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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 4, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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electronic certificates for such citizens will be generated without submitting applications, while svo participants, as before, have the right to refuse an electronic certificate and receive rehabilitation means from a social fund unit or buy them themselves and then receive compensation. mikhail mishustin held a strategic session on the implementation of national projects and achieving national development goals. thus, thanks to national projects , about 900 hospitals, clinics and health centers have been built or... designed, over 4,000 medical institutions were renovated, almost 2,000 prefabricated modular structures were purchased , installed, about 14,000 cars were delivered, over 17,000 education centers were created (growth point), 300 children's technology parks quantorium, 260 it centers. in 2023 , more than 110 million square meters will be commissioned throughout the country. meters
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of housing, the living conditions of more than 4 million families improved, about 800,000 parents with children received mortgage loans at a rate of 6% per annum, about 670,000 people were resettled from unsuitable housing stock. over 31,000 km of routes have been laid across the country, 15 scientific and educational centers are successfully operating, centers for collective use are being modernized and equipped with scientific equipment and
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the field, as well as the development of e-commerce. implementation of joint projects in transport the chairman of the russian government outlined priority areas of interaction within the framework of the ias. further development of the technological potential of the five countries, as well as the creation of a unified transport system in the eurasian space. mikhail mishustin noted that our country is ready to transfer technological platform solutions to partners, while i emphasize for use in a closed loop, that is, each country must, simply must, maintain the sovereignty of its data, only services are common.
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kernels, so-called platforms, i think it is obvious that such proprietary reliable systems are simply necessary. bilateral meetings between mikhail mishustin and the prime minister of kazakhstan alekhan smailov and the chairman of the cabinet of ministers of kyrgyzstan, akolbek japarov, also took place in almaat. big chicken burger with large tender chicken breast fillet, crispy breading and signature sauce. also try the new big chicken mushroom burger. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for payment transfers. order your free alpha debit card. not just profitable, alpha profitable. meat sauce. when you're speeding along
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the state of the united states in its future, then you are, by definition, categorically opposed to nicky haley becoming president, because she she herself is in no way interested in our country or its future. but, if you belong... and it's quite significant that virtually all of these irreplaceable dolls in washington either support nikki haley or are simply silent on the matter, which brings us to our next guest, senator from kkintuka, rand paul, that's what he said about the election race, i paraphrased, but that’s the essence. "i'm not entirely sure who i'm for, but i know exactly who i'm against, i'm against nicky haley, and he's so against nicky haley and her principles, and not her personality, that he announced a new movement called just not niki, look, this morning i announced that
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i am against niki, if you go to, you can let her know that you are against her, i don't think an informed or understanding libertarian or conservative can. keep nicky haley, i 've noticed how she feels about our foreign interference, i've noticed her involvement in the military-industrial complex. 8 billion dollars were paid to attract her to this team. and i also noticed as she stated that she wants you to register when you go online to prevent people from posting anonymously. i believe she does not understand that our republic was founded by men like ben franklin, sam adams, madison, john gray and others who usually wrote out of fear of government, they usually wrote anonymously, so today i declare that i against niki. go to, put your signature and show that you are also against niki. so, it's one thing to understand that nicky haley is a vile, bloodthirsty harpy. a feminist who definitely should not be given
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power. most reasonable people already understand this, but launching a website is not niki’s - this already implies a certain level of rejection of niki, which is interesting and can be discussed. joining us now is senator rant paul from kentucky. senators, thank you very much for coming. so let's start from the end. i don't think you were paid for this or promised a promotion, you are already a us senator. why are you so against her company? that they even created this site, but i have never been called a supporter of half measures, and neither have i i was very offended by the fact that , in my opinion, some people care much more about the ukrainian border than about our southern border, and i see these people every day, this is the entire democratic party, but also half of my party, half of my republican party , as we speak, is ready to sell herself fucked for this in... in exchange for what they really want, in exchange for even more
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taxpayer money for ukraine, and it seems to me that niki haley belongs to this camp , she is in the same wing as and mcconnell and dikcheny, this is completely contrary to my beliefs, i have spent many years promoting the idea of ​​​​freedom, and part of our party believes in this, and i want any person who supports what i do to understand with the utmost precision that under no circumstances will i support nicky haley. so. obviously, by attacking nicky haley, you are not counting on checks from the defense industry, i can even assume that rayton will not pay you for this, because they are for her, so it is simply a matter of your beliefs. yes i think so the situation itself is even larger, i heard this both from anthony blinken, our secretary of state, and from mcconnoll and others. their argument is similar to nicky haley's. war is good for our military. mentality, because these are american corporations and america is only becoming more powerful, when these corporations make a profit, they
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extol the war without thinking about the consequences, and i understand that even though these are not american soldiers, people are dying there, according to many estimates, they died there already more than 100,000 man, to justify this by the fact that our military industry is becoming more powerful, the fact that niki halley herself worked in the military industry, i find this argument disgusting. it's inhumane and untenable when people say that the corporate profits of arms dealers are a justification for war, and i just cringe at that, i think that kind of argumentation is disgraceful, and i told anthony blinken about it, i said it to others, because that's all , after all, it’s one thing to say, i once said, when i was on the commission last time, this there was neya blinkina, one of his subordinates, i said, let’s at least start talking about liberation again, talk at least about freedom, rather than about the income that the americans receive.
