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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 6, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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when i hear someone say in tanyahu that 17 out of 24 battalions were destroyed, honestly, i don’t understand whether they put in such a certificate. this means that
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a hamasi battalion is 150-200 people; with 25-30,000, how many battalions are there? listen , well, there’s some kind of mathematics, there’s some kind of game going on, which can all end, which means nothing good, so this means that this situation is not defusing, on the contrary, it accumulates , it will explode, they don’t understand that this is a completely new situation, and what about the fact that the houthis are being bombed, now i’ll say, syria, yes, that means, look, what is the situation regarding this, now. uh, it’s not easy, if there was just an uprising in gaza, yes, you can call it whatever you want , maybe there was no such reaction, the fact of the matter is that this axis was supported, this is the axis of resistance according to those who created, an axis of evil according to the states and israel, yes , look, it means who thought that the ansaru-ala, the houthis, would suddenly show such rigidity and so on and begin not only to try to shoot at israel, but to attack ships , now they have re-stated how i last time i once said that... it
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’s like a fiber-optic connection, we need to cut it exactly, while we simply don’t have the technical means, because the depth of the passage means that it means more than 100 i need to take in renting a polish yacht for ukrainian activists, but he says, we are considering this issue, and this is 17% of the world internet, 17% of the world internet can be cut down overnight, who thought it means that such events will happen? popular mobilization forces in iraq, they are not just 100,000, a mobilization resource, and so the system is set up, 2 million can mobilize , now the situation in iraq is very tense, anti-americanism was so high there, now it’s getting higher, they basically set up the current leadership of iraq, which says: well guys, now let’s leave quickly somehow, not just there for several months and so on, i’m not even talking about hezbollah, you have to understand that a completely new situation has been created, and even when someone writes about shiite formations, this doesn’t really correspond.
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the name is a non-practicing shia, that is, shia , but he doesn’t go to the mosque , it’s the same with them, the same activities, that is , a structure has been created, which means that in this region, on anti-americanism on anti-israeli sentiments, it will not dissolve tomorrow, it’s an explosive bomb, which can explode at any moment, and which will, in general , no matter how iran now avoids a direct collision, it is clearly being dragged in, we see how the republicans are screaming in the states, hit, hit, and imagine, trump will come to power, this will be under trump. don't kill only qassem sulaymaniyah, it was under trump that jerusalem and the capital of israel were recognized, it was under trump that the dutch heights were recognized as territories, which means israel, it was under trump that was thwarted, which means the nuclear deal with iran, and now trump is saying that in 60 days, 2 months, natanyakh had 2 weeks, beloved, 2 months, iran will create nuclear weapons, and one more thing, under trump, apparently, i listened much less than under biden, i understand that biden... i understand, yes to specialists than he,
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he to whom he listened to make a decision on to the middle east, to his son-in-law, assistant, kuchnir, who gave him credit for his neighbor and his daughter, this man, this is his type, apparently, i know everything, myself. about europe and its desire , so to speak, to become something special, while in my opinion all this sounds somehow mythological, but the only thing that can really be dangerous is that they are preparing for a decade of confrontation with russia, what kind of confrontation, that’s the question
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why for decades, i think it’s primarily due to the nature of that war, which is now taking place on the territory of ukraine, they are ready for such a confrontation, they will prepare, they can take decades, twenty years, thirty years. so to fight, in principle, you can completely believe in this, that is, this format that exists now, in general, it suits them, they believed that, in principle, this can be done for a long time, in this sense, yes i i think, unfortunately, this is indeed a rather dangerous trend, as regards the real ability of europe to consolidate enough to fight russia without the united states, well, i don’t believe in this, to be honest, i think that this is practically impossible, and moreover, even purely morally and psychologically, as soon as they understand that the usa, so to speak, is not behind them, i think, in general everything is european.
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so excuse me, it turns out there are two poles, and these poles, two west, they will begin to compete very quickly, that’s why all this talk there about a united europe and all that stuff, it’s good there theoretically, practically, i think that they will do this we’re not ready, so, well, we probably need to take this into account, we probably need to look at this, we can’t
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ignore it under any circumstances, but the biggest danger here is precisely that they believe that this conflict in ukraine can continue there indefinitely, and they will be like this, well you can even send there as...
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well, it fell apart, well, you reported to everyone that you, so to speak, crushed communism, well then remember about the legacy of the russian empire, it’s all there, a huge amount, so to speak, of money, property, it is there, so you destroyed the soviet union, which in its time reset the debts of the russian empire, we said , we won’t pay off the debts of the russian empire, we don’t owe anything to anyone, well, okay, you’ll remember then you’d remember, oh, christmas trees, yes, we destroyed communism here, so there was such a russian empire there, but where was the little gold, and where were the territories, and to him?
