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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 4, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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the ukrainian army shelled the peaceful city of lisichansk in the lpr. they targeted the bakery and cafe building with american haimers missile systems. 20 people were killed, 10 were injured. the number of victims, according to rescuers working on the spot, will further increase. several dozen people may remain under the rubble. the analysis will continue all night. we are located near the bakery building, combined. on
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a day off, saturday, after a working week, residents of the city of lesechansk came to the cafe to relax with their family, eat cake, on this the moment another terrorist attack claimed the lives of our citizens, today the government of the lhansk people's republic, the employees of the ministry of emergency situations are providing all the assistance that is necessary to clear the rubble, the most important thing for us is to save the lives of the people who are under the rubble. ukraine, the city of lesechansk, lugansk people's republic, the administrative building in which the two-story collapse occurred contained civilians. fire and rescue units of the russian ministry of emergency situations are working on the spot. inspection and analysis is carried out rubble using special equipment. ukrainian terrorists knew that many civilians were coming to the bakery on saturday. they called it a crime. kiev for the generous support
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of the west, they noted that eu citizens should know that their taxes are used to buy deadly weapons and send them to ukrainian militants, who then kill civilians, they invited residents of paris or rome to imagine themselves in the place of the dead, they emphasized that this is yet another proof that in the armed forces of ukraine, as vladimir putin said, has finally turned into terrorist organization. moscow expects speedy and unconditional condemnation from international structures. over the course of a week, the russian army carried out 37 group strikes with high-precision weapons and drones on decision-making centers, military-industrial complex facilities, an airfield, an arsenal and fuel bases of the armed forces of ukraine. all objects were successfully hit. during this time, they repulsed about 100 attacks, zelensky’s formations lost almost 6,300 more soldiers and mercenary officers. 19 tanks and 59 other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well. 86 self-propelled and missile gaubs
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systems, seven anti-aircraft systems, mainly of french and german production, were eliminated, air defense forces shot down over 400 combat drones. about the situation on the front line, alexander katsuba. attention, weapon! we hit enemy armored vehicles that are trying to advance and attack. we strike our positions with artillery fire again, the shot is fired, the shells land right on target, aerial reconnaissance discovered another lure of a camouflaged tank of the armed forces of ukraine, the artillery crew of the group of forces hits the center without delay, and they hit the tank from the third shell, that is, as reconnaissance reported, the shell flew into the hatch, yeah, somewhere this and this is directly visible, yes right.
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596 level zero. the enemy is snarling, joining in the counter-battery fight, but our advanced detachments are pushing back more and more confidently. canadian authorities have calculated that disposing of decommissioned aircraft missiles is very expensive, and they want to send them to ukraine. the cbs television channel notes that these are more than 80 thousand missiles, they are over 40 years old, such ammunition can fire abnormally, even explode upon launch, but in ottawa they believe that the ukrainians will be fine with this. meanwhile. even in poland they pointed out that kiev’s ambitions are empty fantasies, especially regarding crimea. about the mood in the west, natalya goncharova. the armed forces of ukraine are catastrophically short of people. american journalist max blumenthal, in contrast to the line about democratic media, paints a different picture
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of the events from kiev. in an interview with the judging freedom portal, he said that ukrainian men are caught on the streets and sent to the front without training. and they picked up western media resources. to draft them into the army, this is exactly what we are seeing in ukraine, there is simply no men, a whole generation was thrown to slaughter, eu money will not help ukraine, it needs people.
