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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 5, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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sports arbitration on monday. the court issued the most severe possible verdict in a doping case against the russian figure skater kamilla valieva, disqualification for 4 years, cancellation of all results at tournaments starting from december 25 of the twenty-first year, this is the punishment for trimetozidine, a treatment drug , found in the samples of a fifteen-year-old figure skater diseases of the cardiovascular system, this medicine is not a doping, but it’s hardly imperfect...
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gold in beijing in team competitions together with the entire russian team. in russia , kamila valieva was supported not only by her colleagues; huge banners with a photograph of the russian figure skater with words of support appeared throughout moscow. camilla, you are our golden one. by the way, the beijing gold went to the americans; they are allowed much more in sports than everyone else. it is no coincidence that immediately after the decision of the arbitration court , demotivators appeared on the internet comparing the fragile russian figure skater, allegedly on doping, and muscular, supposedly clean american athletes. further, transgender people have already penetrated big sports under the guise of women.
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olympic bobsleigh track. if you believe the map, then we are in the very place where in november 2024, that is, in 8 months, italy promised to hold test competitions of the new track. no, we are definitely in that very place, because the wreckage of the old one is there, but no one has started the construction of the new one. in picture 2024, everything is completely different from the video picture 2020.
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it took 3 years to build in china, 3 years, turin 2006 - 3 years, yes, and you have snow here, and we have snow, in it’s hard to believe, but there is no desire to build a track for 140 million euros.
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1.3 million euros per year for the tiny town of chisana is a default. yeah, well, here’s the track, its final part, the last time spectators sat here was in 2011, 13 years ago. the stadium in cesana is also a cemetery
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for 50 tons of ammonia, which was used to cool the track. thorin 2006. entrance is allowed for vip guests, well, most likely it was hanging here somewhere, if only there was a bubble track, there are such monuments to the olympics scattered throughout the valleys of piedmont, the city is inhabited, the springboards, here they are in all their glory, the two main olympic springboards, the long one is 140 m, this one is 104, the record on it, by the way, belongs to the russian dmitry vasilyev, for a tiny village this is a life. the object was supposed to be manna from heaven, a leap into a great sports and tourism future, but they stopped jumping here immediately after the olympics. the springboard was more unlucky than the sleds, there was still little snow here, as it turned out, but this is the main stand, everything was stolen here,
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there was a restaurant inside under the spectator seats, they even took out a huge multi-ton kitchen block, and here they cut off all the copper cables. like in chisano, there is no security, no fence, even the windows are gone, broken out, the road sign, how was it brought here, but the grand prix 2008, it was 2 years after the olympics, after that it was all over, judging by the hoteljumping labels they still tried to resuscitate jumpers after the pandemic, but there was no demand.
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from scratch, there are few such bobsleigh track for 140, everything else, as italy promised, will only be plastered, but prices have increased slightly, in addition, they promised to raise the springboard for 3 million, today they are talking about forty, the renovation of the biathlon ski stadium in anterselva also became 20 times more expensive - 41 million. there are 70 objects on the list, but only 20 of them are olympic, everything else is tofans, tofans.
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this is understandable, if you look closely at the construction work posters around the 2021-2021 picture, this was all started for the world cup, the champion.