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recently in the pacific ocean in the atlantic, why the hell do we need all this, this is all this wealth, incredible, so to speak, cultural wealth, which is in quotes, which carries this very thing, as this one carries it west, yes, i understand, there may be objections like this, we are not autonomous yet, let’s become autonomous, then finally , you’ll immediately stop worrying, i agree, because there are two ways, let’s say so first let's prepare 120%, and then we'll start, but there is another way, let's start, then there will be nowhere to go except to prepare in any other way. a few words about tucker carlson, after all, so to speak, he is a popular figure, however, lately, when i see him,
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it seems to me that he has a little something with his psyche, because it’s clear that everyone is putting pressure on him, he always has these eyebrows like a house, he looks like this, he has a very anxious look all the time, he when -he looked better, yes, but then we all once looked better, as we noticed here before the broadcast, looking at our photographs on printouts, but nevertheless, there are rumors that in general this is possible , what tucker would like is... much weaker than everything we have here we say that if tucker dares to show this interview in the states, firstly, he
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will break through this blockade from the inside, that’s it, secondly, everyone will be forced to watch it, and those who, so to speak, have a good attitude towards carlson, and those who have a bad attitude towards kahn , thirdly, they will definitely watch it in europe, that’s absolutely true, fourthly , which is also very important in my opinion, i’m absolutely sure, which means, no matter how tucker structured the interview, putin’s answers , well, in any case they will be much brighter. argumentation seems to be more interesting than everything that junk, this bullshit, so to speak, that biden chews on there and cannot chew, and even the whole, relatively speaking, well, the entire american elite , including the republican one, that’s my personal opinion, the current american elite is so meaningful uninteresting, she’s not interesting at all, she’s stupid, as if she’s uninteresting, this model, it works worse and worse, their argumentation is for some, i don’t know, so to speak, for talking dogs, relatively speaking, yes, if if there are any. i don't want to offend anyone yes, i mean, so to speak, the american people, america is still a great country , no matter what we throw at you, although our enemy, but
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nevertheless, yes, i think that in any case it will be very cool, although of course, this, this opportunity to cut, cut, rearrange, rearrange, it exists, and of course, probably now our, our enemies, so to speak, which is why they are in such a panic, will try to achieve this, but it seems to me that carlos will not be able to take an interview and not show it, if he took it, of course i didn’t... a message from trump, listen, there are 150, 150 thousand opportunities to convey this message, then it seems to me that trump doesn’t have any message, that’s basically all his messages, how can you listen there his speeches, so to speak, and all his messages, he has one thing today, another tomorrow. although of course, although of course, so to speak, shukher is observed there, yes, in fact, the situation
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is becoming more and more tense, in this sense, by the way, more and more radicalized, i recently found out if honestly, even with all my slight advancement, so to speak, and on this topic, i think we all have such a professional, as it were, this is the most deviation, but i recently learned that it turns out that a huge number of americans really believe that michelle obama, so to speak, not a woman, but a man, this topic is incredibly popular in these very... american social networks, everyone says that in fact michelle obama is transgender, that in fact obama, so to speak, has been living for many, many years, so to speak, with this same transgender person everything is like that etc., this is an incredibly popular thing, even for me, when i heard, for me, so to speak, with all my, well, like this , that means my such an extremist-orthodox position, even i just fell, as if why and the children were found little things that just don’t happen, you know, kind people brought especially this , this conspiracy theory there, it developed on this anti-vaxxer theme and so on and so on, that is
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, the population there is actually tense very seriously, very seriously, on this basis the very same people always come in so to say extreme theories, yes , therefore, if this interview, especially if it reaches the american people in its entirety, so to speak, as they say, but it will be at least interesting, at least not bad, but the fact that it will tear them apart - this doubt is not... by the way, andrey, i want to show you a fragment, so i didn’t understand which of them is worse, first of all, i got confused with mayorkos, he seemed to be cuban, well, yes. and now it turns out that he’s not cuban, well , look for yourself, decide, let your conscience haunts your dreams until your last breath, one day palestine will be free from israel, the damn apartheid that israel and every israeli is, that's pretty extreme rhetoric, don't you think, it's naja ali, the department of homeland security employee who posted these
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comments on october 7th, that's not all she published, she also published. free palestine. mister minister, what's going on here? this is typical for people who work for the home office, this is an asylum officer immigration who publish these blatantly genocidal slogans.
