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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 5, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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find a property, submit just one application for a mortgage in the domclick service, that’s it, we’re not going on vacation, but i won in stickermany, it’s all for plus points, lisa, i bought a chiiken example in a delicious one. my daughter scanned the code in the application and won a million yandex plus points, believe it or not, a million points and millions of other prizes under the stickers in the application are delicious, period.
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this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. kiev had already buried him, but that was not the case. legendary drone operator moses is alive and well. prepared a combat shift to continue counting the destroyed militants. new foreign mercenaries are already in ukraine. the raiders of the us marine corps battalion are the elite of the american troops. what they forgot in ukraine, and how long they will stay visiting. there is no place for pure athletes there. a group of venture billionaires will promote sponsorship of the olympics on doping. why even hold such competitions? kyiv executioners torture political prisoners. the british guardian writes about torture in ukrainian prisons, why this article was published right now and who benefits from repressing pro-russian ukrainians. drugged, and now
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hooked on a needle. in ukrainian rehabilitation clinics, drying patients are given ketamine drips. it is zelenskaya who is begging from western partners in berlin. the statement about the death of our group is “a lie, everyone is alive and everything is fine with everyone.” this is how the russian hole-maker with the pompous moses responded to the insinuations of ukrainian propaganda, which had previously declared him supposedly dead, and at the same time hastened to bury several of his comrades and celebrated without attracting a grandiose success, since we were talking about the very same drone operators who had been terrorizing the landowners on the dnieper for months, if anyone hadn’t seen it yet, for example, only a small part of their exploits, the filigree drops of the copters sent a total of dozens of enemy boats to the bottom of the river together with hundreds... of personnel, including
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special forces. in turn, the kiev regime a couple of days ago was absolutely sure that control over moses’ team had finally been found, they say, they were able to calculate the location to deliver an accurate strike, that is, they were presented everything is as if now our baplaa’s hunt for enemy watercraft has stopped, the enemy himself will feel as at ease as possible. however, as it became clear, those in the know were happy in vain to reveal the details, anton potkovenko is ready, anton, hello, well, right now moses himself is continuing. i welcome you to work, well, now he is being treated in the hospital, and moses’ work is continued by a worthy replacement, which he has already prepared, then the legendary drone pilot, of course, will return to his combat post. legendary drone pilot, moses is alive, no matter how hard the kiev propaganda that a group of our fighters, hundreds of all-in-arms in combat, was allegedly destroyed, nothing of the kind. here is a video from the hospital, they write that moses was wounded, but it’s obvious, you can see it, he feels confident, it shows. victoria’s sign, and
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ukrosmi was so happy with other videos, a blow struck at the observation post of our backyard guide, supposedly his entire group was destroyed, but no, here is moses’ statement in his telegram channel, the group is alive, and i quote, everyone is fine, health, recovery and rapid, which means entry into service according to that the simple reason is that such people do not remain in civilian life, they want to help the front, operator? “the uav moses, a fighter with truly phenomenal performance, knocked out more than thirty boats of the ukrainian armed forces, destroyed about half a thousand kiev militants. this is how it happens: the ukrainian armed forces are trying to transport troops from the right bank of the dnieper to the left, a well-aimed strike from the drone and that’s it, the boat sank , and if at least someone swims, then a second strike cannot be avoided . knows his stuff. he teaches people the job, passes on his
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experience, he has a very rich combat experience, whether it’s a tank or a boat, they run away immediately, when they see an fpv, they can’t do anything, they either jump off the boat, or... they leave with the boat to the bottom, if he has experience, like, say, my whole thing, then it won’t be difficult, just like for me, just like my whole thing, you can always hit the moving target. moses writes that, of course, he is not yet in service, but there are combat crews, fighters who have been trained, so wait for new materials, in fact, this is exactly how he writes, imagine what kind of shift moses has prepared, and there are enough people willing, in the conditions of thousands.
