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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 4, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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for business, we pay 3,000 rubles for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses, maybe soseson, anywhere your appetite, only dad will reduce it, have a wild appetite, a snack won’t hurt, sausages, dad can, at the megamarket you will always find something.. . give to loved ones, especially during the holiday sale, for example, a kitford planetary mixer for only 7,990 rubles. during the battles, the area of ​​the small land changed from 20 to 32 km. a huge role in the success of the landing. our coastal
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artillery played a role. from the first day between kunikov’s detachment and the batteries located on on the eastern shore of tsemes bay, uninterrupted communications were established, which made it possible to adjust fire on the enemy. this is the famous battery number 394. it was built in july 1941 in the area.
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a graduate of the sevastopol naval artillery school, andrei emmanuilovich zubkov, was only 23 years old when in 1941 he was appointed to command the 394th battery. during the battles for novorossiysk, he will demonstrate fantastic shooting accuracy. the fire of the zubkov guns will hit even single german vehicles.
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400 nazi junkers and henkels, but after each bombing, the damaged barrels were replaced with new ones and the battery again opened fire on the enemy. today.
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all that remained of the heroic bridgehead was a small section of undeveloped shore. it was specially preserved for posterity, as a reminder of the hell the defenders of the small land had to go through decades ago. every meter of our bridgehead was under fire from the enemy. the delivery of reinforcements, food and ammunition occurred only at night . that's why. "especially in the first weeks during the battles, our soldiers had to suffer severely from hunger and thirst. the first days were the most difficult, it was necessary to evacuate the wounded, they equipped the fish factory building as an evacuation point, these old baths for salting fish were used as bunks, and i remember that they collected water for the wounded from the snow, they drowned the snow, the snow was brown because it was snow was mixed with blood, there was often not enough bread, they made this, you know , mash, mixed flour with '.
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it really took personal courage, with a threat to life, with injury, and then posthumously, we know with you posthumous awards, to win this highest, highest award of military valor, so this is what also emphasizes the importance of the importance of the small land.
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these shots were filmed in leningrad on may 9 , 1987, in front of a column of veterans, a man without both legs on a homemade wheelchair, this is a marine.
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in the fall of the same year, he was wounded in both legs and again in the right arm, despite this, galimbievsky continued to hold the defense in the captured enemy bunker. in a few days after being wounded, he was evacuated to the gelendzhik naval hospital. doctors discovered gas gangrene and amputated both of his legs. at this moment, anatoly was only 22 years old, but he did not lose heart. in the hospital , he was looked after by a georgian girl, nurse mertsa kalantadze.
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golembievsky not only invented and manufactured various devices for the needs of the institute, but also willingly repaired broken televisions for his friends. that i love? good friends, good company, i love girls, what else can i love, old yap. frontline songs, i i love our capless cape, victory day, song little earth. because there, as they say , i went through everything from beginning to end, i am a musician myself and they could have offered me in the orchestra, but they will ask me, the war will end, where did you fight , they will say, you know, i wasted there in the brass band, i wanted to fight , i didn’t stay on the ship for this, that i went to moscow and the infantry,
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but now no one will tell me that i didn’t play, you know, and fought, that’s the case, anatoly leopoldovich went to work around the city in zaporozhe. i'm so alive by nature and i love all living things, well, i also like different things, i love music , without music i drive in a car, turn on music, and also work with music, well, when i was young, i whistled all the time, on the ship, when
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i was in uniform i didn’t get much for whistling on the ship it’s impossible, but i’m standing there at the combat post , whistling all the time, and you still did all the tap dancing, you know, you practiced everything with your feet. so this is a bullseye there, this is an apple and you stand there all the time - you work it all out with your feet slowly there, well, this is for successful completion.
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anatoly leopoldovich golembievsky left life in 2001 at the age of 80, of which almost 60, he lived, worked and created as if he had never had any serious injuries or amputation. both legs. this was the second feat of the golembievsky marine infantry, which he accomplished in peacetime. a feat of amazing love of life and incredible fortitude that distinguished the bygone generation of winners.
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in april 1943, the german command approved the plan for operation neptune. the troops of general wetsel were given the task of eliminating the novorossiysk splinter at any cost. that's what the germans called our small land. four wehrmacht infantry divisions were to dismember and destroy several russian bridgeheads. the operation was planned to be completed by april 20, the
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birthday of adolf hitler. the german offensive on the small earth began on april 17 , 1943 at 7:30 am. according to eyewitnesses, it was a real fiery hell. enemy artillery literally plowed up the small area with shells. land area of ​​only 30 km. after this, german bombers appeared over the bridgehead. they walked in trains of 15-60 vehicles. just in one day on april 17, nazi pilots made 1,500 sorties, dropping 2,300 bombs on the defenders of the small land. at 9:00 am , german tanks and machine gunners went on the offensive. the density of enemy fire was monstrous, so the fourth battalion of the 51st
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rifle brigade lost 70% of its personnel by 12 noon. on april 18, in one of the sectors, the enemy managed to wedge 1 km into our defenses, but the enemy did not advance further. a week later, the germans ran out of steam and stopped...
