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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 6, 2024 12:00am-12:30am MSK

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fsb officers prevented a terrorist attack in crimea. three russians were preparing an assassination attempt on one of the leaders of the republic, acting on instructions from the sbu. two improvised explosive devices and a remote detonator were seized from the suspects. they planned to activate it from a mobile phone, through a connection to a call. the detainees have already given confessions. zinaida kurbatova has all the details. fsb officers in crimea detained.
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i brought it in a gas boiler and later transported it to the republic of crimea, later on my car, i cut out a gas cylinder with a volume of 70 liters, placed this mine in a gas cylinder, wrapped it there in a rag and thus through customs for... a search is being carried out in the apartment of the spouses vladimir bodnar and oksana shevchenko. these are the terrible contents of the caches. a radio-controlled improvised explosive device made from an anti-tank mine with a charge of hexogen-based tarpaulin weighing 1.9 kg. radio transmitting device, tripod machine for placing the mine launcher in the direction of the target: remote fuses, involving connection to a mobile phone, homemade...
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they were preparing for a terrorist attack, that is, they were looking at the route of movement of this motorcade on their phone. the third detainee was ananyev, a man of considerable age who walks with a cane. the investigative department of the federal security service of russia for the republic of crimea and the city of sevastopol initiated criminal cases based on crimes under the article of attempted terrorist act and the article of illegal acquisition, transfer, sale, storage , transportation.
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the deadly cargo was sent from odessa to voronezh, to carry out terrorist attacks , six explosive devices were confiscated at once; they were hidden in batteries for electric vehicles, as noted by the georgian state security service, an ied designed for wide ones. destruction radius, the department believes that the organizers could have carried out terrorist attacks in georgia itself, since they decided to leave some of the explosive devices in tbilis. the cargo itself passed through romania, bulgaria and turkey. it was established that he was supervised by citizens of georgia, ukraine and armenia; the process was led by an ex-candidate for parliament odessa region from the servant of the people party. tallinn today expelled the head of the estonian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, metropolitan, from the country... the authorities did not
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extend his residence permit, despite numerous requests from the clergy and parishioners. the police department said he posed a threat to national security due to his principled and public support of the svo. in his farewell address , the metropolitan called on believers not to despair , reminded them that a test is always given within one’s strength, and called the decision of the estonian authorities political motivated. a farewell video of a volunteer with the call sign rostov is being circulated online. mikhail petrenko, that was the name of the hero, recorded the incident of his death. he passed away last fall. an enemy drone flew into rostov’s car while he was on his way to pick up the wounded from the front line. the publication of these frames was the last wish of the fighter, which was fulfilled by his wife. how will mikhail petrenko be remembered by his family and colleagues in the report by veronica bogma. hello, dear fellow countrymen. this is the last video, and since you
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are watching it, it means only one thing happened: for reasons beyond my control, i died, continue without me, but i wish the rest victory. happiness to everyone, that's it, goodbye, victory will be ours, mikhail petrenko recorded this video and sent it to his wife back in april, insisted that it be published in the event of his death, anya fulfilled the will of her husband, sent the video to the zernograd group, you just need to have a big one the strength of the spirit, to speak so calmly, well, every day he understood, yes, that well, we all understood, and i understood that how, well, what was he there, that well... whatever would be, whenever, he tried every day to be in touch, video , sms, audio communications, with which her phone is full , the last one was sent 5 hours before his death, after all, salt, let's have a good night, now he knocked out the first batch, continue to work, let's kiss him, that was without 2:10 and somewhere at 2:30
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in the morning he was gone, he loved his wife and children very much, he was going to finish building a house, a special forces pensioner in sin, he worked as a trainer in a fitness club, rostov region in the special forces, when the svo began, almost from from the very beginning, our mishanya also went to serve his homeland, to defend the interests of our homeland, fought in the zaporozhye direction, where he died heroically,
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that was always the mood. mikhail died in october 23, when he was going to the front line to pick up the wounded. this is mikhail’s watch, it was with him at the moment when the ukrainian armed forces drone hit the field where the wounded were being transported. colleagues passed them on to the family, they are in his house, they continue to walk. this was already the last flight, they should have left already. yes, that's how it happened. they were driving, a drone flew in, baba yaga, like a cassette drone. and he was wounded he was wounded immediately, and the driver, and the driver was shell-shocked, until they brought the driver in order, to his senses, a second one arrived, it’s hard to remember realizing that you won’t see this man again, you won’t hug him,
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you won’t say, you’re my bear, like you’re a brother , well , it just so happened that all that remains to be said is to continue without me, but the rest - after all, you’re doing everything wrong. continue. register a business for free with alfabank and open an account with free service. alfabank is the best bank for business. pentalgin extragel - it contains a special
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groups in iraq and syria, the united
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states is deliberately trying to drag the largest countries of the middle east into a regional conflict. at the same time, centcom representatives stated that their so-called operation was coordinated with the iraqi authorities. however, in a statement by the iraqi authorities, the actions of the united states are called another a flagrant violation of iraqi sovereignty. and washington’s information about the alleged coordination of strikes with baghdad is a deliberate lie aimed at distorting public opinion and avoiding legal responsibility. it is obvious that the presence of international anti-isis.
