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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 4, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch, for free, without registration, in the application or on the website. the united states is moving toward dual power; half of the american states declare support for the rebellious texas. this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev. good evening, watch now. the strategic initiative is ours, but the enemy does not give up.
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the champion from russia had no chance of winning in the court of arbitration for sports, but the transgender swimmer from the usa does. where is the sport here anyway? sir why are you taking away space from a real woman? iskolt is ready to host the winter olympics, italy. this is the main stand. everything here has been stolen. all this foam is slowly, slowly washed away. so what is this foam? it doesn’t bother muscovites to hear the siren in the air. and how would
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the legendary pilot valery chkalov answer his great-granddaughter? when cancer is not a death sentence. a malignant tumor can be detected in the early stages. about our best doctors, our new technologies. will live. today in lisichansk, lugansk people's republic, mourning has been declared. the day before an artillery strike hit a city bakery. there were civilians inside the collapsed building. throughout the night, despite the risk of a second attack, the ministry of emergency situations carried out search and rescue operations. the number of victims is in the dozens. those rescued are provided with medical assistance. from the scene of the tragedy, mikhail andronik.
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rescue work continued for more than a day at the site of the attack by ukrainian militants on lesechansk. the explosion was so strong that in a split second the two-story building turned into a mountain of broken concrete. the bakery, which was combined with a cafe, after working week, our residents of the city of sechansk came with their families to relax. at that moment an explosion sounded. we saved 10 people; they were distributed to hospitals with varying degrees of severity. unfortunately, we saved 28 people. we were unable to save them; among them was a pregnant woman with her five-year-old child. there could have been many more victims, but people do not live permanently in most private houses nearby. vera vasilievna comes once a day to feed the dog. we arrived already 4 hours from here in the evening. it has already happened, there are military installations nearby not here. presumably, the building was hit by a door of missiles; now investigative actions are underway on the spot, during which the exact type of ammunition and quantity will be established.
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victims. employees of the investigative committee of the russian federation are working at the scene of the shelling. we recorded crimes committed by the armed forces of ukraine against the civilian population of the lugansk people's republic. according to preliminary information, the fire came from the hymers missile system, which requires a satellite guidance system controlled from us territory. by cars, parked next to the building , traces of the destructive elements with which the ammunition was filled are clearly visible. emergency services are distributing the wounded. in the hospitals of the lugansk people's republic, everyone is provided with the necessary medical care, and something hit me in the back, i turn around, i was crushed by slabs, a lot of people there were screaming help, thanks to the guys of the ministry of emergency situations, there were military men there, the commandant's office, they all helped us a lot, they helped me pull the jacks, they didn’t work very well, thank you very much, the doctors note that many the victims received truly terrible injuries, six people. transferred to
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the republican clinical hospital, four people are in extremely serious condition, they are in intensive care, and two people in serious condition are being treated in departments. after stabilization, all severe patients were operated on and planned to be transported to federal clinics in other regions of the country; now rescue work at the site of the shelling in front-line lisichansk has been completed, and investigative actions continue. mikhail andronik, sergey eliseev, lead the week, lugansk people's republic. putin constantly returns to this topic. more and more new turns, this time to bring gunsmiths to the city of tula, the president of russia , addressing the forum participants, everything for victory came from an unexpected angle, people of the so -called liberal, i say so -called, then liberalism is also not
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some kind of curse - then, there are also many different directions here, but still, people of this direction have long pasted a stamp like this... someone is trying to slander love for the homeland, yes, he either does not understand what he is doing, or he is doing it deliberately on the orders of our enemy, love for the homeland itself is a very bright feeling, but patriotism is not
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only a feeling, although it is bright, patriotism in business, the homeland needs active patriotism, look, resources that everyone from the outside would patronizingly pat on the head and give us rotten potatoes as humanitarian aid, and at the same time they would always think about what and how to chop off. putin infects with his confidence and explains everything in simple terms
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in other words, it couldn’t be simpler. if we don’t want to leave such a decrepit country that no one needs, we don’t want to doom our children to feel like second- class citizens. of course, under no circumstances should we abandon our people in crimea , novorossiya and donbass, we must make our country self-sufficient. now, if we think about the future, about what country our children will live in, what we will leave for them, this is all together, all together, love for the family, for children, for parents, for the small homeland, for the country in general, this is patriotism, so we are with you. on the right path, but this is in general, here is a separate case, a tragedy, on the example of which we need to understand everything in detail and bring it to its logical conclusion, the military transport il-76 that crashed over our territory, carrying ukrainian
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prisoners of war for exchange. it was january 24th. a week later, the examination definitely established a lot. the plane was shot down, that's already established. but the american system is definitely a patriot, an examination has already established this, this is the first, second, the ukrainian authorities somewhere defended the phrase, that we would like to conduct an international investigation, we ask for this, we insist that an international investigation be carried out, there are no volunteers from international organizations, so i officially take this opportunity, officially say, we ask... to send international experts and conduct this analysis, evaluate available material evidence that the plane was shot down by the patriot system from a specific place at a specific time at 11:10 there were two launches from
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the territory controlled by the ukrainian authorities, so we ask that international experts come. so, the bottom line is that a russian was shot down over russian territory.
