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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 6, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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in kamchatka , a local resident was detained on suspicion of treason. according to the investigation , the russian, on instructions from the sbu, collected information about the work of the border guards, as well as about participants in the svo, then passed on the information to the kiev regime. us attacks on iraq and syria are fueling conflict and threatening international security. russia announced this at a meeting of the un security council. our country called for condemnation of such actions. tallinn
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expels the head of the estonian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate. the authorities did not extend metropolitan eugene residence permit. the priest was considered a threat to national security because of his support for the svo. turkey remembers the victims of the devastating earthquake. large-scale events are taking place across the country. exactly a year ago , tens of thousands of houses collapsed in the southeast of the country. about 53,000 people died. in the kupinsky direction. russian paratroopers achieved new successes in counter-battery warfare; crews of self-propelled large-caliber gunships destroyed the cannon guns of the ukrainian armed forces. our artillerymen received coordinates from scouts and quickly moved to convenient positions. after a test shot and adjustments, the fighters opened rapid fire with high-explosive shells from a distance of 20 km , hitting targets. then we worked under proofreading, at first we waited for the bird until it came directly into sight of the enemy. we worked
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with a mortar crew, as i understand it, they worked well, it’s a high-explosive fragmentation device, that is , we shot it down immediately so that it would explode upon contact with the ground, upon collision, the range is about 20 km, in the southern donetsk direction there are russian artillerymen are honing their combat skills at a training ground in the toll area of ​​the northern military district, the military has just returned from the front line and has received more powerful shells at their disposal. experienced instructors help improve performance in bad weather. our war correspondent, eduard punigov, saw the drop in progress. the vasilek automatic mortar fires a series of shots, and in a matter of seconds the crew reloads the weapon and opens fire again. the main advantage of the vaselka is, of course, each cassette contains four projectiles that fly out at great speed in total in 2 seconds. the crew works in short bursts, immediately after which it hides in the forest . these mortarmen from the vostok group are working on the line of combat contact in the ugledar area. they have just returned to
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the front line and are now undergoing retraining at a training site in the donetsk people 's republic. their task is to practice gun aiming skills in difficult weather conditions, which change here daily. thousands are set, that is, a ruble, a kopeck, you set these numbers and aim your sight at the aiming point, the aiming point can be anything, it’s a pole, a building, a tree, an abandoned car, that is, any, here you have to calculate at a minimum, of course, it’s difficult to calculate, in principle it’s not very difficult. the commander of the gun came here from transbaikalia, in civilian life he graduated from a technical school with a degree in locomotive driver, but in the thirteenth year he decided to sign a contract and become a military man, during a special operation he was repeatedly wounded from the first days, he was wounded by fire burns last year on a raisin in the urals . intending
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to run into an anti-tank mine, i got three degree of burn, three degrees of concussion, he still returned here, yes, he returned, because the homeland calls for duty, especially since it is impossible to retreat, now is the time that who besides us is working in the neighborhood with the combat crew of the rapier anti-tank gun, this weapon is called a sniper rifle of barrel artillery. the rapier or mt-12 is a development from the soviet era, however... it still meets all modern requirements, its main advantage is the high rate of fire up to 14 rounds per minute, unpretentious accuracy of hitting the target. these the artillerymen have also just returned from a combat mission and are studying the capabilities of new shells, more powerful and longer-range. the crew recently came under return fire, but none of the fighters were injured. panama was hit by hail at 4:00 in the morning, the most dangerous, we were just on vacation, so... it turns out they started
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taking aim, fired three missiles initially at us, they were, well, sort of far away and after these three shots they started directly at our dugouts to work, well, we took cover. put on the armor and sat and waited. vostok group fighters undergo additional training at the training ground regularly during breaks between hostilities. the course lasts several days, after which the soldiers are sent back to the front line. eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk directions. fsb officers detained a resident of kamchatka for treason. it was established that the man collaborated with the ukrainian security service. according to the investigation, after the start of the special operation, a russian living in ukraine was recruited. sbu. after this he returned to his homeland and became collect information about the work of the border service participants in the special operation and transfer it to the ukrainian side. the investigation into the case continues and the accused has been arrested. the man agreed to provide foreign intelligence services with information about the work of the border
