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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 5, 2024 12:00am-12:30am MSK

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and the remaining 33 billion in ukraine will be given on credit. from europe, our correspondent in germany, mikhail antonov. hungarian prime minister orban was left with no choice: either he withdraws his vote on the financial assistance package for ukraine, or the package will be approved without his participation, but then hungary’s oxygen will be completely cut off and the national currency will collapse. this is now the decision-making mechanism in the european union. these 50 billion euros. 4 years is also a very strong signal for putin, just ahead of the second anniversary of his brutal invasion. another strong and meaningless signal to putin, if only because 50 billion for 4 years is four times less than what kiev needs for the normal functioning of the state, that is, this in no way relieves zelensky and the company from the need to raise taxes and reduce social benefits , delay salaries of doctors and teachers and print money, and if they have their own conditions regarding compliance.
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and we received a guarantee that hungarian money would not end up in ukraine, the proposal was accepted. if they hadn’t pushed in brussels hungarians, the shop called ukraine could be closed now, this is a direct quote from orban. of the 50 billion euros, 17 are pure donations or grants, and 33 are loans, which, however, ukraine will never give to anyone. zelensky connected via video link, thanked, hinted that it was not enough, thanked again. kuleba, who is zelensky’s foreign minister, was so moved that he even recognized orban.
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the head of the hungarian midosyartu went to kuleba, that is, which uzhgorod? in all hungarian sources this is a settlement to the west from the carpathians appears as ungvard, the ancient city of the hungarians, which was transferred to the ukrainian ssr following the results of the second world war. and now the leader of the hungarian right-wing party, our homeland laslatorskaya, is talking about the need to stake out these lands in advance in case of ukraine’s loss of statehood, and right there about the rights to a piece of ukrainian territory.
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what will remain from ukraine, of course, from the point of view of the european nomenklatura, are all those who are easily ready to part with 50 billion euros taken from the pockets of their citizens? extremely untimely speeches. these people cannot get tired of ukraine, because as soon as this happens, they will have to clean up everything that they have already messed up at home. we don't have a problem with so-called ukraine fatigue, we now have a problem with orban fatigue. orban, in general, is also not happy with the brussels company. instead of having dinner with colleagues at the summit, the hungarian prime minister preferred a walk to the camp of farmers who blocked the center of brussels with tractors and piles of manure. all day long they burned bonfires and fired fireworks at the police. example among the germans turned out to be contagious. european farmers have been stifling traffic all week, causing traffic jams on major highways in france, the netherlands, portugal, romania and greece.
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the best thing happened with the french peasants, who blocked the largest wholesale food market near paris; in some places in the shops it is already felt soft... another month or two will deprive him of the opportunity to earn money in europe, such is european integration. clear measures are needed regarding imports from ukraine, policies are needed at the european level compatible with the principles of food
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sovereignty that france defends. macron acted cunningly, left the new prime minister to deal with the farmers, went abroad himself and was in no hurry to return home. spent a few days in india, on the way back , both in the short term and in the long term, so the reasonable answer is to get together and support ukraine during this year and subsequent years, no matter what the cost? whatever the cost, macron will eat well, this is the privilege of the elite, ordinary french people will sacrifice everything, those
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the very farmers-tractor drivers, who could then be transferred to tanks and sent to fight with russia, would of course be tanks, however, even among france’s closest allies its critics are found. ms. stragg zimmermann, who is responsible for defense policy in the german bundestag, told the tages spiegel newspaper that the french in ukraine are doing more pr than helping her. in france, there is still a big discrepancy between media support for ukraine and what france actually does in terms of arms supplies to ukraine. france's contribution is everything is still very limited compared to the country’s military potential. germany now provides ukraine with 50% of its aid.
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electric trains. professor of military history most likely to be a lantern of the russian podzdam university zenki neitzel is confident that in the event of a war with russia, the bundeswehr
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will fight. but the only thing he can prove is his ability to die with dignity. germany needs hundreds of billions to replenish arsenals and attract young people to the army, there is no money.
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is not looking any better, businesses in almost all areas are complaining about declining demand, strikes, protests, losses, inflation is hitting purchasing power, it’s time for the government to think about reviving the economy, but little has been done to date. germany is in a deep recession, the only industrialized country whose economy is shrinking, and putin is not responsible for this.
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the government has spent €800 billion on coronavirus and energy aid packages over the past few years to subsidize gas and electricity prices. now it's time for payback. at first the covid epidemic and until today, the state has spent funds to support the population and industry at a rate of about 200 billion euros per year, this is more than 40% of the state budget. previously, these funds mostly came from extra-budgetary funds, but the funds have run out.
