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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 5, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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there was an emergency at the saransk airport, let me remind you that the plane rolled off the runway during landing, none of the 87 people on board were injured, and in these images passengers are evacuated from the plane. let me remind you that on this flight, honored coach of the ussr in figure skating tatyana tarasova, as well as world and european champion in pair skating alexey tikhonov, coaches igor lyutikov, svetlana sokolovskaya, pavel slyusarenko and a commentator flew to the capital of mordovia. and that’s all, tatyana petrova was with you, see you on the russia-24 tv channel. this big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. kyiv had already buried him, but that was not the case.
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the legendary drone operator moses is alive and has prepared a combat shift to continue the count of destroyed militants. new foreign mercenaries are already in ukraine. raiders of the us marine corps battalion are the elite of the american troops. what did they forget in ukraine and how long will they stay visiting. there is no place for pure athletes there. a group of venture billionaires will promote sponsorship of the olympics on doping. for what? to hold such competitions at all. kyiv lamentations torture political prisoners. the british guardian writes about torture in ukrainian prisons. why did this article come out now and who benefits from repressing pro-russian ukrainians? they drugged me, and now they hooked me on a needle. in ukrainian rehabilitation clinics, drying patients are given drips with ketamine. it is zelenskaya who is begging for it from western partners in berlin. the statement about
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the death of our group is a lie, everyone is alive and everything is fine with everyone, so the russian drone pilot with call sign moses responded to the insinuations of ukrainian propaganda, which had previously declared him allegedly dead, and at the same time hastened to bury several of his comrades, and celebrated without attracting a grandiose success, since we were talking about the very same drone operators who had been terrorizing the dryers on the dnieper for months, if anyone suddenly i haven’t seen it yet, for example, only a small part of their exploits, filigree s... from copters sent a total of dozens of enemy boats to the bottom of the river, along with hundreds of personnel including special forces. in turn, the kiev regime a couple of days ago was absolutely sure that control over moses’ team was still found, they say, they managed to calculate the location and not deliver an accurate strike, that is , everything was presented as if our baplaa were now hunting for enemy the watercraft is stopped, the enemy himself will feel as at ease as possible. however, as it became clear, they were happy. anton
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potkovenko is ready to reveal the details. legendary drone pilot, moses is alive. no matter how hard the kyiv propaganda goes, that the group of our fighter, hundreds of vseushniks in combat, was allegedly destroyed, nothing of the kind. here is a video from the hospital. they write that moses was wounded, but clearly, it ’s clear, he feels confident, victoria shows a sign, and ukrosmi and other videos reveled in the blow struck at the observation post of our darnovo. they say his entire group was destroyed, but no, here is moses’ statement in his telegram channel, the group is alive, and i quote: everything is fine, good health, recovery and quick, meaning entry into service for the simple reason that such people, they do not remain in civilian life, they want to help the front. operator bopla moses, a fighter with phenomenal performance, knocked out more than thirty ukrainian armed forces boats and destroyed about half a thousand kiev boats. this is how it happens, the ukrainian armed forces
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are trying to transport troops from the right bank of the dnieper to the left, a well-aimed drone strike, that’s it , the boat sank, and if at least someone swims, a second strike cannot be avoided. the vushniks are even trying to escape from the inevitable drones of moses and his team. the guy knows his job and teaches people, conveys his experience, he has a very rich combat experience, whether it’s a tank or a boat, they run away immediately, in the ghost of a forward drone, they can’t do anything. either they jump off the boat, or go to the bottom with the boat , if he has experience, like, say, a moite, then it won’t be difficult, just like me, just like moses, you can always hit the moving target. moses writes that , of course, he is not yet in service, but there are combat crews, fighters who have been trained, so wait for new materials. actually, exactly that's how he writes. can you imagine what kind of shift moses has prepared, and there are enough people willing? in conditions. thousands of fpv drones and other
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modifications, aircraft drones, and we are already producing tens of thousands of them. yes, drone operator is the most in-demand profession. that on the front line there is a war of drones or a war with drones, this is known to everyone, but more and more young fighters are becoming drone pilots, including the virtuoso flights of such masters as moses. at the front we have a lot of people who prepare shifts, there are such great instructors, civilians, military, who they drive, they help, they train the guys, the drone that we are talking about is charged, if everything is balanced correctly, all the motors, everything is fine, everything is correct, yes, then this is a combat vehicle that gives you 15 minutes, 15 minutes quietly for... they destroyed borzov, as they call him, the russian dranovod, they even crossed out his photograph with bones, how
