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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 4, 2024 1:30am-2:00am MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. don’t you understand this, i want to be like my mother, ice three soon.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. this is the largest critical assembly in the history of world nuclear research: 4,700 fuel rods. on the basis of a complex of fast physical stands here at the obninsk fii , they assembled a model of a reactor core, which can become the basis for nuclear power plants of the new fourth generation. now in nuclear power
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generation 3+ wwr or water-water reactors are used. what could the fourth generation be like? scientists all over the world have been discussing this for decades and conducting experiments, but only russia has managed to build pilot industrial fast neutron reactors. now let’s get close to creating the bn-1200m serial project. it was his active zone that was assembled in obnensk. the reactor should become part of a closed fuel cycle, when wwr and bn type reactors will operate in conjunction. the underlying technology almost completely solves the problem of waste arising from the use of power plants, since the fissile material is repeatedly recycled, closed, we in this case actually reduce the amount of buried radiation materials to zero, reduce the radiation exchange with nature to an equivalent one, constant
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recycling of fuel, it gives a completely different economics of projects and a different attitude to its own subsoil, the already mined uranium will be enough for several thousand years to come due to its repeated use. fuel for bn-type fast neutron plants produce plutonium from spent nuclear fuel from classical water-water reactors, in the form of plutonium nitrides or oxides of uranium. in the future, nuclear fuel for fourth-generation reactors can be produced as much as you like, this is...
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the carriers that are already available at the beloyarsk npp are called pilot-industrial, the future serial reactor of the fourth generation , whose core was simulated at stand number two in obnensk, bn1200m, where the letter m from... it’s very conservative and very strict from a point of view of this breakthrough approach, nuclear energy from the point of view of regulatory supervision in this sense , rostekhnadzor, the international atomic energy agency magatha, have a very, i would say, detailed, scrupulous regulatory framework we need about... all stages of the development of this technology demonstrate safety at every stage, efficiency, confirmation of the declared parameters, confirmed characteristics at the critical stand will serve as the basis for passing our supervisory authorities to obtain
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permission to build this reactor. obninsk scientists assembled a model of the bn 1200m core in less than 2 months , a kind of record, physical... the launch, when they began to load blocks of nuclear fuel into mock-up rods, was in december twenty-third , and this is how the world's largest fuel assembly turned out . now the assembly, as nuclear scientists say, has reached critical mass, which means a balance when there are as many outgoing neutrons as there are being created. to conduct experiments , scientists will change the power of the controlled nuclear reaction, first with one type of promising nuclear fuel, then with another. at the critical stands of the bfs, a model with snoop fuel was assembled - this is mixed nitride uranium-plutonium fuel; a core with mixed oxide uranium-plutonium fuel, mox fuel will also be considered, and a choice will be made in one direction or another in terms of technology. experiments go on
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every day, the core of the future bn 1200m is launched, it’s like taking the handbrake off a car, then ignition, a nuclear fission reaction has begun, gas, the stand goes to the installed power y must be confirmed experimentally, no one believes the word, and no one believes the calculations, they only believe it when you assembled it experimentally, put in the sensors, measured it, said, yes, that’s the number you stated in the project, so i measured it , this... a very clear scheme is now being implemented. at the end of the shift , scientists turn off the installation, and when they arrive in the morning, they turn it on again. this is impossible with a large power reactor. fast physical stands in obninsk are universal and so convenient that soon here they will begin to train future nuclear scientists, students from different countries, within the framework
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of the obninsk-tech cluster of international nuclear education, the creation of which was announced in science city at the end of the twenty-third year. we can offer this to those countries and partners. certain services that are entering the nuclear market and the use of nuclear technologies in non-nuclear areas will allow these countries, newcomers, as i would call them, to form their own professional elite. this year we decided to try about a hundred students, and there there are both foreigners and russians who can implement such a program. at the end of spring and summer of this year i practiced at the complex. east, africa and asia, for example, vietnam. russia helps friendly countries take steps towards energy, and therefore economic independence, while at the same time promoting domestic nuclear technologies and standards of higher technical education.
