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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 6, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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the fourth annual forum: strong ideas for new times. the forum is aimed at supporting and implementing citizens' initiatives for the development of the country. the forum is implemented by an agent. the forum is a place for ideas and initiatives of citizens to formulate the strategy and development of the country. on february 19 and 20, the best ideas will be presented to the country's leadership. follow the forum news on idea. ross congress.rf.
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this is parliamentary hour and we continue. new challenges, new records, limitless prospects. russia and belarus continue.
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develop cooperation across all directions. a meeting of the supreme state council of the union of russia and belarus was held this week in st. petersburg, chaired by the presidents of the two countries, vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko. the chairman of the state duma and the parliamentary assembly of the union , vyacheslav volodin, took part in it. the implementation of twenty-eight sectoral union programs and the unification of legislation continue ; the countries will do everything necessary to deepen integration, the leaders of the two states noted. mutual mutual relations are growing steadily trade. at the end of last year, the volume of russian-belarusian trade turnover exceeded a record 43 billion dollars. future tasks include removing the remaining barriers to the supply of goods, simplifying the transit of goods, and creating common markets for energy resources. this week parliamentary hearings on the development of cooperation between russia and belarus in the field of tourism were held in smolensk. about transport accessibility, new routes, sanctions and the fight against them. in
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an exclusive interview with our program , the deputy chairman of the committee on cis affairs said, head of the relevant commission of the parliamentary assembly, artyom turov. one of the main tasks of the deputies of the parliamentary assembly of russia of belarus, which represents both the russian federation and the republic of belarus in the union parliament, is, of course, harmonization and unification of legislation, of course we paid special attention to this topic, looked at where we have any inconsistencies in order to , so that first of all our people who travel from russia to belarus. or vice versa, belarusians traveling to russia did not notice any barriers to so that they feel comfortable being in our common space of the union state, wherever they are at whatever point they are at that moment. a number of proposals have emerged to create new cross-border routes that could unite various historical, cultural, natural monuments, and within the framework of several routes, there were representatives from all border territories during the hearings. pskov,
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smolensk, bryansk regions of russia, gomel, mogilev and vitebsk regions of belarus. my colleagues and i were able to discuss the capabilities that are needed, what to do within the framework of the infrastructure, where is there enough? the number of hotels where new campsites need to be opened, given the fact that we understand that people travel in different ways, it was very important for us to come up with such a proposal as the creation of a single tourist information center where our citizens could learn about these routes , where they could provide complete information to form it. the development of tourism is directly related to transport accessibility, the cost of train tickets, the condition of expensive did vyacheslav volodin pay attention to this and how will the legislators of the two countries resolve these issues? of course, here it is very important to create new routes , including aviation, railway , bus, if large centers are connected with each other, then of course, now
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development is very important when, for example, regions of belarus are directly connected by air services with one of regions of russia, there are a number of good examples here when it builds... logistics not through our largest hubs, for example, yes, like moscow, st. petersburg, for example, from brest, you can fly to kaliningrad, there are other examples, this , of course, makes it possible, firstly, to reduce the cost of the flight, because a person does not need to change planes, and he gets directly to the destination, and secondly, of course, for regions, this is an additional opportunity, this is additional, attracting tourist traffic, of course, what vyacheslav viktorovich spoke about in pskov at the council that we have problems in intermunicipal communication, unfortunately, the regional capitals are connected in the border area, and the regions remain without direct, without direct transport logistics, well, this also has its progress, my native smolensk region, the neighboring vitebsk region, before the new year , a regular bus route was returned,
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the smolensk, vitebsk, st. petersburg train was launched, which passes through a number of municipal districts, like ... the russian federation, and a number of regions of the republic of belarus, also gives people the opportunity to travel directly, so work in this direction is underway, and my colleagues and i, including at hearings, discussed with representatives of these companies, the possibility of developing new routes, as well as adjusting the operation of certain, for example, trains that are already in use, and which could be changed in time in order... to make it more convenient for tourists, for example, to visit this or that city. russia and belarus are under many sanctions, what is the strength of the union state in matters of resisting this pressure? well, there is strength in truth, we have a common history, we have clear values, it is clear what we are fighting for, we
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we are fighting for our place in the world in order to ensure the stable development of russia and belarus, to protect our citizens, so that we remember and honor. our history , we defended it together, passed it on to the next generations, so everything that is done within the framework of the union state is such global tasks that in the future should provide us with sovereignty, ideological sovereignty, technological sovereignty, economic sovereignty, in order to make us stronger, to ensure safety, but create favorable conditions for our residents, for citizens of russia and belarus. their number is growing, and the damage is already estimated in the billions. how to protect russians’ money and resist financial pyramids. the document being adopted in the state duma will change the situation. it limits the right of businesses to attract investment from citizens unless
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they receive real assets in return. and only licensed companies can have real assets. in addition, we ourselves will be able to check dubious organizations through an open register, he will tell you. everything is in the story. muscovite natalya berezina never i thought i might end up in a financial pyramid. one day, an acquaintance suggested that she invest in a company with very attractive conditions. profit of 2% per day from the deposit and everything seemed legal. there is an agreement, there is a registered legal entity. but that's how it usually happens.