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politician robert kennady jr. criticized the actions of the white house. according to him, washington missed the opportunity to reach an agreement with russia. in ukraine became a new version of an already proven us scheme in other conflicts. we were told that moscow is trying to take over europe, and this is the first step towards restoring the soviet empire. this is exactly like the caricatured description of saddam hussein in erat, in the war with whom we were simply deceived. from this moment on, we are introducing nato into 14 countries. why are we doing this? because when you admit a new country to nato, they have to sign a contract according to which all the weapons they buy. will meet nato specifications, which means you have to buy weapons from these big american military contractors who are profiting from the war, the us government is now running the ukrainian government. the fact that the topic of ukraine has begun to irritate many of the largest media outlets in america is clearly evident from this
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publication. a new new yorker article came out with headlines that would have been unimaginable just a year ago . ukrainian democracy in darkness. the thesis that ukraine is fighting was actively promoted. not only for their survival, but for the future of democracy in europe and beyond. meanwhile , ukraine itself lacks democracy. as usual, presidential elections are due to take place in ukraine in march. up until the end of november, zelensky's office seemed ready to hold them, but ultimately abandoned them. the transformation of opinions is visible in the political elite of european countries. for the first time in public, polish president andrzej duda doubted kiev’s claims to crimea. crimea is a special place, i do n’t know if ukraine will return crimea, it is special, including for historical reasons, because essentially, if we look at history, crimea was in the hands of russia most of the time. the ukrainian embassy in poland has already responded to duda’s statement. they
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were indignant and said that the return of crimea is the responsibility of ukraine and its allies. the guardian, meanwhile, published an investigation into strengthening control over ukrainian citizens. the sbu reported the publication. that over 800 criminal cases have been opened regarding cooperation with russia, such prisoners are kept in pre-trial detention centers separately from others, they are subjected to beatings, and many receive derogatory tattoos. at the end of the material, the author concludes that perhaps this is the know-how of the kiev authorities, to throw peaceful ukrainians behind bars, so that later there will be someone to exchange with russia for captured soldiers in the ssu. natalya goncharova, lead. vladimir putin appointed him to the post of chairman. board of trustees of the defenders of the fatherland foundation, director of rosfinitoring yuri chikhanchin. by the same decree, the former head of the council, labor minister anton kotyakov, was removed from its membership. in addition, the president expanded the functions of the fatherland defenders fund and now it can conduct international
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cooperation on issues of protecting the rights of special operation fighters and their families, and control the quality of social support. the chairman of the defenders of the fatherland foundation will annually submit a report to the president. about the results of the work. the usa and britain inflicted over 30 strikes against the houthis in yemen, after the states had already carried out bombings in iraq and syria. in this regard, russia has requested an urgent meeting of the un security council, which is planned to be held on tuesday night. foreign ministry spokeswoman maria zakharova emphasized that these strikes are designed to further inflame the conflict in the middle east. american airstrikes on the territory of iraq and syria using strategic bombers, as a result of which dozens of objects were destroyed , civilians were killed, and civilians were again demonstrated to the whole world. the essence of us policy in the middle east and washington’s complete disregard for
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international law. obedient participation in attacks by the us royal air force and britain should not create the illusion of some kind of international coalition. london has yet to answer for its zeal in supporting the purely provocative actions of its superiors in washington. it is obvious that the airstrikes are specifically designed to further inflame the conflict. practically without pauses, and recently objects such as asserted by pro-iranian groups in iraq and syria, the united states is in fact deliberately trying to plunge the largest countries in the region into the conflict. washington, believing in its impunity, continues to sow destruction and chaos in the middle east. we strongly condemn the new blatant act of american-british aggression against sovereign states, and seek urgent consideration of the emerging situation through the security council. united nations organization. but in total the americans fired
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more than 100 missiles. 29 dead in syria, iraq 16 people were killed, 25 injured. biden personally ordered the attack. the head of our american bureau, valentin bogdanov, will tell you what this can lead to. a deadly fireworks display of shells flying in all directions is the result of an american strike. in the iraqi border town of elqaim, an ammunition factory, one of 85 targets of a night raid by the us air force. we're back on air with a special report on us airstrikes against iranian-backed militants. the strikes were in response to a drone attack on a base in jordan that killed three american soldiers. for 30 minutes , the pentagon bombs the territory of independent states without. tion, bypassing the charter of the world organization, dropped 125 bombs,
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official baghdad seemed to have been notified in advance, official damascus, of course, was not. the united states does not seek conflict with iran or throughout the middle east, but as president biden has made clear, we will not hesitate to protect our people and hold accountable anyone who harms americans at a time , in a place where it is necessary. it started tonight, but it won't end tonight. before the bombing begins, the head of the white house participates in a ceremony to welcome those killed in a drone attack on a base in jordan. coffins containing the bodies of three killed american soldiers were delivered to delaware. biden was accompanied by his wife jill and pentagon chief lloyd austin, who walks with a cane after surgery. soon the order came to begin. however, the pentagon assures that they did not deliberately guess, it’s just that the weather window that they had been waiting for for several days finally opened over iraq and syria. the president ordered additional action to hold ksir-affiliated
