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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 6, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original besagon tv program. i hope you remember them and enjoy them.
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hello, the legal program is being broadcast by the duty department. tatyana petrova is with you, revenge for humiliation or cold-blooded execution in dagestan has chosen the punishment of eighteen-year-old wrestler nadyrkhan kadirkhanov, who wrote a confession and confessed to the murder of another mma wrestler magomed rasul mutaev. according to the detainee, the crime occurred because kaderhanu had to stand up for his honor, and he found nothing better than to fire seven bullets from his opponent. public opinion was instantly divided into two camps: some condemned the probable killer. and others
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support why sarkar magomedov will tell. a high-profile case of the murder of mme fighter magomed rasul mutaev in the leninsky district court of makhachkala. the decision to arrest the murder suspect was made in such a closed manner that television channels were only allowed to film the courthouse. measures have been strengthened in the yard by this time security. in addition to police officers , masked special forces soldiers are on duty. according to these motives for committing a crime.
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ubilinov spoke in detail about how everything happened, the court changed his status as a detainee to an arrested person, he will spend the next month and a half in a pre-trial detention center. sarkar magomedov, salekh salekhov and abdulla magomedov, lead: duty unit. in krasnoyarsk, an end has been reached in the high-profile criminal case of a dam break at the gold deposit in the kuraginsky district, where 20 people died in the fall of 2019. the general director of the gold mining artery, the site manager and the mining foreman received different ones.
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he did not admit guilt, and making his final statement to the court, he also considered that his guilt had not been proven, he asked to be acquitted, but the court decided otherwise. maxim nikolaevich kovalkov was found guilty of committing a crime under part three of article 216 of the criminal code of the russian federation, sentenced to imprisonment for a period of 4 years, to be served
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in a settlement colony, where gold, as you know, always has a lot of secrets. here too it turned out that the management of the gold mining artel tried to hide industrial pollution of the river from inspectors.
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tchp, director of the company maxim kovalkov , head of the site, tried to steal documents that were related to the case. the company's employees were caught loading computers, system units and papers into a car. the only one who during the investigation asked for forgiveness from the relatives of the dead miners was the head of the site. i’m the head of the section, i’m responsible for everything, i didn’t check somewhere. it was proven in court that company director maxim kovalkov, site manager andrey yaganov and mining foreman evgeny alexandrov. deposits were developed in violation of the design and safety requirements. during the judicial investigation , it was proven that in the period from april 2015 to october 2019, they were engaged in the extraction of mineral deposits of rassopnogo gold at the site of the malaya seiba river in violation of the law, as well as a specially
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developed project, by unauthorizedly erecting a cascade of earthen dumps, as a result of a breakthrough where a worker was flooded village, all three defendants, the director of the company, the head of the site and the mining foreman... defense. the police detained an aggressive citizen on the same day. investigative bodies of the investigative committee of russia in the kursk region have opened a criminal case into a man’s attempted murder of a child. the investigation established that the accused, while intoxicated in
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one of the stores in the city of kurchatov, caused bodily harm to a young child for no reason. during interrogation , the man explained that he allegedly simply mixed up a boy with a dummy, and after... harassing him, he repented of what he had done, but now he faces up to 15 years in prison. in the city court of nomandedov, a preventive measure was chosen for fifty-six-year-old yuri kulikov; he is accused of murdering an ambulance driver. the crime occurred at the end of last week right near the substation of the disaster medicine center. for some unknown reason, kulyakov attacked a thirty-three-year-old employee of the center and shot him with a signal pistol. the man died on the spot. what were the motives...
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at the end of the day, creepy footage was captured by surveillance cameras: the vostryakovo microdistrict, the city of domodedovo, supposedly , shortly before the murder, kulikov was wandering between cars and along the street, and here he was already... with his interlocutor, an ambulance driver, who had just worked a hard shift. a verbal conflict arises between the opponents, and then a shot is fired. the charge hit the driver in the neck, and he immediately fell into the snow. judging by the flickering of the headlights, the alarm of the car parked nearby went off, and eyewitnesses ran towards the bang. kulyakov left, but the suspect was quickly found and taken to the police department. it turned out that he was drunk at the time of the crime. during interrogation , the accused spoke. to the investigator about all the circumstances of the crime committed and repented. forensic investigators
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inspected the crime scene and conducted interrogations. a number of examinations have been appointed, including biological, forensic, psychological-psychiatric and others. conflicts in the center of which doctors or ambulance drivers find themselves are not such a rare event. quite often in the media there are stories about boors who do not give way to cars with working beacons. the wife of the owner of the car rushed to me, so, with the words, on what basis are you renting my car, she tried to take my phone away. this is a story from stula , there is an eighty-two -year-old pensioner on board a special vehicle, while the felcher is providing first aid, a black land rover drives up to the house, according to one version, its owner did not like that the ambulance blocked his exit from the yard, in response, he parked the foreign car across the driveway. fortunately, the patient was saved on the driver in... videos from dashcams,
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you often have to deal with incomprehensible persistence on the road. in the case shown in this video, the felchers tried to deliver the patient to the hospital, but did not have time, while the driver of the car was jumping furiously due to the fact that he was not allowed to pass. yuri kulikov, judging by the testimony of witnesses, decided to shoot at the ambulance driver because he stood up for the woman. i don't want to tell anything. the investigation asked to send the defendant into custody, the court supported the initiative. while the details are being sorted out fatal incident, kulyakov will be in a pre-trial detention center. maxim shevchenko, ekaterina likhomanova, lead the duty department. fsb officers prevented a terrorist attack in crimea, which was being prepared by the ukrainian special services. according to the department, three citizens of the russian federation were recruited by the sbu, on the instructions of the curator they were supposed to blow up the car of one of the leaders.
