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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 5, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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vladimir putin ordered the extension of far eastern mortgages to special operation fighters without restrictions on age and marital status. the president gave this instruction following a working trip to the arkhangelsk region. he visited the region in december last year. in addition, vladimir putin ordered an increase to 9 million rubles. the maximum loan size within the far eastern and arctic. mortgages this applies to the purchase of secondary housing or a house with a plot of land in a single-industry town. the area of ​​the property must exceed 60 m2. the president's order must be completed by march 1. three victims of the shelling of lesechansk remain in serious condition. this was reported today by the ministry of health of the lugansk people's republic. let me remind you that on saturday the ukrainian armed forces dealt a powerful blow to the city. a local bakery was under fire. dad. according to the latest
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data, 28 people died, including a child. another 10 people were injured from the lpr , reporting by svyatoslav dolgachev. those injured as a result of the treacherous ukrainian shelling are in hospitals throughout the republic, six of them are in the lugansk clinical hospital. they were provided with timely assistance, all necessary operations were carried out, and the patients were largely helped thanks to that help. which other regions of the country provided to the luhansk region, unfortunately, the condition of at least a couple of people is assessed as extremely serious, some of them continue to be even unconscious, but with those who have already started to recover, psychologists are physically working with them. let's hope that the prognosis will be favorable for all our patients, already one of the patients will be transferred from the intensive care unit this morning.
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the region is mourning, the entire lugansk region is mourning, the capital of the republic is in lugansk, civilians continue to bring flowers in memory of the victims, the memorial to the victims of ukrainian aggression has become a point of attraction, all of russia is mourning in the neighboring region of the rostov region, a message of condolences was launched at the football stadium, activists in moscow too... have already joined in the condolences and also laid flowers in memory of those killed as a result of the attack by ukrainian militants on bakery. as a result, according to information at the end of the search and rescue work, 28 people died, the impact was so strong that the walls and concrete floors were literally torn out of the building, what remained of the building was the foundation, which was partly from a two-story building, it turned into a one-story building, people found themselves...
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under with rubble, and such density that it was literally impossible to breathe under them, presumably the attack was carried out by two western -made missiles of the khaimer missile system, this shelling of lesichansk was not the only one, even during this month, ukrainian militants regularly attack front-line cities, and lesichansk is no exception, and naturally these attacks are carried out mainly on crowded areas. svyatoslav dolgachev, nikolai pyrkh, magomed bashir aliev, maria bulgakov. sukharevsky, lead lugansk, lesechansk. the leader of the kiev regime publicly confirmed for the first time that he plans to dismiss the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , zaluzhny. zelensky stated this in an interview with the italian tv channel rai. according to him , changes are planned not only in the military sphere. restart frame update supposedly affect the entire leadership of the country. earlier, western media reported that zelensky suggested that the losers resign. but washington did not approve of the ukrainian president’s decision. the dutch yandex nv will sell
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the yandex business for 475 billion rubles to a consortium of russian investors and will cease to be the parent company. of the total amount, the equivalent of 230 billion rubles will be paid in yuan outside russia. this was reported on the it giant's website. the new parent company will be an international joint stock company yandex, a private independent organization whose shares will be traded on the moscow stock exchange. yandex will retain almost all assets. yandex nv group except for foreign startups and a data center in finland. the transaction parameters take into account the standard requirement for a discount of at least 50%. yandex invida will change its name on july 31 and will stop using russian yandex brands. a criminal case was initiated after the crash of a helicopter of the ministry of emergency situations in karelia. the crash site of the mi-8 was discovered on lake nizhskoye, 11 km from the shore. divers and an underwater drone joined the search falcon. there were three members on board the emercom helicopter. bad weather, crew error or
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equipment failure. sochi is struggling with the consequences of overnight rain and storm, and is also preparing for a new attack of bad weather. a storm warning has been issued for the region. due to the movement of soil in the city, the main water pipeline was damaged. the water supply is limited on ten streets in the khostinsky district. almost all slopes for skiers are closed due to thunderstorms of squally winds and the danger of avalanches. train traffic is disrupted. dashel sat down on the stretch.
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stated that these strikes will not go unanswered. meanwhile, us secretary of state antony blinken went on another middle east tour. the head of the state department plans to discuss with representatives of arab countries an end to the conflict in the gas sector and warn them that the states will protect their personnel and the right to freedom of navigation in the red sea. american tv presenter tucker carlson talked with a fan in a moscow hotel. he noted that he liked the russian capital, and he was interested in communicating with its residents and seeing how everything works.