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paramilitaries accountable for their attacks on u.s. and coalition forces. these actions will be taken at the time and place we choose. about the reluctance of a big war - this is in tehran. washington is clearly very concerned about what the iranian response to their response might be and is insuring itself in advance. an administration official said that the united states does not intend to launch strikes on iranian territory, focus on goals outside of it. a strike inside iran would lead to a huge escalation, so this scenario is unlikely. for the republicans , what is happening is like a slap in the face; they are thirsty for a real war with iran, that is , trying to sit on all the chairs, biden ends up failing even more, some even hint at betrayal, like the speaker of congress, mike johnson. the administration waited a week and telegraphed to the world, including iran, the nature of our response, public
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beatings and excessive signaling undermine our ability to decisively end the onslaught of attacks suffered over the past few months. isolationists call this a waste of resources to maintain the image of a superpower. if we do not want conflict, then let's withdraw the troops from there. they are not welcome there, they are not needed. they are defenseless targets for anyone who wants to provoke conflict in the region, get them out. apparently, the biden administration has no strategy left in the middle east. the main thing is to do everything for him to continue to cling was not what the hawks wanted. they have crossed the american red line by killing americans, until we cross their red lines they will not see it as a serious problem. i 'm not saying that the first attack should be a threat to the regime. there are many targets inside iran, coots force bases, air defense systems and others
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that would be nice to destroy, and this would serve as a signal. the united states, which listened to the advice of people like bolton, is still very proud that the americans killed the iranian general qasem sulaymaniyah under him, it’s working, america is being drawn deeper and deeper . commander ksir is no longer alive, but the strategy is in a war with iranian proxies on the territory of neighboring countries. they need to be stifled and cut off from income so that they cannot spread chaos themselves, then they will also not be able to finance those groups that are doing the same thing in the middle east. our president has always been weak, our adversaries know this, so they will continue to kill american troops around the world. but so far everything is exactly the opposite, shortly after the end of the raid there was a missile strike
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again struck a us military base located near the konika gas field. iran said that washington's actions are aimed at aggravating the situation in the middle east. on the reaction to the attacks, alexander bilibov. us night strikes on the territory of two sovereign states in the middle east , syria and iraq, were essentially a message to
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a third iran. as many assumed, a response to the attack on the american base in jordan. moreover, in countries that are unlikely to be unstable. will be able to fight back, fits perfectly into the american picture of the world. in the ministry foreign affairs of iran condemned the us strikes on iraq and syria, calling them a strategic mistake that will only lead to an even greater one. yesterday’s attack on iraq and syria was another adventure and a strategic mistake by the us government, which will not have new results, except for increasing tension in the region . 85 damaged objects associated with the iranian islamic revolutionary guard corps and pro-iranian militia came under fire last night in the syrian province of iraqi al-anbar. baghdad condemned us strikes on
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militias in the border areas of the country, calling them a violation of the state. the us air force, according to the syrian authorities, 23 people, including a civilian, became victims of american bombing of the territory of the arab republic. in syria, pro-iranian formations, after an attack on their targets , attacked a us military base located near an oil refinery on the left bank of the ifrat. it is reported that several dozen
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rockets were fired at the facility. the united states has no military bases in syria and not two, although soldiers under the stars and stripes into the country. didn't call. the american military contingent in this arab republic remains one of the possible targets for retaliatory measures by pro-iranian forces in the region, although the answer may be given in a completely different place. in the same red sea and the gulf of adon, there are now many american warships, which are a desired target for the same yemeni houthis. alexander blivov, dmitry cherbakov and polina fedorova. news, middle east. in the usa there are republicans. do not intend to allocate money to help ukraine, the house of representatives of congress is ready to support only a separate package for israel worth $17.5 billion. the biden administration failed to push through. usa, total amount 106 billion dollars. in severodvensk
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, at the sevash plant , the newest nuclear submarine cruiser prince pozharsky was solemnly taken out of the elling. it will become part of the naval strategic nuclear forces. on strengthening russia's security, evgeny nipot. the cruiser commander broke a bottle of champagne. oh, rudder feather, this is perhaps one of the most important moments of the entire ceremony of withdrawing the nuclear-powered ship from the boathouse. the largest boathouse for the construction of nuclear-powered ships not only in russia, but in europe. in this workshop of the sevmash plant , the liner is assembled together from sections. there were hundreds of people at the ceremony, including the shipbuilders who built the missile carrier and representatives of the navy command. high quality, high degree of readiness, well, plus every ship in this series. something new has been brought in from the experience of operating previous ships, so it’s as if every ship is serial, but every ship is unique. on