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the memory of the april battles in the valley of death still makes itself felt. shard above left with the eye, to this day, and you can even touch it, here in this place, this is already on small land, i was wounded there twice, well , it turns out that there were minor wounds, and i
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didn’t go anywhere there, i sat in my our brigade will be able to pay off with our own people. guarded this valley of death, this is the hill where we were entrenched, and if you saw the well, this is located right in the valley of death, the worst thing was there, it was day and night, this is the roar, this is the shooting, this explosion and these alienating these bullets, you know how it is got on a person’s nerves, but we still knew where we were going, we had to defend ourselves, by the twenty-fifth. in april, according to artyom ivanovich, less than half of their battalion remained, almost everyone who squeezed out was wounded or shell-shocked. we have a captain, a battalion commander, right where we were buried, defending, and not far away he was in his dugout, a direct hit, there
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were six people there, this very dugout was blown up, everyone died in between. he was a very desperate commander, he was buried on a small land, that’s very much about the war a lot has been written, very well written, very correctly written, but what you see with your own eyes there is difficult to describe, the only thing is that you are defending your homeland, that your homeland is behind you, that your family is, and so on and so forth or live. in september 1973, on the initiative of the general secretary of the cpsu central committee leonid ilyech brezhnev, novorossiysk was awarded the title of hero city. during
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the april battles for the small land, colonel brezhnev was the head of the political department of the eighteenth army. he visited several times at the bridgehead he always spoke with admiration about its defenders. how many times brezhiev visited, these data vary. there is information that more than ten times, there are more than twenty, but this does not have any role, even if he landed once on little ground, it would have already cost a lot, because on one of such transitions, when he was convoyed to the bridgehead , his sailboat, in which he was following, was blown up by a loss of energy, he was thrown out of the air, he was shell-shocked, that is, they barely picked him up there, they saw him, that is, he... with his life, the memory of the war for brezhnev himself, a participant in the historical victory parade of 1945, it was always sacred, it was under him that victory day became an official holiday and a day off in the ussr, and the tomb of the unknown soldier appeared near the kremlin wall, on which brezhnev personally lit the eternal flame. in 1978
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it will be published under his name. the famous trilogy: small earth, revival and virgin lands. several famous soviet journalists took part in its creation. each book was released in a separate edition of 15 million copies. soon after publication , the school curriculum was included in the memoirs of leonid ilvich brezhnev. they were studied along with the works of such classics of soviet literature as mayakovsky, gorky, gaidar or sholokhov. in 1980 , the trilogy was awarded the lenin prize for literature. it was translated into dozens of foreign languages ​​and sent to 120 national libraries around the world. in february 1978, on the initiative of his inner circle,
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leonid ilyich was awarded the highest military award of the soviet union, the order of victory. before in brezhnevo, only 16 people were awarded it; the first three orders of victory were awarded during the war to zhukov, vasilevsky and stalin. such exorbitant exaltation of the exploits of the secretary general led to the opposite result. brezhnev's military biography became the occasion for further anecdotes and cruel jokes, which, unfortunately, cast a shadow on everyone's feat. in 1989, the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr canceled the awarding of brezhnev with the order of victory as contrary to the statute of the order. despite this, residents of novorossiysk kept a good memory of leonid ilch, who did a lot of good for their city.
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in 2004, they erected the only monument to brezhnev in our country in the center of novorossiysk. in september 1982, in a combat galley. glory on small earth a new tradition has appeared. its initiators were employees of the novorossiysk historical museum of the reserve. then they climbed these stairs for the first time to put a heart, a list of more than 5,000 names of our soldiers who died on small earth, in the capsule located at the top. job the process of establishing the names of all the heroes of the small earth continues. to this day. in 2022, on the eve of may 9, 146 new names were placed in the heart capsule on a special flash drive. novorossiysk was liberated by our
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troops on september 16, 1943. and the outskirts of the city lasted for 6 days, and the defenders of the small land also took part in them. going on the offensive, they broke through the enemy’s defenses and linked up with the troops advancing from the mainland. unfortunately, the commander of the legendary landing, caesar kunikov, did not live to see this day. he was mortally wounded by german shrapnel.
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he was posthumously awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. after the war, his ashes will be transferred from the city cemetery of gelendzhik to heroes square in novorossiysk. in one of his last letters to his relatives, tsezar kunikov wrote: in the war, as in a giant cauldron, human waste and sludge boiled and floated to the surface; what remained was pure steel, and this steel, which had been hardened in the fire of battle, soared over the enemy, the retribution would be terrible.
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hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the near future. 40 years. see you in the future.
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late in the evening, damn it, don’t be scared, they are good, kind, only our program will show big politics from unexpected
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angles. "where and why were they sent, the president , the main emotions, this week for all time, and also how to find out the phone number, everything, it’s me, yes, the minister and the most interesting shots of the week , dear friends, let’s get through it, because here now..." heads of state will go, they not only went, but drove, he gets behind the wheel, all the security services know what to do in such situations, this week we will also see, we will show more than the rest, we will do it, i’m not against it, i’m for it. moscow, kremlin, putin, watch on sunday at 22:00.
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let's return to the review of news in the lugansk people's republic; today is a day of mourning for the victims of the ukrainian attack on lesichansk. the day before, the ssu hit the city from the american haimarc system. a two-story building with a bakery was destroyed. 28 people died. now in direct contact with the studio ours comes out. yuri, hello , no, the removal of the rubble has not yet been completed, it will continue for at least several more hours, the damage is colossal, now rescuers are starting to lift the collapsed roof, this process is not easy, everything is complicated by the fact that due to the force of the impact, the walls and concrete floors
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are actually ... turned into a mass of concrete and iron, now this process continues, relatives and friends of the victims began to come to the scene of events, let's listen to one of them, and do you think for them for ukraine people, they are probably people, they think or what, i don’t know, this kind of action does. the blow was carried out by ukrainian militants on a day off, on the day when city residents come to buy bread. lesechansk is a front-line territory, where bread is practically gold, on days off, residents try to buy buns in the spring to feed their children at home, for example, according to the latest information,
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they were pulled out from under the rubble.


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