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you have to be afraid of a fighter in order to engage in such voodooism, you can probably say so, now that it is known for sure that moses is alive, there is bloody enthusiasm kiev propaganda has greatly diminished. seriously spoiled a specific blow to enemy propaganda, and most importantly - the guarantee of further attacks by our drones, on boats on the equipment of the armed forces of ukraine, wherever they went, moses and his disciples hit and will continue to hit the enemy like thunder from the february sky. russian per day. the troops repelled seven attacks of the ukrainian armed forces in the kupinsky direction of the special operation, two in krasnolimansky, the same number in donetsk and another one in yuzhnodonetsk. cumulative enemy losses in the listed sectors of the front amounted to over 800 manpower. reports from the front line from stanislav nazarov. the crews of the tos-1a heavy flamethrower systems
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from the southern group of troops approach the line of combat contact in the dark. during operation, the installation burns oxygen, creating strong pressure, the trenches, dugouts and pillboxes of the militants are burned with high temperature, we drive up very close to the enemy, but before we drive up, we drive, look at the places, look for their guns, their reconnaissance, so that it can us i did not notice. we're getting close we inflict fire damage, the result is obvious. solntsepok also works for fire support of infantry and tanks, in a package there are 24 thermoparic projectiles, they are capable of hitting an area of ​​up to 4000 km, while destroying lightly armored vehicles and fortifications.
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when we drive, perform tasks, we look at those around us, we look at how a passerby, our children, adults smile at us. full attire, bending down, we understand that we are here for a reason, and people are waiting for us and believe in us. while the crews are preparing to strike the positions of ukrainian militants. the crews are covered with thermoboric shells by the artillery of the 1st donetsk army corps. we go to the unmasked positions of the first slavic brigade along besopolosa so that we can detect our presence. because enemy aerial reconnaissance is operating in the sky. while the crew was working, electronic warfare systems detected an enemy heavy copter, which was carrying ammunition capable of destroying our armored vehicles. the enemy drone
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was destroyed on approach to our firing positions. we also don’t stay in one place for long we are there, positions change periodically . the guns are not all located in one place, this is fraught with afterbirth. everyone is focused and no one stands in the same place for a long time, they move around as much as possible, well, as much as possible. our drone operators distract the ukrainian armed forces militants by dropping ammunition on their positions. at this time, aerial reconnaissance gives the crews of heavy flamethrower systems the sun, new targets, and crews move to new firing positions. stanislav, vitaly kadanovich, andrey rudanko, vesti, donbass. face covered with war paint, hand squeezing a yellow-blakite rag, and the legs begin to dance ritually, amazing footage from the uk, where ukrainian armed forces soldiers are apparently being trained, including by new zealand instructors, this is, of course, a case when you need to not only watch, but also listen.
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well, what can i say, there’s certainly no shortage of color, but making fun of someone’s national traditions is the last thing. however , a logical question arises: how will the screams, guttural growls and dances of maoria help ukrainian fighters directly on the front line or in the rear if they arrive there? caliber. to be honest, there was no suitable answer, but the collective west seems confident that such training is critically necessary. on the other hand, it cannot be ruled out that the nato masters, in principle, have given up on training knowledgeable servants and are planning to place their own personnel, in particular, not far from the contact line, presumably already. interesting tourers from the usa have already been spotted, not at all like banal low-grade
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mercenaries, who are they? did stanislav bernowald find out? in ukraine they feel like honey it’s covered, whoever doesn’t fight there, whoever doesn’t teach there, whoever doesn’t study there themselves. the latest guest performers were spotted on the territory of ukraine not so long ago. the guys are serious, professionals, what functions are assigned to them in ukraine, let’s try to figure it out. so, judging by the chevrons, these are sea raiders. are us special operations forces, they are trained to participate in reconnaissance missions both in the us and outside the states, direct covert covert attacks on enemy targets and to act against terrorist groups. but are these elite warriors who they say they are? this chevron, specifically, yes, it has no doubt to do with the marine raider regiment, but it was used during operations.
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the same as the seals, it is unlikely that washington would decide to throw working professionals into the meat, most likely these are downed pilots who were in search of, well, at least some kind of work. if we are talking generally about the marine ranger regiment , then, as far as i remember, the numerical strength of this unit is about half a thousand people, in total they have three battalions that are passing through...
