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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 5, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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universities, it is important that more people have the opportunity to purchase organic products, and what is very important, it is necessary to ensure their availability for the mass buyer. these were footage from mikhail mishustin’s meeting with deputy prime ministers. now let's take a break for a couple of minutes and then continue.
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i welcome everyone who has joined us, the fifth studio is on air, the place where we traditionally have the opportunity to look at what is happening around the event, a little more closely than the dry news format allows, the lpr ministry of health talked about injured condition. this is reported by the
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regional minister of health natalya pashchenko. at the same time, the lpr obbudsman states that he will send data on the shelling of lesechansk by the ukrainian armed forces about the victims to the un and the international committee of the red cross. what could be the answer and is it worth waiting for it at all ? we’ll also talk about this with radion miroshnik. radion valerievich, hello. yes, hello. what do you think, taking into account the fact that weapons from western weapons, taking into account the experience of all the last almost ten years, should we expect the un or the international red cross to at least pay attention to this story? you know, here we are talking about the fact that we are fulfilling our mission, in this case , the foreign ministry will take all the steps necessary in order to involve all international platforms where there will be...
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the cover of those performers who carried out these bloody , bloody acts, so now we are determining the immediate step of action, believe me, they will literally, i think, in the coming hours, we will be able to declare how, on what international platforms steps will be taken, now we have analyzed and are observing the entire situation that is unfolding, and you know, now we can talk about a certain series, just a series of bloody acts, and... over
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the last, well, what is 35 days, a little more, a little more than a month, this includes the events in belgorod, where 25 people died, an attack on a textile worker in donetsk. where 27 died, now, probably, the largest mass death, well, a little more people died in lisichansk, this is 28 people, that is, in total, if we take our numbers, then it turns out that just from the beginning of the year, even without belgorod, we have 108 people, we have killed civilians, two of them have died children, about 400 people , about 400 people in total were injured, and if we take belgorod with the attack on donetsk. which happened literally on the eve of the new year holidays, then this number is already somewhere around 150 people died and more than 500 were seriously injured, therefore you know, purposeful actions, deliberate actions, and in all these events we highlight, you know, these are the same
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features, let’s take belgoro, belgorod, donetsk, lisechansk, the incidents occurred on weekends, they would... and then , when people are free from doing work and heading somewhere in the city center, this all happened, the blows were struck at a time when the largest number of people in these places, and these are the places of the most massive visits, and foreign production was involved everywhere weapons, that is these were czech rszzo, and nato 155-caliber shells, now these were american rszzo ha , at least according to the preliminary data provided by the russian investigative committee, so here we are talking about absolute consistent deliberate actions, which are designed to causing harm specifically to the civilian population, that is, absolute disregard for international humanitarian law, and all this is being done by ukraine, but by
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the way, about humanitarian law and about the reaction of ukraine, actually according to data the investigative committee was beaten from hymers and 28 people died, one child. this is the first reaction that appeared from ukraine, not social networks, but after all what they call the military-civil administration, it was said that collaborators gathered there, on saturday collaborators gathered in the bakery, and accordingly, well in general, obviously from this we draw a conclusion, well, why not hit them, apparently this same child, a five-year-old who died, he is also a collaborator, and this is not ukraine at all it’s confusing, well, ukraine then... under the pressure of information pressure under which the vast majority of people are, they either remain silent, but because they do not understand the dangers that will follow if they express their opinion, or they relate to this category of neo-nazis, they accepted neo-nazi ideology, just in
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the context when we are freeing you from this chimera of conscience, so to say, when a pregnant mother dies in this incident , a five-year-old girl dies along with her, then... you know, it’s somehow very difficult, i can’t help but call them collaborators or attribute them to militants or something else, but the ukrainian side does it very easily, so they can explain their crime with anything at all , you know, despite all the fabrications and insinuations, the blow to lesichansk was delivered to one of the central objects, because the front-line cities, they are not rich in places of mass visitation, suffered greatly during the hostilities, and lesichansk is located on the line practically combat contact has been going on for, well, almost a year and a half, probably even a little more, there they are rebuilding the full infrastructure, restoring housing, but it’s going very very poorly, because the distance to lisichansk from the front line
