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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 4, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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the parents of someone else there, governor evgeny kuyvashev stands up for the director of the lyceum, i will not allow the director of the lyceum lyubov mikhailovna kuleva to be fired or otherwise punished because of this joke, no joke and stupid dance, all the merits of the teacher can be outdone, here’s what to do with the split consciousness of these guys who took part in this dance or whoever staged it, what to do if... on the one hand they know that the state is against this, at the same time they do it and receive the protection of the regional governor, in this case it is possible to go further, it means that it is also easy to relate to the fact that, say, in the united states, children under 14 years of age are allowed to choose who the child is, a boy or a girl, or such a matinee will also be considered a joke.
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but i put myself in the place of evgeny koivoshev and it was as if i was asked this question that i am asking now, so that i answer? i would send the one who asked me this question, do you know why? because i would say, what do you want from me? at the book fair in moscow on red square, the book “summer in pioneer” is in the top galstock." about children's sexual same -sex relationships, gigantic amounts of money are spent on its promotion, when this coven is organized at mostv with lgbt onstrations, or the fact that you invite danya milokhin as a speaker at the economic forum, or when philip kirkurov first tramples on the cross in perii during a concert, and then in a movie he plays the king,
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whose relationship to religion is quite well known, they come there by carriage, and then to the celebration itself in the catafalga, this happens later, go. what complaints do you have against me? asked
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if i were in evgeny kuivushev’s place. well , you must agree that after all this, i think that the children’s dance at lyceum no. 12 in the city of yekaterinburg, in general, may indeed seem like an innocent children’s joke. and now someone will ask, what does america have to do with it? civilized world brzezinski, i will answer you, listen to a few quotes from the secret cia report to the congress of the united states of america, which was just recently, in early june. a classified report from the cia's analytical department states that the morale of the armed forces ukraine and the elite clan. groups in the south and
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southeast of ukraine is extremely low. in addition, there is information about separate negotiations between industrial and economic groups of odessa and the odessa region, with the main intelligence department of the russian general staff on the surrender without fighting. the supply of modern weapons did not have any productive effect, other than increasing the death toll among the civilian population of donbass, a decision was made to activate the entire us military community. to the subversive activities of sleeper agents in the russian federation who were introduced and recruited from 2006 to 2020, in particular to intensify work to sabotage the work of the government, congress considers it possible and necessary to activate the entire network within the ministry of finance, the ministry of culture, the ministry of development, but it’s interesting that we have a ministry, if there is one there.. .american bookmarks, activate
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hotbeds of social tension along the lines of regional separatism and extremism in the media and social networks. now let's try to connect. dreams come true, i now serve in the legion freedom of russia, guys from russia, if you hate the putin regime and want russia to become a free democratic country, join, there is such a wonderful quote from sir william peet, behind
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any throne there is something more than a king, there is such a bilderberg club, this closed international organization. the world is more complex and is ready to move towards a world government. a supranational supreme power, the intellectual elite and bankers
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of the world, is undoubtedly preferable to national self-determination, practiced in the past century.
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the goals are well known to you, a one world government, that’s what we need, it will be formed, whether you like this idea or not, you yourself ask us about it, because then it will only get worse and worse, worse and worse, for this we need much more than economic paralysis, we need wars, famines and epidemics around the world.
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and no matter how much boris johnson, and now boris chuprina, talks about how this war was not provoked, on february 24, when putin decided on his monstrous and an unprovoked war in ukraine, this is not true, it was prepared, it was not prepared by us, i will not give the examples that i have already given, what our president said or the documents that were found. just numbers, you will understand everything, look, on february 15, the osce recorded 41 ceasefire violations, when the kiev regime began active shelling of donbass. listen to the numbers: february 16, 76 violations, february 17,
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316, february 18, 654, february 19, 1413 february 20-21, 2026 february 22, 1400.
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that russia is fighting the nazis, that’s why ukrainian foreign minister dmitry kuleba directly demands from the head of the european commission , joseppe barel, that he put pressure on journalists so that they do not show footage of the surrender of azov’s soldiers. why? yes, because if people see who was there, they will begin to understand what the money is being spent on.
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i can’t describe it,
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they took out the body within a day, the next day, on the second day, the doctors took him out, they said that he was dead, look to the right, you remember , i remember, yes, yes, well, god will heal you, i understand, yes, yeah, it was you who cut him, yes, let me ask you for an apology, just for myself. i apologize to god, is that okay? i understand you , sobbing will not help, this sadist has a tribunal and a long prison sentence ahead of him, this is, at best, retribution for their actions awaits all those ukrainian military and neo-nazis who destroyed the cities of donbass. i think most who watched this video paid more attention to this nazi murderer and less to the one he was trying to kill. but it seems to me.
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what we talked about just now, what we are doing now showed, they can imagine
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that this is true when they talk about the monstrous atrocities of russian soldiers, the rape of children, women, old people, you can believe it, you know, more and more messages come every day, because the cases that are told and our citizens , these are women, and children, and the parents of their raped children and... men, elderly people, that is, the russian soldier stops at nothing, he rapes, rapes publicly, he loves to rape publicly, but the world is... .believes because the world wants in to believe this, the world was forced to believe it, moreover, it, the un security council, in the person of the representative of the united states, linda thomas greenfield, already at the level of the security council, as a given, as the truth, tells
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this monstrous nonsense. there are more and more reports that russian soldiers. that russian soldiers rape ukrainian women for many hours, and the deputy prime minister of ukraine said they then kill them. and now dozens of ukrainian young ladies in bloody panties are portraying victims of russian aggression.