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pilots on boats using ukrainian armed forces equipment, wherever they go. drone pilot moses and his disciples, as they beat and will continue to beat the enemy, like thunder from the february sky. antom podkalenko and the drone drivers who are unstoppable. within 24 hours , russian troops repelled a ukrainian armed forces network in the okupinsky direction of the special operation, two in krasnolimansky, the same number in donetsk and another in yuzhnodonetsk. cumulative enemy losses in the listed sectors of the front amounted to over 800 people alive. forces, reports from the front line from special ambulance stanislav nazarov. the crews of the heavy flamethrower systems tos 1a solntsepeg of the southern group of troops approach the line of combat contact in the dark. during operation of the installation
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, oxygen is burned, forming. we look at those around us, we see how passers-by, our children, adults smile at us,
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take off their hats, bend over, we understand that we are here for a reason, and people are waiting for us and believe in us while the crews are preparing to attack the positions of ukrainian militants,
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new firing positions. stanislav nazarov, vtalnovich, andrey rudanko, lead donbass. the face is covered with war paint, the hand clutches a chewed-up rag, and the legs begin a ritual dance. amazing footage from the uk, where ukrainian armed forces soldiers are apparently being trained, including by new zealand instructors. and this, of course, is the case when you need to not only watch, but also listen.
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well, what can i say, color is definitely not the thing of virgo smeeva, national tradition is the last thing, but it arises a logical question is how the screams, guttural growls and dances of maoria will help ukrainian fighters directly on the front line or in the rear, if a caliber arrives there, a suitable answer, to be honest. was not found, but the collective west seems to be confident that such training is critically needed. on the other hand, it cannot be ruled out that the nato masters, in principle , have given up on training knowledgeable servants and are going to make a bid for their own personnel, in particular, not far from the contact line, presumably they have already been spotted interesting touring acts from the usa, not at all like banal low-grade mercenaries. stanislav bernval found out who they are. stanislav, hello, why is it that the elite of the western troops have arrived? hello, alexey, but once upon a time they... were elites, now they are ordinary veterans, who, apparently, got bored at home, wanted to share their experience, so they came to
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die in ukraine, in ukraine it’s like honey is smeared on them, whoever doesn’t fight there , whoever doesn’t teach there, whoever doesn’t study there themselves, the next guest performers were spotted on territory of ukraine not so long ago, serious guys, professionals, what functions are assigned to them in ukraine, let’s try to figure it out. so, judging by the chevrons, these are sea raiders, they are us special operations forces, they are trained. participate in reconnaissance missions both within the united states and outside the states, direct covert covert attacks on enemy targets, and against terrorist groups. are these not the elite wars, but are they the elite wars they claim to be? this chevron, specifically, yes, it is not no doubt has anything to do with the marine corps raider regiment, but it was used during...
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at home in the usa, the training of the fighters of this unit is taken seriously, the initial training course lasts as long as 9 months, at each of these stages of training , candidates for marine raiders face difficult physical and mental tests, but our guys are far from being fools. well, let’s talk about the training of our specialists, there is no doubt about it; i think they will be busy catching such saboteurs. we have much a bigger and better school, an instructor's room, a better school for special military operations forces, maybe somewhere earlier the navy seals were better equipped, but now our special forces are equipped at... a higher level. our intelligence, as practice shows, has learned to calculate foreign
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manpower very effectively. guys often nullify foreign mercenaries, even those located deep in the rear. a recent january example, french mercenaries who came under a massive attack by our troops, dozens of dead, many the wounded and also the elite. and so again the french foreign ministry summoned the russian ambassador because of the death of yet another french mercenary, whom macro... for some reason called humanitarian workers, judging by the hysteria, not two more mercenaries were killed, more, and these are not just ordinary fighters, since the president himself was so nervous, apparently, american... to study, i don’t think that they will be there ; the guest performers also came with humanitarian aid to fight to the death, blow themselves up with grenades, and, as they say, fight to the last, i think that they will most likely be use as instructors, some commanders, well, as practice shows, the ending
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of such stray riders is often sad, the romance quickly passes, smile. on the face of the elite american ranger gradually turns into a grimace of fear and pain and all that remains is to run, to run as quickly as possible to home, maybe it will be possible to return alive, but this is not certain. stanislav bernwald and the suicide squad. three russians were detained in crimea for planning a terrorist attack. as the fsb reported, they acted on instructions sbu and were preparing to blow up the car of one of the crimean officials. the suspects were found with a homemade bomb and everything needed to detonate it remotely. the detainees had already confessed to everything, i brought it in a gas boiler and subsequently transported it to the republic of crimea, after which the sbu officer was instructed to find a garage in this garage to equip a hiding place for this mine, i
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did so, it was intended. she - for the attack on the card from january 26 to february 1, we prepared for the terrorist attack, that is, we looked at the route of movement on the phone of this motorcade and were looking for a place to leave the cars. which will be needed for movement, after that we were detained by fsb officers. well, several more terrorist attacks were prevented thanks to the georgian special services. carriers who tried to introduce deadly cargo into russia were detained in tbilis; among the suspects were citizens of georgia, ukraine and armenia. elizaveta khramtsova found out who they worked for and what goals they pursued.
