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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 5, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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here is the answer, well, it would seem that everything is on the surface, which prevents this experience from being extended to the entire russian national economy, 5.5% advance payment, what we have been talking about throughout.
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and just implemented it. alexander nikoilovich. by the way, the answer to the question why vladimir vladimirovich is our president. and why is he our candidate? and why am i sure he will receive the maximum percentage. because the scale of the tasks that he sets for the country is inadequate to the scale of russia itself, its people, its history, its significance, its place in the world, not only the economy, but in the world in general. and speaking of what the president says, here. the bank touched upon, i will support here, because in fact, the delicacy of our president is that it is not necessary to indicate directly, he invites everyone to listen and draw the appropriate conclusions according to their knowledge, skill and professionalism, well, let's consider the option related to what the central bank said the day before bank, he said that he sees space, space, sees for a reduction in the discount rate in the second half of the year twenty fourth year, excuse me, but can you clarify? how he sees this space,
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what kind of space it is and through what he looks at this space, but didn’t the president say that the military-industrial complex today lives on the terms of financing of 5.5%, but he mentioned this for what purpose, to once again indicate , that the mechanism that lies in the financing of a huge sector of our economy, which affects, including the citizenry, is ensured by a simple solution related to the fact that the market today... should develop due to an increase in demand, and not its braking, when the same central bank , through the mouth of the head, recently said that the brix in terms of purchasing power parity had overtaken the g7, he thereby, excuse me, the management of the bank thereby showed that we are developing, but due to what he overtook, due to the development of each from countries, but for some reason russia occupies the place of a country in the position of the central bank of a country where the economy is overheated, where well... it is necessary
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to compress demand and thereby not allowing supply to develop, so there are obvious contradictions here, but it is not worth it every time devote attention, so much attention to the financial bloc, because in fact we need to look at what the president says, hear him understand, look, in fact, what he says means that we need to quickly move to a new socio-economic a machine focused on medium and long-term development, or the scale of development, through which this can be done, through macro planning and... connecting to the implementation of this entire segment of the economy, where there is both the state and the private market, but which is the largest, well and there are many criteria for assessing a correctly chosen model, one of them, by the way , is demography, which actually underlies so many processes, i will now explain why, because when we talk about demography, we actually understand that this is the fate of russia, why the west today easily gives up on the ideas of human development, it says: well, it is necessary to reduce it, well, there are a lot of billions, it is necessary to reduce it, why are they saying this, but because at the head of these states.
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the numbers are not a disaster, but we must draw appropriate conclusions and not listen , not so much listen to the results of this research, but understand what should be happening, understanding that we are faced with a huge task of protecting our own country, we understand that the conflicts will not end, and the desire to one degree or another to measure forces with russia will be maintained, we must understand that we must not only reproduce the population, but increase it, how this can be done, this can be done primarily through the support of large families, through re-urbanization, here it is in... ibid.
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tula, where there was a meeting with the military-industrial complex, the president visited the family of one of the doctors, went in and saw how this doctor lived, the governor himself gave a figure that for only... for 290 million, a complex of 25 houses was built, and so on, that is, this is comfortable housing for those people who are invited today, who are actively working there and implementing tasks in the region, so this is what this means, that people are ready today for re-urbanization, they are ready to settle throughout russia, if there there will be a workplace if there is accessible comfortable housing and normal wages, by the way, when we talk about what conclusions we can draw from this, we must support.