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service of the fsb of russia, participants in a special military operation and other information about the armed forces of the russian federation. the man was collecting information on the territory. region, using relatives and acquaintances, including transmitting information about them to the sbu. another fsb operation in crimea allowed to prevent a terrorist attack, it was prepared by three russians on instructions from the same sbu, they wanted to blow up the car of one of the leaders of the region. two homemade explosive devices were seized from the suspects; their actions were carried out using a mobile phone. the detainees admitted this during interrogation. the court has already arrested them for 2 months. zineida kurbatova will tell you the details. fsb officers in crimea detained three russian citizens, all of them were recruited by the sbu and were preparing a terrorist attack, planning to blow up the car of one of the government officials republic of crimea. in this footage, intelligence officers remove elements of a homemade explosive device from a cache in the garage, and
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the suspect confesses. i was told to plant an explosive device , an american or german-made mine on... so i brought it through customs to the republic of crimea. the apartment of spouses vladimir bodnar and oksana shevchenko is being searched. these are the terrible contents of the caches. radio-controlled improvised explosive device made from an anti-tank mine with a charge of hexogen-based tarpaulin
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weighing 1.9 kg. radio transmitting device , a tripod machine for placing a mine launcher in the direction of the target, remote fuses. involving connection to a mobile phone , an improvised high-explosive fragmentation explosive device, in october 23, volodya received a new task from his curator, to carry out a terrorist attack on a motorcade of two cars, by detonating this explosive device in one of the cars of the motorcade, from january 26 to february 1 we were preparing for a terrorist attack, that is, we looked at the route of movement of this motorcade on our phones. the third detainee was nanyev, a man of considerable age who walks with
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a cane. the investigative department of the federal security service of russia for the republic of crimea and the city of sevastopol initiated criminal cases based on crimes under the article of attempted terrorist act and article.
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grossly violating international law, victoria
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koroleva will tell you what other statements were made. after the so-called retaliatory strikes in syria and iraq, washington cannot make up its mind. how can i express myself more correctly in front of the international community ? bombings of sovereign states. the us deputy representative to the un assured that the american air strikes were necessary and proportionate, but russia views these provocations as an attempt to flex its muscles and influence the internal political situation.
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as soon as bravura statements by the american military about successful attacks began to spread in the media, the white house hastened to explain that they had informed the iraqi government of their intentions before the attacks, but journalists found out that this was not the case. at the same time, the targets of attacks on iraq and syria has become pro-iranian formations, the us department of defense confirmed. the white house insists it was iran that saved it. the chinese permanent representative emphasized that the security of one country cannot be achieved at the expense
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of the security of another and called for compliance with the un charter in resolving the conflict. the middle east is on the brink of extreme danger, reducing tensions and preventing conflicts are urgent tasks facing the international community. recent us airstrikes on multiple locations in syria and iraq have resulted in... numerous casualties. these actions constitute rude behavior.
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nations. the pentagon never tires of repeating it. the united states does not need a war with iran, but with its reckless actions by the united states, its allies risk dragging the entire region into armed confrontation. amid the aggravation of the situation, the head of the state department, antony blinken, as usual, went on another middle east tour. such a symbolic jump into the last carriage, in the hope of mitigating the consequences. bombings of sovereign countries. victoria queen. news. in turkey today day of remembrance for the victims of the large-scale earthquake that occurred exactly a year ago. mourning rallies will be held throughout the country. in antalya, local residents have already held a minute of silence in the central square. and in ankara, several thousand trees will be planted in memory of the victims. the event is also planned in istanbul. let me remind you that the earthquake killed about 53,000 people. the tremors were felt most strongly in the southeast of the country. tens of thousands of residential buildings collapsed there, and people were pulled out from under the rubble within two weeks of the disaster. king
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great britain, charles ii began treatment for cancer, buckingham palace reported. they claim that the disease was discovered last week; they do not name the type of cancer diagnosed. according to british media, the king will undergo treatment on an outpatient basis. doctors recommended that the monarch postpone his public duties. but the press service of the royal family said that despite the illness, charles will continue to engage in government affairs, now there are personnel from the usa, from california, there are three there.
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good morning! a large-scale project is getting ready to start project for the construction of the vost luge gas processing complex. the volume of investment is already known. good morning, roma will allocate almost 5 trillion rubles. and details below. investments in the construction of the voslugi gas processing complex will exceed 4.900 billion rubles. of these, 900 billion will be financed from the national welfare fund. the numbers are given in the project passport. in accordance with it, from january 1 of the year twenty-nine on the complex. 45 billion cubic meters of gas will be processed, including to produce more than 13 million tons of lng. the launch of the first stage of the complex is planned for 2020. the main markets for liquefied gas, natural gas, polyethylene and other products are china, india, bangladesh, pakistan, malaysia, vietnam, myanmar, as well as turkey and brazil.
