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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 6, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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reruns of episodes of our original program besagon tv, i hope you will remember them and enjoy them, it’s such a risk, don’t you understand this, i want to be like my mother, ice three, soon!
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there is no such thing, yes, of course, this is superfluous, this is not necessary, this is nothing, they have always fought with civilians, not only do they fight, they wage all wars in order to break the will to resist, destroying civilians, starting from the british in the angloburg wars, they always did it, they probably always did it, but you know, now it’s very similar to statement, remember hitler said, yes, that is, i, and as i deprive you of the chimera of conscience, i deliver you. let's just say the word no from the soviet union, somehow it worked much better , this international humanitarian law was based on it, and after the ninety-first year, when hegemony occurred and the world essentially turned upside down, now we need to return this world back to reverse equilibrium. they said what needs to be done,
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first we need to get out of the moratorium on nuclear tests and show that there is, in fact, there was simply no illusion, there was no other there is simply no option other than to demonstrate military-technical superiority in this case, i made the demonstrative supply of weapons by the houthis to everyone else necessary, and why should they be limited if they are fighting against us, but they are fighting nothing like f16, we will supply them with missiles up to 500 hundred kilometers it will be well... what are we going to look at, give the houthis everything they need, give all the enemies of america and europe all the symmetrical weapons that they supply to ukraine, and it’s simple and clear, you did it, we then we are doing the same thing, everything is mirrored, you mentioned , now in kiev there is a certain discord related to who is or who is for who in what way, that is, our position is quite simple, the more fights there are, the more
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a showdown, the better. yes , all together in one jar, they quickly tore to pieces, tore to pieces, tore each other’s throats out, because now, you know, that’s how the americans love it, right now you’re watching these events, it was during the maidan, we didn’t quite understand, what's happening, what's happening now, this is exactly this set somersaults, when zelensky is allowed , you know, we’ll probably allow you utisky, zaluzhny, but we ’ll probably change everything else, that is , to...
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what, no, well, zaluzhny after all, just almost like that praises him, saying, yes, what are you talking about , he’s a screwed up nazi criminal, a bastard, let me remind you that it was his subordinates who killed our prisoners, abused us as best they could, a screwed up nazi bastard, idiots here within the country who feel some kind of sympathy for him, because he is quarreling with another nazi bastard zelensky, to his senses come, sit
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there, someone would resist this very terrorist ukrainian government, there one of the detainees says, well, my father taught me to fight against fascism, and ukraine is a fascist state, now, that is, but the bulk are people who there, somewhere in the kherson region
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, a woman helped organize a referendum, yes, and she would have left with our troops, but her mother there is immobile, writes this author, and does not pay attention to what now this woman, what is there... on 12 are in prison, what about the mother, whom is something care now? yes, uh, one of the women there, with her two-year-old daughter, is being held in prison , and she is waiting in horror for when she turns 3 years old, they will take away her organs - all sorts of things and everything, so, here people have sentences of 12, 15 years , this author, british, he describes it this way, just like, well, one of the prisoners was scratched on the forehead... that means the word org, he doesn’t use the word torture, you understand, although this is clear, in prison they tortured a person, that is , one can imagine if something like this happened to a ukrainian somewhere in ukrainian captivity, can you imagine how many human rights organizations here are already screaming about torture
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in russia and so on, here, well, yes, they read it, thank god that at least someone wrote something , i really hope that at this meeting of the un security council, where... the issue of war crimes by ukraine will be raised, and this article will be remembered, this is material evidence, in fact, of those crimes, atrocities that the ukrainian regime is committing in lawlessness, mind you , against citizens of ukraine on their territory, in the territory that they occupy now, today in this regard i was very much struck by an article, a report from kharkov, an italian newspaper quarry, it means that a person talked there. with three or four hrikovites who unanimously said: no, no, no, we will fight to the last against russia and so on, look, they say, everything is one, he says, this is not, under torture, not under pressure, he says , this is not russia, zelensky’s critics are not thrown into prison here, he says, can you imagine, yes, here