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current experiments at the complex of fast physical test benches in obnensk - the possibility of future practice here for students from friendly countries - is a guarantee technological leadership. russia in the world has started the creation of new closed nuclear fuel cycle reactors, the creation of new nuclear power plants, provided with highly qualified personnel, this is what the assembly of the future looks like, russia is the largest country in the world, 11 time zones, more than 145 million inhabitants, over 110 million voters who can vote at almost 100 thousand polling stations, at home or online. every
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voter's vote is counted and guaranteed to be protected, with about 1 million helping election organizers. observers, video surveillance at polling stations, vote counting, elections in russia, important, honest, convenient! this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello! less than a year before the election, joe biden finds himself somewhere alongside george w. bush. 33% approval, ratings have never been so bad for american presidents. since the crisis of 2008, when the united states, under its forty -first president, fell into the center
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of a perfect storm of senseless wars and economic disasters. bush then, however, was officially a duck temple, finishing his second term. his replacement was chosen from the obama-mccain pair. biden has been called a lame duck already in his first term, talk about replacing him with someone younger and... stronger has moved to national television, so will they release a replacement or is it too late to release him, we’ll figure it out. to assess the scale of the disaster that is now, and there is no other way to describe it, unfolding around the figure of the current us president, it is enough to simply look at the number of crises that are now accompanying the reign of joe biden. here is the middle east, here is the situation with migration.
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took the side of israel, they are opposed to speaking on diplomatic platforms and, above all, in the united nations organization with a call for an immediate ceasefire in the gas sector; if you look at absolute numbers, then there is a multiple drop. more than 50 thousand muslims will not vote for biden in the upcoming elections, these are not just words, these are promises. we have suffered under many presidents, but now this is a big red line. we are confident that if trump wins, then no matter how terrible the next 4 years
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here are, they won't be any more terrible than one night in the gas. another group that biden is losing is latino voters, hispanic voters, many of them are turning towards trump, they are closer to the republican agenda, despite all the paradox, because trump advocates for streamlining immigration laws, african americans. also turn away from biden, that is, biden is no longer a very compromising figure, which he was, in fact, this led to his choice candidacies in 2020, because everyone could vote for biden, a white housewife from an american suburb could vote for biden, an african-american in chicago could vote for him, a person from mexico in arizona could vote for him, now biden has these votes. they leave, who stays, it’s not clear who stays, because liberals, the left wing
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of his party, are also irritated by biden, every weekend tens of thousands of people take to the streets of new york in columns for pro-palestinian rallies, and this, of course, does not agree with white house policy, and of course the problem of illegal migration, colossal figures for last year, about 2 million new us residents, most of them will remain so. for the coming decades without documents, because not all of them even want to deal with legalization, this is a big problem and this is a big problem, not even for the border, that is, republican states, because most of these migrants are sent deeper into the country, they end up in so-called sanctuary cities, these are cities of refuge, such as chicago, new york, they are placed in police stations, in guards, which, in general, were always intended. for local residents of the streets of these cities, and this is already a problem for democratic politicians,
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i mean, for politicians representing the democratic party, in general, biden, of course, is haunted by a set of systemic failures. if we talk about claims against biden from his own voters, then of course, in the last year they have become especially concerned about biden’s condition, if 2 years ago this could still be attributed as - what about some jokes or memes about health, now the number of blunders on biden’s part is growing, every week you can generally make up a certain hit.
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said biden's campaign was failing, that his age of 81
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was a concern and that the party was losing votes due to the rising costs of the gas war. in their view, biden is an outsider, with behind-the-scenes anxiety contrasting with public displays of solidarity. you can hear such conversations on cnn, they are supported by people who are systemic, representatives of the democratic party establishment, just to name two names, is david axelrod, a former political adviser to obama, who is generally called the author of barack obama’s phenomenal victory. in 2008, and so axel rod says that biden should think about whether to run for a second term, or maybe not, the problems around biden are not political in nature, they are more related to risk assessment, his age causes more and more apprehensive, he just needs to ask himself the question whether it is right to get involved in pre-election race? fresh comments here
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came from another prominent representative of the dim party, louis navalier. this is a man who predicted several crises in the united states, including the crisis of 2008, and he also gives advice that, in general, before it is too late, you need to think about changing the entire team at this crossing. we believe that the democratic party has given the go-ahead for a behind-the-scenes presidential campaign that will clear the way for an entirely different candidate. says that firstly, the go-ahead for biden change has already been given, the establishment of the dim party is working on this, well, the key date here should be august 19, august 19 is the day of the national democratic party convention, this year it will be held in chicago, navalie is just saying that the candidate , who will be chosen to replace biden, he will surprise everyone, he