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measures by roselkhoznadzor to limit the supply of ecuadorian products affected about 30% of exports. and if this is a very alarming bell for ecuador, then russia, experts are sure, will quite easily be able to find other suppliers of these...
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country. rosselkhoznadzor from monday suspended deliveries of bananas from five enterprises in ecuador. a dangerous quarantine pest was found in their products. if foreign partners do not take measures, the russian department stated that it would be forced to move to the next stage of introducing restrictive measures. in addition, rosselkhoznadzor expressed concern about the increasing incidence of violations of eu phytosanitary requirements in the supply of ecuadorian carnations. they are also ready to apply sanctions if there are no violations. new farmer protests have been eliminated in europe, this time the highway on the border of belgium and the netherlands was blocked; the road was blocked by more than a hundred tractors and other equipment. the participants of the action demand to change the pan-european agricultural policy, remove numerous environmental restrictions, and stop the uncontrolled import of cheap products from ukraine.
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bulgarian farmers are also joining the mass strikes. already today they are going to block 80 road junctions. it’s easy to imagine the ideal house, but it’s not always possible to build it, so just
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imagine, everything else depends on the selection of the site before choosing a contract. effervescent paracetamol rinival. ocetil solicylic acid effervescent tablet rinival. we trust renival. we choose renival. bank
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made this statement at a meeting of the council security, convened at the request of our country. in mardovia, the circumstances of the accident at the airport are being clarified; during landing , the plane rolled off the runway. none of the passengers or crew were injured. on board were famous coaches who had flown to the figure skating competition. king charles ii of great britain began treatment for cancer. this was reported at buckingen palace. the monarch will undergo therapy on an outpatient basis and, despite the recommendations of doctors, will continue to engage in government affairs. now sports news in the studio alexander abramov. sage good morning. russian champion zenit began playing at the off-season tournament in qatar. tell me the details. roman, good morning, the russian champion beat the champion kator with... a score of 2:0. st. petersburg zenit started the equality cup with a victory. the tournament with the participation of four teams is taking place these days in katera. in their first match tournament
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, sergei semak’s team played against the champion kater club al-duhail. what was expected, the game was played with an overwhelming advantage zenith. the st. petersburg team won with a score of 2:0, but the final difference could have been much larger. the first goal was scored in the seventh minute. under pressure from zenit, aldukhaeli was unable to get out of the defense, and claudinu also lost the ball. scored a beautiful goal into the top nine, zenit scored the second goal at seventy-second, the team's brazilian newcomer arthur completed a cross from the flank. zenit will play its next match at the tournament on thursday, playing against shanghai-shnhua, leonid slutsky. in the khl regular championship , two matches took place on monday, in one of them kazansky akbars hosted siberia. in this game , kazantsev's three-match winning streak was interrupted. siberia won a major away victory with a score of 4:1, and the siberians conceded the first. siberian forward georgy belousov was named the best player of the match. he scored the winning second goal for his team and provided an assist. siberia continues to fight to get into
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the top eight of the cup. eight matches before the end of the regular season, novosibirsk are tenth in the east and four points behind the cup eight. in the national the hockey league resumed its regular season after a break for the all-star game. in the first game after the restart , the new york rangers played colorado. in this match , artemy ponarin scored his thirty-first goal of the season. this happened in the third period. in the scoring episode, ponarin circled around the zone. opponent, after which he effectively threw into the top nine. artemy ponarin is the best in his team this season in terms of goals scored and assists and, accordingly, in the goal plus pass system. artemy's puck helped the rangers beat colorado 2:1. and washington forward evgeny kuzentsov left his team for an indefinite period. earlier, kuzentsov missed training. according to the nhl press service, evgeny
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kuznetsov turned to the assistance program. national hockey league players. the program exists to provide psychological support to hockey players who are experiencing a variety of problems. the 31- year-old forward will return to the club once program administrators clear him to compete on the ice. the day before in a large press conference was held in moscow dedicated to the upcoming winter spartakiad of the strongest. the tournament starts this week on february 9 and will be held in five regions of the country. the spartakiad program is completely identical to the olympic program.
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that's all about sports for now, see you next hour. when you pick up a profit debit card, you will immediately discover all the possibilities of incredibly profitable conditions: a high percentage on the balance, cashback on purchases of up to 3%. the card makes a profit, no matter whether you spend or save, in any case, incredible benefits with you. bank ural sib. the russian ministry of emergency situations warns: protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you. russian emergency situations ministry.
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