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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 6, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. rather, they butt heads, every, every year they butt heads, but they already pay a billion extra for the maintenance of 28 american soldiers who are on korean territory, so they want to do the same with the europeans, that is, if we even leave the american military contingent, biden wanted to do this, biden demanded this openly, remember, he threw candy and so on,
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it will be ensured, because they will develop according to nato standards, nato standards are american standards, now we see , that no european power can practically replace the americans, i mean the sad story, with the aircraft carrier, it is coming , no, a hot, tough, big, hot conflict, well, french, well, okay, there will be a large european army, where will it go, i 'm not sure that they will be able to create it.
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now what is our border with finland, here you go, what kind of border do we have? we see in depth, we have an overwhelming advantage in strategic times, that is, if we don’t play tricks, then everything will end very quickly, this is only a question of nuclear weapons, of course, use, but what i’m talking about is that a threat will arise, that it is a threat, most likely, well, hypothetically, several scenarios of a military conflict can be developed. in my opinion,
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the closest thing is what occurs within 30-40 minutes, that is, the first strikes they inflict - this is understandable, st. petersburg, this is close, it is clear that they inflict for any tactical missile, i’m sorry, that’s not the point business, that is, they understand that, okay, you struck st. petersburg, that’s the story european civilization ends forever, no, i will explain, the principle is very simple, there are no launchers in st. petersburg, this does not solve the problem of russian launchers. a strike on moscow, on st. petersburg , nothing will be decided, on our strategic objects, in theory, this concept is that the americans will participate, but they cannot participate, because they now have no advantage in time, this is their main tragedy, otherwise they would have started everything a long time ago, to hit, no, they just can’t afford it now, you understand, a second, i’ll try to explain why i’m talking about the scenario, they know how to wait, they will wait for the time when well...
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any state has its ups and downs, yes, certain ones, they will always wait for a change in course, some kind of change leadership, why do they write so much about when putin will leave, putin will leave hypothetically in 1936, which means a conflict will begin in russia then, then we must be ready, so how many centuries have they waited and when they succeeded, each once they pulled into russia when there were problems, right, and it ended with them having problems. there are problems with the report, now it will be worse, for whom , for them, of course, it’s right, so most likely they have problems with the report, there is always a calculation here, and it’s simple in that for the united states, the main thing is that bismar said about the calculations, look, i ’m talking about the fact that the british elizabeth elizabeth, but the aircraft carrier did not go, but i somehow have this slight feeling that the aircraft carrier should. was for going on
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change of iznkhaurs to the red sea, but he had something to go with, they didn’t want, the british didn’t want to, so to speak, it was better to tell them that he broke down here than there, rather than find out what he had there. to the fact that we, to the fact that we have already done, i just think that they will be able to do it without us, they will fall apart themselves, but after all, you are a lazy person, you don’t want to roll up your sleeves and solve the task at hand, advertising.
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when the german statesman said that he was planning a ten-year conflict with russia, in my opinion, he was a little overestimated the strength of his side, usually russia coped with germany in a shorter time, and although the russians are of course slow to harness, but still... they go, in my opinion germany should remember, the plot with germany is very interesting, in my estimation, germany i have never been in such a weak economic , political, social situation, well , since, probably, the denaur reform of 1948, that is, there is high
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inflation in the country, the basic level is 4%, energy and food there are at 6%, right-wing parties are absolutely dominant right now v electoral process in the country. big problems with maintaining the unity of the country , and inflation, in general, a very strange situation in which scholz finds himself and, who is now trying to somehow maintain germany’s leadership in europe, one of these days he is going to the united states, we can guess why he will go there , ask for money for... the ron to help ukraine with the supply of weapons, but it’s very interesting, recently soltenberg was in washington, he went on about the same mission, he also asked for money for europe, but in general, here’s another very an important question that we must keep in
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mind when we discuss the current chaotic and generally not very stable situation in the world, in the western world, yes, this is the situation with nato, that’s all. in april, nato celebrates its seventy-fifth anniversary, a summit is being prepared, and now stoltenberg actually discussed very important issues in washington , which show that the united states ’ interest in europe is declining quite significantly, that is, issues that the united states would like to include in a future declaration of this april summit, apparently april's, yes, april's theses again, yes, yes, most likely it will be there. this is exactly what the united states is returning to the essence, and the essence for them is that their main enemy is china, trump remembered this very well, biden did not forget about this, biden, although he lowered the rhetoric, but in fact almost did not cancel the anti-chinese ones, janette , trump’s measures,
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now the united states, in fact , they laid out a menu for jens stoltenberg, in this menu there are such questions, an outlandish question like...
