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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 4, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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a two-story building with a bakery was destroyed. according to updated data, 28 people died, including a child. 10 were saved. the ministry of health of the republic reported that four victims are in intensive care in serious condition. the russian foreign ministry noted that moscow will inform international organizations about the next act of... terrorism by
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the kiev regime and that extremists deliberately chose a bakery in lisichansk to strike, knowing that dozens of citizens gather there on saturdays. official representative of the ministry maria zakharova emphasized that during the shelling, the ukrainian armed forces used western weapons, and eu citizens should know where their taxes are going. in the lugansk republic today there is mourning for the victims of the ukrainian armed forces strike; the head of the region, leonid pasechnik, expressed condolences to his family. and the relatives of the victims , he wished recovery to all those injured. condolences come from all over the country, including the mayor of moscow sergei sobyanin. he called the attack by the ukrainian authorities brutal and senseless. the authorities of the lipetsk region also expressed condolences to the relatives of those killed in lesechansk. governor igor artamonov stated that the region is always ready to lend a helping hand. the foundation's board of trustees has defenders. of the fatherland, the new chairman
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is the head of rosfinitoring yuri chikhanchin. he replaced the head of the ministry of labor anton kotikov. the corresponding decree was signed by vladimir putin. according to the document, the composition of the board of trustees was replenished with several more members, including ex-prime minister, chairman of the russian lawyers association, sergei stepashin. the president also expanded the functions of the fund. now they will also engage in international cooperation on issues protecting the rights of air force fighters and their families, as well as. will inform special operation veterans about what benefits they are entitled to and monitor whether the fund’s wards are satisfied with the social support measures. more than 50 people have died from forest fires in chile, according to authorities. the fire is spreading rapidly and extinguishing efforts are hampered by strong gusts of wind, hot weather and low humidity. with details natalya goncharova. filming
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a scopper at the epicenter of forest fires in chile. the fire area has already exceeded 43. the most a difficult situation in one of the most populous provinces of valparais, home to almost a million people. a state of emergency has been declared there, people are asked to wait for help, rescuers, fire crews and doctors. given the difficult firefighting conditions, dozens of people are already listed as dead. of course, the number of victims will rise. more than a thousand buildings - this is only official data, which is updated every hour, were destroyed, the fire was on the other side and after 10-15 minutes spread here, it happened very quickly, at that moment everything it got dark, we didn’t know what to do, we quickly left our house, went i don’t know where , our house, our family’s house burned down, we were simply left with nothing, we have nothing else, the hardest thing was for the residents of remote... often
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they live there elderly people who find it difficult to quickly leave their homes. in total , over 90 fires have been recorded in chile. the authorities sent about 450 firefighters and helicopters to the province to extinguish the fire. experts on chilean television report that the fire was not natural. detained in arson case suspect. the problem is that it was clearly a hoax. this is not the case. four fires could have started spontaneously, by accident, something was agreed upon here, the authorities will have to see how they treat this and investigate the cause of the fires. if the hypothesis that the fires were intentional is confirmed, whoever did it calculated everything perfectly, because he committed the fire at noon, the very peak of the heat. valpa raisa has already called these fires the largest disaster since the 2010 earthquake of the year. which claimed the lives of more than 500 people,
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extinguishing fires is complicated by dry weather, in the near future the chilean authorities will begin to assess the damage. natalya goncharova, the world defense show opened in saudi arabia. this year russia doubled its exposition and presented the latest types of weapons, more than 100 samples tested in real combat conditions, as well as the latest developments. our correspondent, maria kudryavtseva, is in direct contact with the studio from riyadh. maria, good afternoon, what exhibits of greatest interest? hello, daria, here, for example, is ours. already proven and at the same time modernized transport aircraft il-76 md-90a, representatives of saudi arabia specifically asked russia to bring the variad here to the exhibition, but i’ll tell you more about this a little later. the international defense exhibition in ariad is a fairly young event, it has been taking place since 2022, but it