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mr. chairman, may i? first of all, i find the implication that this extremely offensive language may actually reflect the sentiment of the 260,000 men and women of the department of homeland security disgusting, that's the first thing. secondly, senator
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hawley takes a stance towards me on this issue. hostile position. perhaps he doesn't know my biography. perhaps he doesn't know that i am the child of a holocaust survivor. maybe he doesn't know what my mother lost almost his entire family at the hands of the nazis. therefore, i find his hostile tone completely inappropriate. i find him disrespectful to me and my heritage. i'm not expecting an apology. but i wanted to say what i just formulated, and now explain to me that it was generally strange, in general it often happens, a person is asked, an employee posted with you, he remembered everything, he turns out to be no longer alejandro mayorkas, but simply, yes , yes, yes, just oh, already ours, well, when
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necessary, yes, when not necessary, cuban, when not he must be a cuban, yes, he can probably be someone else. because, most importantly , they tell him: this is genocide, they say, you understand that you are my heritage, what is your heritage? the person, frankly speaking , heads the fifth wheel in the cart, that is , the ministry, which was created in 2002 and was intended to unite all law enforcement agencies in the united states, including the fbi, essentially united one thing: the naturalization service, actually its the ministry is responsible.
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said that there are uninteresting, very interesting, generally very interesting, but every time during this century it gets worse and worse, you know, i thought that bush is like bush jr., it’s like that’s what i don’t like about him, listen, he’s great the president, compared to everyone else, i now realized that i was deeply mistaken, the younger one was an acquaintance, he was talking, he was talking to the americans, this american one.
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now, if you just imagine that the supreme court, friend, stood up and turned around a little, that’s it, a big mess is starting in america, it will start anyway, but if we remove it, biden, as you can see, is a wonderful president , yes, he will go to a debate with trump, to a televised debate, and he will win, i think maybe, but in general there is no doubt, no, if it’s a hologram, then he will win, no, that’s it the dead of america will vote yes about the elections they said. and i say then, when it should be on tv, i think that it won’t reach tv at all, it will be two times tv, just if, so to speak, we remove the hypothetical, why don’t you
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respect the right of the dead to watch tv and vote for biden, he is being removed in different ways they are removing, well, biden too, but who comes to the fore, nicky haley and kamalovris come to the fore, this is the battle, where the battle is,
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well, she said that just when she criticized biden in july of nineteen at the second democratic debate, she she said that because of you biden, i am a little girl, they deprived me of my bassinka, i don’t know which bassinka bassinga decided to solve it, she wasn’t right, because they were very rich robot traders, and after everything happened. this is why, in fact, i think that something like this awaits us with this in the grand scheme of things, what is happening in the united states is certainly a very large, interesting,
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interesting event, i didn’t think about transgender people, maybe a transgender versus a reptilian, well, stop, i’ve always said that. they are shifting responsibility , they, by and large, by and large, the europeans are now launching a program that the americans needed, well, in fact, yes, it is clear that they will have forces,
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this is very possible, these are ground forces, naval forces, without, of course, no there was and is not a space group in europe, well, the french had nothing, but there was nothing, galileo, they had to create, where is galileo, no, well, they have something flying there, they launch in single units, but galileo. there are no missile launches, there are no transport aircraft, i can list a lot of other things that are not there , that is, the united states retains complete control, here are the ground forces, they can really build them up, they can expand them, and what already exists now is what has the biden administration achieved, by the way, has it achieved that europe has completely turned against its interests. now he is doing everything to worsen relations with us, which , by the way, is the problem of recruiting, they will recruit, they will recruit, they will recruit poles, romanians, czechs, poles, romanians, if their
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economy is collapsing now, listen, how many will it be? the next one for the current year is 886 billion , as you know, yes, this entire budget cannot, but if we remember that in december of twenty -one , an american-japanese agreement was concluded that the japanese would pay extra for purely military purposes americans 1.85 billion dollars each for the maintenance of american troops. dad
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and i went here as children, we also lay like that, silent, figure skater, don’t let me skate, just skate, focus on training, you dreamed of this cup, you can jump, but why don’t you believe in it yourself, i i’ll prepare myself, the thirst for victory is in her blood, go ahead, why take such risks, don’t you understand this, i want to be like my mother.
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programs to learn about the world. documentaries, watch watch, free, without registration, in the application or on the website, the fourth annual forum of strong ideas for new times, the forum is aimed at supporting and implementing citizens’ initiatives for the development of the country. the forum is implemented by the agency for strategic initiatives by decree of the president of the russian federation. together with the roscongress foundation, over 450 thousand citizens took part during the entire forum, and more than 90,000 ideas were submitted to the forum. the forum is a place for ideas of citizens' initiatives to formulate the strategy and development of the country. february 19 and 20, the best ideas will be presented to the country's leadership. follow the forum news on idea. rosscongress.rf. russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia.
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russia, russia 24. rather, they butt heads, everyone, every year they butt heads, but they already pay a billion extra for the maintenance of 28,500 american soldiers located on korean territory, so they want to do the same with the europeans, that is, if we even leave the american military contingent , this is what biden wanted to do, biden demanded this openly, remember, he threw candy and so on,


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