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but through a sentence they write, no, well, of course , you cannot be pro-russian in ukraine, that means they will immediately declare you an enemy, but that lear gonzalez was killed there. in the sense that he, firstly, declared a contradiction to himself, something , he says that a reboot is needed, a complete reboot of the ukrainian state, so wait, we must start with the president, then, well, if a reboot is completely needed, then your term of office is expiring, let's get started,
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what i liked is that he says so calmly, now russia controls 26% of the territories, occupies 26% of the territory of ukraine, you know , i remember how he in june twenty -two... that russia occupies 20% of the territory, then we liberated kherson, part of this very kharkov region, all these last, well, year, probably west for us. this dirt between zelendsky and zaluzhny, it’s really indicative, you’ll notice how very calmly in the everyday life of many
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who discuss this problem, this squabble, the words rebellion, coup are already pouring in, they’re already calmly discussing this, hirsch says, this means that seymour hirsh says that zelensky , after the dismissal of zaluzhny, will turn into a living dead in the eyes of the army, i never refer to this. soskin, yes , a former adviser to kuchma, but i liked it, it’s just that he drew a historical parallel, where, he says, remember, just in february of the nineteenth, now he will be 105 years old, which means the head of the directorate of the upr, talented, by the way, the playwright, vennichenko, was just overthrown by otaman, his simon petliura, just like that, they were thrown abroad, that’s it, let’s go to hell and now... really now it is very reminiscent of the situation when two hetmans, derkach says, a usual situation for
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ukraine, three hetmans, the hetman of the right bank of ukraine, the hetman of the left bank of ukraine is a wandering hetman, which means that they travel abroad and that means there at all times asks for a day, treasury, and so on. now, when they say that zaluzhny can go as ambassador to britain, in fact this idea, this, this rumor was abandoned by mark golliotte. author of the british times, quite famous in fact in circles such kremlinologists, an activist , an anti-russian propagandist, he is in all sorts of behind-the-scenes circles in ukraine, he just wrote an article in the times where he says that allegedly zelensky immediately offered zaluzhny the post of ambassador to britain, he allegedly refused, shevchenko apparently underconsidered this, well, and accordingly, he repeats what he read in the times, but... you know, if zaluzhny really agrees to this position,
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zelensky, in my opinion, does not understand how he risks, zaluzhny is now scribbling with all his might in english, here on cnn i read it the original of his essay, seven pages of neat font, you will forgive me, but if he has time there, sitting in london, to scribble all sorts of anti-green messages, then forgive me, this is such a dusty duster sitting somewhere abroad, a wandering hetman, the most natural . will be, here zelensky could get a really serious problem, but galliotte said in the same article: yes, they’ll remove the poor one, that’s all, well, that is, they’re not against it, the americans didn’t oppose it, but zelensky will have to, and galliotte has already knows that it will happen in the spring do, reinvent himself again, because as a military leader, he has exhausted himself, is no longer suitable for this role that is now destined for him, and this too... such a hint to himself, and if he paints himself a different color, now it’s his, but if he gets hit, he will be
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speckled gray-brown-crimson, advertising, the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home, install a fire detector, safety starts with you, the russian ministry of emergency situations.
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in terms of the whole world, accordingly, is in a turmoil, but by and large, zelensky understands that a zaluzhny skazaf is needed to say that he needs to be fired, but at least until march 31, that is , before a vacuum of legitimacy sets in, to clear the field, preferably earlier, no, well, wait that long, well, it’s unrealistic, well, most likely, he doesn’t just want to kill zaluzhny, for zaluzhny to write the report himself, well, either he
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will write the report himself, or the failure will be blamed on him accordingly under avdeevka. he was not close there, considering what kind of motorcade he was traveling there, it is clear that he was very far, in fact, from the real line, it’s just not clear why he was lying, but he needs to clear the space , that is, it is clear what happens with the military, that if we are talking about the military hating him, well, if we are talking about the fact that there will be few resources, he
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needs to place his key people everywhere, and in agreement with the americans, and he doesn't have his own people in the army, huh?