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the more difficult it will be to sit down at the negotiating table, thousands more lives will be lost, and it’s not that this is not important to me,
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what is very important to me is that people are dying on both sides, i’m not on russia’s side, russia is the aggressor, it invaded ukraine, i am on the side of ukraine, but at the same time i believe that what russia occupied, it did not will return it back. ukraine does not have the strength to remove them from eastern ukraine. the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian troops himself said that this is a dead end. and zelensky is everywhere , he, along with... the best time to fly halfway around the world to an election victory party, and this zelensky, because the problem is not only this, people are constantly talking about whether we should accompany our support is subject to certain conditions, and it may seem that since they talk so much about democracy, maybe the condition for the country to receive our help will be holding elections in it, because there will be no presidential elections there, they have been cancelled,
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elections will not be held in ukraine. there is also an accusation that the oligarchs there have seized all state-owned enterprises. they make a profit from everything that happens, some part of our money goes even to, in my opinion, 60 minutes, women's handbags were shown, clothing and handbag stores receive grants from us, funding for small businesses in ukraine, we pay them to government employees, oh my god, we even pay it to pensioners, and this is all what nicky haley is a supporter of, it is obvious that the other candidates do not support her in this, this is a real split in the party, these are just words, this all didn’t start today and... obviously, nicky haley is in the camp of mccain, dick cheney and mcconnoll. these are all supporters of a strong state. all these people have never faced a war that is too tough for them. and they all believe that they can make the world or remake the world in our image. and in my opinion, they don’t see that they have failure after failure. and i don't want a president, whether he's a republican or a democrat,
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from this part of the party. so, you noticed that there will be no presidential elections in ukraine. presidential elections will be held in russia, excuse me, but this is a fact. we know that ukraine banned the christian movement, but russia did not. okay, at this moment you begin to think, all this talk about freedom that we heard at the beginning, we are on the side of democracy and against dictatorship, we are for a country that banned the christian movement and abolished elections. so it is clear that we are not on the side of democracy. that's what you think it's always been about money, what is all this? what motivated our authorities to destroy the world economy? you know, the thing is, this is all very confusing, it seems to me that some of these people, like mcconnell, or the now deceased mccarthy, that they are relics of the cold war, for whom everything was divided into black and white, they never considered
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an alternative scenario for the development of events, in which we could develop our relationship. even before the war, now no one even listens to this , for example, that’s what i called for, and it was it won’t, but long before the start of the war , well, maybe not so long ago, russia had already regained crimea, but i once suggested that there should be more legal interaction between russia and the united states, they banned 28 of our congressmen in response to our ban on the entry of their 28 duma deputies, and in our commission i proposed a simple amendment, why don’t we... change one to one, we will lift 28 bans, they will lift 28, we will have at least some kind of legal interaction, hope was that maybe some would come young deputies, who knows, maybe they are supporters of putin, or maybe they are like gorbachev , supporters of the west and want there to be more interaction, when they come here they will see all this beautiful things, well, there
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is entertainment, culture, everything that our freedoms give us, and maybe it would influence them, they would want it? he wrote that ukraine should be a buffer between east and west, one leg in the east, the other in the west and they had to negotiate with both sides for their own benefit, they are already acting as a buffer, because many people do not even realize and what seems amazing is that during this war, in which 1000 people have already died, you know that russia pays ukraine money for
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the pipeline, right during the war gas flows through ukraine, and russia pays the rent, most of the time. stalin's rating was about 30%, so in russia there is this national idea and faith in a strong ruler, and this is all sad, but the only way to improve the situation is for
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them to want a more open society, which, in my opinion, gorbachev strived for with his working hand hand in hand with reagan, this is only through for example, through mutual exchange of trade, and not through sanctions. honestly, i don't think most americans understand. what is russia, because they don’t even tell us anything about it, so it would be nice to know more about it. last question about nicky haley, you mentioned that her views are very similar to the views of some of your fellow republicans, including party leader mitch maconow. if we held an anonymous presidential election among senate republicans, how many votes do you think nicky haley would get? probably the same amount how much is each law passed?