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ukraine, the baltic countries should work with us this way, this is our world, we have been building it
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for several decades, we won this terrible war together, well, let’s move into in this direction, no, i don’t want to, they are looking for a better life beyond the seas. on thursday , prime minister mikhail mishustin arrived in kazakhstan, where he took part in a meeting of the eurasian intergovernmental council. later, the russian prime minister spoke at an international forum. almaty, where he stated that russia is one of the three world powers that most actively develops digital technologies. more details about everything, anna semyonova. mikhail mishustin’s first foreign trip this year to kazakhstan, in almaty, the council of heads of government of the eurasian fives. for the eac countries, the past year, when russia presided, was profitable. the economy within the union grew by 3.5%. union soon. 10 years since the signing of the agreement, during all this time the union has proven
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its ability to adapt to a changing international environment, to progressively develop in the conditions of turbulence in the global economy, although at the time of its creation, i think few could have imagined what challenges we would have to face in the future. two of the five countries of the union, russia and belarus, are under unprecedented sanctions, while last year the volume of industrial production. and the volume of passenger transportation increased by 13%. we conducted a very interesting analysis, took the countries of the post-soviet space, including the baltic states, including moldova, and it turned out that all countries that are friends with russia have a very good advantage. everyone who left russia lives with a minus. yes. it is a fact. yes. that's why. well, draw your own conclusions; the indicators of armenia, for example, which replaced russia as chairman of the eac, are generally
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called the armenian economic miracle. in in the twenty-fourth year, gdp growth is expected to be 8.3%. nikol pashinyan, who recently often missed meetings of prime ministers in almaat. it is obvious that the direction of development that brings such economic results to the countries of the union must be maintained. the main thing is now, the russian notes. create a unified transport system throughout the eurasian space, establish, if you want, seamless and safe international routes, by the way, last year was a record year for our country in terms of the volume of road construction, about 650 were built. kilometers of federal and regional highways, this, let me remind you, is three times more than a year
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earlier. and this is inextricably linked with the reorientation of eurasian commodity flows to the most promising directions in the market of friendly states. a free trade agreement with iran has been signed, but there are still unfinished formalities. here it is necessary to quickly carry out all the procedures that are necessary for the document to enter into legal force. issues regarding a temporary free trade agreement with mongolia are currently being worked out. as well as to improve operating with vietnam, significant progress has been made in the dialogue with egypt, and negotiations are underway with the united arab emirates and indonesia. russia is among the world leaders in the development of digital technologies; for example, 109 million people use government services in our country. we are ready to transfer russian approaches and specific technological platform solutions to partners, share them, and i emphasize, for use in a closed circuit, that is, each country
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must, simply must, maintain the sovereignty of its data, only services are common, i... artificial intelligence in industry has already brought an economic effect of a trillion rubles, but the russian prime minister emphasizes that we must not forget that artificial intelligence always reflects the human point of view, in the brains of the russian gigachat of western chat, well, in particular, of course, different pictures of the world, different understandings of what is good, what is bad and... when allowing artificial intelligence into science, medicine, and industry, it is very important to use models that meet one’s own national interests. the main document in in accordance with which the five eac, the declaration of the eurasian economic path will develop. it, in particular, provides for a further increase in the share of national currencies in mutual payments, which is now about 90%. anna
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semyanovi natsaya stanislav ponomarenko and vitaly marchenko, news of the week from almaata. this is the news of the week, further in the program. when cancer is not a death sentence, we will live about our best doctors, our new technologies. love, death and struggle, the eleventh season of the sklifosovsky series on the russia tv channel, let's open it a little. initially, on the x network, formerly twitter, someone launched a flash mob with the hashtag “prove that you are not in russia.” moreover, it was proposed to do this with only one photo. it turned out a bit boring. someone was putting toilet bowls in the bathrooms,
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untidy shelves overflowing with chicken eggs. in a word, it came out somehow unappetizing in the west. in the telegram channel resources, a flurry of photographs fell on us under the slogan “my” in russia. it turned out beautifully, breathtakingly warm, despite the frosty lace of the russian winter. here there is caviar, red and black, and kamchatka crabs, and a gas stove with all burners burning. many people also post thermometer scales as evidence of local color. on moros street. complete comfort at home, photos sent from all over the country, from kaliningrad to kamchatka, general mood, a sense of superiority and pride in our beloved russia, there is no such other, it all started on monday a couple of weeks ago, but wonderful photos of the unique
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russia that distinguishes it from the rest of the world , are still appearing, but so that... you send. this week the first images from the moscow surgery center named after vishnevsky. a russian journalist of afghan origin, an employee of the russia today media group, thirty-year-old khaibar akifi, moves with a walker along the hospital corridor. this is a real miracle, because we all remember that terrible terrorist attack near belgorod, when he was shot down. a ukrainian drone crashed with its deadly cargo into a rural house where khaibar was with his five-year-old daughter, his wife and her parents, the daughter and his wife’s parents were killed immediately, and the survivors khaibar and his wife were seriously injured. father's position the family was very bad, if not desperate. all
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the ministry of emergency situations, governor glodkov, minister murashka immediately got involved, severe shell shock, concussion. conceivable degree, a lung was ruptured, ribs were broken, 15% of the body was burned, followed by blood poisoning from multiple injuries, and they barely made it to moscow. this is an absolute miracle, in such a sense that i don’t think anyone expected him to come out of this state, but still i want to say again that i am really grateful, firstly to his parents, his father, who was very often here, prayed for him all the time, supported him, he believed that he heard him all the time. this is the first, second, he himself helped us, when he began to come to himself, of course, he struggled for 50 days on mechanical ventilation, initially the encephalogram of the brain was almost straight. well, it turns out that it was almost 40 days, i was in a coma for 40 days, unconscious, a severe , deep coma, with a poor prognosis at that stage, but i
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want to say words of deep gratitude to our entire team, primarily to the resuscitators who started this whole story, of course, to the guys from belgorod, surgeons and rheumatologists who were brought here, our coroac surgeons, our abdominal surgeons, there were operations related to this. and of course, for the whole center, andrei anatolyevich alekseev led this work, there were a lot of autodermoplasty operations, skin transplants, this is not just one operation, dozens of these operations need to be transferred, now khaibar is even joking, well, i lost weight too, well, i for as long as i can remember, i have been constantly.