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city ​​of melitopol, i brought it in a gas boiler and later transported it to the republic of crimea. the mine should have been hidden in the garage, but the group was unable to complete the matter ; they were detained by operatives. during searches in the cache, several foreign -made homemade explosive devices, a remote fuse and other technical devices for committing a terrorist attack were found and confiscated. and the georgian state security service published footage of explosives that ukrainian terrorists planned to deliver to russia. dangerous plastic cargo was traveling from odessa through the territory immediately . several european countries. the final destination was voronezh, but the explosives
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georgian security forces discovered them disguised as batteries. vitaly kormazin has details. in those shots, the final stage of a high-profile operation by the georgian special services , two suspects unload boxes wrapped in tape from an inconspicuous minivan. according to the documents, they contain batteries for electric cars. actually c4 explosives with electric detonators. its main producer is the usa. the total weight of the seized items is 14 kg. plastic materials were transported from ukraine through georgia to russia to carry out terrorist attacks. as a result of an initial study of discovered devices, it was established that all six bombs were manufactured by high- level specialists and were designed for a wide radius of destruction. their use would lead to significant damage to infrastructure and large-scale casualties. military explosives were ready for use. the detonators are programmed to detonate 2 hours after activation. according to. state security service, citizens of georgia, ukraine, and armenia were involved in its delivery. the process was organized
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by kiev. thanks to wiretapping, we found out that everything was supervised by a native of batumi, who received ukrainian citizenship, cheese maker and deputy from zelensky's party, andrey sharashidze. i'm feeding, i'm andrey sharashidze. this man monitored the movement of cargo from abroad and allegedly used the rest of the accomplices in the dark. state security service officers discovered the cargo, secretly opened the containers, and seized the mine brigade. three explosive devices were planted, a second container with three explosive devices in russia, only one of the containers in which remained in tbilisi. apparently they knew exactly what they wanted to blow up. georgian intelligence services we also found out the route of supply of plastid. it was brought from odessa, first to romania,
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bulgaria and turkey, then to georgia. january 19 through the checkpoint in a minivan at. odessa to bulgaria, then to georgia, armenia and russia. a huge truck brought in explosives on pallets under the guise of construction film. then the fsb said that the terrorist attack was supervised by the ukrainian special services. the federal security service of the russian federation, together with the investigative committee of the russian federation, established that... its head kirill budanov, employees and agents. this time, the georgian special services believe that the actual situation , the involvement of seven local citizens in the transportation, indicates the plans of the organizers to blame georgia for future terrorist attacks. parliamentarians regard this as manipulation
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on the part of kiev and an attempt to drag tbilisi into a confrontation with moscow. as it turned out, attempts are being made to criminalize georgian territory. to organize various types of attacks on russia in order to make georgia a target in the confrontation with moscow. this is a clear example of georgia’s opposition to sides of ukraine. if our country does not follow the path of ukrainization, it will be used as a territory for preparing terrorist attacks and sabotage actions. it is good that such information becomes known to the public. this is important, firstly, because citizens will feel protected, and secondly, everyone can give a correct assessment of the ongoing political processes. experts. do not rule out that this incident could lead to another crisis in relations between georgia and ukraine, which used the territory of a sovereign countries for preparing terrorist attacks and transporting explosives. vital karmaizin, alexandra berezkina and alexey mashchikov, conduct the duty unit. in karachava, circassia, a high-profile trial began against the former head of the stavropol state traffic safety inspectorate alexei
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safonov. the investigation accuses him of creating a criminal community, accepting bribes and abuse of power. in the criminal case there are 600 volumes in which 100 criminal episodes are described. safonov himself was detained in the summer of 2021 and became famous throughout the country after they were published photographs of searches at his home, boroko-style interiors and cheap stucco. i would like to note that at the end of december, the cherkessy city court found former subordinate alexei safonov and his wife guilty of bribery and participation in a criminal community. they were sent to a colony, the colonel himself denies guilt. from head wraps to police horse riders. after a short break, mounted police are again patrolling the capital. cavalrymen can be seen mainly in city parks. the fact is that a service horse is not put on patrol when there is a big manis temperature or during operation is reduced. now it’s warmer and people and horses are again guarding the capital’s order. report by daniil sukharuchik. first we clean
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the hooves from excess dirt, from everything, well, to be there. animal, or more correctly, a partner , the most important thing is that there is no excess dirt in his back, because , as i already said, if dirt gets in, the horse will be in pain, as if this should not happen, after cleaning the horses one might say, they put on a harness, a voltrap, a saddle, like police horses after all, it also has its own shape, and the horse is already used to it, yes, horses, yes, they are already sort of used to it, this is normal for them, here