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is only about 10 km, ukrainian side - commits these acts with enviable regularity, that is, they strike at infrastructure, and... they strike at hospitals, they strike at education, at educational facilities, so here, you know, to foresee that at 2:00 in the afternoon, on saturday, and there in the number of places where there is a bakery, a cafe, that place, which are located in the city center, to foresee that there will be peaceful people there, listen, but for this not neither intelligence information nor any kind of foresight was needed, that is, it was perfectly clear that when they struck, that there would be civilians there. now , given that this is a front-line city, there could also be those people there who are the same military people who went on vacation, or people involved as part of their work, because who do they call collaborators, that is, you know, this is such an extensible concept, especially in the ukrainian
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interpretation, that it would fall under it, if on the other hand, then almost all of ukraine, almost all institutions that have them, because there, if you look at what is happening on that... here the head of the regime, mr. zelensky, in an interview said that there is a shortage of ammunition at the front and that the west must, for obvious reasons, immediately give this ammunition to kiev, because otherwise angry russia will go and conquer everyone, we have heard this a thousand times. in the context of lesechansk, there is not enough ammunition at the front, and khaimer. now we’re not in 2020, when they called children hymers and it seemed like
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there were so many weapons in ukraine that you could just shoot in all directions and immediately defeat russia. now, as it turns out, from the words of zelensky himself, they are saving a lot, but nevertheless, it is not a pity to shoot at the bakery, such an important goal, you know, it seems to me that it is precisely at the level of the political leadership of ukraine, this signal or order was given. armed formations to strike and strike quite densely at civilian structures and crowded places , completely ignoring any norms that are supposed, you know, prohibited forms and methods of war, this is what ukraine completely ignores, so the signal comes from the very top, and the number of arrivals at civil structures, we are not seeing a decrease in them; on the contrary, an increase, at least over the past 24 hours, only in donetsk people's republic was released. more than 330 ammunition, which for the average is
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about twice as high, on average we record that per week, for civilians, only civil structures, only civilian objects, cities, settlements, about 2.0 ammunition are fired at them on the ukrainian side, strikes are carried out mainly on residential buildings, but on hospitals, educational institutions, and places where civilians go, so this is the number. rszzo from various different manufacturers, there there are long-range missiles
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, there are also hymers, which, in particular, is an example that we now have in polisichansk, so ukraine has reoriented, it is trying to feed its radical minority, which dictates the conditions in ukraine, it has reoriented to ensure that these victories are already transfer from the battlefield, transfer to civilian objects, that is , literally feed the blood of civilians to our own.
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prohibited within the framework of international law , that is, what is fundamentally humanitarian law, that is, in whatever form there were no medical units, they always enjoy respect and protection, but you see, no, no international law is simply written for the ukrainian side, therefore, there is only one way to defend yourself, simply by destroying the military.
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it’s obvious that they were also waiting at home , they were supposed to exchange them, they didn’t wait, but in general , kiev doesn’t bother either, and it doesn’t bother that there are relatives who are sitting and can ask questions, or maybe these questions won’t be asked , you know, during the period still, when yushchenko was pestered by the president of ukraine , then such an expression as political expediency appeared, but when there is
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political expediency that dictates the need for some kind of next hype, then... here the ukrainian regime is ready to sacrifice both its citizens and its military, that’s what actually was demonstrated at one time in elenovka, when more than 50 people, even those whom they extolled directly, such unsurpassed knights who were then at azovstal, here are the azov militants, there more than 50 people, they died, then no one was embarrassed that they struck at the pre-trial detention center in which they were located, in which they were examined, which were visited...
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responsibility, and from the customer to the direct perpetrator of this crime, but then here on the part of russia , such a step forward was taken, because we need it, that is, we care, we have a main priority, these are our military personnel who are in captivity in ukraine, that is, our task is by various methods, using the entire arsenal that us today it is available to take these guys home,
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that is, first of all, we care about the fact that our guys are waiting at home, but our guys have mothers here. children, wives, these are the ones who are waiting for them, and we cannot simply leave anyone of our own in captivity of the ukrainian regime, because we know in what conditions our soldiers are kept, we know what measures the kiev regime is taking not only towards the military, but to their own prisoners of conscience, even according to our data, somewhere more than 10 thousand people are now ukrainian citizens prisoners of conscience are they in sbu prisons, in secret prisons, in unofficial places of detention, and which ones?
