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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 5, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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in news of the election campaign, on monday the central election commission , after checking 315 thousand signatures , registered vladimir putin as a candidate in the presidential elections of the russian federation. on wednesday, the candidate met with his proxies. more than 500 people gathered at gostiny dvor in moscow to discuss the future of russia. details of the conversation with alexey konopko. the certificate
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of the first self-motivated candidate for the current elections in the name of vladimir putin was issued by the central election commission after several days of painstaking work, although the candidate’s headquarters delivered only a tenth of the collected signatures, 315 thousand lines still had to be verified. it is a great honor to receive and then hand over the certificate of a candidate for president of the russian federation to vladimir vladimirovich. together with written support from the citizens of the country, putin’s proxies spent more than a month collecting. proposal for the future election program, in this hall there are 544 people, dozens of heroes of russia and labor, honored workers of science and art, the most outstanding doctors, athletes, cosmonauts, people who best understand what is happening in all spheres of the country’s life, and now it is they who have to tell people about what else their candidate can do, what he has already done as president, can talk for a long time, so they went to trusted representatives, and lugansk. my hometown, then we
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see colossal changes, global construction began, roads, kindergartens, hospitals, schools, science in the country practically by 2000 there was no, and what today, today everyone knows, today the west, in particular in the region nature, in the genetic field, they repeat what we do, in fact, after us, the fact that this person is rooting for russia, that’s for sure, and the fact that a person is rooting for living people in general is also true for us. we need such a president, most of the proposals are in the social sphere, they are talking with the president about technological sovereignty in medicine, about benefits for social workers, reduced interest rates on loans will be extended, but the main topic, of course, is security, where the very demilitarized line will be held after which residents will be able to feel calm here this line should be such a distance from our territory that would ensure security, meaning the long-range guns of a foreign...
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the death of a fighter, but they do not receive it, with the exception of disabled children upon reaching the age of twenty. thank you for the advice, but apparently they proceeded from the fact that at 17 you still don’t have your own income, at 25 it already arises, that’s what it’s all about , we shouldn’t be talking about redistribution, but in order to ensure the interests of everyone, well , let’s think about it we can easily decide to work for for the good of the country, soldiers and officers continue, even after returning from the front, to go to schools, head sections, and work at headquarters.
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in our opinion, what is needed, how to put it correctly, is a single point of assembly of all the fragments of the upbringing of a citizen, a citizen of russia, which is, in the best and most literal sense of the word, love for the homeland, otherwise patriotism is called, well, how can you not love your homeland, it’s all the same that not loving your family, not loving your mother, your children, the same with your homeland, there are such things that must be laid down directly into the subcortex due to the fact that russia is forced to defend its interests, including with the help of armed struggle, and what has begun to happen in society in this regard, that this historical russia has risen, still indicates that the foundation we have an upbringing, and it is quite strong and so thorough, all this foam, which is always present in any society, it is little by little, little by little, washed away after this meeting. many of
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candidate putin's confidants have again dispersed throughout the country, zhoga to belgorod, moshkov to voronezh, to fellow doctors in kazan, maryana lysenka. artificial intelligence is already helping in the republican rehabilitation center. january 31 is the last day when candidates could submit the signatures required for registration to the central election commission. so far, in addition to self-nominated vladimir putin, the central election commission has registered three more candidates, nominees from parliamentary parties, nikolai kharitonov, communist party of the russian federation, leonid slutsky, ldpr and
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vladislav davankov, new people. alexey konopko will continue. there were more candidates this week less. baburin and irina sveridova, who voluntarily dropped out of the race, supporting the current president, andrei bogdanov also recused himself. i wrote a statement to withdraw my candidacy from the elections due to the discovery of a foreign account, which i did not have time to close for obvious reasons, the issue of visas and the like. the fight is de facto stopped by anatoly batashov and the russian rada, both did not collect the required base of signatures; the candidates of the parliamentary parties spent the entire week traveling. nikolai kharitonov, together with the chairman of the communist party of the russian federation, began with a two-day visit to st. petersburg, where they honored the memory of those who died during the siege, and then stopped at the kirov plant, whose tractors helped improve the agriculture of the country in the siberian region, we happily received these tractors,
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we believe that 20 billion should be immediately invested in the development of industry and the repayment period of loans not 7 years, but at least 10 years, because in 7 years there are essentially...
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proposals that need to be sorted out. from the far east, the route was built by leonid sluzky. he discussed the development of the region with the governor of the amur region and large families families. a center for children with special needs will be built in blagoveshchensk, and of course, personnel are needed here. what we have to do is to ensure that people do not leave here, but strive.