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we correct everything, also the bangs, the grill, so that it is neat, you also took your hairstyle. it’s fashionable for this to be a police horse, it should always be, in terms of clothing, the rider and the horse are one whole, says alexey pronichev, he and his partner yelets have been serving together for several years, at first he says they showed each other character, but then they worked together, i like it, everyone seems to, well, everyone gets used to it anyway to his horse, to his horse, how should he know the character of the horse, but he and i are kind of similar, so everything is fine with him, this is now... similar temperament, yes, it’s wonderful when colleagues are on the same wavelength , yes, yes, after the morning procedures, the horses and people are getting ready for service, well, in general, our dace horse is ready for service, now that’s it, yes, ready, we are ready. to carry out the service, well, okay, he needs to recharge himself, let’s give him a little sugar before, here you go, i liked it, here he
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is grunting approvingly with us, before leaving, formation and instructions, freely disperse to the places of duty for loading at marching pace. cavalrymen of the first special regiment patrol the territory entrusted to them, both in summer and winter, bypass parks that are difficult to access for official vehicles, places keep... order, horsemen are effective and in the event of suppressing mass unrest, the code police have their own specifics and advantages, as they say, the higher you sit, the farther you see, and those offenses that occur, you drive up accordingly and give warnings, carry out preventive measures, well, secondly, if if i see such an offender and who is trying to run away, get away, it will be easier to catch up, and in the summer the mounted police, among other things, suppress breeding violations that are common at this time of year. fire in the wrong places, but before the horse is allowed to serve, it will have to undergo training in this arena, we teach it to walk in the hands, we teach it to obey a person, we teach it to carry a person, obey a command, and so
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on, yes, not be afraid of some shots, sounds, yes, balls, flags, well, everything, and this for a horse that will constantly be in contact with people during patrols or public events, it is very important, on average the process of training an animal takes about one and a half years, and then... moving, saving, feeding, watering, everything that concerns service horses, then there are us, as their lawyers, let’s say, we make sure that they are not offended, that they are fed on time,
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that they are fed on time, yes, you can say that, yes, the history of the capital’s mounted police can be counted right back to the beginning of the 15th century, even then in moscow there were service people on horses, engaged in maintaining order and catching robbers and scoundrels, they were called wicked heads; during the times of the empire , a police garrison was created in belokamennaya, and after some time the dragoons were transferred to its composition. the moscow dragoon squadron will be equipped with men and horses, as well as weapons and ammunition from the military college and immediately use two companies from it for patrol trips. mounted police in one form or another existed in the russian empire before the revolution of the seventeenth, but the bolsheviks, when forming the mounted police, 1918 were guided by the experience of their predecessors. by the way, during the great patriotic war, policemen on horseback, in addition to their usual work, were also engaged in the fight against german saboteurs, paratroopers and spies. the cavalrymen also guarded communications. the riders witnessed many historical events. it was they who held back the crowd of onlookers when yuri gagarin was greeted in triumph in moscow. the mounted police have not
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changed their glorious traditions to this day. people and horses, like five hundred years ago, are always guarding order in capital. daniil sukharuchik, alexandra ivanova, vitaly minkov, daniil korsykov. vesti is the duty unit. the entire operational news feed of legal news in the telegram channels vesti dezhurnaya part and an honest detective. and that ’s all, tatyana petrova was with you, see you on the russia-24 tv channel. my dad and i went here as children, we also lay like that, silent, you’re a talker, but i’m not pushing you, just skate, focus on training, you dreamed of this cup, you can jump, but why don’t you believe in it yourself, i will prepare myself, i have a thirst for victory in her blood. go ahead, why take such risks , don’t you understand this, i want to be like my mother, ice three, soon, investment rating,
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economy, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in there are rosary beads and a clear signal in russia: is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? it is necessary to mobilize all resources, a recipe, give me in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went, is russia ready to change, at any structure is evolving?
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, for free without registration. in an application or on a website, we need to create the future ourselves and do it together, we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same aspiration, a diverse and open world for everyone, every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival, let's start the future
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together. find out more at russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, what happened on february 24-25, social networks, calls, mailings. fake news, go to the rally , all pr agencies tied to the west have joined in to induce regional local riots, the main task is to capture the enemy people not physically, but ideologically, to bring embarrassment of confusion into their soul , this is the surest path to victory in in addition to the war, the content and the agenda itself are formed by hundreds of people, professional from the states, who spend their entire lives
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influencing minds, i... personally went through training in ipso courses, there are chats where assignments are received, today we are scaring belarusians that the russians will force them to fight tomorrow against the dagestanis, which means that they will take to the streets, remember when they endlessly explained to us that ours is not the country that we should it’s already an infinite shame to be, because we are russians, this was a real hybrid war.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on february 6 , 1840, the treaty of aitang was signed in new zealand between the british crown and local mauri tribes. the ceremony took place at waitangi in the bay of islands. the british began to explore new zealand at the beginning of the 19th century. traders and missionaries came from france. but the mauri did not like them. one day.


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