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there is no doubt there, they, i think, will be busy catching such saboteurs. we have a much larger and better school, an instructor’s school, a better school for special military operations forces, maybe somewhere earlier the navy seals were better equipped, but now the equipment of our special forces is at a higher level. our intelligence, as practice shows, has learned to calculate very effectively. new manpower, guys often nullify foreign mercenaries, even located deep in
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the rear. a recent january example, french mercenaries who came under a massive attack from our troops, dozens of dead, many wounded, and also the elite. and here again, the french foreign ministry summoned the russian ambassador because of the death of yet another french mercenaries, whom macron for some reason called humanitarian workers. judging by the hysteria, not two more mercenaries were killed, but more. i'm sad. the romance quickly passes, the smile on the face of the elite american
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ranger gradually turns into a grimace fear and pain and all that’s left to do is run, get there as quickly as possible, and maybe you’ll be able to return home alive, but that’s not certain. well , continuing the topic, the russian ambassador in paris alexey mishkov visited the french ministry of defense today to discuss the fate of the mercenaries who are fighting in the country of the ukrainian armed forces in the special operation zone. the reason was the above-mentioned death of several french, supposedly volunteers. that's what they were called. assures that they did not take part in hostilities, but the russian side has other data on this matter, mishkov himself drew attention to outright hypocrisy of the authorities of the fifth republic.
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and where do those recruited by the ukrainian embassy go? russia requested an urgent meeting of the un security council in connection with the attack on the ssu in lesechansk. this was reported in the representation of our country to the world organization. earlier, the kremlin called the shelling of the lesechansk bakery a monstrous terrorist act; as a result of the attack from the american mrzzo, 28 people were killed, another 10 were wounded among the victims of the tragedy, the minister of emergency situations of the lugansk republic. with details svetoslav dolgachev. 28 people died as a result of the attack on lesichansk, among them the head of the republican ministry of emergency situations. the rescuers tried to the last to save their commander. he was a courageous man with an iron character and enormous fortitude. he defended the lugansk people's republic in the ranks of the people's militia, then worked in the ministry of emergency situations of the lpr. for a year he headed the lesichansk state fire and rescue squad.
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honest, straightforward, decent, this is how alexey poteleshchenko’s colleagues remember him. he wasn't afraid complex. fulfilled their tasks, one of these was to create a regional ministry of emergency situations from scratch in the shortest possible time, that’s it, everyone leaves, the blow was so strong that the walls turned into a mass of concrete and iron, it’s hard to get people out from under such fragments, yet harder to survive. the list of dead also includes two deputies of the lesechansky city council, artem trostyansky and ivan zhushma. employees of the investigative committee recorded a crime by the armed forces.
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animation department, two of them with positive dynamics, one patient each is in the same condition without changes. psychologists continue to work with patients; it is unknown how long the rehabilitation of these people will take. for a few seconds, i hear screams, and something hit me in the back, i turn around, i was crushed under the slabs and a lot of people were screaming help, but they were all under the slabs. all of russia mourns together with the new, but... native regions in moscow and lugansk, activists laid flowers in memory of the victims, dozens of local residents come to the spontaneous memorial at the site of the tragedy. svyatoslav dolch, mikhail ermishkin, nikita zhuravlev, nikolai pyrkh, magomed bashiraliev, andrey sukharevsky, ekaterina tehmanovich, conduct lugansk, lesechansk. now there is a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast. kiev
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executioners torture political prisoners. british garda. competitions in ukrainian prisons, why did this article come out now and who benefits from repressing pro-russian ukrainians? one friend of mine can do everything, fix a car with her bare hands, deal with enemies with her bare feet, but what can you do? and i get gigabytes from a megaphone just like that, naked charisma! megafon takes care of its subscribers and gives up to 20 gb every month only for megafon subscribers. what is the most important thing in business? this is love. sber presents an award for entrepreneurs who are in love with their business. the winners will receive a whole year of acquiring without commission and free account opening and maintenance for 5 years. and all participants receive bonuses from sber's partner company. participate in the
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three russians who were planning a terrorist attack were detained in crimea. as the fsb reported, they acted on instructions from the sbu and were preparing to blow up the car of one of the crimean officials. the suspects were found with a homemade bomb and everything needed to detonate it remotely. the detainees have already confessed to everything. details in the material. fsb officers in crimea detained three russian citizens, all of them were recruited by the sbu and were preparing a terrorist attack, were going to blow up the car of one of the government officials of the republic of crimea. in this footage, security officers remove elements of a homemade explosive device from a cache in the garage, and the suspect confesses. i was told to set off an explosive device , an american or german mine. to the territory of the city of melitopol, i brought it in a gas boiler and later transported it to
