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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 5, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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there are already reviews from the dryers, they were surprised how quickly they were able to recover and return to the front line, indeed, in the world of hallucinations and the green president. anastasia ivanova, ukrainian datura. at the beginning of this hour, news from georgia, where a cargo of explosives intended for terrorist attacks in russia was detained; as it turned out, 14 kilos of plastic along with detonators and other components of homemade bombs were wanted to be transported from odessa to voronezh, and they chose the most difficult route, including through territories several countries of the european union, but it was not possible to bring the criminal plan to the finale, and moreover, it is already known who exactly was behind it, in fact, who will tell vitaly karmazin. these shots show the final stage of the high-profile georgian operation. services from
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an inconspicuous minivan, two suspects unload boxes wrapped in tape. according to the documents, they contain batteries for electric cars. in fact, c4 explosives with electric detonators, its main manufacturer is the usa. the total weight of the seized items is 14 kg. this plastic was transported from ukraine through georgia to russia to carry out terrorist attacks. as a result of the initial examination of the detection devices, it was established that all six bombs were manufactured by high- level specialists. and are designed for a wide range of destruction, their use would lead to significant damage to the infrastructure and large-scale casualties. military explosives were ready for use. the detonators are programmed to detonate 2 hours after activation. according to the georgian state security service, citizens of georgia, ukraine, and armenia were involved in its delivery. the process was organized by kyiv. thanks to wiretapping , we found out that everything was supervised by a native of batumi, who received ukrainian citizenship, a cheese maker and a deputy. sgb ​​officers discovered the cargo,
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secretly opened the containers, the mine team seized the explosives, returned the cargo to its original appearance and began to wait to see where it would go. phaedraაში. the containers were planned to be transported to the russian federation, specifically to the city of voronezh, through the checkpoint. at the request of the customer, the decision was changed, and the persons involved in the process tried to export to russia only one of the containers, in which three explosive devices were planted; the second container with three explosive devices remained in tbilisi. apparently they knew exactly what they wanted to blow up. georgian special services also found out the route of supply of plastid. he was brought from odessa, first to romania, bulgaria and turkey, then to georgia on january 19 through a checkpoint in a minivan owned by a ukrainian citizen. from odessa to bulgaria,
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then to georgia, armenia and russia. a huge truck brought in explosives on pallets under the guise of construction film. then the fsb said: that the terrorist attack was supervised by ukrainian special services. the federal security service of the russian federation, together with the investigative committee of the russian federation, established that the organizer of the terrorist attack on krymsky. was the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine, its head kirill budanov, employees and agents. this time , the georgian special services believe that the actual situation involves the involvement of seven local citizens in the transportation, and they talk about the plans of the organizers to blame georgia for future terrorist attacks. parliamentarians regard this as manipulation on the part of kiev and an attempt to drag tbilisi into a confrontation with moscow. as it turned out, attempts are being made to criminalize georgian territory to organize various.
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today we visited one of the capital ’s selection points for military contract service to assess how well the testing of candidates is organized there and to personally communicate with the candidates who, as it turned out, have no complaints about the medical examination procedure.
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contract service in moscow checks candidates. the received data is processed specialists from a single selection point for the military and are transferred to the command. the personal qualities of future fighters determine which military professions they will receive in which units they will serve. where did you want to go? i wanted reconnaissance. and you have basic training. i was a mortar artillery gunner in a good special service, but now another one needs to know a lot and be able to do a lot, defense minister sergei shaigu and moscow mayor sergei sobyanin met with contract soldiers and inspected the work of the center, the institution
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equipped with an electronic queue system , photo booths have been installed, medical workers are connected to an electronic database, software has been developed to work with candidates , all information is stored there, this simplifies the work with documents, mainly what questions are asked? basically they ask, accordingly, some kind of, well, what should he take with him, some things that are necessary there, then at the entrance he can take a formal booklet in which it will be written what he needs to take with him, what he needs to know, where he needs to go, there are more than 100 people working at the point people, these are employees of the military commissariat, doctors, bank specialists and a notary. testing will require several visits by hundreds of people, for their convenience , hours, every day a specialized center has created the necessary conditions: this is a relaxation room, they are equipped with exercise equipment and televisions, the building also has a canteen with
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free food, volunteers and administrators are ready to answer all questions from visitors. so everything you need is as much as possible. said that they could not stay away and decided to come to the aid of the residents front-line territories, last year alone more than 20,000 people signed contracts with the ministry of defense here. igor pikhanov, daria bratukhina, news. net profit - 135 billion rubles. good financial cushion, no debt, great plans for the future. the results of the work of the energy company interrao, which the head of the company reported to vladimir putin today. the energy sector not only managed to successfully replace. income lost due to the stoppage of supplies to europe, but to find new areas for development and investment. details in alexey's material petrova. conversation with the head of interao boris kovalchuk about the development of the energy giant in the industry as a whole. you have one of the largest energy companies. i looked at