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president biden, suffering from dementia, or from his hospital bed, secretary of defense lloyd austin, gave a direct order to shoot down a specific il-76 over russian territory, but what happened still means that the american military personnel sent to kiev and those who are remotely waging a war against russia by the ukrainians are a priori given broad powers, in fact carte blanche. here you go... a weapon with such and such characteristics and do with it whatever you want, without any restrictions,
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be they moral, geographical or political. you are not responsible for the consequences, it is removed from you, since the scale of the possible consequences, as they say, is obviously not about your salary, in the end the responsibility is not on anyone, well, not on biden, they will immediately issue him a certificate and not on... on loyd osten, he is still getting used to living without a prostate, he is suffering greatly from urine and sexual complications, all his thoughts are clear where. what should russia do? let's imagine a mirror situation, with territory mexico, a russian officer shoots down an american military transport plane over us territory with a russian missile. what's the reaction? it’s good that there are not nervous people in the kremlin, thanks to putin personally for his restraint. we always first warn and explain for a long time, but for some reason in the usa they believe that by quickly passing
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from one averton window to another and provoking russia more and more, they will continue to get away with it, but where to stop then and what is the braking mechanism if only military-technical methods remained, while option is a polish airfield, which... russian skies. in response to
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the evidence presented by the russian investigative committee that the il-76 was shot down for the rk patriot, there is a ringing self-exposing silence in the west. american officials remain silent, not knowing how to react. the newspapers that write about ukraine every day do not touch on such an obvious explosive topic. the american agency associated press issued only a few lines of confirmation from an anonymous source, moreover, in the french ministry of defense. a french military official told the associated press the defense ministry concluded that ukrainian forces used a battery of petriat surface-to-air missiles to shoot down the il-76, firing from a distance of about 50 kilometers, about 30 miles. the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to release the intelligence findings, said the ukrainian battery appeared to have managed to covertly approach the target, then turn on its radar long enough to hit it. footage from the investigative committee from the crash site. 76 a large fragment of an anti-aircraft missile stands out, an atypical orange color with a white stripe,
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here is an archived video of test launches of patri missiles in the usa, the color of their body is clearly visible, orange. and here is a rare detailed photograph of the rocket itself in the hangar. in 2014 , the pentagon, together with the air defense system manufacturer raon, opened a workshop to extend the life of old missiles in order to launch them as targets for... new air defense systems and thereby save money. 10 years later , these weapons were found to be used differently and sent to ukraine, and it committed a terrorist attack. 116 fragments of bodies and... mechanisms of two missiles were discovered. the seized fragments are clearly marked in english . according to the conclusion of the investigation and examination, the fragments seized from the scene of the incident, according to their design features, geometric characteristics and existing markings, are structural elements of
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an anti-aircraft guided missile (miim104a) of the us patriot complex. accurate name. mam-104a suggests that the ukrainians had the very first version of the missile with which the patri complex was first introduced in the eighties, length more than 5 m, speed more than 1.0 m/s, which is 3 and a half times the speed of sound, weight about a ton, of which 91 kg is the warhead, when it explodes releases a hail of damaging elements. the il-76, traveling from chkalovsky near moscow to belgorod at about 11 am , was already approaching the destination airfield when it came from the kharkov region, from the area of ​​​​the village of libtsy. two anti-aircraft missiles were fired. everyone on board died, six crew members, three accompanying persons who transported 65 ukrainian prisoners of war. kiev never recognized their death. the russian ministry of defense stated that the plane was transporting ukrainian prisoners of war who were being transported for exchange. there is still no confirmation of this information. in reality, the investigative committee established the identities
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of all the victims with 100% accuracy. their charred documents were found among the rubble, and the remains were identified, not only by their nature. an attempt in such circumstances to fence off kiev, in the nightly edition of cnn apparently looked so ridiculous that no more news and video footage of the russian investigative committee appeared on the air, and there were no people willing to join the investigation. westerners are obviously afraid that it will lead to them . russia now already has a decryption
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of the black boxes, which confirmed the defeat of the plane for the irkutsk patriot. fragments of the rocket and a spectrometer were examined. showed the presence of traces of hexogen with impurities of up to 10% of another explosive - octogen, which, by the way, was invented by the americans in the forties, there is a high probability that americans were among those who launched missiles at the russian il-76. patriot is the most complex equipment, a whole complex consisting of several modules, it is constantly being modernized, the battery of this air defense system is served by 90 soldiers and officers, and of course, a lot of experience in practical shooting is needed, who? it remains to be seen exactly who gave the criminal order and who opened fire, but the fact that the weapons used were american ones from the territory controlled by the ukrainian armed forces is no longer in doubt. alexander khristenko, ilya korchuganov, lead the week. alfabank has the best
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reports from our correspondents ruslan bikbulatov, mikhail andronik and dmitry petrov. in the area of ​​the village of spornoe, russian drones are brilliantly destroying ukrainian firing points. the ukrainian armed forces tank stopped in the field for a few seconds, and the crews of the k-52 attack aircraft, accompanied by two mi-8s, immediately flew into it. the group worked successfully and destroyed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold in the kupinsk area. and the army aviation crew on mi-28 night hunters attacked ukrainian positions in the donetsk direction. conducted an air strike on an enemy platoon stronghold to support promotion. attack aircraft have similar tasks: in low-level flight at subsonic speed they approach enemy positions and launch a missile strike from a safe distance.