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they brought dangerous cargo in minivans that could easily be mistaken for tourist ones. cars and... buses , there are thousands of them on georgian roads, but each one carried explosives designed for a wide range of destruction, made by professionals, it can cause great destruction and kill many people, it was established that the explosive device contains military-grade c4 plastic explosive purpose, which can be activated using an electric detonator and a special timer. the total weight of the explosive reaches 14 kg. six units were also placed in containers. detonators and six units of special keys, the same number of electronic activation timers were installed in all six separate boxes of the explosive device, in which the activation time was already programmed. it is already known that they planned to deliver the explosives along the black sea coast from odessa to voronezh; they were transported to georgia in a car belonging to a citizen of ukraine through
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romania, bulgaria and turkey, and on january 19 the minivan aroused the suspicion of the georgian security forces working. at the sarpe checkpoint. it was planned that explosives would be sent to russia will be delivered through verkhniy lars, but, as noted by the georgian state security service, the organizers changed plans and decided to send a container with three explosive devices to russia, and leave the second container with three explosive devices in tbilisi. part of the cargo sent to russia was stopped at the moment when it was supposed to be brought across the border. perhaps this was an initiative of the ukrainian security forces, which they regularly do, and accordingly, since no one warned, the georgian authorities security officials detained him, perhaps even admitting that this was an explosive for use not on the territory of the russian federation, on the territory of georgia. this version is confirmed in tbilisi; they did not rule out that the organizers of the transportation of explosives could be planning terrorist attacks, including in georgia. local security officials believe that in this way the criminals wanted to involve georgians in their
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plans, shifting part of the responsibility for the explosions to tbilisi. at the same time, seven citizens of georgia, as well as one citizen. into politics andrei sharashidze, as often happens in ukraine, he came from business , was involved in food production, among other things, his political career did not work out, during the pandemic he actively met with
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potential voters, convinced people that he was born in ukraine, took pictures with kittens, but could not get elected to the local council , even promises to overcome the trouble , which affected not only odessa, but also reached the kiev offices, did not help, the biggest grief for any family is children who are drug addicts , the georgian security forces did not specify where shrashidze is and what he is doing. it is not known whether he participated in organizing terrorist attacks before, but it is obvious that in georgia the scheme according to which the kiev regime was already working was violated. a year and a half ago, through the same country, ukrainians delivered explosives to russia, which were used to organize a terrorist attack on the crimean bridge. the cargo was then delivered to georgia by sea, transported across the country and taken to russia, and then placed in the car of a man who believed that he was transporting plastic film.
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systems, this is how the organizers of the improved and expanded version see their mission olympic games, in which science will be at the forefront, athletes who use various methods of increasing performance are invited to join the competition, in other words, doping, including steroids, stimulants, growth hormones, in general, everything that is prohibited in professional sports , the games are said to be for athletes who are unlucky enough to win the genetic lottery but can demonstrate.
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offered in the name of science. the main rule is no rules. to hell with decubertin and his principles, philanthropists of the 21st century are entering the arena. a trio of eccentric billionaires came up with the idea of ​​pitting steroid mutants against each other to the delight of the public. peter thiel, considered a mistake for women to have suffrage, christian alger mayer, promoting psychedelic drugs to the masses and cryptocurrency enthusiast balaj. basan, in the spirit of modern oryolism, explains that their undertaking is for the sake of science and health.