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there are mistakes, there are mistakes that , well, cause surprise when there is some inaccuracy in the spelling and the election commission, as a rule, does not take these errors into account, does not count them, believes that, well , this is acceptable, the final list of candidates for the presidential post should
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announce by february 10th. alexey kanabko, natalya, lead the week. vladimir putin awarded the speaker of the state duma vyacheslav volodin, who today. turns 60 years old with the order for merit to the fatherland, first class. the kremlin press service reports this. the head of state awarded volodin for his great contribution to strengthening. the political map of the united states is replete with the disobedience of american regions to federal authorities on the path to dual power. why does the olympic champion from russia have a chance to win in international sports.
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the white house won cases against texas in the supreme court, but texas did not give up and he simply did not allow federal security forces armed with metal scissors to approach the erected fence.
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the federal center of the american regions is obvious. this week it only got worse. crisis in american relations when the state of florida sent a thousand of its national guardsmen to help texas, they also included volunteers, the so-called florida state guard. but is this separatism? most likely , no, not separatism, especially since the position of texas is supported by another 25 american states, a good half, but a political map in this example it looks mosaic. moreover, texas’s position in protecting against migrants and opposing the federal center was also supported by the main republican presidential candidate donald trump. at the same time, trump named biden.
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before us are two americas with different understandings of the same constitution, and the further, the more they diverge in the interpretation of not only its essence, but also its spirit, not only on border issues, but also on security, family values, weapons, education, history , racial issues and so on and powers authorities, both at the local and federal levels, while no one is going to retreat or separate from the united states, both sides want to take power at the federal level, in washington. but given the growing mutual hostility between the parties, by the end of the year the process
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could go much further. in the best case scenario , the new president will become partially recognized, that is, his legality and powers will not be recognized by individual states; in the worst case scenario, the loser becomes president of the united states, america will immediately have 2/47 of the president. that is, parallel the existence of two americas will become a reality from a figure of speech. with catastrophic consequences for the united states. at the same time, we understand that, in general, there is no one to steer the situation within the country. gerantocracy mode, when biden needs a powdrama just to get off the stage. and some mitch mccon, the leader of the republican minority in the senate, suddenly becomes numb, as if unplugged.
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now is the time to strike at the leadership of iran, this is different, there is no need to bomb the country, but we need to disable their infrastructure, yes, infrastructure in iraq and syria, let's start with that. then sanctions, and then we need to eliminate a couple of their leaders, this is how we need to act, right at their home, or at their home, or when they go somewhere, our intelligence services are able to establish their location and eliminate them, this will be our message, we must do this immediately. nikke haley is catching up with the fog of war, which is already
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too thick in america without her. from the usa, our correspondent, dmitry melnikov. 125 bombs dropped in the night, the us says eighty-five targets hit, iraqi and syrian authorities report dozens of deaths, mostly civilians. the acts of retaliation for the deaths of american troops in jordan came after several days of dire warnings coming from washington: there will be punishment, but we don’t want war. the american hawks, who have been demanding a strike against iran all these days, are clearly disappointed. they have crossed the american red line by killing americans, until we cross their red lines they will not see it as a serious problem. i 'm not saying that the first attack should be threatening the regime. there are many targets inside iran, coots force bases, air defense systems and others that would be nice to destroy, and this would serve as a signal. if the iranian
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government doesn't understand, we can send a few more messages. a few hours before the strikes began in delaware, joe biden participated in a ceremony to welcome the bodies of those killed in a drone attack on a us base. both before and after the attacks on iranian forces, the white house and the pentagon repeated like a mantra: “we do not want war with iran.” but what does he want? biden administration in the middle east? washington does not have a long-term strategy, but there are 30,000 american troops in the region, whom pro-iranian... groups consider a legitimate target and continue to use against them the tactics of a thousand cuts or mosquito warfare, when it is unclear from where who fired, it is unclear how to respond without striking on iran, as it is no longer clear who controls the american military machine, obviously not the head of the pentagon, only this week lloyd austin appeared for the first time after a month
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unauthorized absence from work due to a secret operation on... by the way, which neither the president nor the deputy ministers knew about, a rare, if not unique case, an apology from the head of the pentagon. i want to be very clear, we approached this issue wrong, i approached this incorrectly, i should have told the president about my cancer diagnosis, i should have told my team about it to the american public, i apologize to my colleagues and to the american people. against this background, the former is possible. future president trump is a true peacemaker. for three decades, the only head of the united states who has not started a single war, and his abraham accords in 2020 were signed by israel and a number of arab states. this week, supporters nominated trump for the nobel peace prize. the participants in this caravan, american patriotic truck drivers who flock from
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all over the country to the front of the internal war, which runs along the southern border of the united states, rely on him. starting early in the week in virginia , the convoy finally made it to the weekend texas. let’s take back our borders, the main motto of this rally, with which its participants are going to hit biden’s migration policy and the illegal migrants themselves, and as is clear, everyone who is present here now, and the drivers themselves, who are naturally greeted by ardent trump supporters. several hundred. trucks, vans and pickups, traditional for rural america , have settled in texas for a long time. on the flags and t-shirts are portraits of the forty-fifth president, the author of the mexican wall, there are also the faces of the savior, the current earthly authorities, obviously they cannot save you from migrants. we have gathered to pray together and to let everyone know that
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we are here to protect our border. angry truckers arrived to help the texas national guard. which, by order of the state governor, removed the federals from guarding the border and established control over the crossings with mexico. armed guardsmen on army humvees are still coping on their own. after the state introduced the invasion regime, the number of illegal immigrants decreased significantly. a country without a border is not a country. we love our lifestyle and don't want to let unknown people can freely enter our country. it is not right. you say that you are russian journalists, i am sure. that this is simply impossible in russia, the world is watching the situation in texas with bewilderment, the us president demands not to interfere with thousands of migrants, to walk, swim and even crawl towards the american dream.