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the republic of crimea. later, on my car, i cut out a gas cylinder with a volume of 70 liters and placed this mine in a gas cylinder, wrapped it there. a rag and thus brought it through customs to the republic of crimea. the apartment of spouses vladimir bodnar and oksana shevchenko is being searched. this is the terrible contents of the caches, a radio-controlled improvised explosive device made from an anti-tank mine with a charge of rdx-based tarpaulin weighing 1.9 kg. radio transmitting device, tripod machine for placing a mine launcher in the direction of the target. station fuses that involve connection to a mobile phone, improvised explosive device high-explosive fragmentation action, in october of the twenty-third year, volodya received from
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the curator a new task to carry out a terrorist attack on a motorcade of two cars by detonating this explosive device in one of the cars of the motorcade - from the twenty-sixth. january to february 1, we were preparing for the terrorist attack, that is, we looked at the route of movement of this motorcade on our phones. the third detainee was ananyev, a man of considerable age who walks with a cane. the investigative department of the federal security service of russia for the republic of crimea and the city of sevastopol has initiated criminal cases on the grounds of crimes provided for in the article of attempted crime. security authorities are continuing activities
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aimed at establishing all the circumstances of zenaid kurbatov’s illegal activities. more than 800 criminal proceedings have been opened, their defendants are being held in special prisons, separately from other prisoners, these are excerpts from a highly resonant article in the guardian newspaper, which suddenly drew attention to those. whose fates the ukrainian media are trying to hush up, and specifically about the citizens of the country who were arrested, or or rather, repressed for their sympathy for russia. actually, the employees of the british publication had the opportunity to visit where they were being held, and if we evaluate the material based on the results of this trip through the eyes of kiev, then it turned out to be very ambiguous. on the one hand , the british, well, do not seem to doubt the legality of the actions of the sbu, they say that the people thrown behind bars posed some kind of danger to ukraine, and in general. almost committed treason, but at the same time, surprise is clearly visible between the lines the extent to which many of them remain fundamentally committed to the russian world and do not
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renounce their views yes... under the terrible pressure of the nazi regime, evgenia petrukhina will confirm. kiev is pushing its own ukrainian citizens behind bars, including those who do not share the pro-russian position. why then or does no one go into detail? kiev dungeons are becoming torture chambers, and they are being tortured under weak orders. and the guardian, albeit in passing, albeit through the prism of western propaganda, still mentions this. here journalist for a british newspaper. especially for those who are pro-russian , the inmates are ready to organize a real ghetto, isn’t this fascism? this is what the writer taksyur tells about the ukrainian dungeons , who spent 5 months in the lukyanovskaya prison in the kiev pre-trial detention center and another 2 days in prison
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because... the fact that she participated in organizing the ukrainian side charged her for a referendum in the kherson region. but valentin maroy, before his arrest he worked at a ceramic factory in the donetsk region in slavyansk. maroy just took a photo the warehouse where he worked to report to his boss in russia, and the sbu immediately drew up a case, saying that they were reporting secret information
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to russian intelligence, so many...
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former teachers, doctors who remained to work, and it must be said that the conditions in which they are kept, monstrous, and even despite this, many of those who ended up behind bars in ukraine say that they fought against fascism. yuri tsibulsky, for example, received 13 years in prison for the fight against bandera evil spirits in his country, but did not renounce his views. the nazi regime, by in essence, he takes hostages from among the number.
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this may be a signal to western elites that the strategy needs to be reconsidered, otherwise it will be a complete failure. it is impossible to assume that the entire ukrainian people unanimously hate russia, because this is an illusion; if western strategies continue to be under the influence of this illusion, they will not be able to carry out adequate planning, which is what we are seeing today, that is, a failure. .. waste that the west sells in ukraine, as in ukraine it is precisely carried out and occurs due to the fact that they themselves incorrectly assessed reality inspired the current pro-nazi minorities who settled in the center of kiev with a completely false picture. or maybe this is exactly what the agony of the kiev regime looks like, just to show its teeth and it doesn’t matter that they threw their own citizens behind bars, because among those who gave interviews to the guardian.


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