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received the task of defeating enemy personnel, took off, and the targets were hit. even higher and further is the su-35. a russian multi-role super-maneuverable fighter, it is capable of suppressing ukrainian air defense systems. for this purpose, the su-35 is armed with anti-radar missiles. x31p and x-58, and it brings results. after the failure of the enemy's counteroffensive, the armed forces russia retains the strategic initiative along the entire line of combat contact. our unit is moving forward, expanding its zones of control, improving its position along the front line. as a result of the complex fire impact, the losses of the ukrainian armed forces over the past month exceeded 23,000 people. u... killed and wounded. more than 3.00 units of various weapons were destroyed, including foreign ones, including german leopard tanks, american bradley infantry fighting vehicles,
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patriot and haymarc launchers. on the ground, the main striking force is represented by artillery systems. msta, acacia, tulip, geocinth. they are built in the urals, transmachines. over the past 2 years, production has increased sixfold. these self-propelled guns have been in service for a long time, but...
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and this should give a significant increase to what we have today, we are talking about engines, we are talking about setting up production of launchers, last week the exchange of prisoners, which was interrupted , resumed after the ukrainian terrorist attack, when a russian il7 military transport aircraft was shot down. now i
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know that i have never had such feelings, right here is our own land, our homeland is here, it’s very good, my daughter was born, of course, they call home and dream of meeting their relatives soon, we are already in russia, but how are you doing , come on, come on, okay, that’s it , that's it, don't cry, come on, everything is fine, that's it, let's kiss, bye, general result of january, russian troops. almost 130 strikes were carried out with precision weapons on the military infrastructure of the ukrainian armed forces. several settlements were taken under control. vesyolaya, krokhmalnoe, tabaevka, repelled enemy attacks on krasnolimansky, yuzhnodonetsk and zaporozhye directions. the intensity of the battles for avdeevka is increasing. our military in the donetsk region faces the most important operational task of eliminating the enemy bulge as quickly as possible and thereby moving the front line away from the capital of donbass.
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news of the week. soviet -built concrete hangars in belogorovka, in which ukrainian militants are hiding, are being dismantled by artillerymen from the southern military district. we work every day , day and night, at any time. they said war means war. active hostilities in donbass are taking place in all directions, including krasnolimansky, seversky, artyomovsky and donetsk. everywhere our army breaks through the enemy’s defenses. we are fighting for truth, for justice. there are thousands of reconnaissance strike drones in the air over donbass at the same time without attracting them, the purity of the use of this type of weapon can be assessed in this video. one moment our kamikaze drone is destroying a neo-nazi hideout, and the next moment a komikat is already flying towards the enemy. all this is observed at different heights by reconnaissance drones, ours and the enemy’s.
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a mine falls, it becomes further into a combat position. desire and speed of reaction are important . according to the instructor, the main thing for a pilot is age, the older the operator, the more difficult it will be for him to master the specialty, and he has to study not only piloting, he may not know the issue deeply,
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he will not master some complex technical aspects in a short period of time. well, he simply uses the simplest things, the training program is designed for 3 weeks, and if he successfully passes the exam, the operator is allowed to perform combat missions. if for training while the command sends already experienced military personnel to pilot drones, recruits who have just signed a contract will have to undergo a long training course. these are the training grounds where those who first arrive in the area of ​​a special military operation spend their first time. they train here. crews of infantry fighting vehicles, tanks, combat vehicles, tank support. they don’t spare shells here, everything is done in order to master the military craft in full. the commander of a combat vehicle with the call sign kumys, studying at one of the group’s training grounds troop center is already in its fifth month. during this time, he said, the crew, with whom they will soon go on combat missions, learned to understand each other without words. the commander of a combat vehicle must be able
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to have the skills of a driver and... a gunner and so on, in order to replace one or the other at any time, a vehicle weighing 55 tons easily jumps over mountains of sand and mud, an armored vehicle terminator, a real fortress on tracks with a large the number of different weapons on board according to the crew's amazing survivability, the entire crew sits here five a person inside an armored capsule, even if they knock the guns up, the car still drives, even if... if one of the tracks is damaged, the car goes into reverse and rolls back, that is, in any case, you can evacuate yourself, don’t wait for evacuation, these bmpts based on the t-90 tank, they just entered the troops of the central military district, the vehicle continues to be improved, representatives of the manufacturer’s plant are working in the north military district zone, the potential for modernization of the bmpt is still very large, however, like all of our military equipment.


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