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we have power, if only we want to use it, we have the power to determine those who represent us, but the incumbent also has a certain margin of safety that prevents him from being removed, how could one state, one commonwealth of kentoki, even elect such a liberal like mitch mccon and you, all this in one state with a big advantage, how did this happen, how could this even happen? well, there is more than one reason, many factors played here, he supported my... opponents and he also scored 15-20 these republican dupes from washington to support my opponent, so the numbers were on their side, but i was lucky in a couple of ways: i have a famous
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relative, my father, my father just recently ran for president, where he gained supporters all over the country, and many of his supporters came over to me, so i didn’t have to rely on the party and corporate money, all corporate funding goes to the incumbents, it doesn’t matter republicans or democrats, but all the corporate money goes to the establishment. had the same amount my opponent, so we had the same amount of money. i also believe that i have some abilities that are attractive to voters. i traveled and spoke everywhere, and interestingly enough, i ran against the republican establishment in the primaries. and this was just after the bank bailout, when all the republicans voted for the bailout.
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yes, this all looks like a cartoonish betrayal, in my opinion, for sure. yeah, senator from skintuka, rant paul, i'm so grateful that you came, good luck to you with just nicknames two bekhits at a bargain price, only delicious. to. make a smart choice, no need to scroll through the websites of all stores. search for a product in yandex search and compare offers from different stores on one
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page. for dad, for mom , for brother, for grandma, for the navigator in the car, for the tablet, for the smart watch, for home security, for the gate in the garage, it’s dad who plays like that, it’s dad who has everything in the overall balance, with beeline you can forget about paying for different numbers, add them to the total balance, top up only one number, all the others will be paid automatically, convenient, it doesn’t fit into the bear anymore, does it fit into the overall balance? beeline is on your side, it tastes better on fire, i've been driving since childhood, everything is fine, i've always been supported, everything is fine, now i'm a magnet, i work as a driver, the fleet is being renewed, my salary is the same day, everything is fine, come 8,800 300 677. everything about the elections in russia, we will tell you
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in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, where to find out everything about the elections , the situation has become tense, grandfather can’t find the leaflet, they brought it yesterday, answer, child, this is your business hands, open laptop, i’ll tell you a secret, there is information about the elections on the internet. the website opened resources immediately in the know: data about candidates, elections, places and dates , voting results of election campaigns, wow, how technologically advanced everything is, you can see for yourself on the internet by looking at the chikrf portal, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient. dad and i went here when we were kids,
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we also lay like that, silent, you’re a driller, i’m not pushing you, just skate, focus on training, you dreamed of this cup, you can jump, but why do you you don’t believe it yourself, i’ll prepare myself, the thirst for victory is in her blood, go ahead, why take such risks, don’t you understand that?
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it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure.
11:00 pm
the united states is moving toward dual power; half of the american states declare support for the rebellious texas. this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev. good evening, watch now. the strategic initiative is ours, but the enemy does not give up, so...


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