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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 4, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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you are missing, not enough, we believe in the russians, you see, we have always believed in the russians,
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the city of lesechansk came to the cafe to relax with the family, eat pirozhino, at that moment another terrorist attack claimed the lives of our citizens. today, the government of the lugansk people's republic and employees of the ministry of emergency situations are providing all the assistance that is necessary to clear the rubble; the most important thing for us is to save the lives of people who are under the rubble as a result of shelling from the armed forces of ukraine. town of lesechansko, lugansk people's republic, a two-story administrative building in which there were civilians collapsed. fire and rescue units of the ministry of emergency situations of russia are working on the spot, examining and clearing the rubble using special equipment. ukrainian terrorists knew that many civilians were coming to the bakery on saturday . they called this crime kiev’s gratitude for the generous support of the west. noted, citizens. know that their
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taxes are used to purchase lethal weapons and send them to ukrainian militants, who then they kill civilians, they invited the residents of paris or rome to imagine themselves in the place of the dead, they emphasized that this is yet another proof that the ukrainian armed forces, as vladimir putin said, has finally turned into a terrorist organization. moscow expects international structures to promptly and unconditionally condemn this crime. russian army. over the course of a week, it carried out 37 group strikes with high-precision weapons and drones on decision-making centers, military-industrial complex facilities, an airfield, an arsenal and fuel depots of the armed forces of ukraine. all objects successfully hit. during this time, they repulsed about 100 attacks. zelensky’s formation lost almost 6,300 more soldiers and mercenary officers. 19 tanks and 59 other armored vehicles, as well as 86 self-propelled guns and missile systems were destroyed. the families were liquidated. complexes mainly
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of french and german production, air defense forces shot down over 400 combat drones. about the situation on the front line, alexander katsuba. attention, weapons, we are hitting enemy armored vehicles that are trying to advance and attack our positions. fire artillery strike apply again. shot again! the shells hit the target, aerial reconnaissance discovered another camouflaged tank of the armed forces of ukraine, the artillery crew of the group of forces hits the center without delay. they hit the tank with the third shell, that is, as reconnaissance reported, the shell flew into the hatch, yeah, somewhere and this is directly visible, yes , yes, yes, this is visible, a drone that was transmitting the target to us, respectively. he
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records a video, uh, we were told that they were hit, and so they were disrupted by the nazis, but the battle is not over, the howitzers of our artillery battery are hitting one after another, daily combat work in the kremensky forest, now the target has been received, the crew, the artillery crew is moving to the firing line, we are moving forward to load, we are working so clearly that we are throwing the 152 shell at the collar. we are helping the enemy, the guys who are now on the front line. in this area, the enemy created a deeply echeloned defense line. rows of trenches, strongholds dug into the ground, fortified areas. each salvo of our geocints against the ukrainian armed forces is like a hammer blow. target: 11:07, sight 596, 596, level zero. the enemy snaps, joining in
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counter-battery fighting, but our forward detachments are pushing back the enemy more and more confidently, the front is moving forward. alexander katsuba, alexander malyshev, lead the way! krasno-limansk direction. canadian authorities have calculated that disposing of decommissioned aircraft missiles is very expensive, and they want to send them to ukraine. the cbs television channel notes that these are more than 80,000 missiles, they are over 40 years old. such ammunition can fire abnormally and even explode upon launch. but in otava they believe that even this will suit the ukrainians. meanwhile, even in poland ambitions were indicated kiev has empty fantasies, especially regarding crimea. about the mood in the west, natalya goncharova. there is a catastrophic shortage of people. american journalist max blumenthal, in contrast to the line about democratic media, paints a different picture of the events from kiev. in an interview with the jaging freedom portal, he said that ukrainian men
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are caught on the streets and sent to the front without training. and western media resources, having picked up the trend with feminism, create an image of strong ukrainian women who are admired.