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he also, let's say, got into, yes, the money. the company declared itself bankrupt; most investors were unable to return their money. such cases began to be recorded more and more often. according to the central bank. the number of financial pyramids has increased tenfold in 2 years, and the damage from them activities are already counted in the billions, and it is not easy to punish the perpetrators. sometimes years pass from the moment the victim applies until the court pronounces a verdict, says lawyer ekaterina osipova. it takes the investigation 2-4 years for those who help the lawyers to generally prove the criminal composition, and that this is an organized group, essentially to find the final finish. point of sale of funds where they were deposited. you won't have to prove anything anymore. the bill
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limits the right of businesses to attract investments from citizens, if in return they do not receive real assets, be they shares or bonds, and only licensed organizations can have such assets, the formula of money for a promise will not work. the central bank, as the main regulator of the financial market, will independently apply sanctions to all dubious organizations. nobody else. will not understand where the financial pyramid is and where it is not, according to the text of the bill, raising funds from individuals without a license is already an offense for which specific responsibilities are provided. the system is extremely open, the register of organizations that can sell assets on the market can be found on the website of the bank of russia, so russians will be able to check information and distract fraudsters if they are found to be dishonest...
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unfortunately, consumer cooperatives have also begun to use this opportunity who did not always use this channel in good faith, that is, they began to attract money that was not shareholders, and this money was not always used effectively, to unfortunately, it must be said frankly, they stole. now they will be able to raise funds only from their shareholders. the bill is of a preventive nature, deputies note; it will be possible to identify and stop the work of a financial pyramid long before the first victims appear. if any person
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carries out activities to attract funds from individuals in the form of investments, yes, without complying with these conditions that are proposed to be included in the law, then that’s it, this is an illegal activity and there is no need to wait for the victims. this law is the beginning of a series initiatives for the financial protection of russians, parliamentarians noted. there is a lot of work ahead. i think that the next stage will be just the investigation related to those scammers who today, through social networks, attract money from citizens, entice them with some various promises, some marathons, some super-incomes, citing the fact that they are financial advisors. deputies will also consider bills on regulating the cryptocurrency market and the regulator’s right to restrict banks from issuing mortgages and insurance of citizens' funds on individual investment accounts. parliamentary
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hour. over forty different payments, benefits, and compensations have been indexed since february 1. the growth was 7.4%. the increase affects more than 20 million russians. the monthly payment to veterans, a one-time benefit for the birth of a child, and child care benefits have been increased. about other legislative changes that come into force in february in the review of my colleague alexander laktionov. civil aviation pilots and coal industry workers will be counted monthly pension supplement. the corresponding additional payment is assigned in connection with harmful, dangerous and difficult working conditions. payment amount. individual, it depends on the length of service and average monthly earnings. the amount of the pension increase for this category
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of citizens is adjusted four times a year, including on february 1. the mechanism for creating fire brigades has become simpler; now enterprises can form voluntary fire departments at their facilities, finance their work, and also provide benefits and compensation. such firefighters will be imprisoned civil contracts, and organizations will provide squad employees with everything necessary for work. for the duration of the work, the volunteer firefighter will be provided with food, special uniforms, premises for temporary use, payment for travel to and from the fire site and... in addition, payment of insurance premiums for voluntary medical insurance of the volunteer firefighter and insurance of his life and health. hosting providers that are not included in the roskomnadzor register, with on february 1, it is prohibited to provide services in russia. previously, a law came into force according to which legal entities whose computing power is located in