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has already become a landmark for those who produce weapons around the world; it is already a platform for strengthening ties and partnerships and knowledge sharing. this year the total exhibition area is approximately 80,000 m2. well , the russian delegation is headed by deputy prime minister, minister of industry and trade denis manturov. and the area of ​​the russian exposition is more than 1.2 m2, where leading holdings presented their products, these are rostec, these are npos, high-precision complexes, technodynamics, diamondai and many others. bilateral meetings are also being held today at the exhibition site, this is what denis mantarov told us in an interview about what possible directions for further development, this includes the assembly and production of the helicopter, we will soon be able to talk about this in more detail, this concerns the k62 helicopter, this includes the production
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of light commercial vehicles, including with our gas companies, this and... pharmaceuticals, by the way, is one of the important aspects where our colleagues meet us halfway, and we see an interest in working together, including not only supply, but also the organization of production. united aircraft corporation presents at the exhibition in ariad modernized transport aircraft. 76 md 90a is an updated version of the already proven ill-76 aircraft, despite the external similarity, it is fundamentally different from its predecessor, in particular, it has a reinforced wing, these are new engines, it must also be said that more than 70% of the aircraft
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systems have been updated on the aircraft and units, now this aircraft is of great interest in the gulf countries and the middle east in general, let's listen, what are the future plans? we view the middle east as one of the main markets for our new aircraft, we have recently entered mass production and now we have the opportunity to offer the aircraft on foreign markets. recently , commercial companies engaged in commercial cargo transportation have shown great interest in the aircraft. in ariad, russia today demonstrates the entire range of weapons, military equipment in models, videos and some equipment. in living samples, in addition to the modernized version of the transport aircraft, which i already mentioned, this anti-aircraft guided short -range interception missile from the s1m shell, also these are titan protected special purpose vehicles, as well as various samples of rep and counter-uav equipment. well, we are now waiting for
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the next bilateral meetings, which will take place here in a row with the participation of denis mantoru, we will definitely talk about them in the following direct speeches. daria, we’ll keep an eye on the results. on the night of saturday to sunday, the united states and great britain again fired at houthi targets in yemen. the strikes were carried out from the sea using missiles tamahawk. it is reported that about 40 objects were hit, including those located in the capital. the houthis are threatening retaliation. in particular, the group announced that it intends to cut off intercontinental cables.
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serve as communication channels between europe and africa . it is known, in particular, that these cables serve the middle east. and now the program will continue broadcasting on our channel. the program parliamentary hour is on air. hello. we’ll tell you about the work of the state duma for the week right now. this is a bill about scoundrels and traitors, namely those who commit crimes against their country, support the nazis, insult ours. soldier, we agree completely
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, only for, there is nothing for them to do here, who will be left without the titles of awards, alexander shavirin found out that betrayal of russia, both within the country and abroad, will not go unpunished, an ordinary store during the day, a bar at night, a simple transformation , our correspondent maria burkova in a raid on liqueurs, at 23:06, according to the law, at this time it is already prohibited to sell alcoholic beverages. in the fight against a new law comes into effect for unscrupulous entrepreneurs. the purpose of the law is to restore order in this area and streamline work hours. who and how will control the sale of alcohol is discussed in the adopted document. terrorist act near belgorod an il-76 was shot down by a ukrainian military formation with an american anti-aircraft missile system. they shot down a civilian. the plane is peaceful with prisoners of war, with the crew and accompanying people.
