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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 4, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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in the application or on the website, further investigation by eduard petrov, the deaths of five tourists on elbrus, they went on an illegal tour, what caused the tragedy and how they organized it. such deadly hikes deceive extreme lovers , look at this immediately after the advertisement, what men are silent about, that life is out of control, fears cease to be a man, these are symptoms of prostatitis, langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the consequences of prostatitis, recommended course of two packages, langitaza
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buy a one-way tour, private guides promise a safe ascent to elbrus, but sometimes tourists have to be rescued by emergency services teams, and some self-taught climbers even disappear without a trace. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. we didn’t get in touch all day, well then i started calling the ministry of emergency situations and hospitals, but you didn’t bring back any clients alive, even if frozen or alive, most of the people were allowed in alive, well, they were in serious condition, but we didn’t really talk to them, because we had to
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urgently evacuate them down. nastya, then i remember, it became really bad, she didn’t even clear the snow anymore, at 3:00 in the morning, they already called me from the ministry of emergency situations karatina balkari, they said that...
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life in the base camp, where there is even a cafe, gullible tourists are bought for advertising and come with money, but get to the top and get down safely not everyone succeeds. in the fall of 2021, a group of twenty people were caught in a snowstorm, five of them died. the investigative committee opened a criminal case. who is to blame for the deaths of tourists? why conductors? despite the bad weather, we took people to a height, and how the illegal business works in the elbrus area, we took up this matter and conducted our own investigation.
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behind bars is denis alimov, director of the elbrus git company. according to investigators, he received more than
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half a million rubles from sixteen amateur climbers. with private guides alimov sent tourists to the top of the mountain in bad weather. people found themselves in a death trap. on september 28, 2021, the nalchik city court arrested denis alimov during the investigation. he is accused of providing services that do not meet safety requirements, resulting in the death of two or more persons through negligence, but first things first. elbrus is the highest point in russia and europe 5.642 m above sea level. recently, after the closure of borders due to the coronavirus pandemic, the number of our
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tourists wanting to conquer it has increased by times. and where there is demand, there is supply. dozens of dubious companies immediately appeared in the foothills of the caucasus. from hundreds of guides offering to take anyone to the top , without unnecessary and supposedly unnecessary preparation, and at a relatively low cost. the average cost of climbing is 40,000 rubles. and, which is very important for amateur climbers, the climb to the top takes about 7 hours. on the night of september 23, 2021, a group of tourists, together with guides, 20 people in total, began climbing elbrus. everything was going normally, as usual, we set out in such a way as to meet
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the dawn at the top, but did not return back to camp at the appointed time; a sudden storm intervened. at the top of elbrus, wind gusts reached 40 m/ second, which made the already frosty -20° celsius deadly further. nothing was visible at arm's length , it took the rescuers more than 3 hours to get to the freezing climbers, they were alive, it was unclear if they were gone, but how long?
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there are 15 people from the caucasian regional detachment, seven people came from our nalchik, from here there were six more, in general , there were enough rescuers at that time, hey, his leg is broken, guys, these shots were taken by employees of the russian ministry of emergency situations for kabbardino-balkaria at the scene of the emergency, you can see how one of the tourists is led by the arms without passing a couple of steps, he falls exhausted, someone. they were also transporting a stretcher, a strong wind muffled the groans,
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well, they were in serious condition, well , we didn’t really talk to them, because we had to urgently evacuate them down, their ski masks were frozen, all protection from wind, from the cold, everything was frozen, their mittens were frozen, they had to spend so much time in such bad weather. well, they are great fellows for holding on, unfortunately, it was not possible to save everyone, five tourists died, 11 people, including several guides, received severe frostbite, they were taken to hospitals in nalchik and pyatigorsk, all those arriving had cold injuries, this is hypothermia. general hypothermia and frostbite of the limb, most of them
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had frostbite in both hands, was of varying depths, varying degrees of severity. denis venersky from st. petersburg was among those who were rescued that terrible night; the tourist’s leg was broken in three places. denis told our film crew how the ascent went, it turned out that most of the way, all participants in the hike up the mountain were transported on rotrucks, this is a kind of tracked vehicle for clearing slopes , there was not much wind, we climbed calmly, everything is fine, the guys there are guides they helped with the backpack, the backpack just hangs from the front, so i sat on the floor, we got up and up normally, i won’t feel it for a while. well, about 20-30 minutes, that’s probably it, we unloaded,