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we will support large families, let, for example, starting there with the fourth child and so on, and let this family generally live at the expense of the state, in the end, raising four children is also work and it’s not just about the mother, it can, it relatively speaking, both parents can study there, but the main thing is that the standard of living is sufficient, whether a lot or little money is needed for this in terms of housing square meters there there are not so many meters, but today we are building for 110 million square meters, this is an excellent result of the construction industry, they can build more, we just need to give them the opportunity. if we are talking , but the only thing is with the caveat that we need to get away from these high-rise buildings and move on to low-rise construction, which the president himself is basically asking for, he points out when we talk about comfortable housing, a generally comfortable living environment in russia, well, huge territory, the main thing for us here
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is to provide jobs through macro planning, employment and give normal wages, so returning to money, i want to tell you that we just need money to support these families. rubles a year, is that a lot or a little? of course a lot, but if you and i look at the numbers that we indirectly or directly call every time here, these are excess exports and capital withdrawal, i’ll tell you, in total, our excess exports amount to an average of 90 billion per year, and the outflow capital dollars, excuse me, but it is per year, and if we are talking about the withdrawal of capital, there is about 70 billion a year also happens on average, yes, these are fantastic figures, translating them at the exchange rate, you and i get... rubles, but i’m not in the mood to take it away, divide it there and so on to punish, let those who deal with it who is supposed to do this, i just want to say that if a country is able to ensure such volumes of output of real mass, commodity mass outside the country and even irrevocably, because
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some leave irrevocably, others freeze for a long time, then believe me, it means , there is still potential on our side for to find one and a half trillion to support large families through decent maintenance and life, and thereby you and i will create the prerequisites, including for the economic development that the president is talking about, in order to forget, or at least change attitudes to migration processes, in order to understand how they did it in some areas, you know, the governors there say to carry out experiments, to show that we ourselves can do it, we just need to pay a decent salary and provide housing there, among other things, the opportunity to work effectively will immediately appear, you are talking about the mursk region, yes, yes, about the mursk region, so if we are fixing what we need to do in the near future? so i would like for the central bank in general, the financial bloc, not to cement childless russia as such through a high discount rate, because today it is impossible to take out a loan and buy housing due to the corresponding difficulties in housing development and, accordingly , not only the cost increases, but
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the number of square meters decreases meters per person, and we need to draw conclusions so that 5.5% is not an exception, but a rule, moreover, the president is showing us, well, listen, this is the military-industrial complex, why is this? in general, what is interest, a product that needs proof that someone needs it, there is a government customer, the ministry of defense, there is an order, accordingly, you need to allocate resources and finance it, i understand, there is a risk somewhere, but what happens when the president talks about preferential subsidies, this means that the rate is still the minimum 18%, oh, this is the difference, what is subsidized by the state goes to a private bank, excuse me, but why, what is the banking segment doing in this matter?
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a 30% increase in what is produced for the civilian industry, deliveries are 5.5, but similar products are produced by other enterprises whose rates are not 5 and 5.
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and other possibilities, so here it is necessary to look for some kind of compromise, it just always seems to me that there is no need to choose
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only one path, sometimes, especially in such matters, flexible solutions are again important, then there are, for example, for siberia in the far east, low-rise buildings made from environmentally friendly materials are ideal, and it is clear what can be done there, but there are megacities where people will invest a certain type of investment, and there it is important not to raise a skyscraper by 100 m, but then there is no need to try to choose here. only one solution, then eat one and two, but it should be noted that our people are wise, so i will ask a question that i ask people all the time, not only those who understand this, but also those who are for this answers, i have never received a clear answer, maybe you can answer, it’s an idiotic girl’s question, why is the withdrawal of capital abroad still allowed? there are already two of us, i ask, i don’t understand the wording at all, the withdrawal of capital, why it is allowed. why is this what does this mean, why is this allowed , it is not allowed to withdraw capital, like this,
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about the conclusion we are talking about, we are talking about what is simply recorded by the banking banking segment, the withdrawal of funds is irrevocable, this is what it is withdrawal of capital, for me, this is the name of the article of the criminal code, the withdrawal of capital is all permitted, why does this completely bring about some kind of exclusion, it is simply a statement that part of the country’s funds have gone irrevocably through various mechanisms. well, in principle, i think it’s just not easy, even someone there, i think if you want to withdraw your money from your currency, you won’t withdraw large capital , basically, yes, he is given the opportunity for 30 years so that there is a system today when you can leave money there, explain to me please can't make it happen you can’t do it right away. right away, the answer is simple, yes, it is possible, it is possible, yes, it is possible, the answer is accepted, the experience
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of china and vietnam speaks, listen, our banking system is under all possible sanctions, that is, in order to do it right here, withdraw money so that it is where - they surfaced there, this requires a whole special operation, and from the other side too, they must give permission to our cabbage rolls, who think that they are withdrawing money for themselves, and then they are told, of course, thank you for the money, but they themselves came out. we have a whole structure that deals with the passage of money, therefore, the restoration of the smerch structure to help financiers is very helpful. advertising. hello, i'm boris akimov, and i'm oleg stepanov. and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in
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the future. oleg viktorovich, i want to continue the idea that you said at the very beginning, that the world is in a global state. transformation, it seems to me that the most important task today facing all of us, the political class, the authorities, before citizens, to realize. the scale of this process, because if you correctly understand what is happening, you will probably make decisions more accurately, more correctly and respond more effectively to the challenges that arise. so i compare what is happening, well, if according to marx, then with a change in socio-economic formations, and
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i draw attention to the fact that for the last 100 years, whenever global transformations began, at the heart of these transformations was russia, well, russia, the soviet union because the seventeenth year is global transformation, and no matter how you feel about this great event, no one doubts that it radically influenced humanity, then the victory over fascism, and this was russia’s contribution, this is another stage of transformation and a new world, which arose from the ruins of fascism, on on on...