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the ship was carrying out a humanitarian mission, here is the proof: the exchange of prisoners was agreed upon, including delivery routes. to what state duma deputies are calling on their colleagues from the us congress. we’ll also talk about the rise of financial pyramids and the collapse of those who join them, the availability of medicines, and the dacha amnesty. about this and more. look in ours. in a programme. for financing crimes against russia and fake news about the army , property, money and valuables will be confiscated. the state duma adopted the corresponding bill in three readings. this law is the consolidated position of the absolute majority of state duma deputies. the initiative has 395 signatures for dissemination of false information about the actions of the armed forces, calls to discredit them. extremism will be deprived of military titles and honorary awards. those who
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demand the introduction of sanctions against our country and its inhabitants, rehabilitate nazism, and participate in the implementation of decisions of international organizations that do not include russia will also remain without a title. how will the initiative work and what do russians think? - my colleague alexander shavirin found out. this is the bill, not scoundrels and traitors. the initiative will allow to punish those who commits crimes against their own. the country supports the nazis and insults our soldier officers - said state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. the citizens of these people did everything to ensure that they lived comfortably, received honorary titles, awards, property, and today they use these means to spoil the country, betraying it, betraying its soldiers and officers, throwing mud at them and criticizing them. vyacheslav volodin noted that we are talking about those who today spit in the backs of our soldiers and transfer money to the armed forces
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forces of ukraine, is located abroad, and receives income from property in the territory of our country. the bill gives the right to bring them to justice, confiscate their property, deprive them of honorary titles, this is a long-awaited bill, citizens. our enemies are wrong, but the duma made the right decision, soldiers are fighting, dying,
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our sons, brothers, husbands, someone is taking advantage of this betrayal, we completely agree with you, we support, here the law is aimed at protecting the interests of the homeland, that means in in this context he undoubtedly. the initiative strengthens our line of defense, noted state duma deputy speaker irina yarovaya. the bill expands the list of crimes against the fundamentals of state security. it's included. all types of sabotage activities: espionage, treason, dissemination of deliberate information, cooperation with foreign organizations, approval of sanctions - this is all an incomplete list of the most dangerous crimes that today pose an absolutely real threat to the life and safety
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of every citizen of the russian federation. confiscation of property, money and valuables, deprivation of fair titles and awards. response by a traitor, the progress of the discussion of the initiative in the vks regime was monitored by regional legislative assemblies, and representatives of the duma factions spoke out in support. our faction in its entirety is the authors of this initiative; of course, it is necessary to tighten the responsibility of our external and internal enemies. the bill will help not only punish traitors, but reduce the number.
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signatures of this law - the consolidated position of the absolute majority of deputies state duma, anyone who wants to encroach on the security of the state should know that betrayal of russia, both within the country and outside its borders, will not go unpunished. alexander shavirin, anna melikyan, nikita kharazkin, sergey vergunov, duma tv. parliamentary hour. the regions are now authorized to close nalivaika; this right is given to the subjects by a new law adopted by the deputy. shops will no longer be able to work undercover at night, an additional chair, table, bar counter will not save, what loopholes did they use before, what requirements for the sale of alcohol are now being discussed, who will control the process and how, my colleague maria burkova has been looking for answers this week. at 23:06, according to the law, at this time it is already prohibited to sell alcoholic
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beverages. we are near the so-called nalivayka, which is located right in the apartment building. together with activists, we will check how the law is observed here. guys with a hidden camera enter the store and we see that buying alcohol is not a problem here. this store sold us beer on tap, and also sold closed glass bottle of beer. afterwards , we go back to the store with a regular camera and talk openly with the seller. on what basis do you sell alcoholic beverages after 11? how do you consider a bar? yes, but is the bar licensed?
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implementation of our bill, we are really waiting for the question about how to strengthen the rights of residents of apartment buildings, including so that they take part in determining the operating hours of such establishments; according to the law, it is the subjects who receive the right to establish requirements for the sale of alcohol in restaurants, bars, cafes, buffets
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will be able to independently limit the time of sale of alcohol in public catering, and ban liqueurs altogether. as a result of work. a bill on hope, hope and faith from the point of view that it is not money that decides, but the position of citizens, citizens have for a long time
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clearly, clearly, unequivocally said that residential apartment buildings are a place of safety and comfort. the law also includes measures to combat surrogate alcohol. and here we provide special restrictions that, for example, will not allow. produce various beer drinks from purchased beer, only beer manufacturers will be able to produce such drinks, this will be a serious limitation, in addition, no more ethyl alcohol in the composition, if this is not provided for by the requirements of state standards and technical regulations, it will not be possible to write on the labels what can mislead the buyer , for example, that the drink has any medicinal properties, this liberalization of everything that... is related to alcohol and its sale should be like this let's say, it was taken into the framework and order was put in place, this is the first step, as for beer and other
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non-strong drinks, but which for some reason simply contained ethyl alcohol, yes, this decision was not made, today we are making it, passing it on to our regions , the bill was worked out in detail, together with the government, noted chairman of the economic policy committee maxim topilin. it was necessary to find a balanced solution that would protect both the interests of people and the interests of law-abiding entrepreneurs. and the acceptance of the document is not means cessation of work in this area. we hope that colleagues from the regions will treat this responsibly. we will need to return to this issue again within the framework of law enforcement practice, to analyze which regions took advantage.