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there have been reports in the press that children have also become victims of violence on the part of the russian occupiers. do you have any data that could confirm? as of today,
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the prosecutor general's office of ukraine does not have a single confirmed fact of rape, but why? mrs. denisova went through such an idiotic, terrible farce, that’s why, because she probably expected that it would be accepted differently, that she wouldn’t be fired from her job, that on the contrary, she could be promoted, praised, she’s in the name of ukraine acts, why is that? here is a cynical confession of... a full-time adviser to president restovich. let's stuff ourselves. the national idea of ​​ukraine, one of the central national ideas of ukraine, is to lie to yourself and others as much as possible, because if you tell the truth, everything will collapse. and we need to come up with something else. our society, any society, is heavily implicated in lies, but ours is implicated in lies squared. and pay
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attention, it’s amazing, everyone lies. biden lies that inflation is his own doing. putin. the second reason is mr. putin's war in ukraine. you saw in march that 60% of inflation that month was due to rising gasoline prices. you have something to say to the american people regarding gasoline prices. prices will rise. what are you going to do? there's only so much i can do. russia bears responsibility. i'm doing everything in my power to soften putin's increase in gasoline prices.
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we must help ukraine continue to produce and export wheat. ukraine's storage facilities are now full and need to be emptied to make room for a new harvest. look at what the equipment is turning into trying to go out into the field to sow. the field is sown with mines, but something else is important and scary. about this with amazement and horror, and the world ceases to be horrified by it, simply stops, lets it pass, we can imagine
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about 40 years ago that the world would treat this with such inattention and disdain as it does today, and why? but because fascism did not die, and the ancestors of the same... schols or schwab, they invested the genes of their descendants, now in italy, today in the supermarket you can see this products, normal, that is, all this did not happen, burned cities, killed children, old women, old men, hanged partisans, there was no nermer process. there was no suicide of hitler and goebbels , none of this happened, you can already take a bottle of wine with the image of adolf hitler and
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have a wonderful evening with such a bottle on the table, it ’s like, that is, we understand that the fuse has blown, that the horror of what the fascists have done in the world, especially in... in our country it is leveled out, this was once, is it really so that people understand that this is a disaster, they must turn out to be vossenians, behind barbed wire or in an oven along with those jews who were burned there in buchenwald, but okay, okay, where they didn’t experience what we experienced... but there’s already a little boy here, listen, remember, we talked about it, so there was nothing of the holocaust, during the war, i’m telling you again
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, you can’t hear me, or something, who invented this, there was a holocaust, but what happened there is not what happened - the jews invented it, this the jews invented it, yes the jews invented it, who are you vadim turned into? my son, yes, yes, your son, who is your idol , is it hitler or something, well, yes, he did a lot for his nation... well, you know, after all, as abraham lincoln said, you can deceive part of the people all the time time and the whole people for a while, but you can’t deceive the whole people all the time, even in this cruel information war with some kind of cosmic lie, some sensible people still appear, and european politicians are already beginning to see the light, listen. i don't remember the leader of a country in need of help daring to oppose anyone the way president zelensky did, not only against hungary, but even
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against the chancellor of germany. usually the one who needs help is used to asking politely , of course, persistently, but always just ask, never demand, never threaten at all, a person is usually threatened by his enemies, and rarely those whom he wants to win as friends are his kind . and they are not easy, but these days, what we cannot do is blame russia for everything. just these days, we shouldn’t forget what russia did for germany? only
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thanks to russia, 32 years ago, germany was able to reunite. also in the year ninety-four they removed their troops. we must respect this. and i say this as a resident of east germany. and we, east germans. we are grateful to russia for this to this day. today's foreign, defense and security policy of the eu can be summed up in one sentence: the european union has become the fifty-first federal state of the united states, but without voting rights. it's one thing to lie from a bunker or from overseas or from some soft chairs, but it’s another thing to talk from the front line, because on the front line when it comes to your life. they won’t force you to take it, that’s what the soldiers say, former civilians who were sent to the front line like cannon fodder. until the commander
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-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine will not treat us like meat and take us to a safe zone for replenishment with equipment, armor and people, because at the moment we cannot overcome the task set before us, we will never be enough, our artillery and aviation don't worry, our command is ours threw, we don’t have any frivolous technology , for me in broken lada cars on...
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in moscow there was a battle for moscow, for the dick, when there was a war, in november, december of the forty-first year, what are you talking about, yes you, you the same environment, to show you, moscow fought in the first world war, yes, moscow was destroyed by fire,
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the frenchman was killed. but in the second moscow me go read the battle for moscow they will zombify you , once fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky said that being is only being when it is threatened with non-existence, but by and large i now i kind of want to go back to seeing, understanding what’s happening, seeing what we talked about at the beginning, it’s very important to understand who is trying to destroy the country from the inside, and you need to understand that it won’t be the way it was, because today a new elite is really being born at the front, but victory can only happen when those who...
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are confident that there is no voluntary or involuntary betrayal or sabotage behind them, we cannot allow ourselves to be lulled into calming thoughts that it somewhere will resolve itself, this will not happen, god willing, these people will return, return with victory, and we must understand that they may have questions for us, a lot depends on... can we answer their questions? you know, recently, asking myself questions trying to find answers to them, i think, how would alexander sergeevich pushkin, for example, write amazing poetry in 1831, which contains the following
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lines, behave in today’s historical situation: well , be responsible for the fact that on the ruins of burning moscow, we did not recognize the insolent will of the one under whom you trembled, because we fell into the abyss, we are the idol weighing over the kingdoms, with our blood we redeemed europe’s freedom, honor and peace. i think that whoever wrote such lines would be with those who are conquering new russia in the donbass today, but to our satisfaction, i can assure you that we will say...


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