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on the mexico-texas border for several years, one of the hottest spots on the mexican-american border, has now been taken
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under full control by state national guard forces, as washington did not ask to allow federal border guards to the rio granda river, to remove this barbed wire, the state is on its death row, the border is locked, but of course these are conventions, since closing thousands of miles of the mexican-american border is simply... physically impossible, as the american indian tribes once failed illegal migration from europe, for which they paid with their existence, today illegal immigrants are bringing modern america to its knees. in the center of new york, several young people kicked police officers, as it turned out after the arrest, they entered the united states illegal, but the new york court decided to release them, that is, back to the temporary detention center, without bail, but with prospects...
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that is how many destructive decrees the biden administration has issued to deliberately undermine the security of the country, including the release of detained illegal immigrants , as happened in new york, homeland security secretary alejandra mayorkas is set to be impeached by congress next week. since biden and mayorkas took office, only in our southern more than 7 million encounters with illegal immigrants were recorded at the border. of the fifty states,
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thirty-five, including my hometown of louisiana, have small populations, but that's how many people have been apprehended at the border in the last 3 years, including over 300 people on our terrorist list. and now it has finally become clear that the aid package for kiev will not be agreed upon in congress, nor will the financing of ukraine and israel. it was decided to split, the same mike johnson announced this the day before. the vote on allocating 17 billion to the middle east ally will take place at capitalist hill next week, there is no talk of 60 billion for the zelensky regime. you saw me driving my '67 corvette, i was going 130 miles an hour. the secret service is bigger. doesn’t like to travel with me, forget and not remember about ukraine, it seems biden himself would like it, his main problem now is a real collapse of ratings, and during a meeting with
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voters in the capital of the american auto industry, detroit, he is again overtaken by protesting defenders of palestine. loss of muslim votes amid new strikes on iraq and syria are the most noticeable from 59% at the beginning of the term to... 17% now , even the sanctions announced by the white house against israeli settlers in the west bank and the reduction in arms supplies to tel aviv have not helped. biden is losing not only to trump, but also to number two on the republican list, nicky haley, so the democratic party's election headquarters is resorting to a proven weapon. 280 million loyal subscribers. taylor swift has long surpassed michael jackson in popularity, every fan in the election year - first of all voter. just one post from the pop diva on social networks brought joe '.
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biden got 35,000 votes, and swift’s popularity has since broken all records; biden’s headquarters decided to repeat it. the most unpopular president of all time wants to start a relationship with taylor swift. this looks like a marriage of convenience. biden doesn't even know who taylor swift is. he can't name a single song of hers, and swift can't name a single biden policy. these relationships were designed in the laboratory. donald trump knows something about taylor swift, who was seriously offended when time magazine named the singer, not him, as person of the year , and given the current intensity, it may turn out that in the battle for the white house this fall, the decisive force will be armies of loyal supporters, a glamorous pop singer on the one hand, and fierce patriots -truck drivers on the other. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news of the week from texas.
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scale projects, modern technologies, russia of the present and future. touch all the achievements at the main exhibition site of the country. 131 exposures. business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events. everything that
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russia admires. immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country, come to the russia forum exhibition. hello, i'm boris akima. and i, oleg stepanov. and we, the creators of the project. russia 2062 headquarters of free thought. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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