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went out, we probably got to the saddle and it was already starting to stand, the weather was just perfect, i liked it so much, there was even some kind of euphoria here, i don’t know, maybe from hypoxia, well, it was so great, it was so beautiful, it’s just beyond words , we climbed to the top, it was already quite light, according to venersky, the problems began during the descent. suddenly a strong wind rose, and the three of us clung to the rope, then one of us was blown away the first one, that means, then it blows out the second one... the third one jerks me, i barely feel it, i hit my foot, the pain is so sharp, i think that’s it, i definitely broke my leg. denis received a very serious injury, a complex, comminuted fracture, the doctors prepared the patient for the worst, for amputation, but during the operation the surgeons managed to save his leg, there is a long rehabilitation ahead, from the first
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day denis has been supported by his wife. i had a feeling that something was going to happen. well, the feeling was not very good, the day before i just felt it, so when she called me, his eldest daughter said that a tragedy had occurred, i don’t know how to explain what i felt then, it was just terrible, i burst into tears, i couldn’t speak, at night i bought a ticket and flew here, but there are also those for whom that night was the last, anastasia zhigulina from talyati. decided to celebrate her fortieth birthday on elbrus, the woman worked as an assistant manager at one of the large enterprises, took the climb seriously, trained for a long time, zhigulina’s husband igor recalls anastasia’s messages that alarmed him. on this day, she reported that
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due to the weather forecast, which they were counting on, so to speak, it would be... worse , and they were told, so to speak, by the guides, accordingly, that we were leaving not at 4:00 in the morning, at 2 hours, that is, i had it all written right in my correspondence, that is, we all sort of get up at 0:20 for some time at night, that is , we get ready, get ready, we all go out, we go to road trucks and there they have almost everything broken up , that is, they left in advance, that is, earlier the allotted time, i began to worry because there was no telephone connection; usually she was in touch in the evening after 6. there are no calls, the phone is out of reach, the other members of the group also have phones that seem to be out of reach, at 3:00 am, they already called me back from the ministry of emergency situations of kabaratya nabalgaria, they said that nastya was listed as dead, denis was injured.
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venersky tried to help anastasia szhigulina even before the rescuers arrived, then i remember it became very bad, she didn’t even remove the snow from her face, i approached her, i removed the snow from her face, opens her eyes, looks at me, who are you , i say, i’m denis, she listen, i don’t see you at all, here literally the girl didn’t wait for help at all, besides anastasia szhigulina, four more died that night on elbrus. artist anya makarova from yakutsk turned 36 years old, for her it was her first trip to the city, the woman worked in a museum, raising a child alone. irinia golchuk, a lawyer from yekaterinburg, was thirty- three years old; this trip to the mountains was the first and
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last in her life. the idea to climb elbrus, the girl caught fire after she and her mother visited the foot of the caucasus mountains. this is what irina wrote then on social networks. a post of love, to the man who introduced me to the caucasus, who , without a twinge of conscience, ate pies, khachipuri and khochina with me. my mom, my most beloved, close and dear person, my friend, thank you. artist elena nesterova from st. petersburg. elena died of hypothermia, her husband ended up in a hospital bed. another dead - vyacheslav borisov, he is from tyumen, the only one
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from the group who has already been to elbrus, this trip was the second attempt to climb to the top. this is what his wife says, a few years ago he became interested in mountains, that is, not professionally, just something pulled him there, attracted him, that is, he wanted the mountain to allow him to conquer it, this was his second attempt, he was in february last year i also went, but it didn’t work out, he didn’t reach the top. according to yulia borisova, the elbrus git company, which organized the ascent, her husband found her. on the internet, before that i didn’t know either the guides or the other participants, the last time yulia spoke with her husband was on september 22, on the eve
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of the ascent, he said that the wind is 40 m/sec, quite strong, and cancels the trip only at fifty, so he says , that’s all, i hope that it will work out, that we will have this ascent, well, it’s working out. there was no connection all day, then somewhere at night at 4:00 or 5 in the morning i called, there was a buzz, no one answered the phone, then literally within half an hour i went to instagram, and there it was reported that i had a problem, people were being rescued, well then i started calling the ministry of emergency situations, i was afraid, i don’t know, somewhere around 11 o’clock in the afternoon i heard it. the employees of the tour operator company did not contact yulia; according to the girl, she herself called the company’s office, they only expressed words of sympathy, but
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did not offer her any help. so what kind of office is this that organizes dangerous trips, where no one is responsible for tourists? elbrus git - p. opened in the leningrad region in the name of denis alimov, director and senior guide rolled into one. the office was founded in 2019, although the website states that it has been successfully operating for more than 10 years. a tour called climbing elbruz from the south became fatal for alimov. judging by the booklet, it includes a stay in two and...