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is not obvious, but quite a candidate from the establishment, i’m here... i want to play a little pass with navalev, or, having received a pass from him, develop this attack in the same direction, uh, well, look, it coincides with august 19, the democratic convention, chicago, chicago is illinois, the governor of illinois, jay robert pritzker, this is a very serious family in the democratic establishment, this is the family of owners of the hyatt hotels, in general they come from. ukraine, the name pritzker has been rumored recently due to the fact that peni pritzker, the elder sister of jay robert pritzker, was appointed advisor on the economic recovery of ukraine, at one time she worked in the obama administration, that is, these are such on the one hand, obama personnel , on the other hand, one can imagine that jay robert
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pritzker, the richest man, well, quite fits the description that... gives by louis navallier, on the one hand, he is a man from the democratic party system, a man with money, but at the same time a person, so to speak, in public opinion, not tarnished, that is, he does not have a trail of any corruption, at least obvious stories that accompany biden, a person who has no negativity behind him, pritzker will not accumulate such negativity for himself that could collect yourself. another candidate to replace biden is gavin newsom, the governor of california. newsom thundered not in the most positive sense during the coronavirus pandemic, he introduced some of the most stringent measures in california to counter the spread of covid-19, he imposed a complete lockdown on the state, there schools and businesses worked, as a result, california emerged from
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covid with horrific mortality rates, it was worse only in the state of new york, but at the same time, geven newson is such a standard bearer of all liberal ideas and values, this is a relaxation in cultural war, that is... gbt all this topic in california is at the forefront here, a super-liberal attitude towards crime. gavin newsom at some stage seemed to be really serious about becoming one of the precedents, at least for biden’s legacy, but now newsom’s position has probably been somewhat shaken due to the fact that he has gone into the shadows , but newson can also be perceived as himself. as a backup to biden's place. if we talk about the women's party, here, of course, the figure of michel now comes to the fore obama. media activity
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on the part of michelle obama has increased in the last few months, despite everything that michelle obama, trump’s two terms was always in the shadow, if anyone spoke out, it was barack obama, she never delved into the political struggle, now she has gone deeper, now she comments. the possible return of donald trump to the white house, and comments from such, well, understandably liberal positions, from this, in general, the conclusion is drawn that michelle obama may well be either obama’s barracks or some group, which formed around barack obama, can be considered as a candidate, but if we talk about other ladies who could replace joe biden, then there are several names, of course, hillary wedge. this is such an eternal candidate, after her defeat in 2016, she clearly did not come to terms with her failure and as long as she has the strength, as long as
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the american clinton clan exists in politics, she will rely on the power of this clan and strives to remain in this politics, although of course real electoral she has no prospects, well, at least because hillary clinton has a very high anti-rating, in general now everyone who is running... for the post of forty-seventh president of the united states has this rating strongly, what can i say, and trump is also not the most popular politician, in general the majority americans would not want a repetition of the biden versus trump scenario, but it turns out that way, yes, and to see hillary clinton as a rival to donald trump, but this is quite some kind of bitter irony or post-irony, as they say now, if we take... .
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team and because of her rude attitude towards white house staff, which has already caused several dismissals. it was kamala haris who became the real reason why
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biden had to run for a second term. if we talk about new blood, then the name grecin whitmer appears. grecin whitmer is a rather bright lady from michigan, she is the governor of this state. she also became famous during the coronavirus, but she would have become even more famous as a person who challenged the far-right forces, for which she is very much respected in the democratic party, in her at that time, representatives of the cuano movement or some of the people sharing a similar ideology even prepared an attempt against her, there was such a high-profile arrest by the fbi, there were even rumors that at one time joe biden wanted to take grechen whitmer as his candidate for vice-chairman. presidents, but barack obama did not allow this to be done. in all these stories, one thing needs to be understood: critically little time remains for the democratic party and the establishment of the democratic party in order to make this replacement, for
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in order to... explain to the voter why they are changing biden right now. yes, of course, people see that biden is not in very good shape. yes, biden’s ratings are falling, yes , biden is becoming less and less popular, but nowhere , for example, is even the medical diagnosis of the american president mentioned, because it is not said that he suffers from some kind of disease that may affect his cognitive functions, on the contrary, dim’s functionaries parties, and the same kamla haris, constantly emphasize that biden... is in a sober mind, he is working, he is well aware of what is happening, that is , it will be very difficult to change this rhetoric instantly without some bright event, now they all find themselves in the same boat, that is, they are all shifting this problem further away, as if pushing it away from themselves, well, it seems like someday it will be solved , time is melting away on august 19, 2024, this is the date of the national convention according to all the rules.
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we need to create the future ourselves and do it together, we are very different, we speak different
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languages, find out more at ukrainian army. shelled peaceful lisichansk in the lpr, targeted the bakery building and cafe from american missile systems haimers. 20 people were killed, 10 were injured. the number of victims, according to rescuers working on the spot, will further increase. several dozen people may remain under the rubble. the analysis will continue all night. we are located near the bakery building, we can combine it.


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