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hatred towards russia remains unchanged. and, as it turned out, something else. i will also ask
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the minister to force the german government to think creatively about finding a form of compensation for war losses in the second world war. 1.300 billion euros, amount reparations, which it is unclear how the poles calculated under morovetsky. the conflictual nature of berlin's relations with the previous government in warsaw did not allow us to take seriously the prospect of meeting such demands. but now anything can happen. it is important for us to always pay attention to the special responsibility that we have as germans towards the past and history. this is also very important to me. my polish colleague has just made it clear that we also need to think about creative solutions. this is what we want to do together. in past burback's critics reproached her for hating germany. and the creative approaches of the greens are well known from the example of what they have done to the economy. so the germans should probably be on their guard and keep an eye on these creators, otherwise one fine
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day they will be saddled with such debts that they, like ukraine, will never pay off. well, by the way, in the immediate plans of the chancellors, everything that zelensky usually does is a complete coincidence, he will ask for money from the americans, maybe ask for ukraine, but in the current circumstances, this no matter what for yourself. scholz is going to washington to throw himself at biden’s feet and say that this is no longer the case. this has been talked about more than once, besides, hungary, unlike other eu members, did not
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refuse russian gas to the detriment of its national interests, so denis davidov looked into why the hungarians are in constant opposition to brussels. as soon as he attended the eu summit, orban told how he had barely returned home and admitted that he slept poorly in brussels. it was not the negotiations that were difficult, but the night before them. farmers protested in brussels. i hardly slept. below my window , about 200 tractors stopped and honked their horns all night. the hum of a tractor is a sound familiar from childhood and grandfather. the politician’s father was engaged in agriculture, so the problems of farmers are not alien to orban; he calls himself a village child. welcome to felcun. this is the native village of the hungarian prime minister; viktor orban grew up here. behind the cozy houses are endless arable fields that are already being prepared for spring. it is unclear what the farmers themselves are preparing for. the european commission
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insists on duty-free import into the eu ukrainian agricultural products. corn has first-class moisture, farmer shander toth has grown an ideal product, but the price for it will be ridiculous, his corn, sunflower, wheat will lose to cheap ukrainian supplies, they have collapsed all prices, the italians used to buy wheat from us, now from the ukrainians, the same with corn , although our costs have increased, due to sanctions only fertilizers have doubled in price. our interlocutor is going to support his colleagues and... go to the border on a tractor, hungarian farmers have recently threatened to block the entrances to country from ukraine. hungarian resistance in one poster. let 's not dance to their tune, suggests the ruling fidesz party. hungarians are scared by ursula von derlein and alex soros. thus, residents were encouraged to take part in national consultations. the orbon party asked hungarians
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11 questions: what to do with ukrainian grain, money as a weapon for... the european union, under various pretexts, is blocking the aid that is due to hungary, this money would go to teachers’ salaries, i have a wife, a teacher, they don’t they raise wages because there is no funding from the eu. at this time the eu is offering to invest money in ukraine, what is happening in transcarpathia worries me very much, and this influenced my decision. kiev has not been welcoming transcarpathian hungarians for a long time, even under... poroshenko, outrage began about why the national minority, there are 150 thousand of them , do not speak their native language. local hungarians feel so confident in the transcarpathian region that they allow themselves to hang the hungarian flag on government buildings in ukraine. ugorsky ensign the persecution was started by his predecessor, zelensky picked up the banner. hungarian flags
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disappeared from hungarian schools in transcarpathia last year. disappeared from the program and native to thousands of local residents. i, of course, have a personal opinion about what is happening in transcarpathia, but i, as the head of the municipality, do not want to express it publicly, the hungarians who ended up on ukrainian territory are the same hungarians as we are, they are there because trianon border. trianon is the pain point of every hungarian, especially here in the town of berek surany, which stands on the border, their divided the peace of trianon. the peace of trianon, or as it is called here, the trianon shame, is a great grief for hungary. around the country you can...
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the leader of the hungarian nationalists speaks only for his party, but after his words the hungarian minister of foreign affairs is going to ukraine, notably going not to kiev, but to transcarpathian uzhgorod, the visit and negotiations became possible after the ukrainian parliament under pressure from the eu, remembered european values, the rada allowed transcarpathian hungarians to study in hungarian for eu officials. it is important for them that zelensky also treated the russian minority equally as the transcarpathian one, this is all a policy of double standards, in fact brussels is not interested in the hungarian or russian national minorities, they are occupied with other minorities, lgbt, hungary pays attention to important issues that are part of european values, the eu is now concerned with only one thing - funding for ukraine,
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for the sake of saving ukraine , intractable hungary was almost thrown out of the eu boat.
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even solving the problem will only undermine trust in management. the washington post rejoices the fact that the ukrainian president did everything honorably, before making a sovereign decision, he called his handlers. zelensky has not yet
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issued an official decree on zaluzhny’s resignation, and it is unknown when this might happen. that he notified washington in advance reflects the influential role of the united states as ukraine's most powerful military political backer. the american democratic channel cnn plays an important role here. it was there that , after the failed resignation, an article authored by zaluzhny was published with signs a seven-page political manifesto about how to fight and how not to govern the country. we must recognize the significant advantage that the enemy has in mobilizing human resources, against the backdrop of the inability of ukraine's state institutions to increase the size of our armed forces without unpopular measures. we are still held back by imperfection. for example, ammunition, which
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further exacerbates ukraine’s dependence on allied supplies. zaluzhny’s popularity is growing, he is already ahead of his boss in the rankings trust by as much as 26%. zaluzhny, a respected commander, close to his troops. in the army they call him dad, but he uses it just like bandera, kzelensky.
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violent turmoil behind the scenes of ukrainian politics could change the course of the war. zaluzhny is not leaving quietly, we understand that he is not going to quit on his own. you are absolutely right, now is a critical moment in kiev. among the fundamental differences between zaluzhny and zelensky is the attitude towards the situation at the front. as you know, the commander-in-chief considers it a stalemate, the president publicly criticized him. the second point is mobilization. zaluzhny is asking for half a million bayonets. zelensky says there is no money, such is the number of recruits. nothing to wear, nothing to arm, pulitzar laureate seymour hirsch, who conducted an investigation into the nord streams and came to the conclusion about us involvement in the ukrainian events , also has inside information. zelensky's move to fire his commanding general comes as zaluzhny has continued to participate directly or through aides in secret negotiations with american and other western officials since last fall. on how best to achieve a ceasefire and negotiate an end to the war.
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all this is not just another planned multi-step to fool ukrainian society. there is a possibility that zaluzhny will be a political candidate for the foreseeable future, and he is the only person right now who could be a political rival to zelensky. if so, then the diagram correctly depicts the dove of peace, zelensky the hawk, who was prohibited from negotiating peace by a separate law. the same configuration was during the presidential
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