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we were told that moscow is trying to take over europe, and this is the first step towards the restoration of the soviet empire, this is exactly like the caricatured description of saddam hussein in arad, in the war with whom we were simply deceived. from this moment on, we are introducing nato into 14 countries. why are we doing this? because when you admit a new country into nato, they have to sign a contract that all the weapons they buy will conform to nato specifications, which means you have to buy the weapons. these big american military contractors who profit from the war, the us government now runs the government of ukraine. the fact that the topic of ukraine has begun to irritate many of the largest media outlets in america is clearly evident from this publication. a new new yorker article came out with a headline that would have been unimaginable just a year ago
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. ukrainian democracy in darkness. the thesis was actively promoted that ukraine was fighting not only for its survival, but for the future of democracy in europe and beyond. meanwhile , ukraine itself lacks democracy. as usual , presidential elections are due to take place in ukraine in march. up to at the end of november, zelensky's office seemed ready to hold them, but ultimately abandoned them. the transformation of opinions is visible in the political elite of european countries. for the first time in public, polish president andrzej duda doubted kiev’s claims to crimea. crimea is a special place. i don’t know if it will return... ukraine-crimea, it is special, including for historical reasons, because essentially, if we look at history, crimea was in the hands of russia most of the time. duda’s statement has already been responded to in the ukrainian embassy in poland. they were outraged and said that the return of crimea was the responsibility of ukraine and its allies. the guardian, meanwhile
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, published an investigation into increased control over ukrainian citizens. the sbu told the publication that they had opened over 800 criminal cases regarding cooperation with russia. prisoners are kept in pre-trial detention centers separately from others, they are subjected to beatings, and many receive derogatory tattoos. at the end of the material, the author concludes that perhaps this is the know-how of the kiev authorities: to throw peaceful ukrainians behind bars, so that later there will be someone exchange from russia for captured soldiers in the ssu. natalya goncharova, lead. vladimir putin appointed the director of rosfinita to the post of chairman of the board of trustees of the defenders of the fatherland foundation. by the same decree, the former head of its composition. in addition, the president of the council, minister of labor anton kotyakov , expanded the functions of the fatherland defenders fund and now he can conduct international cooperation on issues of protecting the rights of special operation fighters and their families, and monitor
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the quality of social support. the chairman of the defenders of the fatherland foundation will be annually provide a report to the president on the results of work. the usa and britain struck from above. 30 strikes against the houthis of yemen, after the states had already carried out bombings in iraq and syria. in this regard, russia has requested an urgent meeting of the un security council, which is planned to be held on tuesday night. foreign ministry spokeswoman maria zakharova emphasized that these strikes are designed to further inflame the conflict in the middle east. american airstrikes on the territory of iraq and syria using strategic bombers, as a result in which dozens of facilities were destroyed , civilians were killed, and again demonstrated to the world the aggressive nature of us policy in the middle east and washington’s complete disregard for the norm. international law, the obedient participation of the british royal air force in us attacks
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should not create the illusion of some kind of international coalition. london has yet to answer for its zeal in supporting the purely provocative actions of its superiors in washington. it is obvious that the airstrikes are specifically designed to further inciting conflict, almost without pause, and this has recently happened to objects that are allegedly pro-iranian. in iraq and syria, the united states is, in fact, deliberately trying to plunge the largest countries in the region into conflict. washington, believing in its impunity, continues to wreak destruction and chaos in the middle east. we strongly condemn the new blatant act of american-british aggression against sovereign states, and seek urgent consideration of the emerging situation through the united nations security council nations. the russian ministry of emergency situations warns: protect your home, install a fire detector.
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safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. this is a fourteen-story building, the tallest building, and we are now looking at it from behind. their weapons are apparently western, but they are not always famous, like our kalashnikov assault rifle , for reliability, they just need to hit a painless bat or, i don’t know, fight on a boat, hiding it means. one of the control points, now you will see everything for yourself, so we lower the camera lower
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and see these people, we fly a little closer, and we see that they have a nest there. you always work like this in pairs, well, practically, yes, we have been mobilized together for almost a year, roughly speaking, as if we were always working together, bumblebee, you observe the target, yes, enter from the left, carefully. how can you dive, dive, i was at work
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in moscow, they called and said you have a summons, well, that’s it, i got ready, went home, got a summons, i went, we need to protect, help, as if we were doing what, well then something simple i took the remote control, first tried it on the normal one, then he said, you’re going to go to the gym, i’m going, well, that’s it, i’ve unlearned it, well, this is very a useful thing, as it were, a very precise weapon , we have a sapper, there is someone who is observed, records it, and there are pilots, two, one films on a mavik, the second flies, if , say, the target is complex, there is also additional equipment, such as a screen well, the screen there is just like an overview of the nets directly, the third
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can already directly look at an approximate view of all this, as if telling and showing, and the fourth is, well, the sapper directly, without which there is no escape, as if he is already attaching, attaching, bringing to the takeoff i was already a sapper, i joined the army after i graduated from high school and that’s my specialty. engineer , builder of airfield roads, well , as it turns out, engineering was useful not only in civilian life, but also a little here, that’s part of the task - he didn’t see it with glasses, we saw it later, that is, there is such a bad picture, then there is, you can’t help but see a lot of things, then you sit down
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at the computer, look at it, analyze everything, you already see it all, well , it’s probably out of despair. there was nowhere to go get away with it, that is, the support was completely exposed, that’s it, they didn’t have to hide , they just ran, i don’t know, they laughed and forgot all about it, and then here on the internet it’s all prop here already, where is it all from, that is as if we weren’t the ones who filmed this, that is, we filmed it from a reconnaissance drone, but someone else already filmed this from the camera, that day it was one of the episodes of the flight, that is , there are usually up to 10 such flights per day, you could see it in the footage. like a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, yes, tried to recapture komikat for an oar, like tells us, that is, with the butt of a machine gun, he made this decision after two unsuccessful attempts to load the machine gun, he saw it, wanted to shoot back, but it didn’t work, in the end he made this decision, but it
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turned out to be ineffective. observes, that is, corrects or otherwise helps the pilots, i’ll leave everything for takeoff, now i’ll deploy the beams better, the target is hit, as they say, the task is completed.
