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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 4, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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has something to do with the current police officers of the territorial police department, our colleagues from the regional investigative committee are now looking into all this, and it doesn’t matter who is involved in this story, civilians or people in uniform, adequate measures will be taken. under the article on abuse of power, yuri zolotko faces up to 10 years in prison. what is your truth? well, the fact is that i acted legally, our editors are not trying to take anyone’s side, we gave the opportunity to all participants in this to express their position. ambiguous history, but even now many questions remain, the investigation and the court will have to answer them. andrey ivlev, viktor barmin, danila kuznetsov, maria bukata and khalimat kuchmezova. news, duty department, sverdlovsk region. this week, the high-profile story of the crash of the falcon 10 business jet with orsians on board continued. it turned out that both pilots, dmitry belyakov and arkady grachev, did not have the right to fly an aircraft of this type. their testimony, as reported by the media'.
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in russia it starts in autumn 2023. last time falcon, as journalists found out, underwent maintenance a year ago. most experts are confident that this plane could have carried passengers and illegal cargo uncontrollably. let me remind you that two passengers died as a result of a plane crash in afghanistan. the doctors and crew members managed to escape. is this how it was possible to prevent the tragedy? let's try to figure it out together with the pilot, commander of the airbus a320, andrei litvinov. now he is in contact with the studio.
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andrei alexandrovich, it is reported that the pilots provided false documents stating that have been trained to fly a business jet, how is this possible and could they even take to the skies? well, about the fact that the forged documents were provided to the federal air transport agency, this is generally an egregious case, in general, even if without the forged documents.
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that there were problems with the plane itself, it allegedly did not undergo maintenance, that this is savings on the part of the owners of the ship? of course, i’m just sure of this, it’s for the purpose of saving money and a disregard for technology, the aircraft, every aircraft has a maintenance schedule, time regulations or regulations on flight hours, state ... aviation inspection revealed more than 15 violations related to this aircraft, including the fuel system, there were fuel valves that needed to be checked, there was contamination, the fuel contamination system, well, in general there are several such moments connected precisely with the fuel system, perhaps precisely by...
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doing the documents there yourself somehow, in fact, we have already received a response from the american side, from this aviation training center, that in fact these pilots are not were trained at this training center, well , if the airline that operates the plane is registered in an apartment near moscow, well, here’s the reason for all the other violations, that is, here... it starts small and
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ends with a plane crash, thank you, about the possible reasons for the crash of a business jet with russians we spoke with an aviation expert, a pilot:
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a hockey team. on the way from the competition , igor minenko lost control of the car due to a broken tire and crashed into an oncoming car. as a result of the accident four people died, including the sixty-year-old team coach. the children survived. as investigators found out, the driver grossly violated the speed limit, and
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the owner of the bus did not monitor its technical condition. entrepreneur yevgeny lobov was also arrested by court order. on thursday it became known about the arrest... from whom fsb officers seized more than half a ton of red caviar. the underground trading center was located in a private house, where the delicacy was prepared for sale in unsanitary conditions. no documents for products of course, there were no businessmen. the cost of the seized batch of caviar exceeds 3.5 million rubles. on friday, in the village of nasok, krasnoyarsk territory, a drunken extreme sports enthusiast flew into a hospital window on a snowmobile, rushed several meters along the corridor and crashed into... in these footage , the consequences of an accident, windows were broken, lamps were hit, there was a gaping hole in the door. rescuers and doctors tried to reach the culprit of the accident through the rubble, but the injuries were fatal. alexander ostakhov, vladimir bazov, lead the duty department. in ulyanovsk, employees
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of the police investigative committee continue identify the participants in the mass brawl. here, what is called a wall, teenagers came together. the battle began for no particular reason and very quickly near one of the local fifths. establishments, three dozen people were involved in the conflict at once, several of them were knocked out, while none of the victims turned to the police for help at the hospital. the security forces themselves discovered footage of the brawl on social networks and began an investigation. well, in tambov, law enforcement officers continue to investigate the case of a youth gang led by a college student business technologies. investigators may have questions for teachers who were involved in educational work. for some reason exactly. within the walls of such institutions, students receive a dubious level of education; instead of studying, they gather in groups in shopping centers and are left to their own devices. on the problem of upbringing and education, sultan zekanov.