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to hang out during the tour, but for some reason he has no right to sue the organizer of the assault, although the organizer and director of the elbrus guide company, denis alimov,
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said in his blog that he can everything will happen anything. the weather on the rampart is really changeable, this is such a long time ago, you just need to take it into account, and there’s no getting around it. and there is no weather. and then git, joyful in the evening, comes running and says: guys, in short, there’s a window tomorrow, but this window, damn it, i looked at the device here, my blood pressure is rising, but damn it, at exactly 11 o’clock or 12, the same thing starts again , what to do, you need to go out earlier, but the hat begins in such a way that the trail may disappear; the descent from the mountain, i emphasize, the descent from the mountain, may turn to evacuate, and no one needs it, in this case 100% of the rat-rat will be removed, everyone chips in tens. saves at least 4 hours there, 3-4 hours of walking and everyone quickly, quickly gets to the slanting shelf, quickly, quickly walks to the seat, climbs to the top, joyfully
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rough, and falls down as quickly as possible, so as not to become a hero of some kind regular news about hindus, that there is a group of tourists, blah blah blah and the like, all this , in short, evil spirits that sometimes pour into our ears and eyes from the media prodis, let's not talk about it... during the ascent, denis alimov supervised the work of his subordinates by phone, he himself was in kareli, developing new areas of the tourism business. immediately after the tragedy, alimov was called by the investigative department of the investigative committee of the investigative committee for kabbardino-balkaria, he came along with his lawyer and immediately wrote a confession. as a witness in the presence of a defense lawyer , he gave a full confession, told the circumstances, how he did it all. organized, how i recruited a group, a team, how i recruited my guides, and then suspicion of committing this crime,
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he was detained, he was charged... with committing this crime, and during interrogation as an accused he also admitted his guilt. denis alimov was taken to the nalchik city court and arrested. we showed these footage at the beginning of the program; the accused in a high-profile criminal case demanded that all journalists be removed from the hall. i believe that the greatest public resonance will be that pressure will be exerted at the simplest meeting. if there will be video recording, so i i object, i’ll be happy to talk to you later. denis alimov quickly retracted his words. the very next day, our film crew went to the pre-trial detention center to meet with the arrested person, but alimov did not even leave the isolation cell. the organizer of the deadly ascent explained his position in detail only to the investigator. and he has been engaged in this activity for several years, he has
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a page called. elbros website, where he publishes a schedule for climbing mount elbrus, and during this he also recruits guides their assistants, who directly lead this group to the ascent, he has an office in the city of pyadigorsk. elbrus guide, here is a travel company, their address is here sobornaya 20, excuse me, i really got it, i really don’t even understand what kind of company it is, somehow i don’t even hear it. we tried to find the office of individual entrepreneur alimov. it would seem that there is nothing complicated, on the office website the address is listed: the city of petigorsk, sobornaya street, building 20. we approach the indicated building, there is a guest house
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house. rooms for rent, no signs and nothing resembling the office of ipida alimov, our film crew did not find it, so we are trying unsuccessfully to find the office of the elbrusgid company, which organized the ascent to elbrus, now we will try to call their office, good afternoon, hello nikolay, tell me please, where is your office located,
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now there is no one in the office, people usually go out there to meet people, so let’s try to recreate the history of that fateful ascent to elbrus, the program included there were many stages, at the beginning there were several days of acclimatization, some tourists abandoned the trip, in the end 16 people went to the top of elbrus, they were accompanied by denis alimov’s subordinates and two guides.
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they didn’t forget mom and dad , they very cleverly put in a lot of layers of protection, took colored markers, made watermarks, let’s go vote with him, choose mom and dad, but mom said, honey, your ballot is beautiful, only digital counting, your ballot is not will pass, because in russia they mark ballots better than money, very carefully they are protected, they have the most powerful protection , your cunning will not work, people... choose honestly, but my dad and i are very glad that we are your candidates, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, at the megamarket you will always find something to give to your loved ones, especially on holiday sales, for example, a tall frying pan for only 1,799 rubles. just waste gigabytes and
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minutes. and receive gifts.


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