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he has nothing to show, they will tell him, the start of the war is your fault, yours, you were the commander-in-chief, you were unprepared, lost more than 20 percent, at that time even more, the twenty-third year did not return anything, your fault, yours, bakhmut, bakhmut, you
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buried, you, everything is correct, this , in fact, is why i... exactly because zelensky doesn’t have his own bosses, exactly because the loser, poroshenko will most likely go, well, in what form they can take him away is another question, i’ll ask the assumption that zelensky will try to allow himself negotiations with russia, no, this is not possible , that’s exactly what i can guarantee, this will not happen under any circumstances, it’s just a different personality type, under no circumstances can zelensky afford negotiations with russia, one at a time for a simple reason, russia will not negotiate with him. therefore, he cannot do this; as soon as he takes half a step towards negotiations with russia, his own people will tear him apart. he issued himself a decree prohibiting negotiations; he betrayed several of us. just yes, so who will talk to him? no, no one will, so what kind of negotiations, but he will try to build his team so that no one comes up yet, there is no team, no one can,
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there is no team, this is the tragedy he has only politics, the military does not, he has no politicians commands, he doesn’t have them, he’s lost everyone, he ’s really lost everyone now, when a person, here he walks, and he’s already dead, and he has a corpse smell, and if you look, they ’ve already become like this from him, who are you, they are? how the western owners react, they all have money in the west, they read the signals immediately, the main thing is why they need zelensky, that’s it, there is no gold reserve, there is no gold reserve, it is not , it is not needed, there is no more resource in it, if the west writes , he has to change himself into what, he has nothing, so it will be necessary on time tear it off, i just think, well, in any case, he feels that otherwise he will go to...
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and of course, this seems to show, well, how this is a good sign, so let’s say, any resurrection is always good, so in this case, i
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would also like to say a few words about zaluzhny in this whole story, i personally see only one meaning in it, in fact, what i see from the point of view of the arrival of the same new woman, this replacement of zaluzhny, she can mean that the americans tried to overcome this internal confrontation, say, hetman, you’re wearing a mace or whatever, here it is, i think that maybe there is such an option, in principle, if the americans
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see, like the third part of my, so to speak, report, the situation at the front, if the americans will see that the situation is moving in the worst case scenario, then they will of course give the command to zelensky to leave himself, that is, with his personal departure, while this is precisely the operation of the zaluzhny ... an even more interesting situation is being considered, in which position of commander in chief will be abolished as a military position , that is, then the chief of the general staff will remain syrsky, who, by the way,
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is still zelensky’s man, because he is, as it were, very closely connected with him, so to speak, he is making his political stake, and budanov is arresting’s man, yes, not there, they studied there together or whatever, well, yes, they seemed to be there one way or another, they went across the border, then it turns out that it’s a mistake then it turns out to be a person, or a loser, a loser promoted. zaluzhny she has a completely internal state of mind in relation to us , it would really be good for us that the worse the better our budanov everything is , but we must understand that of course everything is decided at the front and this is the most important main point which is really, well, kind of an axiom of everything from the point of view of the well-known scandal with the trip for... for tinned zelensky to the front, this is, of course, an anecdote, since i am very close friends with the guys from 14-30, who did these same jobs for six months and crawled through it not
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just every meter, every centimeter, when they saw the basement from which they were broadcasting, they laughed for a very long time, because there are no such basements in the destroyed work, even when it was not destroyed, because we say we could still be sitting in these basements now, in fact, it’s quite obvious there with this driveway there, that means with the hatch open , with a serious face, with clean soldiers, with , so to speak, the entire retinue, with photographs there , surrounded by cars, surrounded, that is , by local... so to speak, chubatants, it is quite obvious that this is very far from the front, there , where no shells arrive, no drones, and accordingly, at least my guys tried to somehow identify, since old such basements could only be in churches, the closest one was found only in the city of orekhova, where there is a really old temple, where such there are basements, that is , in the best case, where they could take zelensky, so to speak, so of course
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this staging, it was needed, here, too , it was already to gain at least some points in the eyes of the military that he wouldn’t score, scores points it looked, of course, very poor, with the staged lighting, with all these clean soldiers, again, even against this background it was clear how he made a little bit so absolutely right only for one thing to make his entourage recoil, ermak, who was somewhere behind quietly lit up, and then went into the shadows, this was a very specific indicator, by the way, note that lately you can’t even see or hear him, because he really understands that the situation
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is like the russians are advancing, in fact it was very accurate here today said the minister, we have the initiative, everything that is most important in i about budanov also says that now life is in our hands, to fulfill a childhood dream, gain new knowledge, feel inspired, build a career, make it come true. thought out, to create a family, to continue life, to pass on traditions, to preserve the memory of the past and to conquer new heights, in our hands, to choose our future and the future of the entire country. together, we are strong, we vote for russia.
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dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original besagon tv program. i hope you remember them and enjoy it.


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