11:07 am
bank for business, what is it like? suitable for the scale of my business, but is it suitable for a smaller business? of course it’s suitable, but for you? profitable, that's the point of business. vtb is a bank for your business. they told me that
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you will dance with this house of culture. well, let’s dance together and everyone who wants to sing in the renovated cultural center in the city of orekhovo-zoevo. 1200 renovated and new recreation centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people. five actions of oralcept for sore throat for adults and children from 3 years of age. bank for each what day is it? skinny. what do you think? what will the younger generation say? cool! vtb is your bank for every day. than many tasks , your break is filled with viklanch, meat sauce, sytin, hot, fills life with joy, one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, cool video, how high the speed is, and what wide coverage, where are we, where no one
11:09 am
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will the younger generation say, cool, vtb is your bank for every day, the first rule of hunting, it is... the second rule of hunting: the prey goes to the one who pursues it, a new hunting game, draw every 15 minutes, the main trophy starts from 20 million. hunt, test your instinct, 100 lotto. at the megamarket you will always find something to give to your loved ones, especially during the holiday sale. for example, mascara eyelashes in sanor for only 3,850 rubles. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. bionic prostheses, this is very difficult, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong. continue.
11:11 am
hands, but no one knows who will take the heavenly trophy, games of the future, subscribe , watch the broadcast on social networks. bank for business, what is it like? suitable for the scale of my business, but is it suitable for a smaller business? of course it’s suitable, but for you? profitable, that's the point of business. vtb is a bank for your business.
11:12 am
late sunday evening, don't be alarmed, they good, kind, the only time in the whole week when about big politics, you will see footage that was not seen anywhere, let's do it, i 'm not against it, i'm for it. petersburg, moscow, tula. the president’s working week followed this route. in the northern capital, vladimir putin held a meeting of the supreme state council of the union state of russia and belarus, and then met with the governor of the city and the head of the leningrad region. moscow also has a busy schedule. working meeting, meetings on the development of new regions, opening modern student campuses participate in the first movement convention. all the details of the president's work can be seen before anyone else.
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unsaturated with events, but what does this mean for us, that now our viewers will see much more than others, you know that we are in crimea with you, we will have to make our way to washington, we will make our way there, if i were not sure that in our country, the vast majority of our citizens think like you? i wouldn’t do anything in crimea, but i was sure that the crimeans and all of russia wanted this
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returning to their homeland, just as the overwhelming majority of people want to help donbass, do not want to throw people under the wheels of these neo-nazis, we are doing what people expect from us, so-called liberal people have long pasted this stamp, patriotism is the refuge of scoundrels, because they appear. the homeland, that’s what’s important, that’s what we must understand, that’s why someone is trying to slander love for the homeland, yes, he either doesn’t understand what he’s doing, or he’s doing it deliberately to order. our enemy, love for the motherland itself is a very bright feeling, like not loving your homeland
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, it’s the same as not loving your family, not loving your mother, your children, the same with the homeland, there are things that should be laid directly in the subcortex, although this is what is now what happens is that historical russia has risen, it still shows that we have a foundation of education and it is quite strong and so solid, all this foam that is always present. it is slowly, slowly washed away. if we do nothing, if we do not protect our people in the donbass, in the kherson region, zaporozhye there, we won’t help, we would abandon people in crimea, what has it become? in the end , our country will turn into a decrepit , not self-sufficient, really useless country to anyone, who from the outside would stroke our heads patronizingly and give us rotten potatoes as humanitarian aid, and at the same time we would always think about what and how to chop off, but we it’s all right before my eyes for these two decades, i’ve been watching
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what’s happening, the speeches are sweet, good, but everyone is thinking of taking a bite here, taking a bite here, create such rules in the world... economy so as to extinguish all our competitive advantages, but if we don’t want to leave such a decrepit, useless country, we don’t want to doom our children to feel like second-class citizens, of course, we will not in no case then should we abandon our people either in the crimea, there or in novorussia and the donbass, we must make our country self-sufficient, this is the main manifestation of sovereignty, if we think about the future, in which country our children will live, what?
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about their nationwide support, i understand how important this is and i try very hard to help with something, we are trying to knit socks, 3 million letters were sent to our soldiers on
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the front line, people who do not feel sorry for themselves, 4000 books were collected for their peers. sent to donbass and novorossiya, these are all very specific, absolutely tangible things, the vast majority of citizens of our country, with the army, with the navy, the basis of the foundations of our success, because it is this unity, what the guys have behind their backs, they, feeling this support, of course, is acquired new forces in order to carry out the most difficult and dangerous tasks that they perform for the people who are now fighting.