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as a political opponent, who today has a higher rating than zelensky, he would very much like to appoint him to this position, as far as he is guilty of what he is guilty, zaluzhny, we in no way exclude him from the list of war criminals, he is one of the highest military criminals who are on the ukrainian side, he sits in the same dock where zelensky should sit, but now these are political games going on inside, zelensky is trying to somehow instill responsibility in himself, but here you need to pay attention to... by doing so , the americans are simply sending a return signal, saying that zelensky, you will continue to be responsible for the decision made, hangs on you, as on the head of this
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state formation, and responsibility for those crimes that occurred, for the failed military operations that were failed by the ukrainian side, there are both military and political segments, in equal shares they will be held responsible for this, and you know, this is according to...
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russian technologists, probably, who are trying to deliver the latest developments to military medical units, we are working in the medical field, right now one is being tested on the basis of an airmobile hospital in the lpr one of the devices is the plasmatron, which is aimed at maximizing the disinfection of wounds, well, at least according to the doctor, this reduces it by half. terms of recovery or healing of wounds, that is, getting rid of those infections that are wounded because, well , the atmosphere on the front line is clearly not sterile, and
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therefore we are moving quite actively in these directions, in principle, we now understand that many medical institutions on the front line in the front-line zone, they need technological support, and we need digital x-ray machines, we need surgical tables, that is, whole... medical devices, which in reality are in short supply, including high consumption, so this is our support, we see feedback, we see there is a great need, and of course we would like to increase our capacity in this sense, because the state machine is not always able to cover this, we are glad that a number of areas that we started, they have now already moved into the budgetary sphere, and we are not on them we use the money that comes to us from our volunteers, from those who support the fund, and help ours. thank you. thank you very much radion valeryich, thank you very much for answering our questions, all that remains to be added is that indeed those who are now directly in the combat zone, i mean civilians who, for one
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reason or another.
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gymnasiums are happy about the event, because now there is enough space for all the gymnasium students, there are almost 2.0 of them. the new building opened its doors to students in january of this year, two floors, 5,000 additional square meters, 12 classrooms and a canteen with 372 seats. in the old building, our restaurant was designed for 80 seats, and this is one of the main problems, the children simply did not have time to eat. also in our new building professional gym 18x30 meters. which meets all standards, i am probably the happiest person, because in the privolovsky district this hall is definitely one of the best, the children, teachers, designer renovations, the courtyard where the skating rink is now, recreation areas for teachers and students are happy, the mood is just positive assessment, i think that this is the best school in all of tatarstan, the new block is even better than the old one, the dining room is very tasty, there is a large hall, and this is already the second floor,
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there is a recreation area for children, there is table football and even table tennis, now played by the champion of this school, the tenth grade, and a little further there is an area where they play chess, and they made the chess with their own hands. over the past 10 years, kazan has become a leader in the construction of social infrastructure among cities with a population of over a million in the regions. during this time , 90 gardens, 25 schools, 18 cultural centers, five hospitals and 16 clinics, 23 sports complexes, a total of 177 facilities were built in the city. by the beginning of 2023. but kazan residents do not stop there, these days the construction of three more schools has begun, which will ready by september 1, 2024 , for a total of 400 people, we are the absolute leader in russia in terms of the number of social facilities commissioned, with the exception of moscow and st. petersburg, but this is a subject
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of the russian federation, we set... ourselves a task and planning projects, we are making residential, new microdistricts with the obligatory amount of necessary social infrastructure. we have reserved 63 plots for new schools and about 134 new kindergartens . we have a baby boom, we try to match him, keep up, keep up with our young parents. the construction of new schools and kindergartens in kazan is proceeding at an accelerated pace; she has already adapted to it. areas for extracurricular activities equipped with new equipment, modern design solutions and professional gyms, this is how kazan now welcomes schoolchildren; already in 2026, 200,000 children will sit at school desks. maya shvetsova, alexander reshotkin, lead tatarstan.
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vladimir putin ordered the extension of far eastern mortgages to special operation fighters without restrictions on age and marital status. the president gave this instruction following a working trip to the arkhangelsk region. he visited the region in december last year. in addition, vladimir putin ordered an increase to 9 million rubles. maximum loan amount within. eastern and arctic mortgages. this applies to the purchase of secondary housing or a house with a plot of land in mongorod. the area of ​​the property must exceed 60 km. the president's order must be completed by march 1. three victims of the shelling of lesechansk remain in serious condition. about this was reported today by the ministry of health of the lugansk people's republic. i'll remind you, i'll be up on saturday.


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