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it’s clear that it won’t work out very well, that is there must be an economic and
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technological engine germany, as we found out, germany is in a weak state, france, well, of course, it must personify nuclear power, and france with nuclear power is not everything, not everything is normal, so this attempt is somehow a copying method, yes, replicating nato in europe is clearly doomed to failure, by the way, it will be very interesting for me... everyone, i think, will watch the results of scholz’s visit, but we will obviously notice that in many ways politics will leave the sphere of real action and become propaganda, so not by chance, but very different people, today we heard from trump and stoltenberg, and the leader of eastern europe, the baltic, the polish, they say, then the third world war, this is just an attempt to replace real actions or real plans, this is the escalation. an attempt, so to speak, to transfer reality into
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the virtual world, in this sense , this rhetoric should probably be taken seriously, but not overestimated, for the last few days, firstly, i read the latest issue of foreign affairs magazine, and there for the first time in 2 year, not a single article about ukraine, there is something about russia there.
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that in the twenty-third year their gdp grew by 3.4%, this is in favor of the poor, why? because last week data was released on the length of the working week, which dropped sharply to the level of covid quarantine, there are 34.1 hours, yes, this is an incredibly conservative parameter, it... it is very difficult to change, and most importantly, the first thing any employer does when he sees an economic upturn, he increases the load on his employees, he doesn’t hire or anything else, he increases the load on his employees, if the length of the working week falls, it means there is no
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economic growth in either eye, or economic growth. both in industry and in the service sector, the decline in all sectors, in industry they have officially recognized the decline since may, deindustrialization, i draw your attention, this is with underestimated inflation and a growing
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budget deficit, that is, in fact it is so remarkable. everything is dated, all other mechanisms have already lost their effectiveness, i’ll remind you who last played such a game, it was team in dubinen chubais in 1996-98, exactly in the same game, only these dated
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the purchase of chinese goods by american consumers, and these dated the purchases of state bonds. from the point of view of content , this is all the same thing, for this reason you can ask biden whether there will be a default no default will not happen he will say i ’m ready to put my hand on flights there will be no default then the russian liberals can arrange a sovereign default this is nonsense a sovereign default on its debt well they printed if only rubles would be closed, well, it doesn’t matter, god bless you banking
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as long as the troops are there, no one will flow anywhere, this is precisely the main economic factor stabilizing the us economy, conclusion. but formally, if jeanette yelin really goes to china at the end of february, then most likely, but it was announced there that financial issues and so on will be resolved, but most likely she will go to negotiate so that china does not sell american debt so quickly, and china cannot do anything; its american dollar does not participate in the domestic economy.
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not even a state, but i’m not sure that their economy is zero, and what’s not to be sure is exactly zero, maybe you can’t even doubt it, non-trivial attempts are
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a constant lie of the west, today it’s interesting that they even found out about their ecology , which is a complete lie, look at an interesting fragment of the conversation, let’s please vladimirovich, you just said that everyone knows what happened with our western partners.
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correctly describe how a negro differs from an african american, a negro, why is it offensive, he works for free, and an african american after all, for some kind of money , that’s why they don’t use it, no, i blame it so much, because why is it an offensive word, i can imagine how the guys from the tsars learned with interest that they are african-americans, but in general, i also recently discovered it dawned on me that europe is controlled by blm, of course, and not just.
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today, look, everything was laid out for him yesterday here in the program, so today he disrupted the vote because of sweden in nato, and beautifully, beautifully, he played such a game, he realized that he was fooled when he was forced vote for the package, today he was just a handsome guy, and he humiliated the americans so much, he won back almost 100%, that is, i take back my words yesterday, it means that they wanted to come to celebrate the victory, they came to the swedish parliament, a stunningly beautiful building, by the way,
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i must say. not sweden, hungary , the parliament building, hungary, hungary, the state assembly, this is an amazing architectural monument, when our ancestors took budapest, the soldiers refused to shoot at it, because well, such a publication, the ambassadors of nato countries came there, the american the ambassador came, they were expecting a triumph, but only 51 members of the hungarian parliament came, and 148 did not come, this is their ruling party...
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