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to the victims, what is called the armed forces of ukraine, it has turned, of course, into such a terrorist organization, they are shooting at ambulances, you know, i remember a year ago, the interception was simple, when the armored vehicles of the armed forces of ukraine tried to enter donetsk, interception, just tankers among themselves they are talking over the communication system in the tanks, a local resident came out of the house, he has a family there, there are
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children running around somewhere, one of the tank crews, a soldier in the ssu, took him and shot him, and he came out in... a tracksuit, the second one asked him, why did you do that? a man in a tracksuit just came out of the house, he has a family in his house, you can hear the children answering: yes, they are all terrorists here, he just shot him like that, it pains me to talk about this now, but i’ll still say, that’s when we have units they withdrew from the kharkov region, we know what was going on there, what these scum were doing, but only the nazis could do this. that's what it's all about, that's who we're dealing with, what this is like neo-nazism, this is shooting at medical personnel in medical vehicles, it’s like a dryer...
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i would like to resolve the issue of our drivers, medical staff, doctors, filsher, orderlies receive a special payment, but drivers do not, but they they are risking their lives with us , we know what kind of burden lies on you on the medical staff of these territories as a whole, you are all heroes and heroes there, this is absolutely absolutely, of course, this question is about drivers, we...
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are on the battlefield, and ukraine is in will achieve very serious success this year. well, first of all, i of course, i would prefer not to comment on ms. noland, i think it would be better for my colleagues from the ministry
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of foreign affairs to do this, and secondly, as a rule, victorialand’s visit to kiev does not end well, we remember this from 1914 , when she handed out pies , now it’s exactly 10 years, by the way, just yes, yes, yes, you see how she, yes, regularly comes there, but as for surprises, you know, to put it in a word... she continues to provoke the kiev regime to continue the war, this is in no way cannot influence the course of special military operation, this in no way can affect the outcome of a special military
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operation, all goals will be achieved, the americans are making the ukrainians sicker, the americans are making sure that more ukrainians die, it is the americans who are doing this, the plane is shot down, this has already been established exactly by the american patriot system, this the examination has already established, this is the first, second, the ukrainian authorities somewhere defended the phrase that they would like to conduct an international investigation, we ask for this , we insist that an international investigation be carried out investigation, there are no volunteers from international organizations, so i officially take this opportunity, officially say, we ask you to send international experts and conduct this analysis, evaluate the available material evidence that the plane was shot down by the patriot system from a specific location. specific time, i already said, at 11:10 two launches were made from the territory controlled by the ukrainian authorities, whether this will stop the exchanges or not, we will not stop the exchanges, we need
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to pick up our guys, if the ukrainian side, of course, to i’m ready for this, they always give us a signal that they are ready, well, ready, please, it ’s their business, what to do with their military personnel, why they did it, i don’t know, i don’t understand, you can still imagine why they are shelling peaceful cities, there are several... the goal is to divert the attention of the sponsors' own population from the failures of the so-called counter-offensive, to show that they can do something, to provoke us into retaliatory mirror actions for attacks on civilian and peaceful targets on the territory of ukraine itself , what concerns the fact that they shot down a plane where their servicemen were, but i don’t have an answer, i won’t even guess, in any case , this is also a crime, we know there is a fear that this will negatively affect... sponsors will be given less money, but they’re trying to hush everything up, look what’s there in the west, nothing, just everything,
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i forget everything at once. tourno was convex in order to justify the increase in expenses, you know, the allocation of 50 billion, on the one hand, for the eu this is an amount, well , not very serious, on the other hand it’s everything equally noticeable against the backdrop of the crisis phenomena that are manifesting themselves in the economies of the european union countries, what is germany, this is the economic engine of the european union, and entire sectors of the german economy will lose their attractiveness and competitiveness, and of course, against this background, it is best to distract
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attention by creating some kind of
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recession , failure, collapse, that under the pressure of sanctions we will retreat, give up, fall apart, i want to show a well-known gesture, i won’t do this, there are a lot of girls here, nothing will work out for them, we have the highest indicator for the entire history of the country in housing construction, more than 110 million square meters of housing were built, this has never happened before, but we did it. does she really read minds or not? the premiere, anna ostrovskaya, the investigative committee, she has a special talent, but who would you all watch , well, the girl is worth a salary, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know who to kill? yes, just watch without doing anything on your own, stand still, don’t
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move! for some reason i believe you, ann medium, watch it before everyone else, in the app or on the website, we will take up this matter. this will be an honest detective.
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there’s no point in taking such risks, don’t you understand this, i want to be like my mother, ice three, soon! let's translate it from clerical to understandable, it's not so scary.


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