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by the way, this is quite a difficult craft , you can say yes, i ran around the mine twisting wires, well, in principle, this is what i do practically the same, for the most part , at which mine did they work at the shchelovskaya deep mine ? it’s now, well, it’s working, only there aren’t enough people there, but nevertheless, everything is ready? yes, there are satellites 32 charge 59 there will be constant brainstorming, someone will always come up with something new, that is, we, on our part, have some innovations, the enemy side also has some, that is, we are the thing is
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that we are not narrow-minded pilots, that’s my job basically this is more so that it is technically corrected not only well, the literature itself speaking, but again, i am also involved in communications, in short, means of objective control and so on, so that the communication line works, i work in a printing house as an operator.
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the soot is excellent, i was a senior operator, that is, in production, at the plant, well, our workshop itself, well, produces benzene of the highest quality, i came back from vacation, well, to work, mm... we received a paper stating that such - some people, as if mobilized, showed up at the military registration and enlistment office, already from work, as if heading off as a military force, a signal, a normal signal, settle down. everything is fine here, almost year, that is, we were drafted to penza
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, we had combat coordination there, we went to the northern military district zone before the new year, well, the homeland is calling, so it’s necessary, my parents are waiting at home, my team, my wife, now the child is already the sixth, 6 months old, now the seventh has already started, i’m just before i’m going to be a father, i went on vacation when my son was just born, and i saw him again six months later, that is, my son was little, but he’s already become well, quite big, an adult, muttering something, laughing, and you miss everyone so much, well , again, you understand that you are needed here, call topaz, tell me on the fifty-eighth i see movement, i... hid in the central fossa on the fifty-eighth one, we are engaged
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in responsible work, we destroy enemy firing points and then these firing points are captured by our infantry, we received the task from the commander to destroy in an engineering sense this firing point, the pilot of the fpv drone accurately hit the target. the ceiling blew up into the air, the enemy was there in the amount of four people, they apparently were sitting in fox holes, so they were shell-shocked, but not wounded, but they they realized that another drone would arrive next, after there was no roof left, as if they would all be destroyed, they decided to retreat from there, so we chased them. during the pursuit we hit the target, i am very proud of them, super
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fighters, i was very lucky with them, with a twinkle in their eyes, enthusiasts, well, they understand their job.
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for some achievements, but this is just kind of funny, well, in principle, yes, since then our capabilities have only increased, because now there are eagles, and lyrons, and supercams, well , that is, serious ones, yes, because it was made on just mavit, now there’s a whole bunch of all sorts of serious things in use here, we opened it up again, that means one of the... control points, now you’ll see everything for yourself, we fly a little closer, and we see that they have a nest there, and
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we can’t throw our mortars there they could have been blocked from artillery by this house; from observations we found out that this was one of the command posts of one of the larger battalions, and accordingly this house was also demolished; the factory was 600 m high, we see them. at first i thought of myself in all this as exactly how an information specialist in a certain way , a technical specialist on the drone topic, again yes, because in principle i am a technodig, that is , i have a first technical education and, in principle, i love all these things, the very concept of using drones, yes it is. leveled out two of my problems, yes, that is, this is age, a certain problem with the musculoskeletal system, i’m sitting in a whole mess
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of... ukrainian channels, technical ones, including, well, because i’m cutting my teeth , i have a sufficient number of butts, so i see how they bite their elbows and they have less and less less than there is to surprise us, this is the summer of 2023 . in the frame we now have the work of the fpv calculation, targets were identified , these are the positions of the ukrainian military, and initially we did test flights, looked at where their rap is located, where the frequencies are closed , where they are open, at what altitude we can pass them, that’s when we’ve already checked everything, checked everything, completely, combat work has already begun, that is, we were working with a reset,
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we now see the approach to the position itself, we tried several channels, found more or less the most working one, that is, on in which rap influences minimally, that is, they already worked directly at these frequencies. 80 percent - according to drone statistics , reach the target. there is a gradation of drones, that is, you start right from the minimum ones and then go higher and higher. higher and higher, in combat use it is actually much easier to control a drone, you just need to raise it sharply, because the load presses it down and after that just fly in a straight line towards the enemy, after that approach the target and accordingly hello, that's
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it called cinematic. that is it is mainly used for civilian purposes to place a go -about camera here to introduce some kind of detailed shooting, i personally use it for the purpose of honing my skills, that is, for flying in some very narrow places, you handled the controls yourself , i think yes, in principle. flew off normally, now we are preparing a remote control for long-range flights to train the guys, these remotes are made in order to protect the life of the operator, they allow the operator to work from the antenna at a distance of up to 150 m, and which allows you to hide it in a dugout or basement, but flying under such take-offs requires constant training, that’s
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why. they allow the operator to guide the target almost to the point of explosion, the point of work. before the special operation, many of us were not technicians, were not programmers, were not microelectronics engineers, so we partly learned on the go. i am
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also a drummer on guitar and keyboard instruments, i came to the service because i could not stay away, i have to defend my homeland, i am from the city of the hero of sevastopol, everyone accepted the year, there was a huge uplift and joy among all the residents, not only of sevastopol, but of crimea as a whole, this pilot just took off, took off, flew, it is also important to know what the drone consists of during a combat mission...


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