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washington. deaths of civilians strategically in
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iraq and the syrian arab republic. thank you. this was footage of a un security council meeting on us airstrikes against iranian targets in iraq and syria. for headaches eat askafen affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced
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a bank for your business. why did you decide to become a chemist? i always i wanted to know how everything works. i 've been taking toys apart since childhood, and now i'm taking molecules apart. it's like magic. i wanted to become a magician. what inspires you in your profession? i can, but engage in new developments and stand at the forefront of the development of scientific activity in russia. everything that surrounds us, in general, is chemistry. here is the front of a unique document. these are the first versions of the periodic law, the experience of a system of elements, this is exactly what dmitry ivanovich actually called
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his famous law in 1869. in this dmitry ivanovich mendeleev lived in the professor's apartment at the state university of st. petersburg for more than 20 years. here he worked on the periodic law, which today is known to every schoolchild as the periodic table. all the objects that we see here are genuine, they belonged personally to dmitry ivanovich mendeleev. at the archive museum we meet a young scientist, chemist, developer and graduate of st. petersburg state university. i didn’t have any questions about where to go when i was in eighth class, i won the city olympics, the award ceremony took place at the faculty of chemistry, we were taken on excursions and i was so amazed by the laboratories that, in general, i entered there without, firstly, without exams, and secondly , with an understanding of where i was entering. now denis works in several places at once, combining teaching for students and schoolchildren with scientific developments in a commercial organization, plus reading.
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safety and application in our lives, in addition, i talk about an eco-friendly lifestyle without fanaticism, in chemistry, biology a very large percentage of female scientists , which cannot but rejoice, so in fact, over the last 10 years it seems to me that science as a whole has ceased to be associated with something elderly, old and incomprehensible, this
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is just a promotion, this is just about engine, about such an accelerator of progress, about how to make cool, breakthrough, fashionable things. sakina gives lectures and writes articles, and calls social networks one of the main promotion channels. the platform, work with the audience - this is telegram. in particular, you can find there a large number of popular science channels, because it is easy to conveniently share links to scientific articles, videos, and photographs. recently a girl. the main point of popularizing science is to tell people what they shouldn’t be afraid of, to convey some facts that perhaps they didn’t know or guessed, but they had a false idea, to make people’s lives less alarming, at least that’s how i perceive the meaning of popularizing science , is sebourg's applied neo-development center where
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we develop polymers for a variety of applications. applications for various industries, in fact, it is a testing ground for both the company itself and the business. this is the machine room, here is the production equipment, which actually produces the products, which we then research and test. products from the petrochemical industry surround us everywhere. this is what i have in my hands, for example, poly granules. this is the source material from which you can obtain a huge number of completely different products for many industries, from packaging and medical products to pipes and even children's toys. if you look around here, you can probably count on your fingers what is not made of plastic; floors, walls, paint coatings, everything that surrounds us, in principle,
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simplifies ours. life and makes it much easier. the main point is that we treat the separation of approaches correctly, and this plastic is collected and reused. for example, this canister partly consists of recycled material; its quality is in no way inferior to analogues that were made without the use of secondary raw materials. the scientific center employs a young professional team, with an average age of 30 years. one group develops products. testing. where did we end up? we found ourselves in one of the most interesting rooms. chemistry is not only about formulas, it is also about interesting tests. uh, what are we doing here? we are destroying bottles like these here. now dmitry will install - this bottle, our testing apparatus, where it will be filled, er.


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