also not bad, but on the tori i would like to shoot cannons, as it were, well
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, i still have time, i think it ’s not limited to the city, until it’s all limited, we’ll see further, but you have some awards, but not yet, i not for awards, they will be like that, no, no, it’s okay, victories in any case, even my contract ended next september, but in any case, i’m here until it’s all over.
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1:00 am
the army shelled peaceful lisichansk in the lpr, targeting the building of a bakery and cafe with american hymers missile systems. 20 people were killed, 10 were injured. the number of victims, according to rescuers working on the spot, will further increase. several dozen people may remain under the rubble. the analysis will continue all night.


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