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amnesty, availability of medicines, protection of passengers, support for bookstores, development of tourism industries, search for missing persons. read more about these bills in our review. children and citizens with disabilities cannot be removed from public transport. and those who does not understand this, they will be punished with heavy fines, said vyacheslav volodin. the law that protects disabled people of the first group is already in force. a disabled person of the first group, even if he does not... present an appropriate document confirming payment for travel, or does not confirm a document that gives the right to use travel for free, there are many cases when a disabled person is dropped off, this is
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unacceptable, the law prohibits this, but responsibility for this not provided. the punishment for violators of the law is proposed to be set at 5,000 rubles for drivers and up to 30,000 rubles for officials. the state duma adopted the necessary amendments in the first reading. similar fines apply to those who dropped off due to. felcher points. the listed local hospitals, outpatient clinics and organizations will be able to obtain licenses for pharmaceutical activities not only if they have a pharmacist or pharmacist, but if they have
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a health worker with the appropriate education. the state duma adopted the corresponding bill in the first reading. when it is impossible to buy medicine in rural areas, this is of course a huge problem for residents villages, especially for the elderly, for the disabled , this law will be very useful, especially for...
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property, we are talking about roads, in gardening partnerships, gardening, about some kind of water towers, about networks, including electrical ones, so that they read more, the bill on unlimited support for bookstores was adopted in the first reading, for small medium-sized enterprises engaged in the sale of children's books, educational literature, they want to remove temporary restrictions and make state support
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unlimited, now... this provision is in effect until the end of the twenty-fourth year. the government support measures that exist today are more than measures to support small medium-sized businesses. in fact, this is support for the state policy on the upbringing and education of children, which is a state priority. in this regard, in my opinion, it is more necessary to look not even at the effectiveness of the support measures themselves as a business, but at the content of the important work that this business carries out in publishing literature that...
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the support measures listed here include receiving grants, tax benefits, information support and support on property issues. an organization for the development of tourism will appear in russia. it will attract investment, stimulate the construction and reconstruction of tourism facilities, engineering transport infrastructure and other facilities designed to ensure the functioning of tourism facilities. essentially, this is a legal entity. joint stock company, 100% of the shares of which will be owned state, thanks to the new structure, the mechanism for transferring state land for hotels will be simplified, the law was adopted by the state duma. this is extremely important, because we know that our tourism industry is now rapidly developing, so the state property that is irrationally used, through the decision of the government commission, i emphasize that this is very important, that it will not only be
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the tourism corporation itself that makes the decision . it is decided by a government commission whether they will be put up for auction to fall into the sphere tourism infrastructure. finding missing relatives will become easier. deputies adopted in the second and third readings a law that creates additional opportunities for searching for missing people. as for the situation, it is very, very relevant and in demand today. on january 1 last year, of the 28 thousand missing, the fate was established. about 27% of missing citizens, in accordance with the document, close relatives of missing citizens are proposed to be included in the list of persons subject to mandatory state genomic registration. government agencies will receive and process biological materials from parents, children, and full brothers and sisters. the crash of the il-76 near belgorod was a terrorist act, this
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was stated. precisely as a crime against humanity and to characterize it as teristic
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to congressmen. not on the way with this when'.


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