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russia can serve as hosting services for websites. until december 15, providers had to provide information about their activities to the control agency. therefore, a special register was formed, now there are over 260 companies in it. the changes increase the requirements for information protection and make it possible to weed out hosting companies that publish illegal content. at the federal service bailiffs received new powers. now the department will monitor the activities of banks and microfinance organizations in collecting overdue debts from citizens. bailiffs already perform similar functions in relation to professional collection agencies for violation of credit requirements. it will be prohibited to collect overdue debts. our task with you, as legislators, is to put restrictions of a legislative nature in relation to those creditors who abuse the process communication with debtors, in the process of collecting this overdue debt, is abused and acts outside the legal framework. in addition, the law
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establishes that creditors and debtors can interact by email and through the state services portal. depositors will receive notifications about the expiration of the deposit period. previously, banks informed their clients about this only voluntarily. this is now the responsibility of the financial institution. the bank must send the notification to the client at least 5 days before the end of the deposit period. people with foreign citizenship will not be allowed to access state secrets. additional legislative measures to protect state secrets have entered into force. the basis for refusal of admission may also be the possession of a residence permit by a citizen and his relatives.
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this week the issue was discussed in detail at okhotny ryad. deputies, government members and experts took part in the meeting. the main task now is to assess the level of readiness of schools to return to the schedule of labor lessons. let me remind you that starting from the next academic year they will be taught in all russian schools. we need to understand how ready the regions are, do they have textbooks, and what is our
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material and technical base? what about our staffing capabilities? are we ready? our state government personnel are already in the ministry of justice for changes in this part of this subject, then the federal basic educational program will be approved. it is already known that there will be no strict division of labor lessons depending on half-students; administration, schools and parents will be able to individually decide what boys and girls will study in the updated labor lessons. how only the program will be clear, the approach to the new will be synchronized. the textbook will be made from programs and then in the process of creating state textbooks, this is not an easy process, you know, with history we went through it, we passed it, we are moving on, it will go on, the textbook will also appear, at the same time, today’s textbook allows you to work on it completely calm, without any major flaws.
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an exhibition dedicated to the work of the kurchatov institute has opened in the state duma, saves. these are our founding fathers not only of nuclear project from the point of view of protecting our homeland and vasil krchata always dreamed that...
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chelyabinsk 40 is right there, then arzamas, weapons-grade plutonium is being produced , essentially atomic bombs are being created, by
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the year forty-nine we had all this together. much attention at the site is paid to the development of the domestic peaceful atom, nuclear fleet, power plants; the exposition tells about the work of the kurchatov institute in the 20th century. today, with a full understanding of the state of science, a new institute is responsible. and today the kurchatov institute plays a huge role as an advanced research center in our country, where enormous knowledge and
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an amazing team are concentrated. the anniversary is an occasion to see new tasks and goals, the deputies note. it is important that today the kurchatka institute sets itself a planning horizon not for a year, not for 5 years, not for 10 years, but for many years to come. elena zhelnina, andrey brumberg, sergey vergunov, duma tv. parliamentary hour. and that’s all, you watched the parliamentary hour program, see you on air.
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my dad and i went here when we were kids, too they lay there like that.
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russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24, she definitely reads minds or not, premiere . anna ostrovskaya investigative committee she has special details, who are you all looking at, well, there is a girl standing in a scratch, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you
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know who the killer is, just look. just without amateur performances, like standing still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anmemedium, look before everyone else, in the appendix or on the website.
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dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original program besagon tv, i hope you will remember them and enjoy them.
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a local resident was detained on suspicion of treason. according to the investigation, the russian, on instructions from the sbu, collected information about the work of border guards, as well as about participants in the sbu. then he passed on information to the kyiv regime. us attacks on iraq and syria are fueling conflict and threatening international security. russia announced this at a meeting of the un council. our country has called condemn such actions.


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