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juvenile inspectors walk along fashionable stores in the shopping and entertainment center of tambov. with a stern look, the police look for places where young people gather. and parents know that visits the shopping center. after recent high-profile arrests, such raids have become regular. let me remind you that aggressive teenagers, like evil cubs, tried to dictate their rules to other visitors to the restaurant area. investigators believe the main instigator of the youth gang is seventeen-year-old college student karina. she was like the leader, all the participants in her youth meeting tried to imitate her. dmitry is one of those who fell under the hot hand of karina and her pack. young accomplices beat their victims and showered them with swearing. in this video, they surrounded the girl and forced her to stand. she was forced to her knees to apologize, i understood, yes, exactly, yes, as soon as these images began to spread on social networks, the police immediately identified the possible hooligans, detained five people, if for most of them it all ended in a preventive conversation and a written undertaking not to leave the place, then the probable leader of a pack of tambov wolf cubs
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, karina, became a defendant in a criminal case for hooliganism and was brought to court for arrest. karin, how are you doing? even after a couple days spent in a temporary detention center. the dark-haired girl had not lost any of her former audacity, why was all this necessary? before that they humiliated me, insulted me, they beat me, why is the young girl so embittered, to answer this question, our film crew... went to where she spent her childhood. popovka is a small village in the tambov region, where the path of the probable leader of the so-called tambov wolf cubs began. a girl lived in this small brick house with her grandfather and grandmother. judging by the decoration, people here live modestly; karina’s relatives were not at home, but the local post office worker is loudly gossiping about the arrest of members of the tambov youth gang. flip-flopped newspapers with loud headlines. she ’s always with my granddaughter, nothing, a normal girl, she broke up the boring village life, except maybe
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communicating with her peers at school, it ’s located 14 km from popovka, a village with a very telling name, tops, it turns out that karina was an example for her classmates, she only studied on a four grade five, was fond of sports, active , capable, neat, tidy, mother of a girl who lived and worked in tambov, tried to participate in raising her daughter, attended parental... law and social security organization. a course with in-depth study of such subjects as law and social studies after 2 years and 10 months was supposed to guarantee further admission to a university, but after two semesters, each of which cost 16 thousand rubles , an unexpected turn occurred in the teenager’s life. so what happened to the girl?
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there are fewer questions than the relationship between mother and daughter, otherwise it is difficult to explain why, within the walls of college, a once diligent student turned into a difficult teenager. only in this case, if the ministry of education takes strict measures to ensure that our professional staff of teachers, universities and colleges and schools are specifically responsible for the actions of those who study with them, only then will this situation change. the college of business technologies was formed in 2017 on the basis of. tambov branch of the russian new university, there are no entrance fees here exams, all specialties are paid, is
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this really why they hold on to any student, even unreliable ones, and hand out diplomas from right to left. according to data from open sources , at least six inspections have been carried out at the college in recent years, including fire safety, but for some reason each visit of inspectors ended only with warnings; it is possible that influential connections, the director of the educational institution, and people helped. technical schools or vocational schools appeared in the soviet union. then, as a rule, in such educational school graduates who did not
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aspire to higher education attended the establishments. so in 2-3 years of study it was possible to master a technical specialty and get a job at a factory. however, since the eighties, vocational schools began to be called a hotbed of youth crime, since the contingent gathered there. simply put, difficult teenagers who were kicked out of school. in the nineties , there was a lot in the system of secondary specialized and vocational education. began to change, the former technical schools of the school began to be renamed and reorganize the college, and now they train not only technicians, but also future lawyers, economists, accountants and even businessmen. the effectiveness of some institutions of secondary specialized education raises serious questions, especially when juvenile crime begins to flourish in them. the first thing that needs to be done is to think about a moratorium on inspections of such colleges, because now it is in effect and... by and large everyone knows that there are such groups, but they are silent so as not to let god won't spoil any indicators.