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the results of work for last year, they are very impressive, i would say, both the growth in electricity generation and the growth in the number of personnel, and net profit. 35 billion, right? yes, absolutely . yes. how do you yourself evaluate the work for 2023? consumption in our country is growing, and as you said, if consumption grows, the economy grows. in russia over the last 3 consumption increased in 8.4 years. the company's revenue from 2009 to 2023 increased from 68 billion to 1.350 billion rubles. there are no more debts. this year the company is going to invest almost 100.50 billion. unified information settlement centers in the regions have already opened, the three largest in st. petersburg, the leningrad region and the moscow region. the center in the moscow region, for example, made it possible to increase payment collection by 6.5% and receive an additional 15 billion rubles for the development of regional housing and communal services. this was money
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that ended up with intermediaries, or went to strange places. the work of such infrastructure organizations leads to the emergence of additional ones. sources, thanks to which the moscow region began to solve long-standing problems associated with debts. among the large-scale projects is the novolenskaya automatic telephone exchange in yakutia. here are the personnel for the beginning of construction: the work should be completed in the twenty-eighth year, approximately 257 billion will be invested. the total length of the future power line will be about a thousand km. the company is investing in new machines and developing equipment that was previously i had to purchase abroad, but work with foreign partners does not stop. interrao exports order. historical records have been achieved in some regions of the world. from 2018 to 2023, supplies to friendly countries doubled, especially since working in the eu market is becoming unprofitable. in many countries , consumption fell by 15-20% at the end of last year.
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and not at the expense of energy saving, as western politicians claim. the reason for the decline in industrial production, despite the stated environmental goals, is growing consumption.
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there are already a million applications for participation in online voting in the presidential elections, as reported by the ministry of digital development,
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voters are most actively registering in the moscow region of chuvash, the altai territory, as well as the rostov and sverdlovsk regions. applications for remote voting will be accepted for another month. the central election commission noted today that the final list of presidential candidates has not yet been approved. at the moment there are four of them: vladimir putin, leonid slutsky, nikolai kharitonov and vladislav divankov. varvar is watching the election campaign nevskaya. regional election headquarters. reliable outposts, this is where the necessary signatures for nomination were collected, this is where citizens come who want to express their support, share problems, and ask pressing questions for themselves. vladimir mashkov, a confidant of presidential candidate vladimir putin, plans to visit dozens of headquarters throughout russia. the next point on the map is saratov. we, as co-chairs , are now moving around the whole country, i was just there. on kusbas, in nizhny novgorod, now i’m in saratov, and further a dozen, maybe more than a dozen
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cities, so we meet at election headquarters, with the public, in general, there is a direct dialogue, we see each other, understand, and then we fight for our candidate, as the co-chairman of the central election headquarters explains, collecting signatures he came out convincingly in support of putin. in all regions, but saratov is one of the leaders; since december 24, local volunteers have been collecting signatures at the headquarters at points in shopping centers, working seven days a week and even on holidays. for a self-propelled movement it was necessary submit 315,000 signatures, this is the number required by law, you collected together with your colleagues from other... regional headquarters 10 times more. the first russian presidential candidate to personally
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visit the sakhalin region as part of the election race was vladislav davankov. from plane to ski slope, the candidate visited one of the ski resorts of sakhalin. sahal is at the forefront of the most attractive destinations for domestic tourism. and for the industry to develop, as davankov is convinced, it is necessary to support the local one. business, run a five-year a moratorium on inspections, as well as vat and income tax benefits. today we will discuss with entrepreneurs the possible benefits that are necessary in order to develop domestic tourism on sakhalin. it has been discussed many times that the potential for growth of gross domestic product due to domestic tourism is at least 5%. but entrepreneurs need benefits and need confidence in the future. divankov also spoke with his supporters about confidence and the steps that need to be taken. the most important issues are increased prices for air tickets, restrictions on fishing and the outflow of young people to central
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russia. the ldpr delegation, led by presidential candidate leonid slutsky, continues a grand tour of russian cities. in bryansk, the liberal democrats first visited one of the symbols of the city, the mound of immortality, erected in memory of those killed in the battle with hitler’s troops. afterwards, the candidate visited the bryansk machine-building plant, where he proposed to oblige. employers must pay double overtime from the first hour of such overtime. we want to enshrine in the labor code, starting with first hour of overtime. two salaries and also every subsequent hour, i think that the relevant department and the social block of the government of the russian federation will agree with us, and this norm will be included in the labor code in the interests of workers at industrial enterprises, already this year.
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the communist party of the russian federation has already sent 121 humanitarian convoys to help soldiers at the front and civilians in novorossiya. the shipment of the valuable cargo was personally supervised by the head.