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is she really reading the mind or not? premiere,
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anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee. i don't have special gifts. who are you looking at today? well, there’s a girl standing buried. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter? and do you know who the killer is? yes. look only without self-indulgence. stay where you are, don't move. for some reason i believe you. anna is a medium. let's look before everyone else. in the application or on the website. we'll take on this matter. this will be an honest detective.
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don’t you understand this, i want to be like my mother, ice three, soon. let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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well, today is the day of the oncologist and in this area russia is at the forefront. report by elena erofeeva. it was not customary to talk about this out loud before, only in private. lord, why me, why me, it seems like life has just begun. it's about a cage that suddenly breaks and grinds people's lives, i have the support of my family, my husband, my children, numbness, fear, despair, many have only hope, mikhailovich, breath, hold, hold, hold, don't breathe, don't it’s difficult for him to move.
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don't move, mikhalych runs through life, down stairs, always on foot, only above the third floor goes up in the elevator, as the doctor told you that you have cancer, calmly, to be honest, i went out, got drunk, i wish i had a horse while i was driving, i forgot everything, the diagnosis was made in 2013, liver cancer , was not sick, there was discomfort on the right side, an ultrasound revealed a tumor, then surgery, several courses of chemotherapy and a meeting with arthur. the author of the poems is also his patient, every time he comes with books, between painful sessions of imbolization chemistry he rhymes life. this operation does not last long, 20 minutes, during which time the surgeon finds the vascular network of the tumor, blocks it and injects
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the drug. eating is very difficult. categories of patients, when a patient develops a tumor process in the head and neck area, while the patient is being examined, the tumor has already reached gigantic sizes, and most often these patients are abandoned, our technologies are also very helpful here: an unsympathetic tortuous network of many vessels, this and there is a tumor, it itself increases them in order to receive nutrients and grow, thereby robbing the human body, precise bombardment of chemo or radiodrug. in men, the most common areas for cancer to spread are the lungs, stomach, skin and prostate. the most common types in women remain cancer of the breast, skin, stomach, and colon, but modern treatment methods make it possible to gain years from the disease. life
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for these patients, how many people are completely cured without relapse? in the early stages in many localizations 95%. breast cancer, skin cancer, now there are very interesting cosmetic effects, there are up to 100% we get there, and of course the content that i said is added, even with advanced stages, which they also add for 5-6 years, for the treatment of skin cancer at the hercyn research institute for many years, they have been using the method of photodynamic therapy, it is based on the destruction of cancer cells due to the action of reactive oxygen species. the second component is a medicine that increases the sensitivity of the tissue to the effects of the laser. due to its mechanism, it selectively destroys swollen tissues, it does not damage healthy surrounding tissue, rather than resistance and addiction of the tumor. the
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radiology center is working on a drug. cartic cell therapy uses living human cells as an active substance, these are his own lymphocytes, they are modified, the genetic code is changed, using a viral vector of the delivery, the immune system is trained to recognize malignant cells and destroy them, the introduction of such a drug suppresses tumor growth. the drug is aimed at treating patients with a very aggressive type of tumor. gleoblastoma is brain tumor for which there is.
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to the microscope:


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