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a good example is teenagers from belgorod. college students, inspired by boyish romance, united in a gang and kept the townspeople in fear; the bullying of people was filmed on smartphone cameras and broadcast online. as a result, the youth gang members were arrested for attempted murder, inciting ethnic hatred and hooliganism. the same fate awaited the leader of the tambov wolf cubs; seventeen-year-old karina was sent to a cell from... a seventeen-year-old local resident charged with committing a crime under part two of article 213 of the criminal code of the russian federation. according to the juvenile affairs inspectorate, in tambov alone there are more than 130 teenagers, the task of the police is to ensure that these young people do not become participants in youth groups, for their part, inspectors will continue to conduct raids, but without prevention in themselves educational institutions are definitely not enough. sultan zeganov, igor stepanov, mikhail yusupov, pavel alekseev, duty officer part of the tambov region. more than 392.
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criminal cases were sent to the prosecutor’s office last year by employees of the investigative units of the russian ministry of internal affairs. the results of official activities have been summed up. at an operational meeting, it was held by the deputy minister of internal affairs, head of the investigation department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia, sergei lebedev. he noted that the quality of work improved last year. the creation of investigative departments in new russian regions was also discussed at the event. tourist feature or potential danger in the city in suzdal, vladimir region , the semi-criminal business on horses continues to flourish. in pursuit of a long ruble, cab drivers forget about the rules and hit people. pedestrians, and then, as if nothing had happened, they again give rides to city guests, in whose pockets the profits from the illegal transportation of tourists end up, who risk their health and even their lives every time. our correspondent andrei romanov went to suzdal to figure out on the spot when cart rides will become not only colorful, but safe.
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in the center of suzdal, right behind the shopping arcades, like tsarist russia, colorful sleighs. horses of different breeds, cab drivers in boyar fur coats from enot. colorful gentlemen punish tourists to give them a breeze through the ancient city. for services they ask not for a coin, but for paper 5,000 rubles or a bank transfer. you, you are like a boyar, right? well, yes, i drive like a lord. in the front row of this spontaneous carriage house is a strong driver, whose name is unusual for suzdal, robert, and who offers rides around the city at almost half the price of his colleagues. we agree. robert talks about the sights pearls of the golden ring of russia, every now and then he turns to the passengers and stops watching the road, either he trusts the horse so much, or he feels like a master in the city, but in general, this is
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how you can ride a horse anywhere in the city, well, in fact, unexpectedly robert is interested. i spent 5 days in jail for hitting our colleague, vesti correspondent igor ogeenko, and then fled the scene of the accident. i don’t understand why i end up on the ground, that is, something blows me away from behind. i got up, i have this part i was covered in blood, that is, everything here was pulsating very strongly, i felt something hot, something. the film crew worked in the city during the january holidays, our colleagues were filming a report on folk festivals, this year suzdal was the new year's capital of russia, despite the severe frosts, more than a hundred thousand tourists visited here, people visited churches and museums, drank mead and rode carts .
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our colleague, like the legendary ostap bender, was run over by a horse in the city center and did not escape with a slight fright. horse-drawn movements carts near the walls of suzdolstvo. the kremlin on january 4 was prohibited by a decree of the city administration, but surveillance cameras captured how people and horses mingled together in a heap. in these shots , two carts are rushing towards igor ogeenko at once, one goes around him, and the one behind him knocks him off his feet. my hand hurt the most, because when the ambulance arrived, they made me a splint out of wire, then the police gave me a document to sign, i couldn’t even pick up a pen, i was just screaming. doctors diagnosed the reporter with a fracture in the area. igor ageenko recalls how after the accident the driver briefly apologized, asked not to call the police, and a couple of minutes later he jumped into the sleigh and sped off, but was later detained. protocols on administrative
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offenses were drawn up against him regarding a traffic accident, and administrative proceedings are currently being carried out. no stranger to problems with the law, judging by data from open sources, the cab driver was previously given a suspended sentence for the purchase and possession of drugs, and then received a real sentence for robbery, regularly violating...