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there are exactly 40 days left of voting, the presidential elections of the russian federation will be held on the 15th until march 17. varvara nevskaya, news. the conversation was relaxed, so we shouldn't take it too seriously. this is exactly how polish president andrzej duda tried to explain his words that crimea is a historical part of russia. so ukraine’s plan for the peninsula is not destined to come true. it would seem that for some time now he has called a spade a spade, but now we have to stop the international scandal fanned by kiev. our european correspondent, daria grigorova, is monitoring the reaction. you won't see this anywhere else. so polish journalists described an interview with president duda, where the politician called crimea a historical part
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of russia. the same could be written about the reaction to the president's words. duda urgently had to make excuses.
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where the parliament was going to ratify sweden's accession to nato, but deputies from the ruling fidesz party simply did not come to the extraordinary meeting. as a result, there were not enough parliamentarians in the hall to hold a vote. ambassadors of european countries and the united states watched all this from the galleries. now budapest promises to ratify the agreement, when the prime minister of sweden. is going on a visit to viktor orban, the behavior of hungary, which reluctantly approved the financial assistance package for ukraine, the words of the polish president about crimea, indicate problems in european
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unity and support for ukraine. daria grigorova and vladislav chernov, european news bureau. a bill on military assistance to ukraine, agreed upon with the white house, was submitted to the united states senate today for consideration. it is expected to involve spending tens of billions of dollars on new shipments. weapons for kyiv. regime, however, representatives in the house have already transparently hinted that they are not going to vote for such an initiative, and the coastal market immediately reacted with a fall in the shares of almost all key enterprises of the american military-industrial complex. report from our staff correspondent in the usa, dmitry melnikov. 4 months of daily negotiations, agreements and bargaining, a bill, where money for the fight against illegal migration, assistance to ukraine and israel, and which plunged the united states into a political crisis, was presented. urgent message: the senate has finally published the text of its long-awaited border bill. the 370 pages agreed upon by senators of both
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parties and the white house are being called an incredible breakthrough. 118 billion, of which only 20 is for the most pressing problem of protecting its own borders, but ukraine has three times more than 60, including 20 billion for replacing stocks in military warehouses in itself. the usa only 14 for the purchase of weapons by kiev from american manufacturers, separately 8 million were put under control to prevent kiev from stealing this money. 14 billion it is expected to israel, almost 5 billion to contain china and 10 for humanitarian assistance. joe biden was the first to react, calling for this law to be passed as quickly as possible. the democratic majority in the upper house is satisfied with the work done.
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separately, but money for ukraine only in exchange for the complete closure of the borders, the measures proposed in the new version provide for tightening border controls only if more than 500 people illegally cross the border with mexico in a week, and if less , the border is to be plowed. republicans in congress considers this a mockery. the border sellout from biden and the senate is exactly what we expected, a complete betrayal of the american people. well, for now the battle of rekeri.
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general joseph shelby, until recently a favorite vacation spot for city residents, today is a battlefield between texas and the central authorities. it was through this park that one of the main routes of illegal migration to texas ran, and it was the park that was first taken under control by the state national guard. colleagues came to texas to provide personal support to greg abbott governors from thirteen republican states. they perform here in shelby park with the army in the background. we stand with governor abbott today because if our border is not secure, our country will not be safe, and joe biden's policies
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are making our country less safe. at this time, literally behind the backs of the speaking governors, the national guard detained and handed over to the border guards another group of illegal immigrants who had crossed the rio grande. it is biden and the democrats who are preparing their future electoral base, donald trump assures. but elections may not take place at this rate. the owner of the white house can still accomplish a lot before the fall. now at the head of our country, the one who does not do his job properly, he is not respected, he is laughed at all over the world. calling everyone names, including biden, is a well-known trump technique, but the us president is now in no debt. they are also attacking trump, although many suspect that number two on the republican list, niki halley, is... playing for someone else’s team, direct debates with trump have never happened during all this time, and haley debates with a parodist on evening shows. why aren't you debating nicky
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haley? oh my god? this is the woman who was in charge of security at the capitol on january 6th, this is nancy pilosia. are you okay donald, you should probably take an intelligence test. i actually passed it and passed it perfectly. i was told i was 100% psychic. but so far in the race for the white house, trump continues to hold the lead, and biden’s record low rating of 37% is primarily due to problems with migration. first vote on the senate. the bill to strengthen the border is planned to be passed on wednesday, but it is already clear that it will most likely not be possible to solve the problem before the elections. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskkin, news from eaglepas, texas. russia, traditional , modern, technologically advanced, original, open, great, so different, but dear
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to... all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, we look before everyone else, let's meet, veronika pavlovna vosentsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse with blunt trauma to the skull, vasnetsova, always one step ahead, on four, sign up and look.
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