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the fleet has seven borey series submarines, including the modernized borey a, all named after legendary russian monarchs and commanders. prince pozharsky is the fifth strategic missile submarine of the borey a project, speed 29 knots. the trip can last up to 90 days. the fourth generation submarine has the most modern weapons. the most important element of the nuclear triad can carry up to sixteen bulava intercontinental ballistic missiles, a formidable weapon that can strike targets on distance 11.00 km. missile carriers regularly demonstrate their capabilities, for example, from the waters of the arctic ocean they hit targets at training grounds in the quiet. barei serve in different fleets, but all were created at the facilities of sevmash. if there is cooperation somewhere, this is more. one and a half hundred, and more than a thousand enterprises, the whole country, all over the country, all over the country, from murmansk to crimea and from kaliningrad to simmash, 29,000 people work, in this workshop
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the metal waste remaining from other divisions of the plant is turned into fire blanks for parts of future ships, in russian -made steel-smelting furnaces, the metal is split with discharges reminiscent of lightning, the necessary chemicals are added to the mouth so that the output is metal with the properties necessary for various products, the mixture is inserted into the molds using a huge ladle. the metal is heated to a temperature of 1.640°. 12 tons from the furnace, tilted in a special way, are now poured into the ladle. the work is really hard, not only hot, but sometimes even loud. any range of parts, as for industrial civil engineering, as well as for the main orders of our company. what the hell is this, tell me? well, it’s moisture coming out of the mold, no problem, everything is within the framework of those processes. the machine shop creates parts for submarines, ships, civil vessels, for example, these bearing elements will be installed on the nuclear-powered icebreaker chukotka, they work on domestic equipment, they are more durable, more
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maintainable, and the cnc system itself allows the maximum range of training to cover workers , that is the fastest possible adaptation of the employee to this equipment. this machine for bending titanium pipes, also made in russia , heats the workpiece to 800° in a few minutes. here in the pipe bending shop. they make, one might say, the circulatory system of a ship, the length of which can reach hundreds of kilometers. here everything is measured down to the millimeter. after that, when everything is approved, everything, the packages are welded to order, we come and place the positioners on this plate. the work, i repeat, is difficult for both men and women, that, for example, they line pipes with insulation. it’s more difficult on submarines; the thickness needs to be so brilliant that people don’t get their hands or feet burned. so that nothing drips anywhere, such care is still taken at the production stage for the crews who will serve on the missile carriers of the borei series, which the region is especially proud of. at the beginning of 2000, our
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president made a very important decision to keep everything in order, it is in the arkhangelsk region, in our country, that submarines are being built, which have no equal in everything. at sevmash at various stages of construction there are still two strategic missile carriers: dmitry donskoy and... prince potemkin, the nuclear-powered icebreaker prince pozharsky, will soon be in the waters of the gulf, where, after completion of the completion work, a series of tests will begin, which will end with the raising of st. andrew's flag. evgeny nipot, denis sasyronov, vladislav dubtsov, yulia tyushevskaya, irina zaborskaya. vesti, severodvinsk, arkhangelsk region. the night of iba champions took place in serpukhov. this is a prestigious international boxing tournament. it was held as part of the program of the all-russian boxing federation forum. i watched everything. in at the beginning of february, serpukhov near moscow became a place of attraction for the entire elite of russian and world boxing, alexander povetkin and konstantin dzyu, located in the front
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row. they literally don’t allow you to take a photo, before that monaco, the emirates, moscow, thailand, now serpukov, the evening of iba champions, the first professional boxing evening in 2024 and a series of similar tournaments. the local sports palace is overcrowded; russians are successfully boxing in the ring against opponents from cuba, nigeria, turkey and armenia. serb, at least the capital world boxing, you know, i’m a serpukhovitch, i’m glad that things like this are happening in my hometown.
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we had to publish the selection criteria for the official international competitions of the country's national teams, then to accept those rules, let's say, of the game that must be followed, which should have been clear to everyone, that is, this is for personal trainers, this is also for regional leaders , that is, and accordingly, senior head coaches of national teams must adhere to exactly the criteria that we approved today on the coaching council when selecting national teams of the country, this is transparency, fairness and honesty regarding the future on the eve of the friendship games that will be held in our country, again a major tournament, we have very high hopes, it seems to me that boxing can become that flagship , a powerhouse that other sports will follow suit. the illustrious olympic champions, meanwhile, were concerned about the issue of refereeing and the role of their council of champions in controversial situations where they would like for their
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does she really read minds or not? premiere, annaostrovsky investigative committee , she has special gifts, who you look at all the time, well, there’s a girl standing in saroslan, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know who the killer is, yes, just look without initiative. walk, stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, watch it before everyone else, in the app or on the website.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.


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