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wondered why, after the accident, she did not terminate the lease agreement with the dashing coachman? do you see anything wrong with him continuing to control this horse? well , he knows how to drive it, everything seems to be clear there , it was a slight fright, it’s just, well, i ’m telling you that this is not the first time for a person to drive, as if he knows how to do it, it’s strange, but for many participants in this story, a broken arm and bruises are something like a slight fright, which is understandable, because the incident with horses is a common thing for... suzdal lately. almost 2 years ago, the deputy chief of the local police department rammed his car into a carriage with passengers. and here is another case:
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the two of the tourists sat on a horse, the animal reared up, the woman fell out of the saddle and ended up in the hospital with broken bones, but even despite these incidents, the individuals concerned do not want the competent authorities to check their dubious business, much less drive them away from places inhabited for years. the most famous. the place in susdol where you can rent a cart is the street behind the shopping arcades, this is what it looks like on weekdays: the cab drivers are bored, the carts stand motionless , and the horses, well, frankly doze off and wake up only when someone approaches them, but everyone is happy with the situation, the coachmen know that the weekend will come, tourists will pour into suzdal again and patience will be rewarded, but for now it’s a collective performance
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for... your leisure time, but it turns out that both the state and the animal suffer from this , we called traffic police inspectors to the makeshift carriage house, they wrote the coachman up in a pile of reports, but they weren’t upset at all, you entered the wrong way, and that you will leave now, now i will leave, now, no, later, i’ve already been fined, i owe something to myself. completing such a protocol is a mere trifle for a cab driver; they say that during mass festivities , you can earn up to 100,000 from just one cart per day.
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now everyone involved in this business is in agonizing anticipation. this summer , the pearl of russia's golden ring will celebrate its thousandth anniversary. hundreds of thousands of tourists are expected to visit the city. while the drivers are preparing to sew on additional pockets for money, the new mayor of suzdal. we are now thinking about changing the parking location, communicating with the community itself, communicating with the townspeople, defining this point in the city so that on the one hand it is safe, on the other hand it is in the reach zone for city guests, for tourists. the authorities of suzdol are now considering the possibility of taking the equestrian sector under control at the legislative level. it would be nice if this business was managed by a single operator with whom the cab drivers could enter into an agreement, then it would be possible sell tickets at the box office, and the carriages and sleighs
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will be assigned identification numbers, this will make it possible to finally bring the gray business out of the shadows, while the carriages continue to travel uncontrollably throughout the city. hey, boyars, let's go! also along the streets of suzdaly there is a carriage driven by robert koshelev, he is already. as if he forgot about the accident that happened, is back on horseback and continues to make money from tourists, here is our colleague, igor ageenko, cannot yet fulfill his official duties, he is on sick leave and waiting for a call from law enforcement agencies. andrey romanov, maria bukata, ilya khludov, alexey zernov, sergey mukhlaev, lead the duty department. that’s how we learned, on behalf of the head of the investigative department, the investigative committee of russia for the vladimir region , artyom kulakov, the department’s employees began. a procedural check into the accident in suzdal, and the situation is also under the control of the head of the regional department of the internal affairs directorate , valery medvedev. our program will monitor developments. soon after
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don’t miss us eduard petrov’s investigation the film illegal elbrus tells about the death of five tourists at the end of september 2021, the investigation claims that they were victims of negligence, and the tour organizers claim that it was a coincidence. why the number of tragedies in the mountains is not decreasing, our colleagues will tell you. eduard petrov’s investigation will continue to be broadcast legally on the russia 24 tv channel. that’s all for us, follow the legal news in telegram channels, the duty department and an honest detective, bright fragments of our broadcasts and the best investigation on the platform , see you later.
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hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg
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skepanov, and we are... the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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12:00 pm
negligence or a coincidence of circumstances that caused the death of tourists on elbrus in the fall of 2000. twenty-first year. this is discussed in the investigation by eduard petrov immediately after the advertisement. what is the most important thing in business? this is love. sber presents an award for entrepreneurs who are in love with their business. the winners will receive a whole year of acquiring without commission and free account opening and maintenance for 5 years. and all participants receive bonuses from companies.


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