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animals from non-americans, it’s clear, this is a lion, although it’s aging, that’s very interesting, the rest are spiders, caterpillars, which means caterpillar eggs, wasps, well, a little bit of lemurs, and america - it's still a lion, but i want to remind you that in general, in the animal world there is one rule that the leader, the wolf, the lion, the aging one misses once, that is, if he misses, like kipling, if... he fails, he is displaced, the jungle does not forgive him for this. in big politics, it’s not like that, if you imagine that the united states is this aging lion, this lion has already missed more than once, but the danger lies precisely in the fact that, if you look at today’s world, at what the americans are doing today , i’m not even talking
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about what margarita was talking about, about these are perfect. humane attacks on civilians carried out by american weapons, but look what they are doing today in the middle east, this aging lion rushes at everyone, believing that he still has the strength to wage these endless wars on everything for everyone directions to win everywhere, the danger of these attacks lies in two aspects: well... firstly, the world has changed a lot, and today, paradoxically, this lion, attacking, as it seems to him, caterpillars, called the houthis caterpillars, individuals they called the iranians there and so on, listen, iran, according to the latest data, has 15 types of missiles in all categories,
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that is, these are short, medium, long range of all types of ground-based - air -based - water-based, and these missiles today are able to cause colossal damage to itself large army in the world, the second danger , that is, it is always a big war, defeating these players today is a big task, including a military task, but the danger is that this aging lion really, as you said, can to set fire to such a war in the world, as... margarita said, i want to remember putin’s words in tula about patriotism and scoundrels, well, two words, you know, this phrase
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that patriotism is the refuge of scoundrels, well, literally the last refuge of scoundrels , it has been known since the 18th century, the plane is known jackson, johnson, a very popular english literary critic and politician at that time, said this phrase, he was, he was called the british socrates. for the aphorism of his expressions, that’s what i want to say, it’s been studied, you know, from top to back , from right to left this phrase, a huge amount of literature has been written , the meaning of this phrase is that scoundrels use patriotism to cause damage to their country, and the author also put this meaning in, i’m not sure, but i’m not sure, i seriously studied this the question is even more interesting, this is... if you like, the last straw that can pull out even a soul that hates the light, love for the homeland, this is also a well-known interpretation, moreover, that is
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, he just meant this, yes that only love for the motherland is the last thing, that something human can be revived in the soul in the soul of samuel’s contemporaries, what some english guy said, i’ll now explain what the meaning is, but our liberals, when they took over...
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under this guise they do whatever they want, such there are, well, of course, there are always people who hide behind love for the motherland, patriotism, and who abuse something, but this cannot undermine the very idea of ​​love for the motherland, that’s what’s important, that’s what we must understand, that’s why someone is trying slander love for the motherland, yes, he either doesn’t understand that he
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does, is replenished with articles that certain actions aimed at undermining the security of the country in the form of fakes, in the form of calls, they will not only be punished, as it was today, according to criminal rules, according to the rules of the criminal code, but will be accompanied by confiscation of property if this property was used as an instrument of this crime, and vyacheslav nikorovich volodin, whom it makes sense to congratulate today on his anniversary. the leader of belarus, who called them
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vile, yes, yes, this is the law of vile ones, that’s it here i want to draw your attention to one , as it seems to me, very important circumstance, you know, remember in your time the authorities through the mouth of gorky, addressing cultural figures, said, with whom are you masters of culture, this is the authorities, so... said, and today it seems to me that society says who you are with, well, masters of culture, well, relatively speaking, i’m not just talking about just masters of culture, in general , you are people in power, you are public people, you are writers, you are all those who are in the public space , who are you with, are you with us, here we are the majority, we are people, or you are against us, this is the law on scoundrels that the state duma adopted, this... we didn’t come up with, this is a response to that message, that signal that is coming from society today, moreover, count back 3 years ago, and
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you will see, that some kind of opposition, opposition, dislike for the country, it was an armor that protected a person, a writer, an artist, or a director who said: listen, you want to reproach me for something, because i am an oppositionist, because i criticize you, don't touch, and we sank in front this is what society said, well, a creative person, he has the right, all of a sudden. you know, in just 2 years this has changed dramatically, we are under pressure from people who say: be patriots, defend your country, we will elect putin, these people say, they have no doubt about it, this change happened in our eyes, when the request for patriotism does not come from the authorities, the request for patriotism comes from society, from the people, this is a colossal change that
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accompanies this... challenge that we are talking about we're talking today. does she really read minds or not? premiere, anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee. she has special gifts. who do you look at all the time? well, here's the girl. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter. and do you know who the killer is? yes. just watch without amateur performances. stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, watch it before everyone else, in the app or on the website.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. russia is traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great,
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so different. but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. thank you very much, indeed everything is so, except for one small correction, and 3 years ago society did not say that this is a creative person, he is allowed, and 3 years ago society was indignant, it was silent, as always happens, people are dumb, they probably didn’t hear him that way, or they didn’t listen to him, as attentively as they listen now due to obvious circumstances, and 3 years ago it was noticeable to everyone, all these...


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