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the competition will be open to all athletes, current and former professionals, as well as amateurs. they will allow athletes to improve own results, and will also enable scientists to develop new technologies for increasing life expectancy and healthy aging. so far, the improved olympics exists only in the form of an idea. even the list of disciplines has not been approved. most likely , we will be talking about personal, non-team events, where the use of chemistry will give the greatest increase in results and entertainment. the question is, why do the organizers need this? and if someone still needs this, then perhaps this is due to the need to raise the ratings of sports competitions, because without russians, and the ratings of many international sports competitions are rapidly falling, that is, i wrote about this in my articles that the olympics. rings are literally becoming cheaper, that is, the volume of sponsorship contracts is falling. now let’s try to estimate the depth of the yawning rabbit hole. over the years
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of the sport's existence, a huge database of prohibited substances has accumulated that improve the athlete's performance. peptide hormones that change the body’s chemistry, diuretics that help one fit into a weight category are now relevant, but and of course, the king of doping, anabolic steroids, thanks to which the athlete. gaining muscle mass at an unnatural rate, how much will this help improve results? well, for example, here’s a video from the games website. the young man claims that he broke usain bolt's record in the 100-meter dash, although he is embarrassed to show his face. this is the problem of athletes, yes, those who have not achieved in normal sports, some who could not withstand the competition, not having such talent and physical parameters, they did not achieve those results, but here... an opportunity, well, like their dreams, their ambitions to amuse, i think they will very easily recruit a huge number of teams
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that... people who want to take part in this. and what records will be trampled in weightlifting on steroids? another thing is whether sports fans will like such a spectacle? this is, for example, what athletes who abuse anabolic steroids look like; they rot alive, and also go crazy and their liver fails. and so big sport is not physical education, it’s injuries and mutilations, but here we get it tenfold simply. there will be very few olympic champions. the organizers say the health of each athlete will be monitored by doctors, but the very idea that everything is allowed puts the participant in a hopeless situation: if you want to win and get money, you will have to take the most expensive cocktails.
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the people who receive will become champions. unprecedented doses of doping, spectators are invited to watch how athletes kill themselves in the arenas, and you can generally forget about the aesthetics of women’s sports , ladies like these will perform, in general, a freak show to the death, history spins in a spiral, gladiator fights, here’s your first example , people of another varieties, slaves, fight, blood and so on, kill each other, then it became prohibited, morality, ethics arose... today, as if they had entered the robot-owning system, we offer the same thing legally, that’s what we’re talking about , the very thought is like this, it is criminal, in order to make this competition legal, it looks like there will be no winners at the chemistry olympiad, you either lost or ruined your health and until the next olympic cycle in quotes, god forbid, if the audience survives, but it seems not
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everyone this scares off, according to rumors a number of... athletes have already sent applications to participate in the competition and received approval from the organizers. evgenia, tishkavetsia steroid olympics. russia has requested an urgent meeting of the un security council in connection with the attack by the ukrainian armed forces on lisichansk. this was reported in the representation of our country to the world organization. earlier, the kremlin called the shelling of a bakery in lisichansk a monstrous terrorist act. as a result of the attack from the american mlrs, 28 people were killed, 10 more were killed. among the victims of the tragedy, the minister of emergency situations of the lugansk republic with details svyatoslav dolgachev. 28 people died as a result of the attack on lysechansk, among them the head of the republican ministry of emergency situations. the rescuers tried to the last to save their commander. he was a courageous man with an iron character and enormous fortitude. he defended the lugansk people's republic in the ranks of the people's militia. then he worked at the ministry of emergency situations of the lpr. for a year he headed the lesichansky
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state. fire and rescue squad, honest, direct, decent, this is how alexey poteleshchenko’s colleagues remember him, he was not afraid complex tasks were carried out by them , one of these in the shortest possible time from scratch, to create a regional ministry of emergency situations, that’s it, everyone leaves, the blow was so strong that the walls turned into a mass of concrete and iron, it’s hard to get people out from under such fragments , it’s even more difficult to survive, two deputies of the lisichansk city are on the list of dead...
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without changes , psychologists continue to work with patients, it is unknown how long the rehabilitation of these people will take, some seconds, i hear screams, and something hit me in the back, i i turn around, i'm crushed slabs, a lot of people there shouted: help, but we are all under the slabs ourselves. all of russia mourns along with the new but native region in moscow and lugansk, activists laid flowers in memory of the victims. dozens of local residents come to the spontaneous memorial at the site of the tragedy. svyatoslav dolgachev, mikhail ermishkin, nikita zhuravlev, nikolay pyrkh, magomed bashiraliev, andrey sukharevsky, ekaterina tehmanovich, vesti lugansk. lesechansk.


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